www.android-online.ru Разработчикиchanghyeok

Приложения разработчика changhyeok в Android Market

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Иконка для Hexomia for sleeping 1.4

Hexomia for sleeping (v. 1.4)

changhyeok опубликовал приложение 2011-10-10
(обновлено 2011-10-10)

Hexomia for sleeping: Relaxing music for contemplation, reading, and sleep

Along with the melody, energy being smeared with and emitting from it allows you to sleep well.
It removes sadness and depression.
It refreshes yourself and leads you to more concentrated learning.

Please listen to the appropriate music when tossing and turning in bed and being unable to get to sleep well, or, when feeling restless.

Please look at the Energy Photo emitting clean and pure energy to soothe your weary eyes, or, your headache.

Music to help you sleep
Please listen to this music for a sound sleep when tossing and turning in bed and being unable to get to sleep.
Along with the music, energy emitting from its melody calms down your tangled emotions, sooths discomfort and helps you get to sleep comfortably.
You may go to bed while turning on the music since there is the timer to be set.
Please utilize it as baby, or, children sleep aids.

Music easing your sadness
Through the function of energy within it, this music takes away all your sadness and depression deep inside of your mind.
You may shed tears unknowingly while listening to the music.
Happiness and calmness will visit you after getting through sadness, won’t they?

Music refreshing you
Please listen to this music when you want to feel refreshed after rain, or, to feel much freer after getting through hard and difficult things.
You may regain your self confidence and can deal with anything and everything.

Music leading you to more concentrated learning
This music changes your mind and body into the ideal study condition.
Along with this repeating yet never boring music, resounding energy of high vibration naturally improves your concentration and manages your condition ideal for the study.

Music to relax
Feeling relaxed is the most important thing.
If you are uneasy in your mind, why don’t you try to listen to your mind?
How about playing the music containing pure energy to your mind?
For yourself….

Energy Photo
What are you going to do when your eyes are tired because of heavy Internet surfing and Smartphone using?
What if there are photos which make your eyes and brain refreshed just by looking at them?
You may feel your eyes and brain refreshed if you look at the energy photo for more than five minutes.

Иконка для sleeping with hexomia 1.4

sleeping with hexomia (v. 1.4)

changhyeok опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

음악에서 나오는 에너지가 잠을 잘 자게 해줍니다.
슬픔과 우울함을 녹여줍니다.
기분을 상쾌하게 해주고 집중력을 높여줍니다.  
이리 뒤척, 저리 뒤척 잠이 잘 오지 않을 때나
마음이 복잡할 때 상황에 맞는 음악을 들어보세요.  
눈이 피곤하거나 머리가 아플 때
맑은 에너지가 나오는 에너지 포토(Energy Photo)를 바라보세요.
※ sleeping with hexomia에 담겨 있는 맑고 밝은 헥소미아 에너지는  
한국 최대의 비영리 에너지 솔루션 연구기관인
사단법인 헥소미아심신건강연구소에서 제공하고 있습니다.

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