www.android-online.ru РазработчикиAndHick LLC

Приложения разработчика AndHick LLC в Android Market

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Иконка для Economic Recovery 2.0

Economic Recovery (v. 2.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-09-27
(обновлено 2012-09-27)

Let's face it if you have to move a mountain, you start with the small rocks. Same goes for any plight an individual, a group, or a nation has to face. Do your part as a patriotic citizen in unlocking the mystical secrets to solving our mighty country's economic dilemma. By purchasing this application you are one step closer to being a part of the solution, rather then unknowingly being part of the problem. Within the confines of your personal cell phone screen, you will bare witness to the simplest of epiphanies as well as others that are more complex. For some in which not only defies all that "they" have said to do or that should happen but grants us all (Americans) the real possibility of economic change, stimulus, and recovery. Never mind the "news man" we are Americans. Occupiers of the greatest God fearing country on Earth. WE HAVE THE POWER, to help ourselves out of this TEMPORARY muck and mire. Overcoming our "paradise lost" and regaining the glory for which this land is loved for. To love something is to see, accept, and understand its faults. There are many faults, that can be RIGHTED, and it starts right here, right now, with YOU!

Иконка для Positive Reinforcement 1.0

Positive Reinforcement (v. 1.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-07-10
(обновлено 2012-07-10)

This is a phrase scrolling app with strategically selected, positive, can do messages. Designed to keep you on track and overcome any negative energy that only blocks progress and self achievement. The messages are positive in nature, and/or can be taken more positive then negative. White words on a black background gives the affect of light in the dark, shining its way through ones worry and mental strife. Anyone who has ever tried to test themselves or anybody just having a difficult day will greatly benefit from these selected phrases. Some of these phrases are original quotes, however we do not lay claim to them all. All of these phrases are used by our production crew to stay focused on whatever task is at hand. As soon as you start the app the phrases start to appear and continuously loop until you feel you have been positively reinforced. It has worked for us, now let it work for you.

Иконка для Whack A Dic-ta-tor: Syria 2.0

Whack A Dic-ta-tor: Syria (v. 2.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

Known fondly by the people of his country as antichrist, Bashar al-Assad is the president of Syria and by proxy responsible for his militaries actions against peaceful protests. As the death toll rises among the innocent dead are now reportedly children. Help bring attention to what is happening overseas as well as end the suffering of innocent people at the hands of elected tyrants.

Иконка для Whack Glen Beck 2.0

Whack Glen Beck (v. 2.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

It is amazing how crazy people can get when they believe every single thought that races through their bigotry encased and forever shrinking minds. For the kids at home never believe everything you think It's unhealthy and you'll grow hair on your palms, Nobody is better televised proof (save for Sarah Palin) then Glen Beck. Next in the Dumb Talk Show Host series by AndHick is Glen Beck. Just imagine, this guy used to drink and be a real "side show" He's supposedly sober now, but He's still crazy. He still gets drunk on his insidiously racist narcissism, under the sanctuarious "home base" flag of the fox news network and www.consaritivetalkradio.com. One can only listen to so much ignorance and blind hatred before one feels as though called into action. Instead of doing something in haste, let us all take comfort in squishing a representation of his face with our collective fingers. Godspeed and good luck.

Иконка для Whack Rush Limbaugh 2.0

Whack Rush Limbaugh (v. 2.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-31
(обновлено 2012-05-31)

Next in the Dumb Talk Show Host series, "Good Old Boy" Rush Limbaugh. Anybody (who's not drinking this guy's cool-aid) that has listened to anything Rush has ever said would have just cause in their desire to squish a small representation of his face on their phone. For that reason as well as many others, we are proud to bring to you.... Whack Rush Limbaugh: Dumb Talk Show Host Edition.

Иконка для Whack A Douche: Tony Hayward 2.0

Whack A Douche: Tony Hayward (v. 2.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-31
(обновлено 2012-05-31)

To be quoted saying  "I just wants my life back", while everyday folks who have had their lives and livelihoods destroyed by
his failed safety checks in the gulf of mexico, still struggling to survive the oil spill. Unremorseful for the safety violations committed on a daily basis,
not caring about anyone's life but his own and for the fortune this company rakes in. This millionaire, former CEO of BP, Tony " cry baby"
Hayward is the next contestant on Andhick's brand of Whack a Douche. He received an eighteen million dollar pension from BP when he quit. How much of
that do you think he donated to the gulf disaster, to the the volunteer clean up crews whom are now afflicted with toxic blood poisoning?
Instead of sending him hate mail, feel free to take your justifiable frustrations out with this game. Tony Hayward, we dub thee DOUCHE!

Иконка для Whack Diane Vann 2.0

Whack Diane Vann (v. 2.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-31
(обновлено 2012-05-31)

Nobody knows who this is but everyone in America should be scared of her. Dianne Vann whom is running for the 8th district in the great state of Georgia is literally bringing back McCarthyism with her unproductive, degenerative distraction a campaign. Help do your part to expose this racist witch hunter for what she is, a waste of our attention and more importantly.....YOURS!!!

Иконка для Whack A Douche 2.0

Whack A Douche (v. 2.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-20
(обновлено 2012-05-20)

During Hurricane Katrina there was one person that stood out from the rest as a hero among men and that person was....NOT MICHAEL BROWN.  Why you ask...the then Director of FIMA was too busy requesting more time to eat his lunch because 40 minutes was not enough.  Nevermind the hundreds of people starving in the street, all you can think about is having more time to stuff your face.  For this reason and many more Mike Brown We Salute You.....DOUCHE!!!!

Иконка для Whack A Prez:The Obama Edition 2.0

Whack A Prez:The Obama Edition (v. 2.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-20
(обновлено 2012-05-20)

The Original Whack game from the folks at AndHick LLC.  That's right folks this is the one that started it all....Whack A Prez: The Obama Edition.  Grab a group of your pi$$ed of politician friends and take out some of your frustration in a harmless and productive way with the Whack A Prez app.  Have a contest and see who the best Whack A Prez player is!!

Иконка для Whack Rachel Maddow 3.0

Whack Rachel Maddow (v. 3.0)

AndHick LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-18
(обновлено 2012-05-18)

This is a fun game that allows you take out your frustrations on one of America's most controversial talk show hosts.  Download and play, have a contest with your friends to see who can Whack Rachel Maddow the most.

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