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271-280 из 17365
Иконка для Custom Android Font Switcher 2.1.8

Custom Android Font Switcher (v. 2.1.8)

Bentotbox опубликовал приложение 2011-05-09
(обновлено 2012-10-22)

★★★ ON SALE - 35% Discount ★★★

You Must Be Rooted With BusyBox

If you enjoy this app, please consider the pro version!

Custom Android Font Switcher is an easy to use font-switching app. It provides you switch over 150 custom fonts that, with the click of a button, you can apply to your phone. Find a font that you want in the app? Shoot me an email with a link to it and I will be more then happy to put it in.

Features – (Free)

★ Over 150 Custom Fonts
★ File Browser To Choose A Font From Your SDCard
★ Full Xoom And MIUI Support Along With All Other Phones
★ MD5Sum Checking To Protect From Corrupted Downloads/Applying
★ Live Previewing Of Every Font
★ All Previews Load In The Background
★ Live Previewing Of Fonts Detected In The File Browser

Features – (Pro) – Including All Free Features

★ Automatic Backing Up Current Font To Update.zip Format
★ Custom Reboot Options (Hot/Regular Reboot)
★ Long Hold To Try The Font Out Before Applying It
★ Custom Preview Background Colors (Black/White)

Keywords: root, busybox, font, changer, absolute system, tools, arial, ttf, bold, italic, JRummy, com.martino2k6.fontchangerlite, com.lee.android.switcher, com.canvs2321.font_installer, bentotbox, android, n3xgen, apps, n3xgenapps, n3x, gen,

Иконка для マッシュルームパック 2.1.4

マッシュルームパック (v. 2.1.4)

y.gphonebook опубликовал приложение 2011-05-09
(обновлено 2012-10-22)



● 絵文字まっしゅ
 - docomo、softbankの絵文字を入力できます
  - auは、「Xperia Acro」のみ対応しています。
 - 連続10個まで入力できます
 - 最大35個の入力履歴を保存できます
● 連絡先の情報
 - 名前、電話番号などを出力
● メルアドピッカー
 - 複数のメールアドレス、ショートメール用の電話番号を出力
● メモまっしゅ
 - お好きなメモ(定型文)を登録し、入力することができます。
● 音声からの入力
 - 音声認識の結果を出力
 - 連続入力ができます。
● 時刻まっしゅ
 - 年月日、時刻を出力
 - 西暦から和暦へ変換して出力
 - 年月日、時刻のどちらか一方を出力することもできます。
 - 郵便番号から住所を出力できます。
 - ブラウザのブックマークのURLを出力します。
 - マッシュルームパックの使用履歴を出力します。



・ATOK for Android
・Xperia標準のPOBox Touch

Иконка для vMEye 2.5.8

vMEye (v. 2.5.8)

meyetech опубликовал приложение 2011-05-01
(обновлено 2014-11-20)

Access and control DVR/Security cameras/IP Cameras. Watch live surveillance video streams - fast and simple.
it can support most of the DVR made in china.
it also support adnroid pda.
-support ip and domain address
but if using web domain address don't include the "http://"
- Compatible with all Android smartphones
- Stream live video directly from your security devices
- Support multiple DVRs
- Supports control over PTZ cameras
- Take snapshots of live streaming video

We have a pro version support 4 view and have no ad.
The URL is

Иконка для Battery Mix 4.8

Battery Mix (v. 4.8)

ayano опубликовал приложение 2011-04-29
(обновлено 2014-11-16)

Battery Mix monitors battery and processes of your phone and reports their status in various forms.
Various fancy "battery icons" are also provided.

- Beautiful and detailed graph enables you to figure out the history of the level, status and temperature of your battery.  Even supports variable time scale.
- Supports process monitoring that enables to figures out drain history of each process.
- Provided various types of the battery icons.(More than 15 different design)
- Display bar for the remaining amount to the edge of the screen.
- Supports widget.
- Alarm function notifies you that the battery status is reached to specified condition.
- Supports log list of battery level, temp, voltage and status.
- Estimates the remaining time the battery to be empty or fully charged.

[Web Site]

[Apps Privacy Policy]

Иконка для 앱순이의 앱순위 3.0

앱순이의 앱순위 (v. 3.0)

mokey опубликовал приложение 2011-04-24
(обновлено 2011-04-24)

“대한민국 사용자에게 맞는 안드로이드 어플 순위를 알려드립니다!”

안드로이드폰을 처음 구매했을 때 “어떤 앱을 설치해야 할까?”, “이 앱은 무엇에 쓰는 거야?”라고 한 번씩은 고민해 보셨죠?

날마다 쏟아지는 앱의 홍수 속에서 정말 잘 만들어진 앱을 찾기란 하늘의 별을 따는 것만큼 힘들게만 느껴집니다.

앱의 기능을 알기 위해 인터넷을 검색하고, 카페의 글을 뒤지고 다니는 것도 하루 이틀...

이제 앱순이가 안드로이드 앱 순위와 앱 정보를 쉽게 알려드립니다.
앱순이의 “앱순위”는 대한민국 사용자들의 참여로 집계가 이루어지며, 앱에 대한 회원들의 리뷰를 함께 제공합니다.

페이스북, 트위터, 미투데이 친구들과 좋아하는 앱을 공유할 수도 있으며, 소셜 댓글 기능을 통해 SNS아이디로 댓글을 작성하고 쉽게 공유할 수 있습니다.

- 추천 : 새로나온 어플, 유용한 어플을 추천해 드립니다.
- 앱순위 : 대한민국 사용자들에게 인기 있는 어플 순위를 제공합니다.
- 카테고리 : 카테고리 별 어플 순위를 제공합니다.
- 검색 : 앱 검색 기능과 함께 인기 검색 앱 TOP 10을 알려드립니다.
- 다운로드 : 앱 다운로드 링크를 통해 검색하신 어플을 쉽게 다운로드하고 설치 할 수 있습니다.
- 소셜댓글 : SNS 아이디로 댓글을 작성하고 쉽게 친구들과 공유할 수 있습니다.

Иконка для Download All Files 1.93

Download All Files (v. 1.93)

HwkRbbt Software опубликовал приложение 2011-04-23
(обновлено 2012-09-24)

Download all files from the Web and Gmail in hassel-free a way. This app has been installed on more than 4 million devices now!!! :-)

Previously you might have encountered the "Content not support" error message while trying to download APK, RAR, ZIP, MP3, DOC, XLS or other files.

With Download All Files you will be able to download these files to your device. This app works like a browser plugin and enables you to download all file types and allows you to save them easily to your SD card.

Additionally you will be able to save all your Gmail attachments.

*It does NOT work for streaming videos like YouTube because of Google policy.

Иконка для BlackList 2.8

BlackList (v. 2.8)

Bao Le опубликовал приложение 2011-04-23
(обновлено 2012-09-24)

*** Please restart your phone after upgrade. If you can not open the app after upgrade, please uninstall and reinstall the app***

This is an advanced call/sms filter and blocker tools. Create a black list and stay safe with your Android phone. This is a simple app, but rich and powerful features to manage unwanted call/text message from anyone.

This app works with per caller ID (incoming number) basic.  Caller Ids can be organized into blacklist, or exception list and configured blocking options. Here are a list of features:

*** Recent update has a bug that does not show setting popup on some phones, try a press menu key > Setup.

*** NEW ***
- Schedule to turn on/off (PRO)
- Block MMS (Pro)

1. Blocking:
☆ Block call/text/MMS messages for a blacklist (a list of numbers)
☆ Block call/text/MMS messages for private numbers (no numbers, no caller id), numbers not in my contacts
☆ Block call/text message for pre-/post-fix numbers
☆ Exception list (don't block list) (PRO)
☆ Text filters by plain text or regular expression, prefix-matches, postfix matches.

2. Manage blacklist and logs:
☆ Options for an incoming call:
    - Turn off ringer
    - End call
    - Optionally "pick up then hang up" (change in app's settings, may not work on 2.3+)
☆ Advanced number matching mode including exactly, start with, end with, contains, regular expression
☆ Widget option (can be set up from app's settings or widget (press HOME/menu/Blacklist/widget)
    - Block numbers in blacklist excluded exception list (regular mode)
    - Block all numbers  excluded exception list (very useful when you are  in vacation)
    - Block all numbers (useful when you are sleeping)
    - Turn blacklist off
    - Auto SMS reply for blocked calls
☆ SMS blocked with/without logs
☆ Option to clear blocked missed call log

3. Configuration
☆ Schedule to turn on/off (PRO)
☆ Import contacts/call logs/ sms into a black list or add a custom number (not in your phonebook)
☆ Easily manage logs (sms back, call back, search, delete, restore, disable (PRO),...)
☆ Disable/enable logs (PRO)
☆ Password protection (PRO)
☆ Enable/disable block notification
☆ Backup and restore blacklist settings

4. Widget
☆ Quick access widget to change block options and configuration
☆ Auto-reply counters

5. and event more:
☆ Auto reply pre-defined templates
☆ Change widget themes
☆ Invisible blacklist icon (Invisible)
☆ Quickly add last call/text number to blacklist/exception list
Bug report and enhancement request:
☆ Drop a few line to me@baole.org

* PRO: Pro version can be purchased on Android Market
* Invisible: Invisible version likes Pro version, but it has an icon and a name differe

* Note: to enable pick up then hang up feature, go to setting/pick up then hang up

5. FAQ
☆ Why caller is sent to voicemail: Block a number with "end call" and turn "Pick up then Hang up" OFF
☆ Do not send to voicemail: Block a number with "end call" and turn "Pick up then Hang up" ON
☆ Issue report: Email to support@anttek.com

6. Other
☆ Video demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bBaOCuPjRA
☆ Screenshots, roadmap open issues: http://anttek.com/?wpsc-product=blacklist-for-android
☆ User Guide: http://anttek.com/?page_id=231
☆ Community support: https://groups.google.com/group/anttek
☆ LG Optimus One, LG C660, Samsung Epic: please turn on "Use alternative block method" if endcall does not work on your phone

- MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service
- Text ~ SMS: Short Messaging Service

** call filter, call blocker, sms filter, anti spam, sms blocker, number **

Иконка для S2 Calendar Widget 2 2.3.3

S2 Calendar Widget 2 (v. 2.3.3)

Futaba опубликовал приложение 2011-04-23
(обновлено 2012-09-24)

This app is to display the calendar on your home screen.

2x1,2x2,3x3,4x3 size widget.
One month display.

How to use:
Long press Home screen to add a widget.

Note: After you update the app, please re-add the added widgets.

This app uses a permissions of INTERNET for Ad.

Иконка для App 2 SD Free (move app to SD) 2.10

App 2 SD Free (move app to SD) (v. 2.10)

Sam Lu опубликовал приложение 2011-04-20
(обновлено 2011-04-20)

This is an Ad-supported app.
New UI and supports Android tablet!

Search "aCCleaner" app from Market. It provides you more functions to clear apps created cache files. This app is also FREE for you.

Are you running out of application storage?

Do you hate having to check each and every app if it supports moving to the SD card?

Do you want an app that automatically does this for you and can notify you when an app can be moved?

"App 2 SD" helps you to move apps to either external or internal storage thru' the system Settings. This app is crucial to anyone who has memory management issues.

★ list movable apps
★ move one or all apps to SD card
★ clear app cached files with 1 tap
★ add movable apps to the ignore list
★ show app cache/data/code/total size
★ show storage total/available size
★ list non-movable apps
★ move app back to the internal storage
★ view app on Market
★ uninstall app
★ open app
★ show app details page
★ support "Move2SD Enabler"
★ notify if movable app installed
★ support tablet, e.g. Galaxy, Xoom, ViewPad

This app is not used to backup apps to SD card. It only helps you to move a portion of apps used space to SD card. You have to manually install the apps after switching to a new phone or hard reset.

If app uses any of the following features, it cannot be installed on the external storage. It's required by Android system.
  App Widgets,
  Input Method Engines,
  Live Wallpapers,
  Live Folders,
  Alarm Services,
  Account Managers,
  Sync Adapters,
  Device Administrators

App shortcuts will disappear from the home screen after you move apps to the SD card. It's the limitation of Android system.

Failed to download apps or update them? It's Android Market's problem, please read the FAQ section from http://android.a0soft.com/?url=App2SD.htm for more details.

App2SD a2sd sdmove MoveToSD Apps2SD

Иконка для Fast Uninstaller & Backup 3.7.2

Fast Uninstaller & Backup (v. 3.7.2)

notenking опубликовал приложение 2011-04-20
(обновлено 2012-09-19)

The best and fastest uninstall and backup apps tool on android.

1) Backup and Uninstall apps easily by 1-click!
2) Show apps name,verion,size,min SDK,icon
3) Search your application by keywords
4) User can open apps before uninstall.
5) all kinds of sorting
6) Simplest User Interface
7) Show app permission
8) Search your installed apps in Android Market

Fast Uninstaller & Backup is a fast, advanced, powerful, and easy to use replacement for slow,and user unfriendly System Uninstaller.

It comes with functions like uninstall and backup by 1-click, search application in your devices.Fast uninstaller provides a total solution for the uninstalling task.

It's quite easy to use,you can select one apps by 1-click in the right of item and uninstall it.Also you can open it by click left of item.Most of time,you will find it diffcult to find a application which you want to uninstall,then you should search it by keywords by it's names,before you uninstall it,maybe you want to backup it first,then you can long press left of item,It's will show a dialog,you can uninstall,open search in android market,clear catch,show detail,backup you applications to sdcard.
There also have many other functions,try it,and you will like it.

If you can translate “Fast Uninstaller&Backup” to your language,Pleases let me know so I can send the file to you.

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