www.android-online.ru ПриложенияЗдоровье и спорт

Популярные в категории 'Здоровье и спорт' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
121-130 из 3798
Иконка для Drinking Water with Carbodroid 1.5

Drinking Water with Carbodroid (v. 1.5)

westaflex опубликовал приложение 2012-08-05
(обновлено 2012-08-05)

Do you drink enough water? This free app reminds you to drink water everyday!

Benefits of drinking water:

• You will lose weight more easily (it's good for your diet)
• Your concentration improves
• You stay in shape, As it’s calorie free
• You can clear up your skin
• You keep your skin and nails healthy
• Your fitness will increase

This app helps you to reach your goal by drinking water in a smart and clever way: with each sip of water you make the droid (and hence yourself) to look happier. Just tap on a cup or bottle of water to track your water drinking habits. Make water a part of your lifestyle and aim to drink 6-8 glasses everyday, equivalent to 1.5 – 2.0 litres.

Carbodroid supports your healthy diet, weight loss, fitness training (eg in body building, yoga classes, workouts, jogging, biking, walking, cycling, walking, marathon, soccer) and other activities in your spare time.


• A droid that shares your happiness with you if you drink enough water.
• Quick and easy entry of consumed water quantities
• Cancel last or all entries (history of water)
• Regular reminders to drink water (only during the day)
• Reminders stop as soon as you have reached your target for drinking water
• Alarm sound for reminders

tags: health, body, fit, fitness, weight loss, motivation, carbonit, hydrate, diet, carbodroid, active, weight loss, runkeeper, water your body, Noom, nutrition, sleep, cardio, carbo, droid

Иконка для Let's lose weight! 1.4

Let's lose weight! (v. 1.4)

AppDevMan опубликовал приложение 2012-08-01
(обновлено 2014-08-03)

Of summer! Diet still catch! This app is an app to manage your weight daily. And get the ideal body weight to set the goal! ! Normal weight can also calculate BMI. Health / Weight Loss / BMI / metabolism / diet / weight management

Иконка для 자가진단-마이닥터 2.0

자가진단-마이닥터 (v. 2.0)

infoneez опубликовал приложение 2012-07-30
(обновлено 2012-07-30)

마이닥터 자가진단은 두뇌게임, 남성, 여성, 노인, 아동, 금연, 금주, 비만, 운동, 정신건강 등 테마별 30여 종류의 다양한 자가검진 기능을 제공하여 각종 질병 및 질환 예방과 전문가 상담을 통한 의료 상담서비스를 받으실 수 있습니다.
주기적으로 진행되는 이벤트에서 무료 선물증정, 건강식.용품 공동구매, 시술비용 지원 등 다양한 혜택을 함께하세요!

-- 자가진단 주요기능 –

30종이상의 자가진단 테스트 및 전문가와 의료상담, 이벤트, 응급안전메뉴.

1)두뇌게임 – 메모리게임, 숫자 맞추기, 순발력테스트, 집중력테스트, 퍼즐 맞추기, 틱텍톡 게임.
2)금연- 흡연자가진단, 니코틴중독평가.
3)음주- 음주습관테스트, 음주습관평가, 알코올중독증 검사, 알코올중독증 평가.
4)비만과 운동- 운동중독평가, 체중조절, 병력에 의한 비만진단, 운동량 진단, 가족력에 의한 비만진단.
5)식생활- 영양관리식습관, 커피중독, 식중독예방, 혈액형 별 음식궁합.
6)남성- 전립선 자가진단, 조루 자가진단, 탈모자가진단.
7)여성- 산후 우울증 자가진단, 배란일 계산기, 유방암 자가진단.
8)노인- 골다공증 자가진단, 치매 자가진단.
9)아동건강- 주의력결핍(ADHD1), 과잉행동장애(ADHD2).
10)암- 암 예방 자가진단, 간암, 폐암, 위암.
11)당뇨- 당뇨병 위험 평가, 당뇨병 위험도 자가측정.
12)심혈관- 고혈압 위험평가.
13)생애주기- 수면건강 평가, 난폭운전 평가, 시간관리 평가.
14)정신- 우울증 척도, 우울증, 스트레스, 노이로제, 불안증, 인터넷중독증, 약물중독평가, 강박증 위험 평가, 강박증, 내외향성, 일중독증, 알콜중독증.
15)심심풀이- 성격테스트, 혈액형별성격, 배란일 계산기, 관계중독증, 탈모자가진단.

* 마이닥터 어플은 의학백과와 자가진단 어플의 모든 기능을 포함하고 있으며 하나의 회원계정으로 3개의 어플과 웹, 모바일에서 공통으로 사용 가능합니다.

** 마이닥터 어플의 기능과 컨텐츠는 모두 지적재산권이 등록되어 있으며 제휴 및 문의사항은 전화 또는 마이메뉴의 문의하기를 이용해주세요.

## 병원 관련 키워드##
웰투데이,건강 병원, 병원찾기 의학백과 치과 안과 피부과 건강검진 성형상담 양악수술 코성형, 성형외과, 비만, 탈모, 임플란트, 의료상담, 수술, 메디컬, 의료뉴스, 건강정보, 하이닥, 다이어트, 암, 당뇨, 내과 소아과 외과 비뇨기과 신경과 정신병원 산부인과 이비인후과 정형외과 가정의학과 마취통증의학과 성형외과 신경외과 안과 응급의학과 일반의원 임상병리과 재활의학과 진단방사선과 치과 치료방사선과 피부과 흉부외과 MRI CT 촬영 성격테스트 혈액형 성격 비만도검사 시력검사 색맹검사 배란일 계산기 스트레스 관계중독증 탈모자가진단 금연생활 흡연자가진단 니코틴중독평가 음주습관 음주습관테스트 음주습관평가 알코올중독증 검사 알코올중독증 평가 비만과 운동 운동중독평가 체중조절 병력에 의한 비만진단 운동량 비만 식생활 영양관리 식습관 자가진단 커피중독 식중독 예방 음식 궁합 남성건강 전립선 자가진단 조루 자가진단 여성건강 산후우울증 자가진단 배란일 계산기 유방암 자가진단 노인건강 골다공증 자가진단 치매 자가진단 아동건강 주의력결핍ADHD 과잉행동장애  암예방 자가진단 간암 폐암 위암 당뇨병 당뇨병 위험 평가 당뇨병 위험도 자가측정법 심혈관질환 고혈압 위험 평가 생애주기별 건강 수면건강 평가 난폭운전 평가 시간관리 평가 정신건강 우울증 척도 우울증 스트레스 노이로제 불안증 인터넷중독증 약물중독평가 강박증 위험 평가 강박증 내외향성 일중독증 알코올중독증 응급처치 심폐소생술 성인 기도폐쇄 화상 뇌졸증 출혈,지혈 뱀에 물렸을 때 벌에 쏘였을 때 일사병, 열사병 저체온증 과호흡증후군 복통분만 척추손상 발작 응급처치 비상약품 소화기사용법 눈성형 쌍커풀수술(눈성형) 앞트임수술(눈성형) 다크써클치료술(눈성형)  코성형 코끝성형 휜코성형(비만곡증) 낮은코성형(융비술) 주먹코성형 매부리코 성형  안면윤곽성형 무턱수술 사각턱수술 주걱턱(긴턱)수술  가슴성형 가슴확대술 가슴축소술 처진가슴성형 함몰유두  주름성형 주름제거술 보톡스 피부박피술 PRP주사(피주사)  쁘띠성형 쁘띠 가슴성형 쁘띠 코성형 쁘띠 이마성형  다리성형 종아리성형 힙업성형 엉덩이지방흡입 허벅지지방흡입  흉터성형 흉터교정술 레이저치료 피부이식술 켈로이드치료  기타성형 귓볼성형 보조개성형 입술확대술 입술축소술 액취증(리포셋지방흡입술)  재수술 쌍커풀재수술(눈성형) 임플란트 치아 임플란트 임플란트 틀니 레이저 임플란트  심미보철 라미네이트 올세라믹 잇몸성형  치아교정 일반치아교정 설측교정(치아교정) 투명교정(치아교정) 부정교합 치료(치아교정)  치아미백 자가치아미백 전문가 치아미백 영구 치아미백  치아성형 양악수술 라식 라식수술(Lasik) 에피라식(Epi Lasik) 아이라식(iLasik)  라섹 라섹수술 웨이브프론트 라섹  렌즈삽입 ICL 드림렌즈 하드렌즈  노안교정 노안 치료 각막열성형술(LTK)  기타시력교정 티슈세이빙 사시 치료 눈다래끼 치료  녹내장 녹내장 치료  백내장 여드름/흉터 PDT치료(여드름치료) 스무스빔(여드름치료) LED치료(여드름치료) 크로스(흉터치료) 프락셀(흉터치료) 기미 잡티 모자이크 IPL 기미치료 주근깨 치료  주름/탄력 필러 보톡스  미백/색소 IPL CO2 옐로우 레이저  제모 레이저 제모  모발이식 모발이식  피부질환 백반증 지루성 피부염 질성형 이쁜이수술(질축소성형술) 임플란트 질성형  소음순성형 소음순성형  성감증대성형 클리토리스(음핵) 노출술 양귀비수술(G스팟 성형술)  성병 STD 자궁경부암 클라미디아감염증 피임 경구피임법 임플라논 시술법 자궁내장치(IUD) 임신 진료  불임 불임 검진 불임 치료 기타산부인과진료 요실금 아토피 비염 급성비염 알레르기 비염 비후성 비염  천식 여성한방 자궁근종 한방성형 지방흡입 허벅지 지방흡입 팔뚝살 지방흡입 겨드랑이살 (가슴살) 지방흡입 지방이식 PPC주사 HPL
배달통 경찰청 교통안내 CGV 영화 예매 몸무게 열린약국 심리테스트
카카오톡 twitter 트위터 Facebook 오브제 TiKL 튜브메이트 Yahoo Skype 네이트온 MSN 톡 카톡 페이스북
전자신문 SBS 뉴스 ESPN ScoreCenter Weather Bug 고속도로 교통 정보 서울 버스 지하철 도착정보 네비게이션 지하철노선도
Dictionary.com 디지털 어학기 찍찍이 급수별 한자학습 일본어 한문
Daum 쇼핑하우 롯데닷컴 쇼핑랭킹베스트 쇼핑카드 바바라 11번가 신세계백화점 CJ쇼핑 어바웃 에누리
혈액형 영어 화보 갤럭시 도돌 모바일 모델 오빠이거 타자연습 라이프스타일 생활백서 고민그만 카카오톡 콜택시 알바 구글 안드로이드 아스트로 불경 메모장 컬러라이트 MP3 섹시 오픈마켓 야동 네이버 다음 싸이월드 레이싱걸 국세청 식물잘키우기 플래너 모이라 114 장바구니 아트데이 명언 교보문고 패션 영화예매 오늘쇼핑 지하철 라디오 채팅 만남 이성 유흥 술집찾기 주점나가요 호빠 나이트 부킹 신혼여행 웹하드 게임 옥션 지마켓 네이버 커피 넥서스 갤럭시 안드로이드 삼성 신한 롯데 다이어트 유틸리티 휴대폰설정 도구 전화 SMS 폰꾸미기(벨소리) 멀티미디어 한글 워드 엑셀 파워포인트 PDF 사무 비즈니스 성인 생활(요리)건강(다이어트 운동 요가) 교통 SNS 모음 모임 공동구매 게임아이템 신문 날씨 문화 예술 불교 기독교 천주교 스포츠 학교 프랜차이즈 부동산 하숙 원룸 게임방 게임 성경 음악 노래방 가요방 편의점 한식 중식 일식 횟집 중국집 보쌈 족발 배달 식당 맛집 롯데리아 맥도날드 패스트푸드 주점 클럽 술집 선술집 강아지용품 와인 로또 주식 Bible 인테리어 사진관 사진 출판 산후조리원 도서관 주유소 중고차 자동차용품 주차장 세차장 대리운전 마트 할인점 극장 스키 스크린골프 수영 스포츠 레포츠 헬스 휘트니스 성인 의류 패션 놀이공원 여행사 펜션 콘도 민박 렌터카 대출 꽃집 출장요리 광고홍보 피부관리 체형관리 뷰티샵

Иконка для 150+ Abnehmtipps Free 1.02

150+ Abnehmtipps Free (v. 1.02)

Horst Klier опубликовал приложение 2012-07-30
(обновлено 2012-07-30)

Starten Sie jetzt in ein schlankeres Leben. 150+ Abnehmtipps begleitet Sie dabei über 150 Tage mit einem täglichen Abnehmtipp.

- Jeden Tag Ihr persönlicher Tagestipp
- 150 Tage + Bonus
- Zugriff auf alle bisher gezeigten Tipps

Kostenlose Version unterstützt durch Werbung.
Die Abnehmtipps gibt es auch per Email unter http://www.abnehmtipps.info/

Иконка для Pull Ups 2.0.2

Pull Ups (v. 2.0.2)

Rittr Labs опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

Getting you to doing 10, 15, 20 or 25 pull ups in a row -- that is what the Pull Ups fitness app is all about.

Think of the Pull Ups app as your personal fitness trainer that is going to help you build up the strength to complete those 10, 15, 20 or 25 continuous pull ups within a short few days or weeks, depending on your level of fitness.

Just like a real personal fitness trainer, the Pull Ups app adjusts the exercise regimen based on your feedback how taxing you think the individual exercises are. That way, you can continue towards your fitness goal at your very own pace.

Tags: pull ups, pullups, chin ups, chinups, exercises, fitness, workout, klimmzug

Иконка для Babykick Tracker-Free 2.0

Babykick Tracker-Free (v. 2.0)

George Android опубликовал приложение 2012-07-24
(обновлено 2012-07-24)

Simple and easy to use. The cute pink design fits preggers' mood perfectly. Baby kicking is an important sign of how active your baby is, and helps establishing the emotional bond between you and your baby. The feeling of baby kicking changes at different stages of pregnancy.  Using this application, you can easily track your baby's activeness and daily changes.

*Multi-language mode automatically distinguishes English, Japanese, Korean…
*Count: Tab the big button in the middle of the screen to start tracking. The tracking continues as long as you do not stop counting; answering the phone, SMS or any other actions on the phone will not interfere with the tracking.
*Reset: By choosing "Reset", you can restart the tracking, the previous record will not be saved.
*Save:  Data will be saved after stopping the tracker. You can check your records at anytime.

Key words:Babykick Tracker,Baby Kick,Pregnant women,Pregger, Pregnancy,Fetus,Baby,pregnancy health,tracker,kick counter, kick,Baby Bump

Иконка для Pregnancy Disc 1.0.5

Pregnancy Disc (v. 1.0.5)

HipoApps опубликовал приложение 2012-07-22
(обновлено 2014-07-17)

Pregnancy Disc, your journey begins here.
Great baby tracker with when to expect date.

The most extensive pregnancy tracker in the market.
A pregnancy app for week by week baby tracking that allows for comprehensive tracking of your pregnancy. The application tracks important milestones in this wonderful journey you and your partner go through. Information you can expect to have is when the baby’s heart starts beating, when he or she will start sucking her thumb, and when she or he will start to turn in preparation for birth. Also, great ultrasound 2D and 3D images allow you to impress the stages of your pregnancy.
Unique features inside this application:

* Pregnancy disc, also known as pregnancy wheel or wheel calculator predicts the dates of your pregnancy, week by week, that way you'll know what the dates are in each pregnancy week and vice versa. The disc enables you to plan accordingly your medical appointments, flights, baby showers and so on.

* 42 weeks info that provides a wealth of information about your pregnancy, week by week, at your fingertips. Everything you need to know prior to birth for you and your partner.

* Great ultrasound 2D and 3D images.

* Calendar integration, creating private notifications within your mobile calendar (e.g. Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo etc.). That way when ever you'll set an appointment in your calendar you'll know what pregnancy week you're on.

* Pregnancy glossary - An alphabetic list of basic pregnancy terms that are often used in doctor’s offices, patient leaflets and among health care professionals.

* Pregnancy Tips.

* Baby Names.

To use the pregnancy disc, simply provide one of the following:
   (i) The date of your last menstrual period,
   (ii) Your conception date
   (iii) The expected due date.

For any question or app related issue, please contact

Иконка для MapMyHike GPS Hiking 2.7.13

MapMyHike GPS Hiking (v. 2.7.13)

MapMyFitness, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-07-14
(обновлено 2014-07-03)

Easily track calories, distance, time, route, pace with audio alerts and much more!
★★★★★ -“ Great app! - Simple to use & inspirational throughout workout to push myself to go further each workout”
– Van W.

Log anything from hiking to gym workouts in this all-in-one fitness tracking app.

Track running, walking, cycling, and over 600 types of other activities with:
⊕ Pace (Avg, Max, Current)
⊕ GPS Route Mapping
⊕ Distance
⊕ Calorie counting
⊕ Elevation profile
⊕ Route navigation
⊕ Nutrition, food, diet, and weight tracking
⊕ Real-time Stats (avg, min, max) during workout
⊕ Voice prompts that give you updates on your progress as you go!
⊕ Compete on local Courses: receive automatic achievements and overall rank on Leaderboards for popular local runs and rides.
⊕ Tracks in the background so you can listen to music, take calls, and use any other feature of your phone, while still tracking

Bragging (optional!):
⊕ Post your workouts to Facebook and Twitter, or keep every thing completely private

All of your info syncs securely with your free account on www.MapMyFitness.com.

Perfect for everyone from beginners just trying to lose a few pounds, to experienced fitness pros.

Visit www.MapMyFitness.com to:

⊕ Search the world’s largest database of cycling, running, walking routes.

⊕ Join sponsored challenges and WIN PRIZES (i.e. trips and shoes) just for running.

⊕ Connect with our community of millions of fitness enthusiasts.

⊕ Sync devices like CycleOps Joule, PowerTap, Fitbit, Nike+, Garmin, Polar, Timex, Magellan.


⊕ Turn off wifi before you start, to improve battery life and GPS accuracy.

♬ Play music! This app keeps tracking your run in the background, so you can play Pandora, Spotify, or your favorite music app simultaneously. ♬

⊕ Explore settings, with many great features including auto-pause, audio alert settings and more.


Be sure to visit us at www.MapMyFitness.com for the full experience.

Иконка для 8 Minutes Abs Workout 1.3

8 Minutes Abs Workout (v. 1.3)

Passion4Profession s.a.s. опубликовал приложение 2012-07-01
(обновлено 2012-07-01)

Finally, even your portable device can provide the most famous Abs workouts in the world so you can exercise where, how and when you want!

With over 50,000,000 views (cumulative in all languages) on YouTube, everyone appreciates Passion4Profession's workouts for their simplicity, innovation and real effectiveness.

We can't promise that you will lose weight after doing our workouts or that you'll have a perfect abdomen, sculptured glues or pectorals of steel....

Never trust anyone guarantees results from workout, since no one can guarantee them except you; the basic elements for the success of any training program are: willpower and perseverance.
The content of our workouts guarantees the professionalism and passion with which they, and the entire project, were developed.
We offer you an alternative, fun and economical way of working out where, how and when you want and, thus, overcoming the monotony of usual workout methods while maintaining a high degree of professionalism.

Contents of the application:

- Optimum scheduling for this determined type of training that will show you how many times a week, and for how many weeks, you have to do it to move on to the next level.

- List of the single exercises that make up the workout. Each exercise is illustrated with a video.

- Original video of the workout plus any other alternative versions available (such as the version without music).

- Free workout updates, i.e., you can download any new versions or variations of the workout by simply updating the application.

IMPORTANT: All the videos are included in the application so you won't need an Internet connection to watch them and exercise.

“Your challenge is to be the best you can while ours is to help you get there!”

Visit www.passion4profession.net to create your free account on the largest web portal dedicated to fitness and well-being.

- The application structure has been improved so that you do not have to download all the content with the application.
- Individual video downloads have been enabled, so that you can choose which videos to download onto your device.
- The calendar is now active and you can use it to keep a record of the days you trained on, while always being able to refer to your “recommended program”.
- You can move onto the next levels directly from this program, simply by purchasing them using the In-App system.
- The audio only versions can now be played in the background (with the display off) to save on your battery.

Thank you to everyone who wrote reviews. Your feedback gives us ideas for constant improvements. Thanks to all of you!

kw: p4p_en abs muscle ab workout gym training p4p fitness wellness health abdominals weight loss fat burn

Иконка для DailyBurn Tracker 1.3.1

DailyBurn Tracker (v. 1.3.1)

DailyBurn опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

DailyBurn Calorie Counter for Android!

Get in the best shape of your life with DailyBurn.

This is the ONE app you need to manage your diet and nutrition.  Fully backed by DailyBurn: the top fitness community on the web.  Manage your fitness and health goals on your Android Device and your data is automatically synced to our top-ranked website for more analysis, tracking at your computer, and more.

➤ You have seen DailyBurn on ABC, The Today Show, FoxNews, CNET, NYTimes, Washington Post, Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Mashable, and TechCrunch.  

Why is DailyBurn better than the competition?
✓ We are the only app to have the FoodScanner: use the device camera to scan the UPC barcodes of the foods you eat.  Quick logging without typing!
✓ Food database of over 350,000 foods with actual pictures, full nutrition information, and food analysis.  No cartoons - this is the real thing.
✓ Complete backup and analysis on DailyBurn.com

Nutrition and Calorie Tracking Features
✓ Complete database of 350,000 foods with pictures, nutritional information, and macronutrient breakdown
✓ Track Calories, but also protein, fat, carbs, fiber, sodium, etc.
✓ Save your favorite foods for quick entry
✓ Quickly and easily add new foods to the database
✓ Scan foods for auto tracking with FoodScanner

Try DailyBurn app today and we think you will say that this is the easiest-to-use, yet most robust nutrition app in the App Store.  Your goals are within reach!

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