Последние обновлённые в категории 'Образование' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
461-470 из 6885
Иконка для PocketJustice 1.2.3

PocketJustice (v. 1.2.3)

Oyez Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-09-16
(обновлено 2013-07-11)

PocketJustice brings the U.S. Supreme Court down to earth through abstracts of the Court's constitutional decisions and access to its public sessions. The application includes voting alignments and biographical sketches for all 110 justices. PocketJustice harnesses recordings of the Court's public proceedings to deliver hundreds of hours of oral arguments and opinion announcements. In many of these cases, PocketJustice provides synchronized, searchable transcripts identifying all speakers. This version offers information and audio for the top 100 constitutional law cases.

Features included in the free version:
- Access to cases from the Top100
- Access to hours of SCOTUS audio

Иконка для PocketJustice Full 1.2.3

PocketJustice Full (v. 1.2.3)

Oyez Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-09-16
(обновлено 2013-07-11)

PocketJustice brings the U.S. Supreme Court down to earth through abstracts of the Court's constitutional decisions and access to its public sessions. The application includes voting alignments and biographical sketches for all 110 justices. PocketJustice harnesses recordings of the Court's public proceedings to deliver hundreds of hours of oral arguments and opinion announcements. In many of these cases, PocketJustice provides synchronized, searchable transcripts identifying all speakers. This version provides information and audio for all 600+ constitutional law cases in the Supreme Court canon.

Features included in the complete version:
- Access to 600+ cases including all cases from the Top100
- Access to 300+ hours of SCOTUS audio
- Visual representation of votes in all cases;
- Biographical sketches of all justices;
- Offline browsing of cases selected as favorites;
- Search across all fields.

Иконка для Mi Campus UPSAM 1.20c

Mi Campus UPSAM (v. 1.20c)

B2 Projects опубликовал приложение 2011-09-16
(обновлено 2013-07-10)

Consulta desde tu movil el campus de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca Campus de Madrid.

Funciona para todas las titulaciones y masters que se imparten en la UPSAM : Informatica , Arquitectura , Organizacion Industrial.

Actualmente puedes consultar tus notas , poco a poco se iran añadiendo mas funciones.

-> Changelog

1.20c: Corregido fallo en el margen de notas de notable.

1.20b: Corregidos los margenes de notable y sobresaliente.

1.20: Rediseño de la aplicacion con iconos graficos de las notas.

- Solucionado FC producido cuando se consultaban notas y en el campus no estan puestas por tareas de mantenimiento o cualquier otra razon.
- Solucionado FC de la 1.15
1.15 :
- Opcion de recordar datos
- Comprobacion de conexion a internet disponible antes de realizar funciones que lo necesiten.
1.1 : Rediseño , arreglado modo horizontal
1.0 : Version inicial

Иконка для Spanish-Russian Dictionary 2.3

Spanish-Russian Dictionary (v. 2.3)

Kangas Bros. Innovations опубликовал приложение 2011-09-15
(обновлено 2013-07-09)

This is the most comprehensive, offline Spanish-Russian Translation Dictionary for Android devices.

- Contains over 75 000 words
- Over 130 000 translation pairs
- 45 432 definitions in Spanish or Russian
- Examples, pronunciation guides, inflection guides, synonyms
- Fast and easy to use.
- Useful inflection tables for advanced users
- No internet connection needed, fully offline!
- Two-way translations

Perfect for students, teachers, travelers etc.

Happy translating!

Note: you can add multiple keyboards, such as Cyrillic, Chinese or English at the same time via your device settings.

Иконка для Spanish-French Dictionary 2.3

Spanish-French Dictionary (v. 2.3)

Kangas Bros. Innovations опубликовал приложение 2011-09-15
(обновлено 2013-07-08)

This is the most comprehensive, offline Spanish-French Translation Dictionary for Android devices.

- Contains over 100 000 words
- Over 180 000 translation pairs
- 100 129 definitions in Spanish or French
- Examples, pronunciation guides, inflection guides, synonyms
- Fast and easy to use.
- Useful inflection tables for advanced users
- No internet connection needed, fully offline!
- Two-way translations

Perfect for students, teachers, travelers etc.

Happy translating!

Иконка для Spanish-Italian Dictionary 2.3

Spanish-Italian Dictionary (v. 2.3)

Kangas Bros. Innovations опубликовал приложение 2011-09-15
(обновлено 2013-07-08)

This is the most comprehensive, offline Spanish-Italian Translation Dictionary for Android devices.

- Contains over 55 000 words
- Over 90 000 translation pairs
- 38 819 definitions in Spanish or Italian
- Examples, pronunciation guides, inflection guides, synonyms
- Fast and easy to use.
- Useful inflection tables for advanced users
- No internet connection needed, fully offline!
- Two-way translations

Perfect for students, teachers, travelers etc.

Happy translating!

Note: you can add multiple keyboards, such as Cyrillic, Chinese or English at the same time via your device settings.

Иконка для 이보영의 생활영어-사회생활편 2.2

이보영의 생활영어-사회생활편 (v. 2.2)

edubox опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2013-07-07)

하루 10분이면 생활영어의 달인~!
'이보영의 생활영어' 중 초급자용 생활 영어회화 과정

★ 강좌특징
- 온 가족이 생활 편의시설에서 오가는 대화를 영어로 학습하는 과정
- 자녀가 일상 속에서 자연스럽게 영어로 말하는 습관을 갖게 지도하려는 현명한 부모들을 위한 강좌

★ 학습목표
- 사회 생활을 하면서 여러 사람들과 나누는 대화를 영어로 할 수 있다.
- 자녀들이 자연스럽게 영어를 구사하게 된다.

★ 학습대상
- 자녀의 영어 학습에 관심이 많은 부모
- 자녀에게 올바른 영어 습관을 길러주고 싶은 부모
- 자녀 영어 공부를 어디에서부터 어떻게 시작하게 해야 할지 난감한 부모
- 가족 모두의 영어 생활화를 목표로 삼는 분

★ 강의목차
1강 Just Looking  그냥 구경하는 거예요.
2강 How do I look?  저 어때요?
3강 I’m a Big 230  좀 큰 치수로 신어요
4강 Let’s hit the Road!  자, 떠나 볼까요!
5강 What a cute couple!  너무 잘 어울리는 한 쌍이야!
6강 Good luck in your new place!  집들이에 가며
7강 I want to look like this!  이렇게 머리 해주세요!
8강 Taxi!  택시!
9강 I’d like to withdraw some money  돈을 인출하려고 해요
10강 Airmail, please  항공 우편으로 부탁합니다
11강 Keep Looking for a spot!  주차할 데 있나 찾아봐요
12강 Where’s the cereal section?  시리얼 어디 있나요?
13강 Any books on dinosaurs?  공룡 책 있나요?
14강 That’s our flight!  저게 우리가 탈 비행기다!
15강 Blow this one up, please  이거 확대해 주세요
16강 I have a bad cough  콜록 콜록 기침이 심해요
17강 The 8 p.m. show, please.  8시 상영으로요!
18강 Can we try the roller coaster?  롤러 코스터 타도 돼요?
19강 I have a cough  저 기침해요
20강 Play ball!  야구장에 왔어요
21강 All abroad!  다 타세요!
22강 It won’t start!  차에 시동이 안 걸려요!
23강 Buckle up!  안전 벨트를 매세요!
24강 Just say ‘aah’  입벌리고 아~하세요
25강 Busted!  아이고 걸렸구나!
26강 Fill her up, please  기름 가득 채워 주세요
27강 Take line 2  2호선을 타세요
28강 Can you get this spot out?  이 얼룩 빼 주실 수 있겠어요?
29강 Do you have any changes?  잔돈 가진 것 있어요?
30강 Is there an intermission?  중간에 휴식 시간 있나요?

Иконка для 이보영의 생활영어-해외여행편 1.9

이보영의 생활영어-해외여행편 (v. 1.9)

edubox опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2013-07-07)

하루 10분이면 생활영어의 달인~!
'이보영의 생활영어' 중 초급자용 가족 해외여행용 영어회화 과정

★ 강좌특징
- 해외 여행을 갈 경우 꼭 알아두어야 할 표현을 정리한 강좌
- 자녀가 일상 속에서 자연스럽게 영어로 말하는 습관을 갖게 지도하려는 현명한 부모들을 위한 강좌

★ 학습목표
- 온 가족이 생활 속에서 자연스럽게 영어로 대화를 할 수 있다.
- 해외 여행을 가서 외국인과 의사소통을 원활히 할 수 있다.

★ 학습대상
- 가족과 함께 해외 여행을 준비하는 분
- 아이들에게 국제 감각을 길러주고 싶은 부모님

★ 강의목차
1강 Getting ready for trip  여행 준비를 슬슬 시작해 볼까?
2강 Let’s make a plan!  본격적으로 계획을 세워 봐요!
3강 How about reservations?  예약은요?
4강 At the travel agency  여행사에서
5강 Think of safety… always  자나깨나 안전 제일!
6강 What about the house?  그럼 빈집은 어떻게 하고?
7강 Time to start packing  짐부터 꾸려야지
8강 At the airport  공항에서
9강 On the plane  비행기에서
10강 Finally… in the air!  드디어 하늘을 날다!
11강 Flying can be so much fun!  비행기 여행은 즐거워!
12강 Touch down!  이제… 착륙!
13강 At customs  세관에서
14강 Let’s rent a car!  자동차를 빌려야죠!
15강 This jet lag is killing me!  여독이 사람 잡는군!
16강 We’d like to check in, please  호텔에서… 체크인하려고 하는데요.
17강 Give us a wake-up call, please.  모닝 콜 좀 해주세요.
18강 Hello, Housekeeping?  여보세요, 하우스키핑이죠
19강 Where’s the hottest spot in town?  제일 가볼 만한 곳이 어딜까?
20강 Let’s go for a tour package.  패키지 관광을 해요.
21강 Here we are at Disneyland!  야 디즈니랜드다!
22강 3-D movies are awesome!  입체 영화, 정말 짱이야!
23강 Let’s hit the beach!  해변으로 가요!
24강 Let’s go eat!  가서 뭐 좀 먹읍시다!
25강 Take care of some business  아차, 회사 일…
26강 Let’s buy a pass to get around.  패스를 사서 돌아다니자!
27강 Getting sick!  병이 났어요!
28강 I love shopping!  쇼핑은 즐거워!
29강 Last night in LA  LA에서의 마지막 밤
30강 We’d like to check out, please.  이제 체크아웃하려고 하는데요.

Иконка для New Vintage Church 1.12.1

New Vintage Church (v. 1.12.1)

Subsplash Consulting опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2013-07-06)

Welcome to the official New Vintage Church application for Android.

Listen to sermons on Bible passages or topics that interest you. After you’ve listened and internalized the content, you’ll want to share it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email.

For more information about New Vintage Church, please visit:

The New Vintage Church Android app was created with The Church App by Subsplash.

Иконка для Touch Quiz 5

Touch Quiz (v. 5)

tactilearning опубликовал приложение 2011-09-14
(обновлено 2013-07-06)

You have 30 games to learn:
   -The bones of the human body
   -U.S. states and their capitals
   -The Spanish provinces
   -Countries and capitals of Europe
   -The landforms of Europe
   -The landforms of Spain

Children can learn to read through more than 200 images spread over two levels of difficulty. You can choose from over 10 fonts for children get used to reading different fonts. There are also games to learn to write and pronounce in English the numbers, days of the week, months of the year, etc..

There are also games that let you practice your English with more than 200 vocabulary words and more than 400 verbs.

The application is highly configurable to adapt the learning at your pace and skill level. It is also highly interactive, featuring images and maps that you can scroll and zoom to your liking. It has fun sound effects and animations that will delight children.

Good learning!

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