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Приложения разработчика Color в Android Market

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Иконка для Self Motivation 1.0

Self Motivation (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

Self motivation is very important for success. Though it is not the most important of all the factors, yet a highly important one in order to perform a certain task in an excellently appropriate way. There are techniques for almost all softer aspects of one's life and self motivation is one of them.

It works this way - The self motivation software should first be downloaded after paying a nominal fee. Then the user must connect his system to his headphones and listen to the software. The software contains of certain frequency waves which is slowly transmitted to our ears. These waves get registered in our brains. Over a period of time, our brain begins to understand even the waves not transmitted by the ear and tries to read between the signals. This is the exact point where the brain understands to focus on the positive aspects of self motivation in life. This is the point where all blockages are cleared and brain is opened up to accept changes and improvement. There are many success stories on this website, of people who have used this particular software and achieved phenomenal results.

Motivation can be witnessed in our day to day lives, right from our homes to our offices. At home, it starts with the young mother motivating the child with sweets for completing food properly on time. Will you be interested to work for a manager who doesn't acknowledge or appreciate your performance? Will you find any reason to take new initiatives, if all the previous initiatives that you have taken have gone unsung? The obvious answer is NO.

We might talk that we don't work for rewards. However, practically, it is impossible. An appreciation mail is the least thing that a manager can do for motivating his subordinates. Hence motivation is very essential at every walk of life, if one wants to succeed. However this software teaches us that there is nothing better than self motivation. It teaches us to eliminate all the negative energies and keep working successfully for our own self satisfaction. Frequently listening to this software gives us the feeling that external motivation is not that important after all. It is the energy and the sense of "keep going" that comes from, within us, that should really motivate us to do work.

We tend to feel bogged down when our hard work or initiatives does not get recognized. This affects all our future performances. However, this self motivation software teaches us to take out all these negative thoughts. The external environment is going to remain the same. It is never going to appreciate us for what we do. What needs to change is our way of thinking and this is possible through this software. We have to ensure that we have to go the extra mile, try this software and keep ourselves motivated. Over a period of time, we realize the reality that there is nothing more exciting than self satisfaction and self motivation. These are the ones that keep us going, however cumbersome the activities are.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy

Иконка для Unfold Your Potential 1.0

Unfold Your Potential (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

Do you ever have the feeling that your life isn’t as satisfying as it could be? Do you have long-held hopes and dreams that have not been fulfilled? No matter how far away you think you are from enjoying a satisfying life, the change you long for can happen in the blink of an eye. And the best time to start is right now.

Each and every day you create your life from your inner state of being. The thoughts you think, the emotions you feel, and the beliefs you hold generate a field of energy from which you act and attract. The problem is that we’re often attracting and acting from states of lack, limitation, fear or doubt. And so, our results in life aren’t anywhere near as satisfying as they could be.

It’s a living energy that can transform your life and those around you. In Living Prayer, Theta waves are harmonically layered in exquisite music that guides you into the reverent states of meditation where prayers are heard and answered. Entering your own sacred healing sanctuary, you are guided to heal the past, release negativity, and open to a new, positive reality that will generate grace and blessings in your daily life. Your heart will open to greater joy that will touch everyone around you. Best of all, you’ll come to know that you’re never alone – you’re guided and protected always.

Tracks,Endomondo,Sports,Calorie,Counter,Push,Ups,adidas,miCoach,Daily,Ab,Workout,FatSecret,Sit,Ups,My,Period,Ovulation,Tracker,RunKeeper,iTriage,Mobile,Health,WomanLog,Calendar,Instant,Heart,Rate,Daily,Butt,WebMD,Lightning,Bug,Sleep,Clock,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,Recipe,Search,Squats,VirtuaGym,Fitness,Home,Gym,CardioTrainer,WW,ScanCalc,JEFIT,Fitness,GymLog,PointsPlus,Calculator,Body,Fooducate,Grocery,Scanner,Anti,Mosquito,Repeller,Strava,Cycling,black-hearted,food,detector,Yoga,Toning,ByeByeMosquito,runtastic,GPS,Coach,Weight,Watchers,Diet,Restaurant,Nutrition,DietPoint,CardioTrainer,Widget,Cardiograph,C25K,Pregnancy,Lose weight,Relax,Hypnosis,Meditation,EEG,brainwave,Brain,Baby,Nosie,Natural,sound,music,Treatment,Leisure,Universe,learn,Lecture,speek,Eye,Psychological,Soul,heart,Self-control,treatment,addiction,alpha,awake,creativity,mind

Иконка для Awakened Mind 1.0

Awakened Mind (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

This App contains three powerful brainwave entrainment sessions that are specifically engineered to tune your brainwaves to the AWAKENED MIND BRAINWAVE PATTERN. This complex combination of brainwave ranges (alpha, theta, delta) will take your consciousness to the next level.

You can experience the same brainwave activity as monitored from experienced meditators, Buddhist monks, mystics, healers and other masters who experience this specific pattern state of enlightened awareness. It is an amazingly powerful collection of brainwave sessions.

When you experience the App Series 28: The Awakened Mind Brainwave Pattern , your mind will naturally float inwards and your consciousness will expand as you listen to the soothing sounds of nature or simply the tones.

Your awareness will become free to explore new states of clarity and new modes of perception as you experience the effects of the embedded brainwave entrainment technology. Your conscious awareness will become free to take flight into your mind's eye.

You will explore new depths as the embedded brainwave entrainment ensures that you will enter the ideal brainwave range for maximizing your inner explorations.

This App is an excellent audio tool for biofeedback training and consciousness development.

The App Series: The Awakened Mind Brainwave Pattern  contains no guided vocals (*no spoken words) so it can be used for any meditational purposes or simply as a tool for experiencing profound states of relaxation. You can repeat your favorite track or loop the entire psychoacoustic  for amazing results!

Every time you use this , you will become more and more relaxed. With time and practice, you can learn to access these profound states of awareness at will. In the meanwhile, you can be assured that your brainwaves will be tuned to the correct frequency ranges to maximize your results.

As the hypnotic wrap-around sounds create a 3-D atmosphere in your mind's eye, you will become more and more relaxed. This psychoacoustic voyage also contains our new Autonomic Audio-Pacing Technology™ (AAPT). You will hear the sounds of heartbeats and controlled breathing patterns floating in the distance.

The heart rate and breathing cycle on the  continually slows down at specific rates. Experienced meditators whose bodily functions were monitored using Biofeedback Equipment (EEG/EKG/GSR) show the exact same lowered rates of heartbeat and breathing. The same decreased rates that you will experience when you listen to this !

As the pacing slows down even more, you will see yourself slowing down too. Deeper and deeper, you go. Your heart rate and your breathing cycle naturally slows down even more to mirror the rhythm of this powerful progressive relaxation.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Beach,Sex Position,Rainy,Calorific,Horoscope,Tranquilize,Calming,BikeTrack,Bench,Drugstore,Metabolic,Artistry,Acupoints,Challenge,SmartExercise,AED4,Gravidkalender,Hypnotist,Donorkort,FitSync,Pranayama,Orgasm,Techniques,Waterfall,Muscle,Ludusfit,AmbiScience,360BodyPlan,AGAChecker,Ladytimer

Иконка для The Secret Universal Mind 1.0

The Secret Universal Mind (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

The Secret imparts the sacred truths spiritual masters have taught for millennia. The secret is real and powerful. It starts by changing your belief system, slowly, subtly and gently while you sleep. As you are lulled into blissful slumber, The Secret is whispered into your ears--first audibly, and then just below the level of consciousness.

Over days and weeks to come, your conscious and your subconscious mind will accept The Secret as true. Without knowing how or why, everything you need and desire will come to you through communing with the Universal Mind. Over the last half century, Science is proving the existence of the Universal Mind, and now The Secret is yours to use. When you know and accept the secret, you have the secret to everything: unlimited health, abundance, success and joy.

With this program you will overcome limiting, outmoded beliefs that have hindered your ability to create the life you’ve always wanted. While theta and delta waves gently lull you to sleep, The Secret meditation re-programs your mind with new knowledge and beliefs that unleash your power to create a new reality –a reality that fulfills your deepest needs and desires.

Through nightly listening, your subconscious will accept the information it receives as true. When this happens, what you need and desire comes to you. And there’s nothing you need to do except relax and listen. If you fall asleep while listening, that's even better; the messages are still absorbed into your subconscious. The results are profound.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Prescription,Identifier,PointsList,Pregly,Meditation,AlcoDroid,HIIT,Drug,Natural,ESP,Iron,Prenatal,Lullabies,Binaural,beats,eyesight,eye,Preventing,Refreshment,Relax,Spartacus,Moment,Contraction,Vitamins,Minerals,DroidFit,Mindfulness,Bell,WeedLaws,Beach,Sex Position,Rainy,Calorific,Resolution,Horoscope,Tranquilize,Calming,BikeTrack,Bench,LadysCalendar,Walking,Hypnosis,Antphero,Vegetarian,ElectricSleep,Strava,Cycling,Army,APFT,HappyCow,VeginOut,Thunderstorm,Discovery,baby,Quit Smoking,No Smoking,Smoking,BHF,Healthy,Headache,Passometer,Slimming,Booster,Mind,Refresher,Menstruation,monthlies,WeLoveTofu,PushUp,CaringBridge,SpecTrek,Office,Eponyms,Mood,Meter,Radiation,BMI,Lucid,Dream,Abbreviation,Scorpio,Taurus,Pressure,Frequency,Gluten,moveo,KeepFit,Kegel,Exerciser,SmartCoach,Anxiety,Panic,Chipotle,Insight,Sleepmaker,MomnMom,AirTobacco,Animation,Ocean,wave,Power Nap,AccuPedo,BodyFitness,Simplicity,Aquarius,Penis,Enlargement,Tendance,Nidra,Sex Tips,ProPoints,TwoTouch,assistance,Glasgow,Permille,Medco,Reminder,Love Position,pregnant,Relief,iZen,Ambient,Soothing,BodyMedia,Impetus,Pharmacist,Unbiased,Nutrisystem,Daychart,Relaxus,DrinkDroid,Acuity,Farmadroid,DroidRunner,Kegels,MyHumana,Pitatore,Sensor,AdvoCare,TrainingPeaks,Fertility,QuitSM,DailyBurn,Relaxation,growth,Harborside,Lifting,Daddy511,Tabulator,1RM,SmartRunner,Laborlelet,Pregasaurus,Xpress,Military,StopSmoking,Fumigator,Bipolar

Иконка для Secret Universal Mind II 1.0

Secret Universal Mind II (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

This program takes you deeper into the magic and mystery of the Universal Mind. All the love, abundance and joy you want already exists within you, the secret is in discovering it. Through repeated nightly listening you will move into alignment with Infinite Intelligence. As you attune to the Universal Mind, and surrender personal will to Divine Will, what you need and want comes to you. Manifesting then becomes easy and fun. Many have already discovered this for themselves. Now you can too.

With this program you'll overcome limiting, outmoded beliefs that have hindered your ability to create the life you’ve always wanted. While theta and delta waves gently lull you to sleep, The Secret Meditation II re-programs your mind with ideas that unleash your power to create a flourishing life that fulfills you on every level.

How is The Secret Meditation II different?
The same powerful messages are delivered in the second person to reprogram your subconscious mind from another essential perspective. This incarnation of the Secret Meditation goes even deeper into the re-programming process because it’s important to hear the truth about who you really are-- spoken to You.

All the messages are audible and there are no subliminal messages. If you alternate between both versions you’ll be astonished by the impact they’ll have on your life.

Through nightly listening, your subconscious will accept the knowledge it receives as true. When this happens, what you need and desire comes to you. And there’s nothing you need to do except relax and listen. If you fall asleep while listening, that's even better; the messages are still absorbed into your subconscious.

As negative beliefs are replaced with self-empowering truths about your self, you’ll start attracting people, ideas and opportunities that support you in making your dreams a reality.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Prescription,Identifier,PointsList,Pregly,Meditation,AlcoDroid,HIIT,Drug,Natural,ESP,Iron,Prenatal,Lullabies,Binaural,beats,eyesight,eye,Preventing,Refreshment,Relax,Spartacus,Moment,Contraction,Vitamins,Minerals,DroidFit,Mindfulness,Bell,WeedLaws,Beach,Sex Position,Rainy,Calorific,Resolution,Horoscope,Tranquilize,Calming,BikeTrack,Bench,LadysCalendar,Walking,Hypnosis,Antphero,Vegetarian,ElectricSleep,Strava,Cycling,Army,APFT,HappyCow,VeginOut,Thunderstorm,Discovery,baby,Quit Smoking,No Smoking,Smoking,BHF,Healthy,Headache,Passometer,Slimming,Booster,Mind,Refresher,Menstruation,monthlies,WeLoveTofu,PushUp,CaringBridge,SpecTrek,Office,Eponyms,Mood,Meter,Radiation,BMI,Lucid,Dream,Abbreviation,Scorpio,Taurus,Pressure,Frequency,Gluten,moveo,KeepFit,Kegel,Exerciser,SmartCoach,Anxiety,Panic,Chipotle,Insight,Sleepmaker,MomnMom,AirTobacco,Animation,Ocean,wave,Power Nap,AccuPedo,BodyFitness,Simplicity,Aquarius,Penis,Enlargement,Tendance,Nidra,Sex Tips,ProPoints,TwoTouch,assistance,Glasgow,Permille,Medco,Reminder,Love Position,pregnant,Relief,Ambient,Soothing,BodyMedia,Impetus,Pharmacist

Иконка для Subconscious Mind Programming 1.0

Subconscious Mind Programming (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

This brainwave meditation is designed to help you unistall past mind programming that you no longer need and install new mind programs to help you promote good health, success and abundance in every area of your life!

Re-program your mind and create the life you want.  

There is a lot of past mind programming in our subconscious minds that we don’t need.  “You are not good enough”, “you are sickly”, “others are better than you” and the list goes on.

You can start improving your life NOW!

Stop being a victim of unnecessary past mind programming and start improving your life!

This brainwave meditation audio will guide your brain into a state, similar to the state of being in hypnosis, making the programming into the subconscious mind possible!

Once you are in this hypnagogic state, you can visualize the desired outcome and revisit areas that need reprogramming.

This brainwave meditation is a powerful tool which will help you change your life forever.

It is an investment which will bring dividends for the rest of your life.

Did you know…

We have two minds, which in an ideal situation work in great partnership together. We have the conscious mind, which is the creative mind and we have the subconscious life, which is the habitual mind.

We use the conscious mind to make choices and direct our attention, while the subconscious mind serves as a huge database, storing all our experiences in specific stimulus-response relationships.

About 95% of our behavior is run by the subconscious mind.

This means that our conscious mind controls only about 5% of our daily choices.

Another good point to know is that the capacity of the conscious brain is about 40 bits of information per second. The subconscious mind, on the other hand, operates at 4 million bits of information per second!

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Prescription,Identifier,PointsList,Pregly,Meditation,AlcoDroid,HIIT,Drug,Natural,ESP,Iron,Prenatal,Lullabies,Binaural,beats,eyesight,eye,Preventing,Refreshment,Relax,Spartacus,Moment,Contraction,Vitamins,Minerals,DroidFit,Mindfulness,Bell,WeedLaws,Beach,Sex Position,Rainy,Calorific,Resolution,Horoscope,Tranquilize,Calming,BikeTrack,Bench,LadysCalendar,Walking,Hypnosis,Antphero,Vegetarian,ElectricSleep,Strava,Cycling,Army,APFT,HappyCow,VeginOut,Thunderstorm,Discovery,baby,Quit Smoking,No Smoking,Smoking,BHF,Healthy,Headache,Passometer,Slimming,Booster,Mind,Refresher,Menstruation,monthlies,WeLoveTofu,PushUp,CaringBridge,SpecTrek,Office,Eponyms,Mood,Meter,Radiation,BMI,Lucid,Dream,Abbreviation,Scorpio,Taurus,Pressure,Frequency,Gluten,moveo,KeepFit,Kegel,Exerciser,SmartCoach,Anxiety,Panic,Chipotle,Insight,Sleepmaker,MomnMom,AirTobacco,Animation,Ocean,wave,Power Nap,AccuPedo,BodyFitness,Simplicity,Aquarius,Penis,Enlargement,Tendance,Nidra,Sex Tips,ProPoints,TwoTouch,assistance,Glasgow,Permille,Medco,Reminder,Love Position,pregnant,Relief,iZen,Ambient,Soothing,BodyMedia,Impetus,Pharmacist,Unbiased,Daychart,Relaxus,DrinkDroid,Acuity

Иконка для Memory Improvement 1.0

Memory Improvement (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

Memory improvement is one of the most important gifts that one can ever get at any age in one's life. Memory is purely dependent on the state of the human mind. One suffers from memory loss in many cases when one is too stressed or physically exhausted. The mind and body should be in a very clear and relaxed state for perfect memory powers.

There are a lot of medications available in the market today for memory improvement. However they come with a lot of disadvantages. The first demerit is that, they offer only temporary results. The second and the most important demerit is that, there are a lot of side effects associated with these pills. Hence it is strongly recommended to avoid these temporary medications and opt for something permanent which acts on the brain directly.

The memory improvement software explained in this website is one such permanent relief for memory loss. A wide range of frequency waves are formed and fed into the ears. This then sends signal to the brain, as a result of which, the brain comes to a subconscious state. It is this state that is very important, because the brain is at its maximum potential in this stage. This potential is tapped to a great extent by these waves and all the blockages to the brain are cleared. Clearing these blockages help the brain to think better, deeper and for longer periods of time. The concentration power automatically increases, and the storage capacity of the brain increases, so that it can remember more number of things at a time. This kind of memory improvement technique is very helpful as it gives a soothing effect to the brain and clears out all unnecessary elements that were hindering the memory potential.

There are scientific studies to prove that these memory improvement techniques were really helpful in patients suffering from dyslexia. Dyslexia is a kind of ailment where the children face problems like formation of words, spelling etc. They lag behind their peers in terms of grasping lessons in the class and their handwriting has major flaws. This technique was then introduced to a group of these children. The focus capacity of the brain was increased, thereby increasing the grasping power. The children were able to understand their teachers better. Also, their spelling picked up phenomenally and over a period of time, these children were able to come close to their peers. Memory enhancing software like this is not only helpful in providing permanent relief, but it also devoid of any side effects. It is worth trying this, as the cost of downloading is very reasonable.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Prescription,Identifier,PointsList,Pregly,Meditation,AlcoDroid,HIIT,Drug,Natural,ESP,Iron,Prenatal,Lullabies,Binaural,beats,eyesight,eye,Preventing,Refreshment,Relax,Spartacus,Moment,Contraction,Vitamins,Minerals,DroidFit,Mindfulness,Bell,WeedLaws,Beach,Sex Position,Rainy

Иконка для Energy Boost 1.0

Energy Boost (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

Use Energy Boost to get an instant boost of energy

Use Enrgy Boost to fuel your busy life

Energy Boost is excellent for health conscious people as it has no bad ingredients and no calories

Use Energy Boost to train your brain into higher efficiency

Use Energy Boost to think clear and achieve more

Energy Boost brainwave meditation is excellent to energize yourself and relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Energy Boost helps clear out the brain fog and improve your focus and concentration.

The Benefits of Energy Boost:

Energy Boost brainwave meditation is designed to help you achieve a crystal clear focus for its duration, or if used as a brain training tool on a daily basis, to produce long term overall improvement of the thinking capacity of the brain.

Research shows that if listened to on a regular basis, people report the following benefits of Energy Boost:
Improved focus
Increase of the energy levels
Increased overall excitement and motivation
Less negative emotions and thinking
Improved logical thinking
Improved memory
Ability to think quickly
Being more social
Peak performance
IQ increase
The main ingredient in Energy Boost brainwave meditation is beta brainwaves which stay at 18 Hz throughout most of the Energy Boost session .

18 Hz is a very reliable frequency for `energizing` the user and relieving symptoms of chronic fatigue. 18 Hz beta brainwaves are associated with being fully awake and fully conscious thinking. The sate of the brain becomes exactly opposite of brain fog – crystal clear concentration.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Prescription,Identifier,PointsList,Pregly,Meditation,AlcoDroid,HIIT,Drug,Natural,ESP,Iron,Prenatal,Lullabies,Binaural,beats,eyesight,eye,Preventing,Refreshment,Relax,Spartacus,Moment,Contraction,Vitamins,Minerals,DroidFit,Mindfulness,Bell,WeedLaws,Beach,Sex Position,Rainy,Calorific,Resolution,Horoscope,Tranquilize,Calming,BikeTrack,Bench,LadysCalendar,Walking,Hypnosis,Antphero,Vegetarian,ElectricSleep,Strava,Cycling,Army,APFT,HappyCow,VeginOut,Thunderstorm,Discovery,baby,Quit Smoking,No Smoking,Smoking,BHF,Healthy,Headache,Passometer,Slimming,Booster,Mind,Refresher,Menstruation,monthlies,WeLoveTofu,PushUp,CaringBridge,SpecTrek,Office,Eponyms,Mood,Meter,Radiation,BMI,Lucid,Dream,Abbreviation,Scorpio,Taurus,Pressure,Frequency,Gluten,moveo,KeepFit,Kegel,Exerciser,SmartCoach,Anxiety,Panic,Chipotle,Insight,Sleepmaker,MomnMom,AirTobacco,Animation,Ocean,wave,Power Nap,AccuPedo,BodyFitness,Simplicity,Aquarius,Penis,Enlargement,Tendance,Nidra,Sex Tips,ProPoints,TwoTouch,assistance,Glasgow,Permille,Medco,Reminder,Love Position,pregnant,Relief,iZen,Ambient,Soothing,BodyMedia,Impetus,Pharmacist,Unbiased,Nutrisystem,Daychart,Relaxus,DrinkDroid,Acuity,Farmadroid,DroidRunner,Kegels,MyHumana,Pitatore,Sensor,AdvoCare,TrainingPeaks,Fertility,QuitSM,DailyBurn,Relaxation,growth,Harborside,Lifting,Daddy511,Tabulator,1RM,SmartRunner,Laborlelet,Pregasaurus,Xpress,Military,StopSmoking,Fumigator,Bipolar

Иконка для IQ Increase Brainwave 1.0

IQ Increase Brainwave (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

Are you ready to increase the potential of your intellectual ability? Changing the way that you think is an effective way to increase your IQ and increase the abilities that you are able to complete.

Are you lacking confidence when it comes to your intellectual ability? Have you gone through your life with people telling you that you couldn’t achieve your goals and that you weren’t smart enough to succeed? You owe it to yourself to prove these people wrong, but more important, to prove yourself right.

Stop living up to the expectations and traits that other people have set for you and start making your own expectations that can help you to take control of your life.

Changing the way that you think can help you to increase your intelligence, allowing you to live up to your full potential. If you feel at any moment that you are not living up to your full potential there are many things that you can do to change this. You have the ability to change the way that you are perceived and to increase your abilities.

***Facts to Consider:

You are smart and you can do it!

You have the power to take control of your life and change your career or change your focus.

***How Can This App Help?

Our “IQ Increase Brainwave” app generates a range of Beta wave that gives the listener increased mental ability and allows you to enter a perfect state of alertness but not agitated. This is a great recording to play when you are studying or working on something and want to absorb every drop. It can also be listened to anytime you are in Beta and will help keep your mind tuned to learn.

***Key Features:
- Increase your mental ability with no extensive practice required
- Great brainwave to play when you are in studying or working
- Help keeping your mind tuned to learn
- Repeat time and screen auto-lock settings
- Eight visualization patterns to choose from

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Prescription,Identifier,PointsList,Pregly,Meditation,AlcoDroid,HIIT,Drug,Natural,ESP,Iron,Prenatal,Lullabies,Binaural,beats,eyesight,eye,Preventing,Refreshment,Relax,Spartacus,Moment,Contraction,Vitamins,Minerals,DroidFit,Mindfulness,Bell,WeedLaws,Beach,Sex Position,Rainy,Calorific,Resolution,Horoscope,Tranquilize,Calming,BikeTrack,Bench,LadysCalendar,Walking,Hypnosis,Antphero,Vegetarian,ElectricSleep,Strava,Cycling,Army,APFT,HappyCow,VeginOut,Thunderstorm,Discovery,baby,Quit Smoking,No Smoking,Smoking,BHF,Healthy,Headache,Passometer,Slimming,Booster,Mind,Refresher,Menstruation,monthlies,WeLoveTofu,PushUp,CaringBridge,SpecTrek,Office,Eponyms,Mood,Meter,Radiation,BMI,Lucid,Dream,Abbreviation,Scorpio,Taurus,Pressure,Frequency,Gluten,moveo,KeepFit,Kegel,Exerciser,SmartCoach,Anxiety,Panic,Chipotle,Insight,Sleepmaker,MomnMom,AirTobacco,Animation,Ocean,wave,Power Nap,AccuPedo,BodyFitness,Simplicity,Aquarius,Penis,Enlargement,Tendance,Nidra,Sex Tips,ProPoints,TwoTouch,assistance,Glasgow,Permille,Medco,Reminder,Love Position,pregnant,Relief,iZen,Ambient,Soothing,BodyMedia

Иконка для Gamma Meditation 1.0

Gamma Meditation (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

Use Gamma Meditation to experience advanced meditation without spending years in training

Use Gamma Meditation to enjoy the benefits of deep meditation without any effort

Gamma Meditation is the easiest meditation with profound benefits

Use Gamma Meditation to experience deep relaxation and release the stress

Use Gamma Meditation to experience deep feelings of happiness, love and compassion

Use Gamma Meditation to enjoy improved health and clearer mind

Gamma brainwaves are commonly associated with increased levels of compassion, feelings of happiness, and optimal brain functioning. Gamma brainwaves are associated with a conscious awareness of reality and increased mental abilities.

The gamma brainwave is a known natural antidepressant.

Not only does it increase our level of compassion for others, it boosts our overall levels of happiness. Many people claim that listening to the gamma brainwave while meditating has proved to be extremely effective at completely eliminating their depression.

Benefits of Gamma Meditation:

High-level information processing
* Boosted memory
* Enhanced perception of reality
* Increased compassion
* Natural antidepressant
* Advanced learning ability
* Intelligence Increase
* Positive thoughts
* Higher energy levels
* High level of focus
* Improved perception / consciousness

How to use Gamma Meditation?
To use Gamma Meditation, find a quiet place, free of distraction. After starting the Gamma Meditation, close your eyes and try to relax. Keep your eyes closed and your mind open. Take this as a special time for yourself only. Turn off anything that could distract you and choose the most comfortable position and clothes. You may want to drink a glass of water before each Gamma Meditation session. Entrainment increases blood flow and metabolism, which can make you thirsty during the Gamma Meditation session. Headphones are not required.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Prescription,Identifier,PointsList,Pregly,Meditation,AlcoDroid,HIIT,Drug,Natural,ESP,Iron,Prenatal,Lullabies,Binaural,beats,eyesight,eye,Preventing,Refreshment,Relax,Spartacus,Moment,Contraction,Vitamins,Minerals,DroidFit,Mindfulness,Bell,WeedLaws,Beach,Sex Position,Rainy,Calorific,Resolution,Horoscope,Tranquilize,Calming,BikeTrack,Bench,LadysCalendar,Walking,Hypnosis,Antphero,Vegetarian,ElectricSleep,Strava,Cycling,Army,APFT,HappyCow,VeginOut,Thunderstorm,Discovery,baby,Quit Smoking,No Smoking,Smoking,BHF,Healthy,Headache,Passometer,Slimming,Booster,Mind,Refresher,Menstruation,monthlies,WeLoveTofu,PushUp,CaringBridge,SpecTrek,Office,Eponyms,Mood,Meter,Radiation,BMI,Lucid,Dream,Abbreviation,Scorpio,Taurus,Pressure,Frequency,Gluten,moveo,KeepFit,Kegel,Exerciser,SmartCoach,Anxiety,Panic,Chipotle,Insight,Sleepmaker,MomnMom,AirTobacco,Animation,Ocean,wave,Power Nap,AccuPedo,BodyFitness,Simplicity,Aquarius,Penis,Enlargement,Tendance,Nidra,Sex Tips,ProPoints,TwoTouch,assistance,Glasgow,Permille,Medco,Reminder,Love Position,pregnant

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