Новые в категории 'Стиль жизни' в Android Market

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7311-7320 из 17250
Иконка для 원어데이 1.4

원어데이 (v. 1.4)

Oneaday опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2012-11-20)

하루에 한가지, 원어데이

☆ 안드로이드 폰에서 원어데이를 체험해 보세요.
★ 상품보기, 상품토크 참여, 지인에게 알리기, 주문결제 (ISP  결제가능 카드사만 지원)
☆ 심심풀이 2,500문제집 OX 퀴즈 내장

※ 어플출시기념 !! OX선물퀴즈에 도전해 보세요.

어플 출시기념 OX 퀴즈 내장


주어진시간 10초안에 랜덤으로 제출되는 문제를 보고 지문에 대한 답을 O 또는 X를 선택해 주세요.

매일 하루동안 OX에 응모할수 있는 기회는 비로그인시 5회, 회원 로그인시 추가로 5회 응모 가능.
매일 총 10회 OX 퀴즈에 응모할수 있는 기회가 제공됩니다.

연속해서 틀리지 않고 10회이상 문제를 푼 뒤 정상적으로 랭킹 저장된 회원분들께에는 원어데이 사이트에서 주문시 이용할수 있는 머니포인트를 지급해 드립니다.
( 머니포인트 지급은 최초 기록달성시 1회에 한함.)
어플 출시기념 선착순 5,000명에게 지급

또한, 매일 매일 최고기록에 도전해 보세요!
매일매일 1일단위 최고 랭킹자 1등과 2등에게는 경품의 기회까지 드립니다.

OX 퀴즈 풀기 이벤트는 사전 예고 없이 경품이 변경되거나, 조기 종료될수도 있습니다.
자세한 어플과 관련한 정보는 m.oneaday.co.kr 를 참고해 주세요.

☆ 본 어플의 해상도 및 컨텐츠 사이즈등은 WVGA(480x800)를 기준을 최적화 되어 있습니다.

☆ 본 어플은 Android OS 버전 2.1 또는 2.2 에 최적화 되어 있습니다.

◎ 본 어플 사용은 가급적 wifi 환경에서 접속하시길 권해드립니다. 3G에서 사용시 데이터 수신이 빈번하여 테이터 사용량이 많아집니다.

※ 어플에 대한 자세한 이용법 안내 및 FAQ 는 http://m.oneaday.co.kr 참고해 주세요.

[ V1.2 업데이트 사항 ]
※ 퀴즈 처리 속도 개선
※ 퀴즈 문제 풀이 내용 업데이트

Иконка для sleeping with hexomia 1.4

sleeping with hexomia (v. 1.4)

changhyeok опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

음악에서 나오는 에너지가 잠을 잘 자게 해줍니다.
슬픔과 우울함을 녹여줍니다.
기분을 상쾌하게 해주고 집중력을 높여줍니다.  
이리 뒤척, 저리 뒤척 잠이 잘 오지 않을 때나
마음이 복잡할 때 상황에 맞는 음악을 들어보세요.  
눈이 피곤하거나 머리가 아플 때
맑은 에너지가 나오는 에너지 포토(Energy Photo)를 바라보세요.
※ sleeping with hexomia에 담겨 있는 맑고 밝은 헥소미아 에너지는  
한국 최대의 비영리 에너지 솔루션 연구기관인
사단법인 헥소미아심신건강연구소에서 제공하고 있습니다.

Иконка для Marriage Quotes 1.1.0

Marriage Quotes (v. 1.1.0)

apk_frank опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

In this application you will see a series of famous quotes:
-Family Guy
-Random Love
-Homer Simpson  
- Share via SMS(mass).
- Touch to scroll.

Иконка для Galore Podcast 1.0

Galore Podcast (v. 1.0)

Wizzard Media опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

This is the most convenient way to access  the Galore Podcast on your phone. With this app you are always connected to the latest episodes and the show.  You can also star your favorite episodes and save them to a list so you can easily enjoy them over and over! This app is complete access to the Galore Podcast and if you’re a fan of the show you won’t want to be without it!

This app contains the following additional features:

* Streaming access to play episodes from anywhere
* Always updated with the latest episodes- and an archived back catalog
* Playback resume (when interrupted by a call or other distraction)
* Access to exclusive extras like PDFs, wallpapers, and bonus content
* Quick access to all the contact methods for the show like call, email, web, Facebook, and Twitter

Thank you for purchasing this app and supporting the show!
Please note, not all episodes may have exclusive extras.

Иконка для New Hope Chapel 1.0

New Hope Chapel (v. 1.0)

Wizzard Media опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

This is the most convenient way to access  New Hope Chapel on your phone. With this app you are always connected to the latest episodes and the show.  You can also star your favorite episodes and save them to a list so you can easily enjoy them over and over! This app is complete access to New Hope Chapel and if you’re a fan of the show you won’t want to be without it!

This app contains the following additional features:

* Streaming access to play episodes from anywhere
* Always updated with the latest episodes- and an archived back catalog
* Playback resume (when interrupted by a call or other distraction)
* Access to exclusive extras like PDFs, wallpapers, and bonus content
* Quick access to all the contact methods for the show like call, email, web, Facebook, and Twitter

Thank you for purchasing this app and supporting the show!
Please note, not all episodes may have exclusive extras.

Иконка для Sex Facts 1.5

Sex Facts (v. 1.5)

Kill Time опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

A collection  of random and interesting sex facts.

"The average amount of time spent kissing for a person in a lifetime is 20,160 minutes."
"Impotence is grounds for divorce in 26 U.S. states"

Sending Facts (Facebook,Twitter,Text, Email ect...)

Иконка для Сонник 1.1

Сонник (v. 1.1)

HippoApp опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

Нет человека на Земле, которого не волновал бы мир его сновидений. Наш сон иногда становится источником радости или беспокойства. Что означают все эти образы, которые мы смутно вспоминаем после пробуждения? В этом нам помогают сонники.
В этом приложении Вы найдёте толкования из самых популярных и известных сонников и получите объяснения своим грёзам. Запомните самый впечатляющий символ вашего сна, найдите его с помощью алфавитного поиска, и опишите свои переживания, которыми вы можете поделиться в твиттере и других социальных сетях.

Иконка для Farver 1.0

Farver (v. 1.0)

Enrique López Mañas опубликовал приложение 2011-05-21
(обновлено 2011-05-21)

Farver (the Danish word for "colors") is a program that calculates the average color for a certain concept or word. It has been developed by Enrique López Mañas, although the original idea is from Douwe Osinga. He first did a desktop based application and some time ago I wanted to do a web based application (but he was faster and developed another web application). It uses the Google Image Search API and PHP as a primary language. The source code can be download from here

When you type a word and click on the formular, the program looks for the first 8 images at Google, and retrieves the thumbnails. Then all the pixels are analyzed and the average resulting color is exposed as an hexadecimal value.

There are still some improvements to be done. I could measure the value of the most repeated RGB value to determine the color, or extracting the main area of the picture to perform the data analysis. If you have any suggestion you want to share, send me an email to eenriquelopez@gmail.com.

The design has been done by Patricia Mateos Romero

Иконка для Cure Your Bad Breath 1.0

Cure Your Bad Breath (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-05-21
(обновлено 2011-05-21)

Discover How to Cure Your Bad Breath!

Did you know that most people who have bad breath aren’t even aware of it?  

Breathing into your own hand to see if you have bad breath is just a myth. . . it doesn’t work!

Having bad breath can make a serious dent in your social life, not to mention retarding your success on the job.  We live in a social world, but all the social skills on earth can’t compete with bad breath.

Here are telltale warning signs:

# Is your mouth frequently very dry?
# Does milk or coffee leave a bad taste in your mouth?
# Do you have post nasal drip?
# Do people regularly offer you breath mints?
# Is there a white coating on your tongue?
# Is your saliva thick?
# Do people frequently turn their heads or back away from you?

Here is what you will learn inside...

★ Discover what causes bad breath
★ Why mouthwash and breath mints can make it worse
★ When are “odd” breath smells dangerous to your health
★ What you should know about tongue piercing BEFORE it’s too late
★ How eating disorders affect bad breath
★ Getting to the “root” of the problem
★ What single item you can chew to cleanse your breath
★ and much, Much More!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $15.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

Иконка для Healthy Dating 1.0

Healthy Dating (v. 1.0)

KoolAppz опубликовал приложение 2011-05-21
(обновлено 2011-05-21)

Ever have a little difficulty with dates - finding them, keeping them, communicating with them? Or how about relationships in general - how to tell if you’re in a good one or bad one?

Here is what you will discover inside...

★ Learn the basics of “love” and relationships between people, in laymen’s term.

★ Learn the Basic Techniques of Relationship Building

★ Uncover information about Body Language and learn to read it!

★ Learn how to build bridges and handle conflict with others.

★ Take a look at how to be a little more cordial.

★ Learn about the ABCs of Healthy, Happy Relationships.

★ Learn about the ABCs of Unhealthy, Sad Relationships.

★ Relationship Tips to keep handy and use as a checklist.

★ Arm yourself with our Online (and Classified Ad) Dating tips – carry a copy in your briefcase, handbag, locker, desk drawer. And be safer!

★ Improve your communications with our NETIQUETTE tips.

★ Save time, money, aggravation, hair pulling and nail biting by checking out top issues that effect long lasting love. Stop denying your relationship the keys it needs to handle priority issues one minute more, wasting precious time, money, energy and health on them.

★ Conflict Management steps to use during your next fight.

★ Follow Money Management Guidelines and get on a healthier financial track with your mate today and save for tomorrow.

★ Self-Help Guide and enjoy exercises to take by yourself and share with your mate fun for, to learn more and to even grow closer together.

★ And much, much more…

★ and much, Much More!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $17.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

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