www.android-online.ru РазработчикиwParam

Приложения разработчика wParam в Android Market

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Иконка для Airplane Mode Modifier one

Airplane Mode Modifier (v. one)

wParam опубликовал приложение 2012-11-09
(обновлено 2012-11-09)

Graphical interface to edit the AIRPLANE_MODE_RADIOS setting.

In theory, this would let you control exactly what gets turned off and what doesn't when you turn on airplane mode.  Android defines cell, bluetooth, and wifi, and device manufacturers can probably use more if they want.

In practice, though, this setting is almost nothing like what the docs say.  On the Motorola Droid 2, the only constant honored seems to be wifi.  Bluetooth is always turned off, though I can manually turn it back on after airplane mode is engaged.

In general, you will just have to check and see what works.  This tool is intended mainly for developer types who want to see how the value affects what their device does when switched to airplane mode.  I can make no promises for how it will work from one device to another.  (Just like with all of my apps.)

You have to go to the normal settings screen to actually toggle airplane mode.  (Once I realized how little this value actually seems to control, it didn't seem worth it to build in actual airplane mode toggling.)

In general, I'll give the same disclaimer I usually do: Do not download this app, it probably won't work.  Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed.

Иконка для Untappd Launcher one

Untappd Launcher (v. one)

wParam опубликовал приложение 2012-09-20
(обновлено 2012-09-20)

An app to launch the browser to m.untappd.com.  Only this and nothing more.

NOTE: There is an actual app for untappd now!  Check out BeerSpec if you want a more useful app than this one.

Yes, this app is stupid, but I made it anyway, because I like pretending that untappd has a native app.  Plus, I find that this looks a lot better on the desktop than a browser shortcut, and there's more tools that will launch apps in response to whatever input than shortcuts.

This app is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or supported by Untappd LLC in any way.

Drink responsibly.

Should I be worried that this makes two booze-related apps in my market account?  I don't even drink all that often, I swear!

Иконка для Null Keyboard one

Null Keyboard (v. one)

wParam опубликовал приложение 2012-09-10
(обновлено 2012-09-10)

A keyboard that does nothing.
Yes, really.

This keyboard is useful if you have an external bluetooth keyboard paired with your phone and you want to stop the on-screen keyboard from popping up all the time.

To use, go in to keyboard settings and enable null keyboard, and then pick it as your input method.  No keyboard should appear until you change it back.

NOTE:  Samsung galaxy tabs running the latest android have an issue where the keyboard is frequently switched back to the on-screen keyboard.  As far as I can tell, a fix for this needs to come from samsung, not from me.  Even if it's something I can fix on my end, without a tab to test on, there's no way I'm going to be able to figure out what it is.

Иконка для Home Lock one

Home Lock (v. one)

wParam опубликовал приложение 2012-08-28
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

Disable the car and/or multimedia dock home screens.

Quick app, literally does nothing except launch the launcher and exit.  Installs itself as an available option for car and home dock.  Next time you place the phone in either of these, you should see the "choose activity" screen noted in the screenshots.  Check the box to save the default and pick "Home Lock", and you won't be bothered by the normal dock home screen anymore.  The home button will take you to the normal (non-docked) home screen.

To undo, you will have to go in to settings->applications and clear the defaults set for Home Lock.

Probably won't add any new features to this app.  Super quick-and-dirty was the goal here.

DO NOT ACTIVATE THIS APP for car home unless your normal launcher screen is suitable for use in the car.

Иконка для Alcohol Cost Calculator 1.0

Alcohol Cost Calculator (v. 1.0)

wParam опубликовал приложение 2011-01-14
(обновлено 2011-01-14)

Quick little app to calculate the cost per ounce of alcohol for various beverages. Useful for comparing beverages of different types when you don't much care about the taste. Also handles metric to fluid ounce conversion.

Drink responsibly.

Written and tested on droid 2. May be kinda cramped on a small screen, sorry.

Иконка для Screen lock suppressor 1.2

Screen lock suppressor (v. 1.2)

wParam опубликовал приложение 2011-01-12
(обновлено 2011-01-12)


If you want a lock disabler that starts on boot and doesn't display in the status bar, then DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS APP.  The app you want is named "No Lock" and is probably shown below under "related apps".

Simple program to disable "slide to unlock" on phones that don't have that option.  Known to work on Droid and Droid 2.

This app leaves an icon on your status bar under "ongoing" to make it clear the lock is disabled.  As hinted at above, if you would rather use a widget, or have no UI at all, check out the app "No Lock" instead.

Known bug: Sometimes the lock will be re-enabled but the app will still be running.  Attempts to track this down have failed.  If it happens, turning it off (click the notification to clear it) and back on should restore functionality.

Also, when the screen lock is disabled, the volume and camera buttons will turn your phone on.  This is just how the OS rollls.  I consider it a feature.

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