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Иконка для SafeTxt 1.1.2

SafeTxt (v. 1.1.2)

PD32 Innovations опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

SafeTxt allows you to archive your SMS messages to your GMail or Yahoo! Mail account, allowing you to remove them from your device and free up space. It will create a new folder / tag named "SMS" in your mail account, and store your messages in there.

It is purely designed to archive your messages, and does not support restore of messages back to your device.

This app is completely free, and does not contain any advertising.

Иконка для 中國台灣倉頡速成注音筆劃for GO Keyboard 5.0

中國台灣倉頡速成注音筆劃for GO Keyboard (v. 5.0)

GO Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

Dictionary to be used only with "GO Keyboard" app.
Don't try to open it after installation, you just need to change the language in GO Keyboard to use this dictionary.
Language: 台灣 倉頡 速成 筆劃(ZH)

Иконка для 中國香港倉頡速成筆劃for GO Keyboard 5.0

中國香港倉頡速成筆劃for GO Keyboard (v. 5.0)

GO Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

Dictionary to be used only with "GO Keyboard" app.
Don't try to open it after installation, you just need to change the language in GO Keyboard to use this dictionary.
Language: 倉頡 速成 筆劃(ZH)

Keyword:GO keyboard GOKeyboard KEYBOARD GO输入法 GO输入法国际版 倉頡 速成 Input Method Editor input IME GO Touch key contact dictionary voice input international keyboard useful fastest fascinating 3G
Similar products:Smart Better Swiftkey SlideIT AnySoft Multiling sogouinput Multling

Иконка для Shake To Launch Bookmarks 0.93

Shake To Launch Bookmarks (v. 0.93)

Fookie Monster опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2014-05-08)

Shake to launch bookmarks.
You can quickly access your web bookmarks.

Иконка для Hebrew for GO Keyboard 1.0

Hebrew for GO Keyboard (v. 1.0)

GO Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

GO Keyboard is the best and the most popular keyboard on the android market!
Dictionary to be used only with "GO Keyboard" app.
Don't try to open it after installation, you just need to change the language in GO Keyboard to use this dictionary.(GO Keyboard settings -> Input settings -> Input language settings)


GO keyboard GOKeyboard KEYBOARD 希伯来语 Hebrew HE Ivrit Input Method Editor input IME GO Touch key contact dictionary voice input international keyboard useful fastest fascinating 3G
Similar products:Smart Better Swiftkey SlideIT AnySoft Multiling sogouinput Multling

Иконка для Arabic for GO Keyboard 1.0

Arabic for GO Keyboard (v. 1.0)

GO Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

GO Keyboard is the best and the most popular keyboard on the android market!
Dictionary to be used only with "GO Keyboard" app.
Don't try to open it after installation, you just need to change the language in GO Keyboard to use this dictionary.(GO Keyboard settings -> Input settings -> Input language settings)

Language: Arabic(AR)

Иконка для CNHandwriting for GO Keyboard 3.0

CNHandwriting for GO Keyboard (v. 3.0)

GO Dev Team опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

Chinese Handwriting to be used only with "GO Keyboard" app.
Don't try to open it after installation, you just need to change the language in GO Keyboard to use this one.

GO Keyboard keyboard gokeyboard Keyboard Input Method Editor input IME GO Touch GO Dev Team GO Launcher Ex GO SMS GO Weather gosms key gocontacts contact dictionary voice input Handwriting Chinese Handwriting

Иконка для BUMP - Backup Your Phone Today 1.0

BUMP - Backup Your Phone Today (v. 1.0)

One Dot опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

BUMP - Backup, Share and Restore your phone content today! (www.bump.ac)

With our new mobile backup application BUMP (Back Up My Phone) you can backup, share and restore the most personal and important data on your mobile handset to secure cloud servers wirelessly. By using BUMP you can now synchronize your contacts and keep them in sync with our automatic phone backup feature. Once set BUMP automatically backup your contacts when they are added or modified on your Phone book.
By using BUMP, having nowhere to backup your favorite pictures, the ringtone you bought, video clip you want to keep forever is a thing of the past. BUMP allows you to backup and restore pictures, ringtones, video clips etc., this is done wirelessly over the air or via WiFi if your phone supports it

BUMP is easy to install, easy to use and works on most mobile handsets on the market today like Nokia, Blackberry, HTC, Sony Ericsson, Samsung and many more... With BUMP you can backup contacts (keep them in sync!), your favorite pictures, music files and video clips. BUMP is a truly unique phone backup solution that does what it says it will do.

It's Free
Did we mention that BUMP is free to use? well it is!. What are you waiting for?, download, install and start enjoying BUMP.

Иконка для VISA BULLETIN GreenCard 1.7

VISA BULLETIN GreenCard (v. 1.7)

Ryan DH опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

The App provides you with the most recent visa bulletin which you can tell what's the cut-off date processing for your greencard application/Immigration visa.

you can use the app to get the most current visa bulletin that shows the month and year of the visa petitions that the National Visa Center is working on by country and preference category. Visa Bulletin is a monthly report of visa availability published by the US Department of State. The is also serves as a guide for issuing visas at U.S. consulates and embassies.

Both Employee-based and Family-sponsored cut-off date are available in the app.  

Must-have app for China/India/Mexico/PHILIPPINES applicants.

Иконка для 拉手酒店预订 1.6

拉手酒店预订 (v. 1.6)

北京拉手网络技术有限公司 опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)





拉手无线意见反馈邮箱: support@lashou-inc.com
拉手无线官方QQ解答群: 30404092

米聊、口信、微信、街旁网、手机浏览器、浏览器、browser、QQ浏览器、UC、UC浏览器、UCWeb、Opera、QQ、手机QQ、QQ空间、Qzone、手机QQ空间、天天动听、Firefox、视频、视频播放、优酷、youku、土豆、tudou、美图秀秀、音乐、音乐播放、百度、QQ校友、QQ朋友、腾讯校友、腾讯朋友、微博、酷狗、酷狗音乐、新浪微博、腾讯微博、搜狐微博、网易微博、切客、微领地、大众点评、口碑网、淘宝、微信、图钉、豆瓣、360、淘宝、新闻、财经、微博、优惠券、手机优惠券、天气、GO天气、GO短信、米聊、搜狗、搜狗输入法、输入法、Camera、Camera360、Google、Google翻译、谷歌翻译、墨迹天气、MoboPlayer、TalkBox、有道词典、豆瓣、豆瓣FM、文件管理器、手机电视、视频、手机视频、新浪、人人网、开心网、Twitter、Facebook、手电筒、Weibo、Sina Weibo、麦当劳、肯德基KFC、美团网、凡客、团购网站、交友、58同城、赶集网、炒股、股票、大富翁、大智慧、国信金太阳,益盟操盘手、ES文件浏览器、彩票、如意彩、财付通、支付宝、安卓市场、机锋、安智市场、木蚂蚁、历趣、电子市场、N多市场、黑市场、应用汇、优亿市场、applanet、365日历、情人节、安卓优化大师、酷我听听、开卷有益、性爱、流量统计、凯立德、高德地图、熊猫看书、万年历、动态壁纸、来电通、星座运势、风水算命、美女图片、美女壁纸、灵机妙算,联网阅读器、主题、时钟、GO桌面、美女写真sex、Sexy美女Sexy女孩、sex性感女孩sexbigsexy、豌豆荚、性高潮宝典、课程表;

愤怒的小鸟、明珠三国、水果忍者、触摸女孩、砸酒瓶、极限摩托、极速摩托、俄罗斯方块、捕鱼达人、速度与激情、会说话的汤姆猫2、劲乐团、宅男周刊、愤怒的小鸟、乳摇、割绳子、切水果、台球Pool Master、柳忍者、猴子吃香蕉Blast Monkeys、珠宝豪华版、完美钢琴、模拟人生3、保齡球 3D Bowling、偷窺性感日本Girs、泡泡龙 Shoot Bubble、南瓜VS怪物、狙擊手Army Sniper、投篮、飞行棋大战、口袋女优、速度与激情、打屁股、惩罚罗莉、植物大战僵尸、日本女优、花花公子、性感的纸牌、超级玛丽、性感美女、三国塔防、五子棋、象棋、别惹恶魔,三国杀、斗地主、连连看、赛车、模拟器、拼图、比基尼女孩儿,小龙飞吧Dragon, Fly!、大鱼吃小鱼、屠龙猎手II、Death Worm Free、找不同、儿童涂鸦、黄金矿工、酒鬼寻路、拉厕纸、甜点天堂、麻将天下、脑年龄测试、手机QQ游戏大厅、蓝精灵村庄、宝石迷阵Jewels Free、Stand O'Food、爱跑者、带我回家、快乐涂鸦、Raging Thunder、七巧板、Drag Racing、捕鱼大师、打砖块Break the Bricks、鼓、接龙、鹰巢行动Eagle Nest、帝国塔防、Asphalt 5、Ant Smasher、桌上弹球Pinball Classic、闲着玩、斗地主、好豆菜谱、麦当劳肯德基外卖、迷之战争puzzle wars、QQ输入法、成人书院、成人文学阅读器、成人小说、麻将天下、极品飞车、足球超级巨星、黑暗新星、僵尸汁液、魔力凯蒂猫、星际商贸、欢乐牧场、百战天虫、超级坦克大战、Run,Run,Chicken小鸡快跑、黄大仙求签、Bubble Maniac、居酒屋、AirAttack、MatchUp对对消、火柴秋千、ETERNITY WARRIORS、天使钢琴、大大大老二、泡泡总动员+、打地鼠、交通高峰、超级钓鱼、和风物语、驴子跳、打企鹅、寿司切Sushi Slash、僵尸村Zombie Village、Slot Machine老虎机、魔界忍者Devil Ninja、爱台湾打麻将、城市跳跃、泡泡消除Bubble Break、双人打地鼠、摩托英雄、宝石连连、2人反应堆、免费超级炸药捕鱼、雷电之战、自由奔跑、中国象棋、宠物游戏、星际闪电战STAR BLITZ、忍者胖鸡2、巫师保卫战、兔子射击、松鼠顶坚果、猎魔忍者、屠龙猎手II、七巧板Polyomino、小小机器人、飞行男孩。

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