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Иконка для How to Write a Book! 1.4

How to Write a Book! (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-12-03
(обновлено 2011-12-03)

You get the COMPLETE 15 audio lessons from this app! This whole app will instruct you how to become a published author and CHANGE your life! If you’re reading this it’s because you have a desire to write your own book – to become a recognized expert in your subject matter… and make some extra money in the process.


Number one, be honest about it.  Be honest with yourself and be honest with others.

If you want to be an author – or a best selling author – then let it be known.  

The truth of the matter is… whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.  Your perception of your ability is your ‘reality’.

I’ve kept this book extremely simple for some very simple purposes:

1.) To show you how easy it is to write your own book
2.) To show you that it really is a step-by-step process that you can follow over and over again

I just want one very simple thing from you.  Just one.

I want you to forget everything you’ve learned or heard or feel or think is the truth.  Not forever, just while you read through this book.  I want you to read this with an open mind and a blank slate.

I want you to just do the steps mentioned here.  Don’t question them.  Don’t wonder whether they work.  Just follow them.  Watch your dreams almost magically appear before your eyes.

Listen, I’ve known people in your spot.  I’ve watched them let fear and doubt destroy their dreams and ruin their lives.  Then I’ve watched the ‘lightbulb moment’ happen when it just all came together and made sense for them.

I pray that you will have your lightbulb moment while learning the instructions from this cool app.

Trust me, right now I want more for you than you even want for yourself.  I can see – plain as day – you as a best selling author.  People coming to you for your advice based on reading your book.  You getting your celebrity status.

I see you achieving your dream of becoming an author and changing your life.
Can you see it?

I hope so.

But if you can’t – I hope you follow the steps in this book.  If you do, then I’m 100% sure you will ‘Get it!’.

And YOU deserve it!

I look forward to seeing your name in print!

Check out the RARE BOOKS we publish!

Writing and Speaking Resources:

Get inspired everyday!

Connect with us!

Иконка для The Message Of A Master! 1.4

The Message Of A Master! (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-14
(обновлено 2011-10-14)

This rare, 50-page book from the 1920s has inspired thousands who are fortunate enough to read it.

Have you received the Message yet? NOW, you can get access to the full book and Audiobook recording right from your app here, and listen to the message on the go!

Testimonials from our site readers and customers from http://www.MessageOfAMaster.com!

Get this RARE book free from

FREE Destiny Reports! (Value >$49) Know what your destiny and futures has in store for you!

FREE 'Book of Fate' reading!

"I was deeply touched and inspired by the presentation of The God's Boxes.
The music also moved me tremendously. May i know the name and source of this song as I would like to play it for my incoming wedding? Thank you!"
~ Alana

"Thank you so much. I am so grateful to have been introduced to you about 3 years ago via this wonderful technology. I have since become more familiar by reading and learning more from you. I am deeply touched by God's Boxes and will be forever grateful for the blessings I have. May we continue to stay connected…I am grateful for you..
~ Dorothy

"This is a great message, though the message goes by too fast. It takes a bit of time to read these messages…"

"My name is gudqo from south korean, 26 years, i read the book "The Message Of A Master" by John several times…it was very impressive!"
- gudqo

"Thank you, i really needed that message today…" - Edward

Иконка для Pocket Meditation Secrets! 1.4

Pocket Meditation Secrets! (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-14
(обновлено 2011-10-14)

EXPOSED! My meditation secret to understand your true nature! This is a fascinating, practical guide to guide YOU on your own journey of a lifetime…and beyond! The original FULL version of this package which includes a main manual and audio recording tutorial series cost $97 in retail, but is now available to you on your mobile device and you can now learn meditation on the go!

- Get clearly explained, straight to the point information, whether you are a beginner or pro there is something for you!

- Gain life-changing benefits as you break free from mental and physical limitations! This is a timeless blueprint with step-by-step instructions!!! Audio recordings are uploaded every week!

- Get inspiration from our quotes of the day!

- I've been learning meditation for decades and have met many masters of various traditions; I'll share with you what works and what does not in the modern world; so you get the correct motivation and persevere in your daily meditation practice!

Other useful resources:

Know what your future has in store for you! FREE destiny report.

Check your compatiblity with a loved one! (FREE tool!)

Иконка для Hidden Persuasion Secrets! 1.4

Hidden Persuasion Secrets! (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-17
(обновлено 2011-09-17)

One of the biggest misconceptions about persuasion is that it is meant to be deceitful or involves some sort of trickery on one personís part.  However, this is the truth:

Persuasion : a form of influence. It is the process of guiding people toward the adoption of an idea, attitude, or action by rational and symbolic (though not only logical) means. It is a problem-solving strategy, and relies on appeals rather than forceÖ.Persuasion is meant to benefit all parties in the end.

If you stop to consider the use of persuasion in sales and business, you can see how salespeople use techniques of persuasion to begin to come up with an agreement that benefits their needs as well as the needs of their customers.

Persuasion is not a one way street.

However, when it comes to relationship, the involvement of emotions can make persuasion a little trickier in application.

Being able to move beyond emotions in the heat of an argument or moment of being upset can be difficult, even impossible for some couples.  But when you can learn the methods of persuasion that will help you look at problems logically, you can learn better ways of solving issues that come up.

And you can solve them for good.

As you read this book, you will learn about the variety of persuasion methods that have been utilized in business and relationships for years.

Take your time to fully understand and appreciate the techniques in order to apply them in the correct manner.  But realize too that they will work in most instances ñ perhaps even better than you might believe.

More support and updates available at
http://www.SaveMarriageVideos.com and http://www.AttractATrueLoveSecrets.com

Other useful resources:

Know what your future has in store for you! FREE destiny report.

Check your compatiblity with a loved one! (FREE tool!)

Иконка для Instant Persuasion Secrets! 1.4

Instant Persuasion Secrets! (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-17
(обновлено 2011-09-17)

Communication can either make or break a relationship with someone.  If you can not talk to someone about the things that are happening in a relationship, you probably will not be able to work out problems when they arise.

Because no one is immune to problems.

But just because you are having issues of some sort does not mean that you need to stop your relationship and end it right there.

There are plenty of ways to create the relationship that you want without having to resort to the pain of breaking up or divorcing.  And what is funnier still is that the business world is the place that came with these techniques.

Think about it: what arena do you have to maintain relationships no matter what?  Business.  You cannot sacrifice a client because you are upset with them; so you work it out, you sit down and try to create something that will benefit both of you.

These are the same techniques that you will be learning to help save your relationship and make it stronger than ever.

You just do not need to say goodbye when you know the secrets of persuasion and communication.

Want to get anything that you have ever wanted from a relationship and more?  Want to win over the person that you truly love and want to spend your life with?

Read this book! This book app contains one of our MOST popular books called 'Instant Persuasion Secrets!' and today you can have all these secrets and tips at your finger tips! This app will be constantly updated with new tips, advice, video tutorials and MORE cool stuffs, so go ahead and install it when you can!

More updates and support at
http://www.SaveMarriageVideos.com and

Useful Resources:


Check your compatibility with a loved one (FREE tools!)
=> http://www.tarotreadingsecrets.com/astro/index.php

Check what your future has in store for you! FREE destiny readings!
=> http://www.tarotreadingsecrets.com/tools/freereports.html

Иконка для Pocket Love & Romance Advisor 1.4

Pocket Love & Romance Advisor (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-06
(обновлено 2011-09-06)

Falling in love is easy; telling someone you love them isn’t always as simple.

You want to make the first time you say, “I love you” to be special and the millionth time to be just as memorable.

So, how do you do it?

Saying “I love you” doesn’t have to be perfect, but the intention and the feeling behind it should be.  In a word, saying, “I love you” needs to be genuine.

If you’re stumped for ideas about how to tell your lover that you love them, here are some hints and tips to get your loving feelings out in the open. And we are giving you 101 super cool, creative and  fresh ways to say "I Love You"!

Benefits of using this book app!

~ When you are stuck for ideas to express your love, you can quickly get access to our 101 AMAZING ways to say 'I Love YOU' right at your fingertips in this Book app. This app contains our hugely popular book of the same name!

~ Get regular tips, latest updates, articles, case studies from us right at your fingertips!

~ Need love advice? Searching for relationship repair help? Seeking relationship solutions? Looking for marriage or relationship resources? Connect with us immediately right from this app and ask your questions!

~ Access video tutorials and tips quickly! This CAN be your own pocket relationship and love advisor!

More updates and support at http://www.SaveMarriageVideos.com and http://www.RetrieveALover.com

More useful resources at:



Check your love compatibility with your partner at http://www.tarotreadingsecrets.com/chineseastro/index.php (FREE tool!)

Иконка для Wise Woman: Survive An Affair! 1.4

Wise Woman: Survive An Affair! (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-06
(обновлено 2011-09-06)

No matter who you are or what kind of relationship you’re in, you know deep down that you could do better, that things won’t always be perfect, and that there must be a way to prevent catastrophe.

Here’s the truth: there really isn’t.

Life takes crazy swings at us and makes us realize that once we’re feeling settled, we can have the rug pulled from underneath us when we least expect it.

But there is hope that things might work out for the best, rather than for the worst.

In times of affairs and break ups, there are things that you can do to both prevent them and deal with them when they do happen.

We all get our heart broken at least once, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t put up a fight.

Benefit of using this amazing Book App!

~ This is one of our hugely popular book called A Woman's Guide to Surviving an Affair! What you also want to realize is that every time your partner makes a change for you, it shows that they believe that you are worth making changes for; they believe that your relationship IS worth saving. And that they are truly sorry for what they have done. This blueprint here will instruct you on what you should or should not do if you want to survive an affair and heal your broken heart!

~ You get BOTH the Book and Audio recording at an AMAZING Price!

~ Do not just read the book! Connect with our advisors quick right from this app! Ask your questions; get relationship help, get advice fast! We are just an app away!

~ Get access to regular tips from us and access your video tutorials right from the app itself; the tips you pick up and learn from us WILL help you re-ignite the love in your relationship and marriage! You CAN solve conflicts, save your marriage, and strengthen your love for each other from continous learning with our materials!

More updates and support at : http://www.SaveMarriageVideos.com, http://www.RetrieveALover.com and http://www.500SecretsAboutMen.com

Check your love compatibility at http://www.tarotreadingsecrets.com/astro/index.php

Useful Resources:

Иконка для Wise Man Guide: Survive Affair 1.4

Wise Man Guide: Survive Affair (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-06
(обновлено 2011-09-06)

In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage. ~ Robert Anderson

No matter what kind of relationship you’re in right now, you’ve probably already heard someone’s tale of their divorce: the pain, the financial troubles, problems with the children, etc.

Doesn’t sound like a good place to be, does it?

The truth is that most marriages today will end in divorce.  One in two marriages will end in divorce according to national statistics, and that number increases in some locations (southern California’s rate is 60 – 75% marriage failure rate).

It almost sounds hopeless.

But what you want to know is that divorce isn’t your only option when the times get tough.

There’s a reason that you’re in your relationship or in your marriage: you loved this person at one point.  In fact, you probably still love them now, but things got difficult and for whatever reason, you’re thinking about splitting up.

There might be troubles with:

~ Affairs
~ Cheating
~ Miscommunication

And you can probably add to this list.

But what you should know is that even if you’re NOT having troubles now, there are ways that you can strengthen your marriage so that it never gets to the point of a break up or a divorce.


Here’s what you want to know!

Benefit of using this amazing Book App!

~ This comes from one of VERY popular book called A Wise Man's Guide to Surviving an Affair! Having this cool app is like having your own Pocket love advisor and relationship counselor! You'll learn our tactics and stategies to surviving any affairs right from this book app! This app is meant to be used by guys who love their women!

~ With this book app, you will learn what you need to know to save your relationship from falling apart! And once you’ve saved your relationship from falling apart – it feels really good, doesn’t it?

~ Any relationship between two people is one that needs to be based on trust, respect, and love.  But it’s how you cultivate these things in good and bad times that show the true strength of your bond. All these are revealed to you in this useful app!

~ Do not just read the book! Connect with our advisors, experts and counselors quick right from this app! Ask your questions; get relationship & marriage help, get advice fast! We are just an app away!

~ Get access to regular tips from us and access your video tutorials right from the app itself; the tips you pick up and learn from us WILL help you re-ignite the love in your relationship and marriage! With our remedies for you, you CAN solve conflicts, save your marriage, and strengthen your love for each other from continous learning with our materials!

More updates and support at :
http://www.RetrieveALover.com and

Check your love compatibility at http://www.tarotreadingsecrets.com/iching2/index.php

In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage.
~ Robert Anderson

Иконка для Stop Divorce Secrets! 1.4

Stop Divorce Secrets! (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-09-05
(обновлено 2011-09-05)

The feeling of love is one that is hard to explain, and even harder to replace.  We feel swept up in it, wrapped in it, and surrounded by it.

But what happens when things go wrong?

The current statistics show the one in two marriages will fail in the present time.  Divorce is so common that many couples are choosing not to become married so that they donít have to deal with the annoyance of it.

However, divorce does not have to spell doom for a relationship.

In fact, you can avoid divorce and creating a relationship thatís even stronger for having considered it.

In short, saying that you want a divorce might just be the best thing for your marriage ñ because it gives you a chance to make things better.

You can have a healthier relationship when you know that it needs it the most.  Too many people feel that they should just give up when things get difficult, but this is far from the truth.

You just need to work a little harder to make things right again.

Hereís what you need to know to start off in the right direction.

Benefits of using this book app!

~ When you truly love the person that you are committed to, you will want to do everything you can to try to make your relationship work. With the tools you have learned in this book, you will be able to approach any situation with the knowledge that there are options that you can consider and steps that you can take.

~ Get regular tips, latest updates, case studies from us right at your fingertips!

~ Need love advice? Seeking relationship solutions? Looking for marriage or relationship help? Connect with us immediately right from this app and ask your questions!

~ Access video tutorials and tips quickly! This CAN be your own pocket relationship and love advisor!

More updates and support at
http://www.SaveMarriageVideos.com and

Useful resources:
Check your love compatibility with a loved one at
http://www.tarotreadingsecrets.com/iching2/index.php (FREE Tools!)

"They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth. Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love."
-- William Shakespeare

Иконка для Pocket Save Marriage Counselor 1.4

Pocket Save Marriage Counselor (v. 1.4)

e-bazi.com Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-08-29
(обновлено 2011-08-29)

Attraction.  It is not about going out there and picking out someone that will suit you, it is about attracting someone to you – without any additional work.

This is a BOOK app which give you access to one of our hugely popular book "101 Mind-blowing Ways to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You!"

You know that type of person that does this. They are the ones that always have people around them, always have dates for the weekend, and never seem to have troubles bringing beneficial people into their life. What do they have that you do not?

If you are looking for a relationship or are in a relationship that you are not satisfied with, you can stop looking for someone that’s right for you.  You can STOP looking.

In this awesome book app “101 Mind Blowing Ways to Make Anyone Fall In Love with You!”, we are going to make your life easier.

Your luck in the past does not have to be the luck that you have for the rest of your life.

You CAN change the way that you date.

You CAN attract the kind of people that you want in your life. Once you understand what it takes to attract your soul mate or maybe even just a good friend – the world is yours for the taking.

Or should we say, for the attracting? By learning about how the universe uses energy that you put out into it, you can attract the people that you want in your life.

By using the basic principles of psychology and persuasion, you can attract people into your life.

These are the SECRETS that your future partner wishes you would know – and now you will.


How you can benefit from this cool app:


- Get access to 101 mind blowing strategies to make anyone fall in love with you! Improve your relationship with your lover! Save your marriage with a loved one! Win a lover back! This is our EXTREMELY popular 76-pages book filled with practical advice and tips that you can use immediately to attract the guy or woman that you like!

- Get regular and newest tips and practice advice from us!

- Video tutorials which give practical and effective relationship and love advice to improve your love life! Whether you are married or single, there is something for you here!

- Looking for relationship repair advice or want to book a personal marriage advisor? Connect with our competent relationship or marriage counselor directly from this app!

- Message us directly from this app to get your relationship questions answered!

- This CAN be your own pocket counselor and pocket advisor to provide you relationship advice and marriage help whenever you need it!

Get more updates and support from
http://www.SaveMarriageVideos.com and

Other useful resources:

Know what your future has in store for you! FREE destiny report.

Check your compatiblity with a loved one! (FREE tool!)

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