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Лучшие по рейтингу книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
6861-6870 из 13647
Иконка для De Principatibus - Maquiavelo 2.0.0

De Principatibus - Maquiavelo (v. 2.0.0)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2012-10-15
(обновлено 2014-11-30)

Machiavelli ci insegna con questo lavoro, per aver vissuto con lui in quanto è sempre possibile, anche nelle peggiori circostanze, rendere la società dei grandi spiriti all'interno del nostro regno, un regno in cui siamo invulnerabili a tutto ciò che sulla parte esterna può influire, ai casi di fortuna o la perversità degli uomini

Иконка для Cantico di Natale - Dickens 2.0.0

Cantico di Natale - Dickens (v. 2.0.0)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2012-10-15
(обновлено 2014-11-30)

Ebenezer Scrooge, uomo avido e avaro che non celebra la festa di Natale a causa della sua vita solitaria e workaholism. Non si preoccupano di altri, anche il suo impiegato Bob Cratchit, l'unica cosa che interessa è business e fare soldi. Una notte, la vigilia di Natale, Scrooge viene visitato da un fantasma che sembra essere il suo migliore amico e socio, Jacob Marley, morto sette anni dall'inizio della storia. Lo spettro si dice, ad essere avidi di vita, tutta la loro malvagità è diventata una lunga stringa di trascinare pesanti per sempre.

Иконка для La Palma del Cacique 2.0.0

La Palma del Cacique (v. 2.0.0)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2012-10-15
(обновлено 2014-11-30)

Era el año de 1511, y gobernaba la isla de Puerto Rico D. Juan Ponce de León, por otro nombre el Capitán del Higüey, que tan luego como obtuvo del monarca su reposición, envió a España, acusándoles de excesos, a su antecesor Juan Ceron y al alguacil mayor Miguel Díaz.
Disfruta de este fabuloso libro en español.

Иконка для Get Geer  Detroit Accident Law 1.2

Get Geer Detroit Accident Law (v. 1.2)

Big Momma Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-10-15
(обновлено 2012-10-15)

Get Geer provides you with helpful resources and easy access to emergency tools that can help get you to safety in the event of an accident.

App Features:
- Emergency Accident Center
- One Touch Access to call the Police or to locate the nearest Emergency Center
- Easy Access to call a Taxi Cab for the times you may need a safe ride home
- Accident Form to report when you have been involved in an accident
- *Ability Capture photos at the scene of the incident and submit in the Accident Form
- **Audio Recording from the device to capture sound right at the scene of the incident to send with your form
- Plenty of helpful resources that will keep you well-informed on different types of injuries and accidents
- Contact and Location Information to a law firm that specializes in personal injury cases

Иконка для Elhuyar dict eu-en demoa 1.1

Elhuyar dict eu-en demoa (v. 1.1)

Elhuyar Hizkuntza Zerbitzuak опубликовал приложение 2012-10-15
(обновлено 2012-10-15)

Ingelesa komunikazio-hizkuntza garrantzitsua da gaur egun gizarteko hainbat alorretan. Euskal herrian, euskara, gaztelania eta frantsesaren ondoren, laugarren hizkuntza da.

Euskaldunok ingeleserako jauzia egiteko erdararen makulua behar ez izatea, ingeleserantz euskaratik eta euskararen bidez abiatzeko tresna bat izatea da hiztegi honen eginkizuna. Hiztegi erabilgarria, argia, oharrez hornitua, erabiltzailearen beharrei erantzungo diena egitera bideratu dugu ahalegin guztia.


* Euskararen eta ingelesaren oinarrizko lexikoa eta gehien erabiltzen diren hitz teknikoak jasotzen ditu.
* 34.000 hiztegi-unitate bi ataletan
* 50.000 adiera
* 12.000 adibide
* Munduko leku-izenak eta herritarren izenak eta beste zenbait gai barne hartzen dituen eranskina

English is important as a language of communication in many spheres of today’s society. In the Basque Country it is the "fourth language" after Basque, Spanish and French.

So that we Basques can dispense with the prop of Spanish or French in order to take a leap towards English, this dictionary has set itself the task of being a tool to enable us to set off towards English from Basque and via Basque. The authors have done their utmost to produce a dictionary that is not only easy to use, clear and full of notes, but also capable of meeting the needs of the user.


* The most useful Basque and English words and expressions plus technical and specialised terminology
* 34,000 entries in two sections
* 50,000 senses
* 12,000 examples
* An appendix includes a list of countries of the world, demonyms and other interesting information.

Иконка для Old Indian Days-Book 1.0.2

Old Indian Days-Book (v. 1.0.2)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-10-15
(обновлено 2012-10-15)

Old Indian Days by Charles Alexander Eastman, a collection of American Indian tales split into two sections, The Warrior and The Woman.

           *** QUALITY DIGITIZED BOOKS  ***
This Ebook can be placed on the SDCARD with Android 2.2 and above.

This is the full length digitised ebook version of a classic book and is supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.

Each  book  is packaged  with an advanced EBOOK  reader. Simply download the App and read the book – you do not need other software or Apps to enjoy this book.

Where available, pages in the book can be turned using the phone's volume keys.
If the App is closed, the book will reopen at the place where you left off reading the book.
Sections/chapters of the book are accessible directly from the  Table of Contents.
Book marks can be saved at any point within the book.
Use the MENU/BOOK MARK to mark any text to return to later.
You can search for any text within the book.
For your reading comfort, the book has two reading modes, DAY and NIGHT.
Where appropriate, the books contents are cross referenced, and linked.
Footnotes within the original book are maintained and linked within the book.
You can select font size for the book using the books menu options.
You can select font colour for the book using the books menu options
You can select background colour for the book using the books menu options
By default, the phone will not turn off whilst you are reading the book. This option can be turned off in MENU/SETTINGS.

A quality full length book in ebook format supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.
More quality classic ebook titles can be found on Android market – search “digimediaapps”
Goto www.digimediaapps.com for a full searchable catalogue of available books from Digi-Media-Apps.

Иконка для 会計士パパから娘への手紙 1.0.0

会計士パパから娘への手紙 (v. 1.0.0)

ZEIMU KEIRI KYOKAI CO.,LTD опубликовал приложение 2012-10-14
(обновлено 2012-10-14)





第1の手紙 娘へ
第2の手紙 あの日の冷やしラーメン
第3の手紙 お金は二つの顔を持つ
第4の手紙 1円でもお金をもらったらアマチュアではない
第5の手紙 友人に貸したお金はかえってこない物と思え
第6の手紙 借りたお金は何があっても返さなければならない
第7の手紙 保証人になってはいいけない
第8の手紙 銀行と消費者金融と質屋の差
第9の手紙 消費者金融と質屋の差
第10の手紙 お金は墓場に持っていけない

本アプリの操作方法につきましては、画面中央部のタップで画面上部に表示されるメニューバーの1番右の“?”マークをタップして頂くと、 操作説明が表示されますので、そちらをご覧下さい。


Keywords: MCBook, 税務経理協会, ぜいむけいりきょうかい, 山田 侑, やまだ 侑, ビジネス, お金, 会計士, 電子書籍, ebook, パパ, 手紙

Иконка для The Gredge 2.3

The Gredge (v. 2.3)

appsbar hught опубликовал приложение 2012-10-14
(обновлено 2012-10-14)

The Gredge Student Ministries app lets you receive information, the schedule for services, photos, and more.

Иконка для Versos Protestantes en Audio 2.0.0

Versos Protestantes en Audio (v. 2.0.0)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2012-10-14
(обновлено 2012-10-14)

Fantástica recopilación de más de 50 versos narrados en español y con una música que los hacen muy inspiradores para los practicantes de la religión protestante.

Иконка для How to quit smoking. It's easy 1.0

How to quit smoking. It's easy (v. 1.0)

Loudbook опубликовал приложение 2012-10-14
(обновлено 2012-10-14)

This audio course is designed to help those who want to get rid of the habit of smoking. It contains information that tells about the dangers of smoking, provides a detailed analysis of the human psychological dependence, as well as valuable tips on how to work with this problem. Specially selected music will help relieve stress and elevate mood. And most importantly, you get professional help and support in your quest to become healthy and change their lives for the better. Contents: 1. What is smoking? Myths about smoking Why should I get rid of this bad habit Why smoking is bad after all? 2. Tips: How to cope with the psychological and physiological dependence? Psychological traps over than have to work to deceive the habit of the physiological mechanisms of withdrawal 3. A few more thoughts about loved ones ... Conclusion ... ... nicotine Pro Pro Pro ... incorrect examples of the problem and formulation of ... ... About the mood upbeat conclusion, this audiobook in Russian.

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