MTG Deck Forge (v. 1.52)
LagDroid опубликовал приложение 2010-07-31
(обновлено 2011-11-06)
Updated 09/26/2011
Note: 1.50 and older builds upgrading will likely require you to uninstall before installing the new version. Be sure to backup/copy decks to SD if they are stored on phone memory. Default is to store on SD card, so this shouldn't affect most people. Decks will be retained, but some settings will not. 1.51 to 1.52 shouldn't have any such problems and you can upgrade in place.
Build decks for Magic: The Gathering on the go! Build intelligently by providing: *card counts *color distribution *CMC curve *sample hand *prices *advanced search *card images and oracle text/rulings (w/o leaving the app) *very efficient card entry system *lifecounter
See the video for details on everything Deck Forge can do.