It is amazing how crazy people can get when they believe every single thought that races through their bigotry encased and forever shrinking minds. For the kids at home never believe everything you think It's unhealthy and you'll grow hair on your palms, Nobody is better televised proof (save for Sarah Palin) then Glen Beck. Next in the Dumb Talk Show Host series by AndHick is Glen Beck. Just imagine, this guy used to drink and be a real "side show" He's supposedly sober now, but He's still crazy. He still gets drunk on his insidiously racist narcissism, under the sanctuarious "home base" flag of the fox news network and One can only listen to so much ignorance and blind hatred before one feels as though called into action. Instead of doing something in haste, let us all take comfort in squishing a representation of his face with our collective fingers. Godspeed and good luck.