Последние обновлённые в категории 'Образование' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
431-440 из 6885
Иконка для 1800 Grammar Tests (Free)

1800 Grammar Tests (Free) (v.

Triet Ho опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2013-07-29)

This app has 1800 English Grammar questions. Each test contains five questions.
You can take the tests in auto-score mode, which marks the correct answer after each question, or test mode, which gives you the answers after you've finished all five questions.

You pass the test if the score is 5/5

- Learn English grammar on your Android
- Quiz your knowledge with random questions
- Bring your understanding of the language to a new level

Иконка для Missouri S&T Crib Sheet 2.3.1

Missouri S&T Crib Sheet (v. 2.3.1)

Missouri S&T опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2013-07-28)

Created by Missouri S&T for our alumni, “Crib Sheet” helps you stay current with campus news, sports highlights, alumni benefits and events, and much more. The app also provides helpful “real world” tips on topics like money, housing, etiquette, health insurance, and others.

Иконка для Delta Zeta Crib Sheet 2.3.1

Delta Zeta Crib Sheet (v. 2.3.1)

Delta Zeta опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2013-07-28)

Created by Delta Zeta, "Crib Sheet" is your way to stay current with all news that is DZ. The app is also your "real world" crib sheet on topics like money, housing, etiquette, health insurance, and much more.

Иконка для English Hello-Hello (Phone) 1.1.1

English Hello-Hello (Phone) (v. 1.1.1)

Hello-Hello опубликовал приложение 2011-09-25
(обновлено 2013-07-27)

Hello-Hello English is the FUN way to learn a Language on the Go!

Hello-Hello English is a full-fledged language course with 30 LESSONS developed in collaboration with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), so you can be assured that these lessons follow an effective research-based methodology. All lessons are conversational based on realistic dialogues and situations, rather than a collection of out-of-context words and phrases.

All the content is stored in the app so that you have great responsiveness when you are ready to learn a language. You do not need to be connected to Wi-Fi or 3G networks to run the app. With Hello-Hello English you will be able to do the lessons and practice vocabulary anytime, anywhere developing all the skills you need to communicate in a foreign language. All lessons were recorded by native speakers so you can learn the correct pronunciation.

With Hello-Hello English you can also:

Practice vocabulary with more than 300 words and phrases using our FLASHCARDS feature!  (Please note that we will be adding more words and phrases in upcoming updates.)

Save your own NOTES form any lesson.

Full localization: You can see the entire app, including the translations of the lessons and words lists in your native language! Languages available: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese and Portuguese.

Note about our methodology: At first, our lessons might seem advanced for some people but there is a purpose behind it. Our lessons are structured to give learners the ability to communicate effectively with others.  If the learner is new to the language, it will be necessary to spend more time learning the basic phrases in order to begin to gain proficiency in the language.  For those who already know other related languages, the time factor may not be as great to learn the basics. Beginners need to go slowly and may need to do the activities several times before they gain a comfort level in using them. And remember: The more time you spend doing the exercises, the more proficient you will become!

CONTACT US:  We are constantly trying to improve the app and take feedback from our users very seriously. The app has a “Contact Us” icon so that you can contact us easily, so please do not hesitate and send us an email if you have any questions, comments, complaints or suggestions.

Make sure to also check Hello-Hello Kids, our language learning app for children!


Hello-Hello is an innovative language learning company that offers state-of-the-art online and mobile courses. Hello-Hello.com’s website couples social networking with language learning which allows users to interact with native speakers around the world. Hello-Hello’s iPad apps are among the top language learning apps on the iPad.  Our conversational courses were developed in collaboration with The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), which is the largest association of teachers and administrators of all languages at all levels, serving more than 12,000 educators. For more information, please visit their website at www.actfl.org.

To get help from native speakers and make friends around the world please visit us at www.hello-hello.com and create an account. It’s FREE!

With Hello-Hello.com you can:

LEARN a new language anytime, anywhere with online lessons that develop all the skills you need.

TEACH other members your language and learn from native speakers by submitting exercises for them to review as well as providing feedback on their exercises.

COMMUNICATE with native speakers through audio, video and text with our live Chat to practice the language and make friends all over the world!

Иконка для ん French dictionary 1.2.5

ん French dictionary (v. 1.2.5)

KJP опубликовал приложение 2011-09-25
(обновлено 2013-07-26)

- French-Japanese dictionary app series total of more than 30000 downloads
 Buddha is the paid version does suffix.
- Small, medium, as well as (important word) word of French to high school students
 We recorded about 17 000 words or more to be used in the (general) University.
- Simple operation, easy to use because it is offline
 At any time, you can use anywhere.
- Search by the search feature, of course, can also search from the initial index.
- Checking the word or anxious, to create a word book Mai,
 You can also check the (listening) pronunciation.
 You can also adjust the speed of the listening.
According to the API-Microsoft's Bing translation will be useful also features automatic translation
Underneath. In addition, we added the ability to create sentences that can be added as a result of translation sentences.
 Translation function is only available when connected online.
-Android 1.6 version - I corresponds to 2.3.

Иконка для Site de l'artiste Mik-Art 0.4.130023

Site de l'artiste Mik-Art (v. 0.4.130023)

Mik-Art опубликовал приложение 2011-09-25
(обновлено 2013-07-26)

Découvrez les peintures et les photographies de l'artiste contemporain breton Mik-Art en parcourant les différentes galeries du site. Elles sont classées par thème pour faciliter la navigation, une galerie peinture et une galerie photographie où vous pourrez vous promener au fil des pages.Vous trouverez des peintures à la fois figuratives et abstraites, les photographies quant à elles essayent de montrer la beauté de la nature que l'on peut voir et celle qui est cachée (Nature, Animaux, Les insectes, Les paysages...). Laissez un message à l'artiste sur le livre d'or si le cœur vous en dit.

Faites également un tour dans le blog traitant de l'histoire de l'art où vous trouverez de nombreuses ressources gratuites pour vos devoirs, exposés ou tout simplement pour votre culture personnelle:

-Biographies d'artistes célèbres

-Analyses d'œuvres

-Fiches sur les mouvements artistiques les plus connus

Ps : Les Fiches du blog art ne sont qu'une piste, un début d'aide pour des recherches sur l'art, elles ne sont pas exhaustives, comme je le dit souvent, si vous cherchez de plus amples informations sur des artistes ou des mouvements artistiques, acheter un livre traitant du sujet chez votre libraire préféré. Ici ce ne sont que quelques notes, des biographies succinctes pour commencer un travail scolaire ou si vous recherchez des informations globales.


Tags : mik-art, peintremik-art, art, peintre, artiste, photographe, peinture, peintures, photographie, photographies, tableau, tableaux, oeuvre, oeuvres, photo, blog art, blog, blog artistique, blog histoire de l'art, histoire de l'art, histoire art, biographie, biographies, bio, biographie peintre, biographies peintres, biographie photographe, biographies photographes, biographie artiste, biographies artistes, biographie sculpteur, biographies sculpteurs, mouvement art, mouvements arts, mouvement artistique, mouvements artistiques, analyse art, analyses arts, analyse d'œuvre, analyse d'œuvres, célèbre, célèbres, peintre célèbre, peintres célèbres, photographe célèbre, photographes célèbres, sculpteurs célèbres, sculpteurs célèbre, artiste célèbre, artistes célèbres, art célèbre, biographie célèbre, biographies célèbres

Иконка для Teoriprov 1.2.1

Teoriprov (v. 1.2.1)

Designbaren AB опубликовал приложение 2011-09-24
(обновлено 2013-07-25)

Är ditt mål att klara Transportstyrelsens kunskapsprov för B-körkort? Då ska du ladda ner Teoriprov-appen av 3 anledningar:

1. HÖGSTA KVALITET PÅ FRÅGORNA. Anpassning sker efter rapporter från personer som genomfört Transportstyrelsens kunskapsprov. Frågorna används av trafikskolor och har hårdtestats genom mer än 100 000 betaltest på Körkortonline.se.

2. BILDER PÅ VERKLIGA TRAFIKSITUATIONER. I denna app är bilderna inte bara fina illustrationer, de har en direkt koppling till frågan – precis som på Transportstyrelsens riktiga prov.

3. SAMMANFATTNING AV KÖRKORTSTEORIN. Du får tillgång till Körkortonline.se mycket populära och lättförståeliga sammanfattning av teorin.

Teoriprov ger dig möjligheten att träna inför ditt teoriprov var du vill, när du vill och hur länge du vill! Teoriprov innehåller över 1000 körkortsfrågor med många bilder från verkliga trafiksituationer. Frågorna är uppdelade i följande kategorier:

- Fordonskännedom/manövrering
- Miljö
- Trafiksäkerhet
- Trafikregler
- Personliga förutsättningar
- Vägmärken

Teoriprov har med sina 600+ frågor en rad olika funktioner:

- Välj kategori eller blanda alla frågor
Välj själv hur de över 600 frågorna skall ställas till dig som tar provet. Välj en specifik kategori eller blanda alla kategorier.

- Slumpa frågor och svarsalternativen
Ordningen på frågorna och svarsalternativen kommer aldrig vara densamma för att förhindra ytinlärning.

- Frågeöversikt
Få en översikt över samtliga frågor när du genomför ett prov. I översikten visas alla frågor i det nuvarande provet. Alla frågor har en ikon som tydligt visar om frågan är besvarad eller inte. Du har möjlighet att direkt ta dig till en specifik fråga genom att trycka på den i listan.

- Visa statistik
Du har möjlighet att se statistik från dina prov du genomfört. Här finns möjlighet att se vilken kategori du kan bäst och vilka frågor inom en viss kategori du behöver öva mer på.

- Resultatvy
En resultatvy visas efter ett avslutat och rättat prov. Där ser du både ditt resultat och de besvarade frågorna. Har du svarat fel på någon fråga visas det rätta svaret också.

– Teoribok
En sammanfattning av körkortsteorin i punktform som bygger på STR teoriböcker.

Lycka till med körkortet!

Teoriprov är utvecklad av Designbaren i samarbete med Körkortonline.se


Besök oss gärna på Facebook (sök på Designbaren), eller Twitter (@Designbaren) och skriv synpunkter, kommentarer etc.

Иконка для Flash Cards flash  car

Flash Cards (v. flash car)

Bill Ray опубликовал приложение 2011-09-24
(обновлено 2013-07-24)

Use these flash cards to learn facts for an exam, interview or performance.
Write your questions and answers into the phone then test yourself for brain memory. Fantastic.
Designed to be very simple to use without complicated buttons and difficult menus.
I am learning famous Welsh people with it to impress a Welsh friend I have :).

If you want to write questions and answers on your PC, put the questions in odd numbered eddy1.txt eddy3.txt eddy5.txt
and the answers in even numbers eddy2.txt eddy4.txt eddy6.txt then paste them into sdcardAndroiddata
In your App you may need to save the questions and answers depending on the model of phone you have.

Иконка для 听风英语 2.52

听风英语 (v. 2.52)

windyfancy опубликовал приложение 2011-09-24
(обновлено 2013-07-24)




Иконка для Grammar Express : Prepositions 1.2

Grammar Express : Prepositions (v. 1.2)

Webrich Software Private Limited опубликовал приложение 2011-09-24
(обновлено 2013-07-24)

✓ Over 68 Pages of Grammar Lessons.
✓ Over 265 examples with Grammar Rules.
✓ Over 500 Test Questions with Explanation.

Grammar Express: Prepositions is the complete course in mastering English grammatical preposition. It contains over 68 pages of lessons explaining each Preposition with several examples. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of Prepositions and make use of correct preposition. Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints. Research suggest that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

You can reattempt the questions you answered incorrectly in practice tests.

• 4 topics with over 250 multiple- choice questions.
• Over 250 Test Questions.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• Track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” helps you to retry missed questions.
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

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