Последние обновлённые в категории 'Образование' в Android Market

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371-380 из 6885
Иконка для Alphabet For Kids 2.0

Alphabet For Kids (v. 2.0)

Fun4Kids опубликовал приложение 2011-10-14
(обновлено 2013-08-29)

**Fun4Kids Alphabet For Kids**(US English)
Please reach us @ fun4kids@gmail.com for any feedback and support! We will be happy to hear back from you on any issues.

Preschool years are a time of rapid learning as you begin to prepare your child for the upcoming challenges of school.

Concepts and skills, such as letters, words, colors, numbers, and hand-eye coordination, can all be taught at this age, and we provide you with premium apps to help with this process.

Our preschool alphabet application make learning Alphabet fun and easy. Letters, Words with Letters, Finding Letters in a word, 450 simple words, Quiz and Fun games will help your kids learn while having fun.
We are committed to your kid's development. Check out our other apps in Android Market.

Preschool alphabet games that teach kids letters while they have fun playing Our preschool alphabet games make learning ABC s fun and easy.

Recognizing letters and numbers are early pre-literacy skills crucial to the foundation of future learning. Children who can identify letters and know letter sounds when entering kindergarten will be well-prepared to learn how to sound out words and read. A print-rich environment and experience with books will help children learn to identify letters and numbers and develop a love of reading.

Read Aloud
One tip to help a preschooler recognize the alphabet and numbers and become a successful reader is to read with him or her. Our Mobile Application reads letters aloud to your child. It offers interesting pictures and words with those letters. We do point out different letters.

Look for Letters
Our app encourages your child to find and identify letters daily. He or she soon will begin to recognize the letter. Once he or she knows one letter, continuous use of our app will help expand your child's vocabulary. We also show the sounds that the letters make and share words that also use the letter or letters.

Make It Fun
At this age, learning about letters and numbers should be fun. There will be plenty of time for workbooks when your child gets to school. He or she will learn best when you use the preschool years to focus on developing a close bond with the child and allow learning to occur naturally during your time together. When spending time together, point out letters and numbers when you see them and encourage additional learning and curiosity.

Keep your kids entertained while improving their letter and number recognition skills.
Fun4Kids Preschool Educational Applications include high quality images, animations and music with a kid-friendly sensitive touch interface specifically designed for preschool children.

Fun4Kids Educational Games are comprehensive, fun filled memory matching games for preschool kids.
Our unique, educational and fun games reinforce the memory skills, while helping with the concentration and the recognition of objects.

Fun4Kids ABC Series
Our award-winning educational applications make learning alphabet, numbers, shapes and colors fun and easy. Letters, Words with Letters, Finding Letters in a word, hundreds of simple words, quiz and fun games will help your kids learn while having fun. Preschool alphabet games that teach kids letters while they have fun playing Our preschool alphabet games make learning ABC s fun and easy.

Building a solid foundation for future learning
Recognizing letters and numbers are early pre-literacy skills crucial to the foundation of future learning. Children who can identify letters and know letter sounds when entering kindergarten will be well-prepared to learn how to sound out words and read.

Иконка для Speak Farsi Free 1.1

Speak Farsi Free (v. 1.1)

Holfeld Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-13
(обновлено 2013-08-28)

"These 'Speak' Apps on my phone are like having the native speakers next to me, or a rosetta stone in my hand!"  - Comment by Android User who downloaded 12 Holfeld Language Apps

+++ Get your personal Speak-App-Collection NOW  Search for 'holfeld' and find all the languages you are interested in +++

SPEAK FARSI FREE (Persian) - Hear&Learn the beautiful language of Iran and Afghanistan. Search for "holfeld" to find more Language Apps!
This is the free version of SPEAK FARSI: ESSENTIAL phrases for your business trips. Hear&Learn to speak perfectly pronounced Farsi! QUICK and USEFUL! Instead of learning 1000 unnecessary words, learn these essential phrases!

Clear audio recordings! Very EASY to use!

Hear & Learn the Most Important Spoken Farsi Phrases! The easiest way ever!
If you are interested into the Persian culture or want to visit Iran or Afghanistan, this iPhone App is perfect for you!

Most Apps or classes try to teach you 1000s of words you will never need. This App teaches you all the phrases you will very likely need!

Save time and money by hearing & learning essential phrases like Hello, How Are you, Thanks, Goodbye and many more. If you are good in the basics, you can use the advanced categories business, travel or relationships,

Features of Full Version:
+ Clear lively audio recordings of native Persian speaking girl
+ Very easy to use!
+ Organized in 5 categories
+ 1 Categories with essential basic phrases:
+ 4 Categories with advanced phrases:
+ Business, Relationships, Emergency, Travel

The Free version has only 3 categories

"This App is FUN and USEFUL at the same time"

The iPhone App "Persian" has all the essential phrases recorded for you. Accessible with just one button click. ANYTIME! ANYWHERE!


This App is available also for Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Italian and many more!

Иконка для Sigma Matematik 1.1.1

Sigma Matematik (v. 1.1.1)

Lage Ragnarsson опубликовал приложение 2011-10-13
(обновлено 2013-08-28)

Sigma Matematik har allt inom matte du kan önska dig och lite till!

Nu i samarbete med mattecentrum.se!

Matteappen Sigma är anpassad för gymnasiereformen GY2011 vilket innebär bland annat att kursnamnen har ändrats och att matematik E och matematik diskret delvis har förts samman i Matte 5.

Även om du läser matte på högstadiet eller på högskola kan du ha användning för Sigma då bland annat kurs 1 innefattar högstadiematematiken och högskolekurser så som Diskret matematik och Matematik för ekonomer delar innehåll med de högre gymnasiekurserna. Appen är dessutom perfekt för de som vill träna sin huvudräkning inför högskoleprovet.

Om du gillar appens koncept och vill att den ska utvecklas så kan du ranka appen högt och tipsa dina vänner! Eller till och med köpa Pro versionen för att stödja appens utveckling! Då får du ha med ditt namn/smeknamn i donator-listan i appen! Bli en av de första!

Om du är intresserad av att följa utvecklingen av appen och vill veta vilka nya funktioner som är på gång så kan du följa oss på twitter @FluffySteel via länken nedan. Fråga inte ens om namnet! ;)


I framtiden kommer listan över donatorer hållas uppdaterad i appen via en server. Tillsvidare finns den här:

Jakob S.
Simon L.
Tomas Hedborg
Mikael B.

Teknisk information:
★Sigma stödjer de vanligaste skärmupplösningarna, bland andra QVGA, HVGA och WVGA.
★Sigma fungerar för Android 1.6 och uppåt
★Sigma stödjer Apps2SD för android 2.2 och uppåt
★Appen begär interneträttigheter för att kunna länka till bland annat wikipedia.org och mattecentrum.se, ingen nätverksdata används så länge du inte trycker på de länkarna.
★Skrytfunktionen fungerar inte smärtfritt med den officiella Facebook appen, det är ett problem på deras sida så om du vill skryta via Facebook får du välja t.ex. att skryta via sms och sedan kopiera texten från meddelandet.
★Som sista utväg ifall appen skulle krångla så kan du "rensa användardata" i appens inställningar för att lösa det.

Иконка для KIB Mobile 1.1.1

KIB Mobile (v. 1.1.1)

Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbiblioteket опубликовал приложение 2011-10-12
(обновлено 2013-08-27)


- Catalogue: Search the content of the University Library catalogue and make reservations.

- My Loans: Login and see your loans, renew the old ones and make new reservations.

- Contact: Call us, chat with us or send us an e-mail.

- News and Facebook: Keep updated with what is going on in the University
Library, and see the status updates from our page on Facebook.

- KI Bus: Find out the schedule for the next KI-bus and see the minutes count down to departure.

- Databases: Search a range of databases such as Medline, Cinahl, Web of Science and PsycInfo.

- Information: See hours, current courses and contact information. Find your way with maps to our campuses at Solna and Huddinge.

- Group Rooms: See what’s available at a specific time and date at Solna Campus or at Huddinge Campus.

Иконка для 宋詞三百首+李煜詞 :中簡版/宏揚中華文化 2.3

宋詞三百首+李煜詞 :中簡版/宏揚中華文化 (v. 2.3)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2011-10-12
(обновлено 2013-08-27)

本電子書,最大特點: 1. 可按詩詞中名句來查閱(索引),可按題目來查選,可打開"全書"閱讀. 可控制文字大小,可控制文字顏色,可控制紙張(背景顏色) ,
智慧是停留在腦中的知識,屬於我們個人的. 知識是在谷歌上的,如同金錢在銀行,有很多很多,無窮無盡的,但是它們不屬於你的. 本電腦書的目的是幫助你把知識植入你腦中,幫助你每天閱讀,把中國千年的精華記在腦中. 如果你不去勤拂拭,知識就像一本放在你家的舊書,你擁有它的身體,但它的精神內涵不屬於你的.....
------ 現實中,我們往往只記得一些名句,常常忘記詩名詞名,有時連作者也忘了,更遑論甚麼五言,五絕...樂府...卜算子...醉花陰????.....本電子書,一開始就列出以名句為索引的目錄,你點擊"名句"就可閱讀該詞....我們敢說詩詞的價值,80%是體現在它裹面的一兩句名句.....現代人太繁忙啦,花費不起時間去記那些不出名的句子........
現在的人,甚麼也要快,甚麼也要答案.即時答案---- 其實這是"錯的教育"----詩的重心,是詩意,是意境,是境界.是多重涵義的,每個人的人生經歷都不同的,看了詩,應該有不同的領悟....沒有一解釋是全部的....如果給你解釋,,,就是框架了你的思想...給你解釋就只是一家之說,是即食文化,你會如過眼雲煙,水過鴨背,你很快會忘記了....不給你答案,你自己去找答案,問題一直放在你腦中,不斷催使你去思考,有思考就有進步....--在找尋的過程中,你將學到很多很多其他的知識...所以,如果,,你看了本書,,,不明白的,,,請不要"要求立即有解釋, 請先自己想一想,自己幻想一下,想完才去找解答,,,自己去找答案,,,網上有千千萬萬的解釋,,,本書的目的是給你朗讀,幫助你記憶的,叫你在心中回味,在腦中翻覆.....中國文化的精髓!...請多思考,請多幻想,詩人的心境,去跟古人交朋友吧.........為何那時代的人關心的,響往的都是更高的"情操",更高的境界.....而不太注重"經濟問題",,,,很少談到"經濟"問題的,百份比很少,,,300首...沒有一首古詩古人,有鼓勵,推崇追求錢財,沒有...當時的物資比現在匱乏很多很多,,,最有錢的人,熱天也沒冷氣吧,,,,杜甫李白應該不會天天有肉吃的吧,,,,但沒看出他們有努力賺錢改變生活的志向... 但現在的人,最窮的家也有冷氣吧...但每天都在為更舒適的"生活",出買自己寶貴的光陰,....現在人滿腦子都是"錢"....但我們的生活,己經比古代的"全國首富"更好了!!! ==================================================================================人性跟讀書是一樣的,垂手而得的,容易得到的,就不懂珍惜,,,,,只有經過辛苦,經過努力得回來的,,,知識才會停留在你的腦中,化為你的知慧!

Иконка для German-French Dictionary 2.4

German-French Dictionary (v. 2.4)

Kangas Bros. Innovations опубликовал приложение 2011-10-12
(обновлено 2013-08-26)

This is the most comprehensive, offline German-French Translate Dictionary for Android devices.

- Contains over 110 000 words
- Over 200 000 translation pairs
- 118 224 definitions in German or French
- Examples, pronunciation guides, inflection guides, synonyms
- Fast and easy to use.
- Useful inflection tables for advanced users
- No internet connection needed, fully offline!
- Two-way translations

Perfect for students, teachers, travelers etc.

Happy translating!

Иконка для Spanish Hello-Hello (Phone) 1.1.1

Spanish Hello-Hello (Phone) (v. 1.1.1)

Hello-Hello опубликовал приложение 2011-10-12
(обновлено 2013-08-26)

Hello-Hello Spanish is the FUN way to learn a Language on the Go!

Hello-Hello Spanish is a full-fledged language course with 30 LESSONS developed in collaboration with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), so you can be assured that these lessons follow an effective research-based methodology. All lessons are conversational based on realistic dialogues and situations, rather than a collection of out-of-context words and phrases.

All the content is stored in the app so that you have great responsiveness when you are ready to learn a language. You do not need to be connected to Wi-Fi or 3G networks to run the app. With Hello-Hello Spanish you will be able to do the lessons and practice vocabulary anytime, anywhere developing all the skills you need to communicate in a foreign language. All lessons were recorded by native speakers so you can learn the correct pronunciation.

With Hello-Hello Spanish you can also:

Practice vocabulary with more than 300 words and phrases using our FLASHCARDS feature!  (Please note that we will be adding more words and phrases in upcoming updates.)

Save your own NOTES form any lesson.

Full localization: You can see the entire app, including the translations of the lessons and words lists in your native language! Languages available: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese and Portuguese.

Note about our methodology: At first, our lessons might seem advanced for some people but there is a purpose behind it. Our lessons are structured to give learners the ability to communicate effectively with others.  If the learner is new to the language, it will be necessary to spend more time learning the basic phrases in order to begin to gain proficiency in the language.  For those who already know other related languages, the time factor may not be as great to learn the basics. Beginners need to go slowly and may need to do the activities several times before they gain a comfort level in using them. And remember: The more time you spend doing the exercises, the more proficient you will become!

CONTACT US:  We are constantly trying to improve the app and take feedback from our users very seriously. The app has a “Contact Us” icon so that you can contact us easily, so please do not hesitate and send us an email if you have any questions, comments, complaints or suggestions.

Make sure to also check Hello-Hello Kids, our language learning app for children!


Hello-Hello is an innovative language learning company that offers state-of-the-art online and mobile courses. Hello-Hello.com’s website couples social networking with language learning which allows users to interact with native speakers around the world. Hello-Hello’s iPhone apps are among the top language learning apps on the iPhone. Our conversational courses were developed in collaboration with The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), which is the largest association of teachers and administrators of all languages at all levels, serving more than 12,000 educators. For more information, please visit their website at www.actfl.org.

To get help from native speakers and make friends around the world please visit us at www.hello-hello.com and create an account. It’s FREE!

With Hello-Hello.com you can:

LEARN a new language anytime, anywhere with online lessons that develop all the skills you need.

TEACH other members your language and learn from native speakers by submitting exercises for them to review as well as providing feedback on their exercises.

COMMUNICATE with native speakers through audio, video and text with our live Chat to practice the language and make friends all over the world!

Иконка для Quiz US States 1.2.3

Quiz US States (v. 1.2.3)

Nicolas Cornette опубликовал приложение 2011-10-11
(обновлено 2013-08-24)

A quiz on the usa states. Find a maximum of States in making as few errors as possible. Choose from four game modes:
   - Find state code
   - Find state on map
   - Find state name from its flag
   - Find state capital

Supports screen rotation and AutoComplete.
Please send me a mail if you experience some bug !
Leave a comment if you like my app !

Иконка для Dr. Panda's Airport 1.2

Dr. Panda's Airport (v. 1.2)

TribePlay опубликовал приложение 2013-08-24
(обновлено 2013-08-24)

Have the travel bug?! Then it’s time to soar in Dr. Panda’s Airport! Take flight in 10 airport-themed activities that will have you taking part in every part of the process! Stamp passports at customs, make sure luggage makes it to the right plane and even take control to help planes land safely. It’s up to you to guide passengers from check-in to takeoff, so get ready to reach new heights!

With minimal UI and easy to understand, intuitive controls, anyone will be able to start running their very own airport regardless of how young or old they are. In Dr. Panda’s Airport you’ll be greeted with wonderfully drawn graphics that please the eye as much as they invite you to explore!

So hop in and get ready to take off with Dr. Panda!

Key Features:

- 10 airport-themed minigames. Help run everything from stamping passports to organizing baggage!
- Get familiar with the process of heading through an airport, from checking in to taking off!
- Dozens of secrets to discover in Dr. Panda’s Airport
- Beautifully drawn graphics and carefully crafted animation
- No text and minimal UI, easy for anyone to pick up and play with no instruction
- Kid-safe: No in app purchases or third party ads

Check out the other Dr. Panda games

Art Class With Dr. Panda
Dr. Panda's Garage
Dr. Panda's Handyman
Dr. Panda's Beauty Salon
Dr. Panda's Supermarket
Dr. Panda's Veggie Garden
Dr. Panda's Daycare
Dr. Panda's Restaurant
Dr. Panda's Hospital
Dr. Panda, Teach Me!

Privacy Policy

As a designer of kids’ games, we understand how important privacy is in this modern, digital world. You can read our privacy policy here: http://www.drpandagames.com/privacy

ABOUT Dr. Panda

Dr. Panda creates kids games with educational values that get kids familiar with life and the world around them. http://www.drpandagames.com

If you have any further questions or are interested in how we designed the app together with kids, feel free to contact us any time. Just drop an email to support@drpandagames.com or contact us via Facebook http://www.facebook.com/drpandagames.



Иконка для Pittsburgh East 1.12.1

Pittsburgh East (v. 1.12.1)

Subsplash Consulting опубликовал приложение 2011-10-11
(обновлено 2013-08-24)

Welcome to the official Pittsburgh East Community Church Application for the Android.

Our vision is "To lead as many people as possible into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ." With this application you can listen to inspirational messages that will change your life. You can also download and share the content via Twitter or email.

WiFi Internet is required for Android.

For more information about Pittsburgh East Community Church, please visit:

The Pittsburgh East Community Church Android App was created with The Church App by Subsplash.

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