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Последние обновлённые в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
771-780 из 3798
Иконка для Sexy Vibrator lite 1.1.1

Sexy Vibrator lite (v. 1.1.1)

raix опубликовал приложение 2011-05-02
(обновлено 2012-10-11)

This application is a tool for the body and skin, to stimulate the nerves for a relaxing and pleasurable feeling, and gives you orgasm.

Enjoy with your steady, by yourself and so on.

Fixed vibration stops on the way

Иконка для Shoulder Instability 1.0

Shoulder Instability (v. 1.0)

MedicaliRehab.com опубликовал приложение 2012-10-11
(обновлено 2012-10-11)

The shoulder joint is one of the most mobile joints in the body.  The anatomy of the shoulder joint allows for this mobility, however, it makes it less stable.  The instability may allow for the bones of the joint to come partially apart (what doctors call subluxation) or if it is more severe, the bones may come completely apart or dislocate.
This application provides an overview of this injury, including general information, assistance with pain control and a treatment approach.
Detailed information has been included on how to recover from this problem.  Range of motion, strengthening and stability exercises are included in the application.  A video of each exercise has been created describing each exercise in detail to help ensure proper form and technique.  Over 40 exercises have been included to help promote a full recovery.  This application is not meant to be a substitute for an evaluation by a healthcare professional.
Medical iRehab was designed by Randy Cohen ATC, PT, DPT and David Millward MD, MS

Randy Cohen ATC, DT, DPT
Dr. Randy Cohen is a licensed athletic trainer and licensed physical therapist. He has a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training and a doctorate in Physical Therapy.  He has over 20 years of college sports medicine experience.  Dr. Cohen is currently the Associate Athletic Director for Medical Services at a major Division I University.

David Millward, MD, MS
Dr. David Millward is a physician and has a university based practice.  He received his medical degree from the University of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Canada.  He did his residency at the University of Arizona in Family Medicine and is board-certified by the Academy of Family Practitioners.  In addition, he completed a fellowship in sports medicine at the University of Arizona.  Dr. Millward specializes in primary care and sports medicine.  He is an assistant team physician for a major Division I University.  He has a master’s degree in Epidemiology from Michigan State University and has several active research projects.

Medical iRehab is developed in Partnership with: REUBRO INTERNATIONAL

Иконка для 미라인(피부) 1.9

미라인(피부) (v. 1.9)

MiLineSoft опубликовал приложение 2012-10-11
(обновлено 2012-10-11)

안녕하세요 미라인 입니다.

본 어플은 여성,남성 모두 피부의 관리법 내용이 들어있습니다.

다른 어플과 달리 저희는 업데이트 하지 않아도 최신의 정보들이

들어가 있으며, 천연팩 , 관리법 , 시크릿, 피부 , 정보들의 내용들이 들어


또한 사용자들과 함께 공유할수 있는 게시판을 제공 하고 있습니다.

많이 사랑해주세요 감사합니다.

개발자와 관련된 앱 : 카톡헌팅 , 아트라인성형외과 , 바닷가헌팅 , 미라인

< 추천 어플 >

한자능력검정 급수별, 경포대,해수욕장,헌팅,제주도,대천,망상,을왕리,해운대,앱순이의 앱순위, 성격 유형 테스트, 물병편지, 자명종 프로, 핸드폰 분실보험 & 위치추적, 두근두근, 11번가, 최저가 쇼핑, 계획 도우미, 워드업 무료 단어암기, 즐거운 사자성어, 후토스, 세계의 국기,한방에 메모장, DMB, 필기 재미, 글로리 코레일, 영어 단어 학습 앱, 다음 팟, 보카로이드, 수학, 영어, 워크넷, 한자의 훈음, 토정비결, 네이버 북스, 뒷담화, 정신연령 테스트, 롯데시네마, 스마트빌, 시계, 혈액형, 배달통, 맥스무비, 티켓링크, 스마트 갈아타기, 도서관 좌석, 은어사전, TV맛집 제사의 달인, 바코드 스캐너, 블럭퍼즐 2, 배터리 정보, 실시간 검색어 ,코코몽, 틀린그림찾기, 자전거 여행, 여자어 사전, 캠핑장 정보, 음식상식백과, 아임IN, 연봉계산기, 사람인, 다음 마이피플 기념일 관리, 세계의 수도, 뭉글 도난 경보기, 알람+, KBS 뉴스, 멜론, 전국버스, 지식맘, 프리리슨-무료음악 방송, 정신 연령 테스트, 드로우메모, 프로 경찰청 교통안내, CGV 영화 예매, 니 몸무게를 봐라, 열린약국찾기, 심리 테스트, 카카오톡, 트위터 ,오브제, 튜브메이트, 여자 아이돌 월드컵, 이상형 ,일본어 단어, 곰 전지, 무료 배경화면, 네이트온, MSN 톡, 페이스북,전자신문, SBS 뉴스, 사진 다이어트, 리디북스, 고속도로 교통 정보, 버스, 지하철 노선도, 2세 사진보기, 딩굴 한글 입력기, 디지털 어학기, 찍찍이, 어플 제거, Daum 쇼핑하우, 롯데닷컴, 쇼핑랭킹베스트, 쇼핑카트 ,회화 번역기, 11번가, 하루 한 단어, 실시간 동영상 순위, 다음 지도, 바코드 스캐너, 여행 통역사, 호핀, 컬러노트 Shazam, 사진 퍼즐 게임, 유박스, Kakao Talk, 배달의민족, 모두의 웹툰, 데몬헌터, 컬러라이트, 롯데, 가위바위보 게임, 지컷, 브라우저, 쿠폰모아, 멜론, 살랑살랑 돛단배, kb 뱅킹, 단위변환기, 이미지패러디, 신한s뱅크, 네이버 웹툰, 소비자신문고, n드라이브, 네이트 만화, 맛클 테마스토어, 하나SK카드 ,터치좀비, 푸딩,싸이월드, 당신의 몸값이 궁금함, 소셜 매칭 게임 , 달력 위젯, 자가진단 마이닥터, 무료국제전화, 파우더룸 ,칼로리 코디, 이마트 투데이, 신문, 음성검색, 영어, 도돌, 인간관계, 오빠이거, 타자연습, 연합뉴스, 미니, 문자, 국민은행, 미래에셋, 키움, 월급, 영어, 보카, 디씨 인사이드, 모두의 쇼핑, 생활백서, 고민그만, 카카오, 잘 자는 법, 콜택시, 아스팔트, 알바, 구글, 안드로이드, 벨소리 메이커, 말하는 산타, 잘 자는 법 - 수면상식백과, 주변 음식점, 영화순위 - 무비차트, SKYPE, 사다리 게임, 컬러라이트, MP3, 좋은집구하기, 필수어플가이드, 멜론, 강원랜드, 코코펀 쿠폰, 잘 입는 법 - 패션상식백과, 룰렛 게임, kb 스타, ShakeCall 흔들어, 지진계, 에어 혼, 코레일, 싸이월드, 식물잘키우기, 플래너, 말하는 요정, 뽐뿌, 114, 장바구니, 아트데이, 우리은행, 명언, 교보문고, 패션, 영화예매, mbc mini, 수면관리, 라스트서버,버즈니, 심리 테스트, 소셜커머스 모음, 티켓초이스, 마이앱, 홈플러스, 끌량 클리앙, 싸이카메라, 스왑 모음 한글 키보드, 디지털 어학기, 전자신문, SBS 뉴스, 콜택시, 알바, 두뇌건강 패턴암기, 컬러라이트, 필수어플, 뱅킹, 랜덤 채팅, 음악, 카톡, 카톡 헌팅, 헌팅

Иконка для 8 Water 1.00.19

8 Water (v. 1.00.19)

M Bounce Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-05-02
(обновлено 2012-10-11)

Can you drink 8 glasses of water of more each day? Keep track of your health, and touch the glasses of water after drinking a real one!

NEW FEATURE ADDED! new Widget feature is added to 8 Water!!!
With the widget added, you can now see how many glasses of water you have drunk during the day. Check it out!!!

Иконка для INJOY Frauenfeld 1.0.1

INJOY Frauenfeld (v. 1.0.1)

ITNT GmbH опубликовал приложение 2012-10-11
(обновлено 2012-10-11)

Die INJOY Frauenfeld-App versorgt Dich mit allen wichtigen Informationen rund um Dein Studio – und das mit minimalem Aufwand!

Natürlich wird die App für Dich ständig verbessert und weiterentwickelt.


- Lies die News Deines Studios (auf Wunsch sogar direkt als Push-Nachricht)
- Sei immer informiert über Aktionen, Kampagnen und Specials
- Rufe topaktuell alle Kurse und Zeiten ab
- Durchstöbere unser komplettes Angebot
- Perfekte Informationskette: Du erhältst alle Facebook-Posts direkt auch über die App
- Nimm aus der App heraus direkt Kontakt zum Studio auf via eMail oder Telefon oder springe direkt zur Studio-Website
- Das Beste zum Schluss: Die App ist kostenlos und enthält keine Werbung!

Dein Fitness-Studio als ständiger Begleiter sozusagen – jetzt schnell kostenlos herunterladen und testen!


Für den Studio-Finder und den Datenabgleich ist eine Internetverbindung notwendig. Für den Fall, dass nach dem ersten Datenabgleich einmal kein Verbindungsaufbau möglich ist, wird der letztaktuellste Stand auf Deinem Gerät zwischengespeichert, damit Du die App dennoch nutzen kannst!

In eigenem Interesse:

Die Entwicklung dieser App war sehr aufwendig und vor allem zeitintensiv. Dennoch haben wir uns entschlossen, die App kostenlos anzubieten. Entlohnen kannst Du uns mit einer guten Bewertung oder noch lieber mit einer positiven Rezension.

Für Anregungen sind wir immer dankbar, um diese App für Dich immer weiter zu verbessern.

Иконка для StopDogs 2.2

StopDogs (v. 2.2)

FunTasticApps опубликовал приложение 2012-10-11
(обновлено 2012-10-11)

¿Scared by dogs? ¿Tired of nights full with barks? From now, you will feel safer, a revolutionary application for your device that uses ultra-sonic sounds to avoid attacks and modify dog's behaviours. Open it, turn it on (you could hear an initial beep, it is completely normal) and your device will start sending an ultra-sonic sound. Harmless for you, but very annoying for dog's ears. When the threat is finished, simply press the Off button. For a comfortable sleep, it is advisable to keep the program turned on all the night, and your device plugged in. Please use this application with responsibility.

Иконка для DrinkLess 1.0.7

DrinkLess (v. 1.0.7)

DoctorMe Oy опубликовал приложение 2011-05-02
(обновлено 2012-10-11)

Do you want to know your current blood alcohol concentration? Or when you get sober after that second glass of wine you had on dinner? Do you need to evaluate your alcohol usage or learn more about health effects of drinking alcohol? You can do all this and more with DrinkLess self care software!
Take control of your drinking habits today!

Иконка для Attunement Music Therapy 2.1

Attunement Music Therapy (v. 2.1)

Meditation Oasis опубликовал приложение 2011-05-01
(обновлено 2012-10-10)

"I truly love the music in this app. I've sleeping better, relaxing better and have been feeling more at peace with myself in a very long time. I suffer with chronic pain and I truly feel that your app has helped me through some of my tougher moments. As a yoga teacher I would like my students to experience what I have." ---recent feedback

Seven selections of exquisite music by Meditation Oasis™ to suit your mood and needs. Whether you want to meditate, practice yoga, relax deeply, get energized or heal, the Attunement App has music for the occasion. You can choose from 7 different selections, each of which creates its own special effects as you listen:

Relaxing - wonderful for unwinding or sleep
Surrender - facilitates letting go of stress
Primordial - experience deep levels of your inner being
Inner Peace - profoundly healing and calming effect
Grounding - the perfect antidote for overstimulation
Healing - restores balance to the body and the mind
Energizing - clears the emotions, recharges vitality

With this App, you can choose playing times from 5 to 30 minutes for each selection, or use a playlist option to create and play a sequence of music in any combination. The Playlist gives you the option of up to 60 minutes of playing time.

Attunement has been created by Richard Maddux, composer of the music on the popular Meditation Oasis podcast and CDs. Here's what people say about Richard's music:

"It is the most beautiful music I have ever heard, it really speaks to me on such a deep deep level. I really do get a feeling of the essence of my being."

"The music is relaxing, calming, nurturing..."

"The music is wonderful. I've been using it for my morning yoga session regularly."

"Richard's beautiful music helped in part to bring me back to life."

"Amazingly peaceful and healing. Wonderful music for relaxing and washing away stress. Takes one to a very comforting zone."


With this App you get:

- Music to suit your mood and needs
- 7 selections of music perfect for relaxation, meditation, healing, yoga, or massage.
- Option to play music for 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, or 60 minutes
- Option to create a custom playlist of up to 60 min of music
- Automatically saved volume levels
- Read instructions to support and enhance your listening

About Richard Maddux

Richard brings over 30 years of meditation practice and teaching to the creation of his music. Richard has played and composed music all of his life. His transformational music is designed especially for meditation, relaxation and healing.

Иконка для Ultra BMI (BETA) 3.0.1

Ultra BMI (BETA) (v. 3.0.1)

cacafogo software опубликовал приложение 2012-10-10
(обновлено 2012-10-10)

BETA Release:

BMI Calculator that tracks your BMI and your Weight.

New features - HUGE Update:
The App can now support multiple users.
The App stores all your information and history in a database.

Ultra BMI does the following:
- Calculates your BMI based on you're height and weight
- Allows you to use Metric and Imperial measurements
- Allows you to MIX Metric and Imperial
eg. height in Feet/weight in Kilograms
- Tells you what BMI range you are in
- Shows you Statistics since you've started using the App
- Gives you some tips on how to get to the Normal BMI Range

Ultra BMI Does NOT:
- Measure you're body fat percentage
- Know if you are muscular (Dude... muscle weighs more than fat. So don't bother, It won't be accurate)

This is a simple tool used to calculate your BMI, which, along with many other tools/factors can help you or your doctor decide if you are healthy or not.

If you use the app, then please rate it.(good or bad)
Comments/suggestions motivate me to improve the App for the best user experience.

Thanks for checking it out! :D

Иконка для Interval Timer 2.5

Interval Timer (v. 2.5)

Thrasheri опубликовал приложение 2012-10-10
(обновлено 2012-10-10)

Interval timer is designed for any kind of interval training. All the values are configurable so it can be used in other interval training methods such as tabata , hiit , boxing or sprint training.

Interval training will help you to get in better shape and increase your vo2max levels. Test have showed that interval training is better for fat loss than normal cardio.

- Easy to setup
- Big timer interface
- Install to SD
- The timer remembers the settings last used and uses them as a default for the next training session.
- Color coding for preparation, work and rest periods.
- Beebing sound between work and rest periods. Beep volume is controlled by your phones media volume control.


WAKE_LOCK = Keep the screen on while working out
INTERNET = for Advertisements
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE = for Advertisements
READ_PHONE_STATE = for Advertisements

https://market.android.com/details?id=org.tabata.tabatatimer_pro ***

** If you like this application, please give it a favorable review. If you DO NOT like it, please send me an email how to improve the program. All improvement ideas are taken to consideration ***

All bugs and improvement ideas can be sent to qthrasherq@gmail.com

Or at the facebook page

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