Популярные бесплатные инструменты в Android Market

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261-270 из 17365
Иконка для Photo slide show widget 1.6

Photo slide show widget (v. 1.6)

Mobiders, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-05-29
(обновлено 2011-05-29)

Photo slide show widget is show photo frame widget.Want to put a background image can decorate beautifully.  To open the widget go to the home screen long press , select slide photo and the size you want.
There is screenshots below of a 1*1, 2*2,3*3.

Иконка для PowerMax 1.6.8

PowerMax (v. 1.6.8)

VoltUp опубликовал приложение 2011-05-28
(обновлено 2015-02-02)

PowerMax extends the battery life of your mobile device with a simple push on the button.
<b>What is PowerMax?</b>
PowerMax is a powerful, yet easy to use mobile application that will help you extend the battery life of your mobile device. When you're on the go and notice that your mobile is about to die, or if you know it's going to be a long day until your next chance to charge, one touch activates PowerMax. PowerMax will save your battery and better manage power usage for you.
- Extend your battery life up to 100% longer
- Full Automation of your power saving needs
- 3 Preset Profiles
- Create your own custom profile
- Easy toggle on/off by clicking one button
- Custom Activation Reminder
- Custom Dim Level
- Custom Screen Time Out
- Control GPS status
- Activity Log
- PowerMax lite is FREE* and will NEVER expire
and more... for a full list check out our website
Still not convinced? Check out the reviews at Google Play, and let our users tell you how they experience using PowerMax
<b>Extend your battery life</b>
In testing we have seen a wide range of battery life improvement – from a mediocre 20% more to an impressive 100% – doubling battery life! Your device usage pattern has a direct affect on the savings – typically the more you use your device the higher the savings you will enjoy. Please note that our reports on the percent improvement in battery life will only start a few days after you install PowerMax. Why? Because PowerMax first learns what is your normal battery consumption, the baseline, and then calculates the improvement.

PowerMax is one of the most friendly and simple to use applications available today. On the main screen there is an On/Off switch. By clicking switch on, the Power Saver will be activated and save your battery, and by clicking off, PowerMax will restore your normal settings. When Power Saver Mode is on, your phone's functionality will be significantly reduced. But don't worry, this is just to save you power, you can always use your mobile's features on demand (email, internet applications etc).

* PowerMax can be downloaded for free then used for an evaluation period of one week. Once the evaluation period is over, PowerMax users who are not interested in purchasing a key can still continue using PowerMax in advertising supported mode. You can purchase a license key at any time to unlock the full functionality of the PowerMax.

** Please Email us if you run into any problems! We can't help you if you post negative feedback here, we are not mindreaders **

** PowerMax is SIMPLE. Compare it to Latedroid JuiceDefender or Green Power - so many confusing options to waste time learning about **

** PowerMax is CAPABLE. No other App can turn off GPS on recent Android devices. Compare it to One Touch battery saver **

<b>Find us online:</b>
Web: www.eguard.me
FAQ: www.eguard.me/powermax/powermax-faq
Twitter: www.twitter.com/eguard
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eguard.me

KW: Battery Saver, Power Saver, Battery Defender, Battery Extender, PowerMax, eGuard, Voltup, Volt-up, batterystorm

Иконка для Tiny Compass 1.2.1

Tiny Compass (v. 1.2.1)

Nikolay Ananiev опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

Incredibly simple, yet very useful compass app with great-looking graphics!

Иконка для tTorrent Lite 1.0.1

tTorrent Lite (v. 1.0.1)

tagsoft опубликовал приложение 2011-05-26
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

tTorrent is a torrent(bittorrent) client for Android based devices.

- multiple torrent downloading, queuing
- search for torrents
- Wifi only mode, Wifi or WiMAX mode
- able to limit Upload/Download speed
- web browser integration
- magnet link support
- trackerless torrent (DHT) support
- RSS support(automatically download torrents published in feeds)
- UPnP and NAT-PMP support
- IP filtering support
- proxy support(SOCKS, HTTP)
- encryption
- Local Peer Discovery
- creating torrents

The Lite version is ad supported, and the maximum download speed is 250kB/s.
The Pro version has no ads, and no download limit. 3D Magic Kft is the official publisher of the Pro version.

If you want to help to translate the app into your language, you can join at:

If you have problems, or you have found bugs: ttorrent.android at gmail.com

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)
This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)

Keywords: aTorrent, aDownloader, uTorrent (µTorrent), Pirate Bay, bittorrent

Иконка для Galaxy_S Unlock 3.05

Galaxy_S Unlock (v. 3.05)

Helroz опубликовал приложение 2011-05-26
(обновлено 2012-11-26)

Galaxy S Unlock

Sim unlock Galaxy S, Galaxy S II and his Variants (Vibrant, Captivate), Galaxy Tab and Note.

This app unlock by "patch" nv_data files.
All files are backuped at step 1.

Don't use on old Docomo phones, they don't have the same nv_data.
Don't use on 4G, nv_data is not in the same folder.

For ATT phones, change your kernel if you have any problem in step 1

Galaxy S 4G users ( SGH-T959V): Thanks for your 1 star return my program don't work on your phone but it's noticed in the description.

If you don't have any code for sim unlock, if SGS Unlock Tool don't send codes, this apk is made for you !!!

Need: Root + Busybox


French (thanks to Quitos):

English (thanks to Amit Rawat):

Other language: if you have made one tutorial, sensd me the
link, i paste lit here.

This apk need internet 1-2 seconds for download 1kb~ (compressed generic file made by me)
After need 60seconds~ for decompile and rebuilt new nv_data with generic file and your actual nv_data file.

Busybox have install problems with lots of Galaxy S on android 2.2.

Иконка для SiMi Folder Widget 2.3

SiMi Folder Widget (v. 2.3)

hateman опубликовал приложение 2011-05-25
(обновлено 2012-11-25)

SiMi Folder is a customizable Folder Widget with a horizontal/vertical scrollable Launcher.
(based on the Launcher from SiMi Clock)

Permissions used:

- android.permission.READ_CONTACTS
Without this permission it is not possible to add Contacts to a Folder!

- com.android.browser.permission.READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS
Without this permission it is not possible to add Bookmarks to a Folder

- android.permission.CALL_PHONE
You can now use Shortcuts in SiMi Folder. Direct Call Shortcuts are not possible without this permission !


* Size 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x1, 2x2 and 3x1
* 9 different Widget Layouts
* User defined Folder Icons
* User defined Text Color and Size
* Unlimited number of Apps can be linked to a Folder
* Unlimited number of Contacts can be linked to a Folder
* Unlimited number of Bookmarks can be linked to a Folder
* User defined Background color.

How to

Step 1: Add a new Folder
Step 2: Select the new Folder
Step 3: Link Apps to the Folder ( Button Applications )
Step 4: Add a SiMi Folder Widget to your Homescreen
Step 5: Select the Folder you want to use.
-> Done

Иконка для Minecraft Mobile Admin (Free) 3.2.7

Minecraft Mobile Admin (Free) (v. 3.2.7)

Kaltner.net опубликовал приложение 2011-05-24
(обновлено 2012-11-23)

Minecraft Mobile Admin allows to you manage your Minecraft server, plugins and user right from your phone!

For more information and to download the MobileAdmin plugin, please visit http://www.kaltner.net

IMPORTANT: this application requires you to run your own Minecraft server using Bukkit or hMod (or variants like Canary).

Иконка для Better Keyboard 8 8.6

Better Keyboard 8 (v. 8.6)

Better Android опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

Better keyboard 8.x
- True multi-touch (*Android 2.0 or higher required)
- Enhanced dictionary
- Enhanced look & feel
- Enhanced popup keyboard

Other features of Better keyboard:

- Multiple keyboard layouts (*Full QWERTY, compact QWERTY, T9)
- Keyboard gesture control (*Swipe left to access compact keyboards)
- Keyboard skinning (*Better keyboard full version required)
- Change keyboard fonts
- Supports many languages (*Required downloading addition free dictionaries)
- Number & DPad (*Tap ?123 and then <> key to access)
- Smart & Auto Dictionary
- Contact Dictionary (*Disabled by default, enable it in setting)
- Typing suggestions for hardware keyboard (*Disabled by default, enable it in setting)
- Proximity QWERTY keyboard correction algorithm (*No need to hit all the keys correctly)
- User dictionary (*User defined words get higher priority in suggestion)

Иконка для Lock Pattern Generator 2.1

Lock Pattern Generator (v. 2.1)

Michael Shick опубликовал приложение 2011-05-21
(обновлено 2015-01-12)

Creates lock patterns for use with Android's built-in pattern lock.  This program provides generation of patterns only, as Android does not allow programs to set the lock pattern for security reasons.

- Random pattern generation
- Variable minimum and maximum path length
- Practice mode
- Shortcut to Android Security Settings for quick pattern setting

Questions, comments or suggestions? Email me any time at android@shick.in

This program is free software!  Source is available at http://shick.in/android/lockpatterngenerator/
Licensed under the GNU GPL v3+ and Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 licenses

Иконка для Tests de Conducir Autoescuela 3.0

Tests de Conducir Autoescuela (v. 3.0)

Getrux опубликовал приложение 2011-05-11
(обновлено 2014-12-16)

Primera aplicación de Autoescuela para Android!

En esta versión de Tests de Conducir(Autoescuela)  encontrarás 22 exámenes oficiales de la DGT. 12 tests para el examen de conducir general (tipo B), 6 para el de motocicleta (tipo A/A1/A2) y 4 para ciclomotor (tipo AM).

Todos los tests han sido cuidadosamente puestos y revisados varias veces para asegurar que sean correctos, aun así, si creeis que alguna es incorrecta o tenéis algún problema, contactad conmigo vía email.

Podéis obtener una versión con muchos más tests (más de 1000 preguntas) desde el market con la versión tests de conducir PRO

Cualquier problema, duda o pregunta sobre la aplicación contactar conmigo directamente vía email.

Tened en cuenta que en caso problemas si os ponéis en contacto conmigo podré solucionar el problema lo antes posible y otros usuarios se beneficiarán de ello, si ponéis un comentario malo por algún problema que tengáis no ayudará de mucho.

Nota: Si tenéis una versión antigua de Android 1.6 no os aparecerá la gráfica en estadísticas, esto se debe a limitaciones de la Api de Android, sólo le aparecerá la gráfica de 2.1 o superior.

Por último, la aplicación se pasa directamente a la SD para ocupar menos espacio.

v1.1 - Añadidos 2 tests más tipo B (8 en totoal)
v1.2 - Añadidos tests para el tipo A/A1/A2 (motocicleta)
v1.3 - Añadidos 2 tests más para el tipo A/A1/A2
v1.4 - Mejoras visuales como mayor tamaño letra y más espacio entre preguntas a petición de los usuarios.
v1.5 - Acceso directo a la versión PRO (+ más tests + actualizaciones)
v1.6 - Información cambio normativa de velocidad máxima permitida de 120km/h a 110km/h
v1.7-Tests actualizados con el nuevo límite en autopistas y autovías de 110km/h.
v1.8 - Tests cambiados a la nueva normativa de 120km/h
v2.0 - Añadida función para mostrar respuestas correctas/incorrectas en el test.
v2.1 - Añadidos tests de ciclomotor
v2.2 - Reestructuración del código, más optimizado, ocupa menos. Cambiado logotipo pantalla principal y añadido los últimos tests oficiales de la DGT.
v2.3 - Cambios en la interfaz, ampliadas imágenes para mejor visualización, añadido estadísticas(en desarrollo).
v2.3.1 - Pequeños errores soluciones (bugfixes)
v2.3.2 - Pequeños errores técnicos solucionados
v2.4 - Añadida función recordar test realizados a petición de los usuarios
v2.6: -Ampliar imágenes con un toque sobre ellas.
      -Mejoras en la interfaz gráfica
      -Pequeña optimización de código
v2.7: Cambio interno del código, soluciona un forzar cierre, mejora rendimiento y establece la base para la siguiente actualización
v2.7.1: Solución de un bug al abrir los tests.
v2.8: -Interfaz gráfica renovada
      -Añadido gráfica en estadísticas (empezará de 0)
      -En la lista de tests marcara con stick verde si lo has aprobado o con una aspa roja si lo suspendiste
      - En los resultados muestra las preguntas falladas.
      -Añadido botón de contacto
v2.9: Añadido 19 test nuevos! (11 tipo B, 4 tipo A, 4 tipo AM)
v3.0: Interfaz renovada al estilo Holo (añadido menú lateral), mejoras de rendimiento y mejoras de visualización en tablets.

Tags: Autoescuela, Autoescuela, tests, tests de conducir, examen, B, A1, coche, moto, conducir, carné, carnet, carnet coche, vehículo, dgt, tráfico

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