sleeping with hexomia (v. 1.4) Разработано changhyeok |
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눈이 피곤하거나 머리가 아플 때
맑은 에너지가 나오는 에너지 포토(Energy Photo)를 바라보세요.
※ sleeping with hexomia에 담겨 있는 맑고 밝은 헥소미아 에너지는
한국 최대의 비영리 에너지 솔루션 연구기관인
사단법인 헥소미아심신건강연구소에서 제공하고 있습니다.
[2011-03-08] Sonja: I really love this one. The first night I tried it I fell asleep after a few minutes. Usually it takes me up to an hour to fall asleep |
[2011-01-14] Ashley: I love this a lot. It has 5 songs and they're all very calming and pretty. It's simple to use so you don't need to understand the language to navigate |
[2011-01-14] Ashley: I love this a lot. It has 5 songs and they're all very calming and pretty. It's simple to use so you don't need to understand the language to navigate |