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Популярные в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1401-1410 из 3798
Иконка для La Méthode Montignac v0.1 1.0

La Méthode Montignac v0.1 (v. 1.0)

Anxa Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-06-02
(обновлено 2011-06-02)

Cette application gratuite proposée par Aujourdhui.com vous permet de découvrir comment la Méthode Montignac a permis a 26 millions de personnes à travers le monde de maigrir et retrouver leur juste poids. L’application donne aussi la possibilité aux abonnés du programme en ligne d’accéder au coaching vidéo quotidien de Michel et Sybille Montignac.
Avec cette application, vous pourrez aussi gratuitement :
- Suivre les discussions du forum Montignac en temps réel,
- Visionner plus de 20 vidéos sur la méthode, les index glycémiques, l’alimentation
- Accéder au blog Montignac et à la page de la méthode sur Facebook
- Passer le bilan minceur et alimentation préparé par Michel Montignac pour faire le point sur vos habitudes alimentaires, calculer votre IMC et évaluer votre juste poids.
Dans les années 80, Michel Montignac a mis au point la première méthode d’amaigrissement basée sur la prise en compte de l’index glycémique des aliments. Car les aliments à index glycémique bas ont la propriété d’induire les mécanismes métaboliques conduisant l’énergie du repas vers le brûlage au détriment du stockage en graisses de réserve.
La méthode Montignac est devenue l’anti-régime préféré des femmes (26 millions de livres vendus dans le Monde) car on peut manger équilibré et sans restrictions de quantité. Il suffit seulement d’adapter ses habitudes alimentaires en respectant les index glycémiques. Manger mieux en faisant les bons choix alimentaires !
Michel Montignac a démontré au fil de ses recherches que les calories n’étaient pas un facteur déterminant dans la prise de poids. On ne grossit pas parce qu’on mange trop, mais parce qu’on mange mal.
Témoignages :
Emilie, 33 ans (France)
Merci Michel Montignac, j’ai retrouvé la ligne en 1 an et demi. C’est super car j’ai perdu 17 kg, de 88 kg je suis passée à 71 kg. J’ai adopté vos recettes que je cuisine avec beaucoup de plaisir. Ce que j’ai apprécié c’est que je ne me suis jamais sentie au régime !

Valentin, 35 ans (Toronto, Canada)
Les résultats ont été spectaculaires. J'ai perdu 23 kg en 3-4 mois. Je suis fier d‘afficher ma nouvelle silhouette. Avec la Méthode Montignac, tous mes problèmes digestifs, dû à une mauvaise alimentation et mon mode de vie, se sont envolés. Je mange sain et reste actif, autant que je le peux.

Anca Chirila, 42 ans (Galati, Romania)
Je pesais 113 kilos et je souffrais d’hypothyroïdie. En changeant ma façon de m’alimenter, j’ai perdu 36 kilos. Suivre la Méthode Montignac a été facile en suivant tous ses conseils au quotidien. Récemment, j'ai vu mon médecin et il m’a trouvé en très bonne santé. Je suis devenue une femme comme les autres.

Иконка для Dharma Timer Counter Lite 1.2.2

Dharma Timer Counter Lite (v. 1.2.2)

Melcornsoft опубликовал приложение 2011-06-02
(обновлено 2011-06-02)

Dharma Timer Counter Lite is a very simple (yet), small (just 200KB, compared to several MB of other similar apps) and intuitive timer/counter app that is suitable for measuring time in timed activities. It rings a beautiful bell at every specified interval for the specified number of times. I developed this app mainly for my 108 bows buddhist practice and meditation. Currently only one bell and limited UI/features that will be definitely upgraded gradually. Practice your mind with this app and get closer to attaining more enlightened mind! One can also increase/decrease the number so it can be used as a manual counter app as well.

Иконка для 3d Girls 1.5.8

3d Girls (v. 1.5.8)

eclipse опубликовал приложение 2011-06-01
(обновлено 2011-06-01)

3d Girls provide you with 36 plus .More Girls are coming  Sexy Feature ..play animation.Look sex Girls knowledge nEnjoy the app and your girls!

Иконка для Free Pedometer - Fat Extinct 1.0.0

Free Pedometer - Fat Extinct (v. 1.0.0)

Anthony Alayon опубликовал приложение 2011-05-29
(обновлено 2011-05-29)

See exactly how many calories you burn each day with Anthony Alayon's Fat Extinction Pedometer. Discover the truth about how many steps you need to take each day to burn unwanted belly fat! For more free fat loss, fitness and diet tips, visit www.fatextinction.com today!

Иконка для Depression Inventory 1.0

Depression Inventory (v. 1.0)

Handcarved Software опубликовал приложение 2011-05-29
(обновлено 2011-05-29)

Use this test on a weekly basis to track your history of depression. It also might be used to show your doctor how your symptoms have changed from one visit to the next. Changes of five or more points are significant.

This is best used over time to see trends and changes in your depressive moods.

This application is not designed to make a diagnosis of depression or take the place of a professional diagnosis. If you suspect that you are depressed, please consult with a mental health professional as soon as possible.

This is a casual way to track your depression, it is meant to be used with traditional therapies, not to replace them.

This application is rated Mature not for content but because this inventory is meant for adults tracking their own progress.

Please email the developer if your display is different than the provided screenshots.  Mention any themes or custom UI you may be running.

Иконка для BMI Rechner 1.3

BMI Rechner (v. 1.3)

Marandsoft опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

Diese App berechnet ihren BMI (Body Mass Index) und gibt aus was der BMI bedeutet. Die Bedeutung wird abhängig vom Geschlecht und vom Alter bestimmt. Weiter zeigt ihnen BMI Calc an wie viel Gewicht sie zu legen oder abnehmen müssen um auf normal Gewicht zu kommen.

Иконка для Couch to 5K helper 1.5(fixed

Couch to 5K helper (v. 1.5(fixed )

Vaibhav Mishra опубликовал приложение 2011-05-25
(обновлено 2015-01-24)

This application provides bare-bones approach to couch to 5K program, No-feature release , just bare-bones application which plays sound at interval, may have bugs but will not hinder app-timing i.e., your workout time in any way.

Иконка для Donorkort 1.3

Donorkort (v. 1.3)

Apphuset AS опубликовал приложение 2011-05-25
(обновлено 2012-11-25)

Donorkort redder liv. Nå er det blitt enda enklere å vise at du sier ja til organdonasjon.

Donorkortet fungerer slik:
- Legg inn ditt eget navn samt navn og mobilnummer til to av dine nærmeste. Trykk send, og disse vil motta en sms om at du har tatt stilling og fått deg donorkort på telefonen.
- Informer (muntlig) de to pårørende du har påført på kortet om din beslutning slik at du vet at de vet!
- Legg til donorkort på låstskjerm hvis ønskelig

(*) Donorkort kan installeres på over 800 ulike Android enheter og det er derfor vanskelig å lage et donorkort som ser riktig ut på alle enheter. Ikke bare pga skjermstørrelser, men også pga standard utseende og overlays på de ulike låstskjermene. På de fleste Android enheter har man muligheten til å behandle bildet før det legges til på låstskjerm, slik at man kan prøve og feile litt.

Иконка для Pace Calculator 1.6

Pace Calculator (v. 1.6)

Byron.Palmer опубликовал приложение 2011-05-25
(обновлено 2012-11-25)

A simple and easy to use running calculator to help runners calculate their pace, time, and distance.

Includes preset distances such as marathon, half marathon, 10k, 5k, etc.
Also includes a tool to calculate your splits.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or want to help with language translation please contact me.

Coming Soon:
-Tablet support
-Option to enter MPH/KPH and incline rather than pace

Permissions needed:
Network communication - Needed for ads and for in-app donations.

Иконка для GoodVibrations 1.0.5

GoodVibrations (v. 1.0.5)

Skrivarna Software опубликовал приложение 2011-05-25
(обновлено 2012-11-25)

The smallest and most efficient vibrator control on the Market. Family friendly and workplace safe, it is guaranteed to give you Good Vibrations.

No application needed, just a widget (see screenshot and explanation below) that enables and controls the vibrator of the phone. Why you would like to do that is none of my business. Use it for whatever you fancy. For example:

* Quickly drain the batteries if you don't like to carry the extra electrons around and want to reduce weight.
* Excite the catalyst when inventing cold fusion or stirr the aqua regia for your alchemy.
* Use the phone as a pneumatic drill to get rid of annoing concrete things in your neighbourhood. Given enough time this app will bring down barriers between east and west, north and south, rich and poor, unite religions and cultures and give world peace. But please read the product disclaimer and don't hold your breath.
* Buy a lot of phones and duct-tape them to your office stool and you've made your own Shiatsu massage chair.

Please download this free version. Don't wait for the paid upgrade, as it might be called "Shake, rattle and roll", be optimized for tablet, iPad, iTable, iMat or whatever, while offering enhanced user experience, off the chart performance and the-sky-is-the-limit functionality, inducing sensual arousal and earthquaqes. Or not.

NOTE that Good Vibrations is a widget only, there are no separate application or configuration menu. After reading some of the comments from users that fail to see the difference, here is a short explanation: After downloading and installing there will not be any new icon amongst the applications on your phone, but if you open the menu to add a widget to your homescreen (exactly how this is done differs between phone models) you will find it there. Just add the widget to your home screen and enjoy. Plain and simple, for your pleasure.

Don't hesitate to contact the developer for support, via mail or the official site. So far the widget is shown to work on all tested phones.

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