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Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1051-1060 из 3798
Иконка для Weight Helper 9.8.6

Weight Helper (v. 9.8.6)

vegerity опубликовал приложение 2012-05-23
(обновлено 2012-05-23)

Make your new year's resolution count!
Get ready for the summer with the app thousands of users rely on to lose weight and keep it off.

The handy weight loss app including an exercise timer that counts calories burned for over 40 exercises, weight tracking, daily calorie intake and even BMI calculation, all in one.

Designed to be easy and effective for the ultimate goal of losing weight and follow a diet, without complex graphs or terminology. Lose weight the easy way.

Timer estimates how many calories you burn each second using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) and keeps history of total calories burned. The timer can run in the background, allowing you to play your favorite mp3 music while counting calories.

Only for healthy adults 18 years or older.

This app suggests how many calories to consume every day in order to maintain or lose weight using Basal Metabolic Index (BMR) and Harris-Benedict formula.

No web account needed, does not ask to put your personal information online. This is a full featured app and data will stay privately on your phone.

WARNING: This app does not provide medical advice and should not replace or contradict a doctor's opinion. It is intended as a supplementary tool for healthy adults only. Always consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan.

Now supported in English, Spanish, French, Italian,  Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), German, Portuguese and Korean. It selects language based on phone settings.

Exercises supported: Aerobics (general, step, high/low impact, water), Backpacking, Bicycling (normal and stationary), Bowling, Canoeing, Dancing, Football, Soccer, Golf, Hiking, Ice Skating, Jogging, Racquetball, Rollerblading, Rope Jumping, Rowing (stationary), Running, Skiing (cross-country, downhill, water), Softball, Baseball, Stair Treadmill, Swimming, Tae-kwon-do, Tai chi, Tennis, Volleyball, Walking, Weightlifting, Yoga / Stretching.

Иконка для StarBmiChecker 1.0

StarBmiChecker (v. 1.0)

SKY.R опубликовал приложение 2012-05-21
(обновлено 2012-05-21)

It is an application program that can easily measure BMI.

Иконка для Anime Cartoon Wallpaper I  . 8.6

Anime Cartoon Wallpaper I . (v. 8.6)

BarbaraRamo опубликовал приложение 2012-05-20
(обновлено 2012-05-20)

We are sure that you will find more surprise and funny when you enjoy the apps, also you can share with your friends
and family.8000+ Wallpapers HD & Backgrouds is free now!
New wallpapers will be added regularly.

We have:
★ Wallpaper
★ HD Wallpapers
★ 3D Wallpaper
★ Beauty Wallpaper
★ Funny Wallpaper
★ Eye Illusions
★ Funny Pics
★ 3D stereograms
★ 3D Graffitis
★ Street arts
★ And much more
Hope you Enjoy it!

Иконка для Vitalia Starter 1.1

Vitalia Starter (v. 1.1)

Symetria опубликовал приложение 2012-05-19
(обновлено 2012-05-19)

UWAGA! Usługa dostępna TYLKO DLA użytkowników posiadających ABONAMENT w serwisie Vitalia.pl. Zachęcamy do wykupienia na www.vitalia.pl najskuteczniejszej diety w Polsce.


Vitalia Start to szybki dostęp do INDYWIDUALNEGO planu diety oraz planu fitness przygotowanego przez dietetyków i trenerów serwisu Vitalia.pl. Jedyna taka usługa w Polsce i w Android Market!

Dzięki aplikacji Vitalia.pl Start otrzymasz szybki dostęp do:
- swojego jadłospisu,
- zdjęć krok po kroku przygotowania potraw,
- listy zakupów,
- planu ćwiczeń z animacjami flash 3D,
- pomiarów masy i wymiarów ciała.

Teksty, animacje i zdjęcia są zoptymalizowane w celu niskiego wykorzystania transferu Internetu w telefonie.

Diety oparte są o unikatowy system VitabalancedDiet™  umożliwiający elastyczne dopasowanie jadłospisu do wyjściowej masy ciała, preferencji i stylu życia. W ramach usługi otrzymasz osobistego dietetyka (nielimitowany kontakt), możliwość określania ulubionych posiłków, wymianę posiłków na inne (lista alternatyw) i wiele innych unikatowych możliwości! Na ich skuteczność naszych dajemy 100% gwarancji - odchudziliśmy już 50 000 Polaków.

Słowa kluczowe: vitalia, odchudzanie, dieta, diety, dietetyk, dukan, schudnąć, przepisy, cellulit, brzuch, pośladki, po urodzeniu dziecka, bez efektu jojo, smacznie dopasowana, niskotłuszczowa.

Иконка для Healthy Sleep 1.0

Healthy Sleep (v. 1.0)

Color опубликовал приложение 2012-05-19
(обновлено 2012-05-19)

Use this session to fall into a deep, healthy sleep. The session begins at 12 hz and gradually works its way down to the delta range of 1.05 hz after 30 minutes. It remains at 1.05 hz for the remaining 30 minutes. The session uses isochronic tones embedded into night noises and ambient music.

More and more people are turning to meditation as a way to seek inner peace, calm the emotions, quiet the mind, heal the body, and replenish the spirit. Over the centuries and even today many people use different methods to enter a deep state of meditation. Some use breathing techniques. Some use chanting, others use dance, instruments, music, devotional exercises and so much more. All these are different methods used for basically entraining the brain and lowering the brainwave frequencies in gradual progression from beta to alpha to theta to delta levels where the rejuvenating benefits of meditation can be experienced. Also used by some for entering deep states of meditation are brainwave mp3's or cd's which are embedded with binaural beats or isochronic tones.
It has been scientifically documented that periods of regular brainwave entrainment by means of listening to cd's or mp3's embedded with binaural beats or isochronic tones can lead to an increase in overall emotional calmness, relaxation, deep inner peace, intelligence, creativity, focus and mental clarity also improving memory, raising IQ and creating a rise in energy, and reduction in stress levels. These are the same benefits one experiences during meditation.

keyword:Endomondo,MyFitnessPal,Calorie,Push Ups,FatSecret,RunKeeper,measure,fitness,Ovulation,iTriage,Health,Sit Ups,WomanLog,Heart Rate,Sonic,Mosquito,Repellent,zapDroid,WebMD,Butt,Recipe,Lightning,Sleep Clock,Sleep,visual,Alarm Clock,BabyCenter,Pregnancy,CardioTrainer,Squats,miCoach,VirtuaGym,Gym,JEFIT,GymLog,iMapMyRUN,Magic day,Arm,Yoga,Toning,Repeller,anatomy,interactive,iMapMyRIDE,ScanCalc,PointsPlus,Buildup,Dynamic,ByeByeMosquito,Ultrasonic,eradication,runtastic,assistant,Fooducate,Grocery,Restaurant,Nutrition,Lifestyle,Cardiograph,Watcher,Diet,SleepBot,DietPoint,Weight Loss,Noom,Memorize,Pattern,C25K,GenryouKeikaku,JogTracker,Libra,WWDiary,Brainwave,Tuner,Brain,Stretch,Exercises,BabyBump,StopWatch,detector,Lookup,ICE,SportsTracker,STL,Pedometer,Therapy,Drinking,Water,Marijuana,GrowApp,SportyPal,Beauty,Coach,pharmacy,runstar,CPR,Choking,Flying,Anti,Nestle,Medicinal,Positive,Thinking,Makeup,Trainer,Alcohol,Blood,My24,QuitNow,Tie,OvuView,WWPP,iMapMyFITNESS,AllSport,Facts,Gazelle,iTriage,Buddy,TrackerSavvy,SmartTraining,Prescription,Identifier,PointsList,Pregly,Meditation,AlcoDroid,HIIT,Drug,Natural,ESP,Iron,Prenatal,Lullabies,Binaural,beats,eyesight,eye,Preventing,Refreshment,Relax,Spartacus,Moment,Contraction,Vitamins,Minerals,DroidFit,Mindfulness,Bell,WeedLaws,Beach,Sex Position,Rainy,Calorific,Resolution,Horoscope,Tranquilize,Calming,BikeTrack,Bench,LadysCalendar,Walking,Hypnosis,Antphero,Vegetarian,ElectricSleep,Strava,Cycling,Army,APFT,HappyCow,VeginOut,Thunderstorm,Discovery,baby,Quit Smoking,No Smoking,Smoking,BHF,Healthy,Headache,Passometer,Slimming,Booster,Mind,Refresher,Menstruation,monthlies,WeLoveTofu,PushUp,CaringBridge,SpecTrek,Office,Eponyms,Mood,Meter,Radiation,BMI,Lucid,Dream,Abbreviation,Scorpio,Taurus,Pressure,Frequency,Gluten,moveo,KeepFit,Kegel,Exerciser,SmartCoach,Anxiety,Panic,Chipotle,Insight,Sleepmaker,MomnMom,AirTobacco,Animation,Ocean,wave,Power Nap,AccuPedo,BodyFitness,Simplicity,Aquarius,Penis,Enlargement,Tendance,Nidra,Sex Tips,ProPoints,TwoTouch,assistance,Glasgow,Permille,Medco,Reminder,Love Position,pregnant,Relief,iZen,Ambient,Soothing,BodyMedia,Impetus,Pharmacist,Unbiased,Nutrisystem,Daychart,Relaxus,DrinkDroid,Acuity,Farmadroid,DroidRunner,Kegels,MyHumana,Pitatore,Sensor,AdvoCare,TrainingPeaks,Fertility,QuitSM,DailyBurn,Relaxation,growth,Harborside,Lifting,Daddy511,Tabulator,1RM,SmartRunner,Laborlelet,Pregasaurus,Xpress,Military,StopSmoking,Fumigator,Bipolar,Excercises

Иконка для 성병자가진단 1.5

성병자가진단 (v. 1.5)

앱쿠커A опубликовал приложение 2012-05-19
(обновлено 2012-05-19)

아파도 아프다고 말 못하는 병.
답답해도 속 시원히 말 못하는 병.

바로 성병입니다.

성병은 의외로 치료가 쉽지만,
주위의 시선에 대한 부담으로, 또 성병에 대한 무지로 그냥 방치해서
초기에 간단한 치료할 수 있는 시기를 놓치는 경우가 많습니다.

이 앱은
성병에 대한 기초적인 설명과 증상 및 치료에 관한
내용을 담고 있습니다.

성병에 대한 이해과 지식을 바탕으로
건강한 성 생활을 영위하시기 바랍니다.


이 앱은
성병에 대한 설명 및 증상, 치료에 대해서
일반적인 수준에서 언급하고 있습니다.

본인의 증상이 의심스러운 경우는
반드시, 전문병원을 찾아 전문의의 진료를 받을 것을


성병 증상 남자성병 여자성병 성병종류 성병치료 원인 감염 전파 점막 기생충 옴 트리코모나스 질염 냉증 하혈 간지러움 가려움 매독 에이즈 캔디다 사면발이 바이러스 콘딜로마 곤지름 음부 헤르페스 포진 연성하감 클라미디아 세균 임질 성병감염중임신 태아 위험 성병예방 콘돔 피임 원나잇 엔조이 직업여성 키스방 대딸방 키스감염 항문 성기 다이어램프 성교 냉 사타구니 배뇨 전립선염 요도염 발기 치료 약 복용 초기 초기증상 자가진단 자가 진단

Иконка для NutriAtlas 1.0.7

NutriAtlas (v. 1.0.7)

ZdravaPotravina.cz опубликовал приложение 2012-05-19
(обновлено 2012-05-19)

Aplikace má 4 hlavní funkce, které brzy rozšíříme o další:

- Seznam Éček
- Databáze potravin
- Zdravé recepty
- Nákupní lístek.

Seznam všech éček včetně označení jejich nebezpečnosti a nevhodných pro děti. Praktické informace už budete mít vždy po ruce ve vašem mobilu.

Databáze potravin obsahuje přes 6000 potravin včetně fotografií. Potraviny můžete vyhledávat podle názvu nebo naskenováním jejich čárového EAN kódu. Pomocí aplikace nebo webových stránek www.chemievjidle.cz můžete sami přidat další nové potraviny a nebo ke stávajícím potravinám doplnit informace.

V sekci Zdravé recepty si rychle najdete recept, který bude nejen zdravý, ale i si na něm pochutnáte. Recepty, stejně jako potraviny, můžete v mobilní aplikaci přidat a po přihlášení na webu ve svém profilu odeslat ke schválení.

Nákupní lístky si oblíbíte, jako užitečného pomocníka - potraviny z naši databáze nebo i vlastní položky si můžete přidat na svůj nákupní lístek přímo v mobilu nebo na webu. Na nákupu si pak v mobilu jednotlivé potraviny odškrtáte a tak již nezapomenete žádnou koupit.

Data v aplikaci jsou provázané s webem a Vaším osobním profilem na www.zdravapotravina.cz. Aplikace není myšlena jako samostatná, ale jako užitečný mobilní doplněk našich webových stránek.

Иконка для SleepStats 1.2.4

SleepStats (v. 1.2.4)

Petr Nálevka опубликовал приложение 2012-05-18
(обновлено 2012-05-18)

This application is an Add-on for Sleep as Anroid - the smart alarm clock which can track your sleep patterns. This add-on brings advanced sleep statistics. It visualizes your sleep length, debt, wake-up and fall asleep hours, smart early wake-ups and ratings in week, 10-days, month, quarter, half year and yearly view.

Иконка для Safe baby food 1.0

Safe baby food (v. 1.0)

들꽃각시 опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
(обновлено 2012-05-17)

Weaning to give the nutrients, as well as chewing or swallowing training and helping to develop the brain, lifelong eating habits are the important kids' meals. the child's age as possible by providing materials and recipes, health and good eating habits as a child growing up with Please help.

Иконка для Alcohol Level Evolution 2.1

Alcohol Level Evolution (v. 2.1)

Tom Barbette опубликовал приложение 2012-05-16
(обновлено 2012-05-16)

Touch your avatar or one of your friends' each time you drink a beer, and you'll obtain a graph of your blood alcohol level and theirs in the past, the present and... the future !

I tried to make the formulas as good as possible, but this comes with absolutely no warranty ! So don't take the "drive limit" as it...

Please do not give ideas or ask for things in comments as I can't respond, and so I can't have more details when I need it. Use http://www.itstudents.be/bugzilla3/enter_bug.cgi?product=Alcohol%20Evolution%20%2F%20Alcool%C3%A9mie%20%C3%89volution
Please also send me traduction errors.

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