MTG Deck Forge в Android Market

Icon for MTG Deck Forge 1.52 MTG Deck Forge (v. 1.52)
Разработано LagDroid

Updated 09/26/2011

Note: 1.50 and older builds upgrading will likely require you to uninstall before installing the new version. Be sure to backup/copy decks to SD if they are stored on phone memory. Default is to store on SD card, so this shouldn't affect most people.  Decks will be retained, but some settings will not. 1.51 to 1.52 shouldn't have any such problems and you can upgrade in place.

Build decks for Magic: The Gathering on the go! Build intelligently by providing:
*card counts
*color distribution
*CMC curve
*sample hand
*advanced search
*card images and oracle text/rulings (w/o leaving the app)
*very efficient card entry system

See the video for details on everything Deck Forge can do.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 5000-10000
Размер: 1.2 MB
Опубликовано: 2010-07-31
Обновлено: 2011-11-06

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для MTG Deck Forge
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Права доступа: 5 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.lagdroid.mtg.deckforge

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана mtg-deck-forge
Снимок экрана mtg-deck-forge

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для MTG Deck Forge

[2011-09-10] Robert:
Amazing Best deck builder on the market!
[2011-08-22] Gabe:
Sok Crashes constantly but when it works it works
[2011-08-16] Gary:
Where are the rarities? 5 stars when rarity is added. Other than that, worth every penny. Standard sucks.
[2011-08-13] William:
Tip 1 For anyone who wants to keep their trades fair just plug your cards in the main deck and the other players into the side board then refresh prices.
[2011-08-08] Rodney:
Force closing Amazing app, but it force closes almost everyone I try to use it.
[2011-08-06] Andrew:
. Confusing at first but extreamly useful
[2011-08-05] Dominic:
2 real problems with this program, one is the lack of card numbers displayed under each heading. The other is the massive lag time going back to menu.
[2011-08-02] justin:
Force closes alot but still the best app on the market. Very easy to use and easy to find cards, even if you dont know what your looking for.
[2011-07-31] Mr.:
After adding any card to deck, the wrong stats are shown for that card every time.
[2011-07-30] Daniel:
I use this app all the time. It does have seldom crashes but I can can still give it 5 stars because there is no other mtg app as good as this one.
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