www.android-online.ru Разработчики9 Soft Tech Co.

Приложения разработчика 9 Soft Tech Co. в Android Market

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Иконка для FreeHandDraw+PhotoEditor 2.8

FreeHandDraw+PhotoEditor (v. 2.8)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2013-01-11
(обновлено 2015-04-10)

Drawing anything.
Photo-Editor: cut/paste/rotate/mirror....

Photo-Note, Paint-Pad, Draw-Pad, Note-Pad...

You can open your photo,and use your finger, direct write note/paint on your photo

Or you can draw on plain canvas, you can select the color of the canvas/background,white,gray,black,yellow..., draw line,circle,square...free hand.... make every phone like Galaxy-Note.

After drawing, you can use Photo-Editor to paste another icon/photo/picture on top of your drawing.

It comes with an email-sender module:

You can write your message, create your drawing, and then send the resulting Picture out by Email.

You can open your photo, and repaint, write note on it.

with the file name: 20YYMMDDhhmmss.png
e.g. 20130530085959.jpg

Drawing basic shapes : Line, Rectangle, Square, Circle, Ellipse, Oval, filled or not.

Drawing Shapes by 2 clicks (2 touches on screen).
2 Clicks to define the region where the shapes to be enclosed in.
2 Clicks are the region's LTC, RBC.
LTC: Left Top Corner point,
RBC: Right Bottom Corner point.

Except for Circle and Square, 2 Clicks are Center, Edge.

support tablet, USB
Drawing auto-saved to internal Memory/Storage.
You can use Photo-editor to copy them to else where, SD....

Иконка для 希臘神話 1.1

希臘神話 (v. 1.1)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2013-01-05
(обновлено 2013-01-05)


Иконка для 小王子 1.1

小王子 (v. 1.1)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2012-12-16
(обновлено 2015-02-26)


Иконка для SMS:AutoPopUpNewSMS, big Text 4.1

SMS:AutoPopUpNewSMS, big Text (v. 4.1)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2012-09-27
(обновлено 2012-09-27)

New SMS will auto popup.....SMS:contactsManager(fully control of phone book,save to text file to SD, append from SD text file....) , SMS to multi-recipients, can control text-size and text-color: Big text for the elderly.

9s_SMS is a SMS receiver/sender, Contact/PhoneBook Manager,
once a new SMS coming in, it will spring out an dialog to show the Message, even it is not in use(incoming SMS will trigger it to auto-start-up).
with multiRecipients...small in size with extra-functions...
9sSMS can export contact/phonebook to SD as text file for modifying and can be import to append to current PhoneBook.
You can even write a new contact file and then import to append to the current phone book. Contact/Phone book is with the format of lines of "name:mobile"....
9s_SMS is a SMS broadcasting app which you can add as many recipients as you like, just like using E-mail. You can load the message from file in SD card, and you can save the message (you sent) to SD card for later use...All incoming SMS and SMS sent messages are automatically appended and saved to inbox.txt, sentbox.txt
1. click"+Recipients" to pick recipients
     n2. All In/Sent SMS are auto save to SD,
     nnot to care SMS numbers limit
     n main directory: SD/9s_sms
     n /9s_sms/9s_sms_inbox.txt
     n /9s_sms/9s_sms_sentbox.txt
     n /9s_sms/9s_sms_contact.txt
     n /9s_sms/9s_sms_saved/...SMStemplate,draft,    
     n3. Export all Contacts to SD/9s_sms :
     n   /9s_sms_contact.txt
     n file format as :
     n (1person:1mobile)per line
     n (can freely add/del/change,then import to add to the existing phonebook)
     n NAME:mobile
     n Eva:90608888
     n Joe:15088888888
     n name:mobile
     n ......
     n4. Import Contact(add): from any txt file in the above format
     n5. Add New Contact: Manually add a friend
     n6. Del Contacts: manually del contacts
     n7. Open File: read in SD txt file as sms
     n8. Save File: Save SMS Message as template,draft for later reuse.

It's small in size, but can do almost all those huge app can do.

Иконка для 計步器: 步行器: 計算步數,計算步行距離 2.8

計步器: 步行器: 計算步數,計算步行距離 (v. 2.8)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2012-09-19
(обновлено 2014-10-23)

步行計: 計算步數,計算步行距離.


Иконка для 中華最重要最美麗的古文:重要文人文章,中國文學史 1.4

中華最重要最美麗的古文:重要文人文章,中國文學史 (v. 1.4)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2012-09-18
(обновлено 2014-10-21)


1 蘭亭集序 王羲之
2 陳情表 李密
3 諫逐客書 李斯
4 答蘇武書 李陵
5 悲憤詩 蔡文姬
6 說文解字敘 許慎
7 說難  韓非子
8 勸學篇第一 荀子
9 高帝求賢詔 漢高祖
10 上書諫獵 司馬相如
11 前出師表 諸葛亮
12 後出師表 諸葛亮
13 隆中對 諸葛亮
14 典論論文 曹丕
15 桃花源記 陶淵明
16 歸去來辭 陶淵明
17 五柳先生傳 陶淵明
18 為徐敬業討武曌檄 駱賓王
19 滕王閣序 王勃
20 阿房宮賦 杜牧
21 岳陽樓記 范仲淹
22 心術 蘇洵
23 詩論 蘇洵
24 辨姦論 蘇洵
25 管仲論 蘇洵
26 史論上 蘇洵
27 材論 王安石
28 知人 王安石
29 議茶法 王安石
30 上人書 王安石
31 答李資深書 王安石
32 答曾子固書 王安石
33 答司馬諫議書 王安石
34 周秦本末論 王安石
35 記樊山  蘇軾
36 留侯論  蘇軾
37 始皇論  蘇軾
38 范增論  蘇軾
39 遊白水  蘇軾
40 大臣論上 蘇軾
41 石鐘山記 蘇軾
42 前赤壁賦 蘇軾
43 後赤壁賦 蘇軾
44 喜雨亭記 蘇軾
45 超然臺記 蘇軾
46 記承天寺夜遊 蘇軾
47 黃州安國寺記 蘇軾
48 王安石贈太傅敕 蘇軾
49 刑賞忠厚之至論 蘇軾
50 乞校正陸贄奏議進御札子 蘇軾
51 六國 蘇洵
52 六國論2 蘇軾
53 六國論3 蘇轍
54 孟德傳  蘇轍
55 上樞密韓太尉書 蘇轍
56 為兄軾下獄上書 蘇轍
57 賣柑者言 劉基
58 題孔子像於芝佛院 李贄
59 徐霞客傳 錢謙益
60 答張籍書 韓愈
61 答李翊書 韓愈
62 祭鱷魚文 韓愈
63 張中丞傳後敘 韓愈
64 石澗記 柳宗元
65 捕蛇者說 柳宗元
66 與元微之書 白居易
67 鹽鐵論 本議第一
68 報孫會宗書 楊惲
69 尚德緩刑書 路溫舒
70 光武帝臨淄勞耿弇 後漢書
71 報任少卿書 司馬遷
72 武帝求茂才異等詔 漢武帝
73 諫太宗十思疏 魏徵
74 弔古戰場文 李華
75 虬髯客傳 杜光庭
76 朋黨論 歐陽修
77 秋聲賦 歐陽修
78 醉翁亭記 歐陽修
79 嚴先生祠堂記 范仲淹
80 諫院題名記 司馬光
81 訓儉示康 司馬光
82 墨池記 曾鞏
83 愛蓮說 周敦頤
84 論貴粟疏 晁錯
85 袁州學記 李覯
86 白鹿洞書院學規 朱熹
87 深慮論 方孝孺
88 尊經閣記 王守仁
89 教條示龍場諸生 王守仁
90 先妣事略 歸有光
91 項脊軒志 歸有光
92 湖上小記 張京元
93 初至西湖記 袁宏道
94 滿井遊記 袁宏道
95 硯北樓記 袁中道
96 雨後遊六橋記 袁宏道
97 遊西山十記一 袁中道
98 柳敬亭說書 張岱
99 陶庵夢憶自序 張岱
100 烏有園記 劉士龍
101 姚江學案 黃宗羲
102 桑維翰論 王夫之
103 與友人論學書 顧炎武
104 生員論 顧炎武
105 與友人荊雪濤書 于成龍
106 何氏僕錄 毛奇齡
107 左忠毅公軼事 方苞
108 焚書辨 劉大櫆
109 祭妹文 袁枚
110 李斯論 姚鼐
111 自立說 張士元
112 閒情記趣 沈復
113 病梅館記 龔自珍
114 致沅弟書 曾國藩
115 聖哲畫像記 曾國藩
116 金陵楚軍水師昭忠祠記 曾國藩
117 銅官感舊圖序 左宗棠
118 老殘遊記序 劉鶚
119 范文正公文集敘 蘇軾
120 祭歐陽文忠公文 王安石
121 復多爾袞書 史可法
122 鼂錯論 蘇軾

Иконка для World Famous Speeches: BC-now 1.5

World Famous Speeches: BC-now (v. 1.5)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2012-09-15
(обновлено 2014-10-17)

It is a collection of the World's Greatest Speeches.

You can make yourselves eloquent. Learn eloquence from the World's Greatest Talkers: Socrates, Alexander the Great, Queen Elizabeth, Washington, Lincoln, Napoleon, Cromwell, Gandhi, Churchill, Diana, Kennedy, Ford, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Thatcher, Clinton, Mandela, Obama...

It's an Oral-World-History eBook. It tells you stories from the Ancient Greece, Roman Empire, Great Britain, the born of America, to 911 and the first non-white man president. All the great and big men in each era, they tell you in person how they succeed and shaped the past and the future world.
It is for People who like to know the development of our world, how it comes to now. You can learn the world's history.....Best for people in USA, UK, Europe because the center of modern world is on their side. And for Asian, if you are learning or want to improve your English, it is a good tool.

Иконка для SecretSoundRecord: set ON time 2.1

SecretSoundRecord: set ON time (v. 2.1)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2012-08-31
(обновлено 2014-09-22)

To record sound/voice/speech,

2 modes: Set-Time, Touch-screen

mode 1: Set-Time to record (with stop-time)
Now is 9:00AM, if you have a meeting at 9:30,you want to record the discuss in the meeting. You can set the start recroding time at 9:30. And no one know you are recording.

mode 2: Touch-Screen to record, just click on screen. (click screen=start/stop}...

easy for secret recording: put it in pocket, you can just touch the screen, need not to aim at any button to start secret recording. All in dark...

For non-secret recording, You can set "Need confirmation before start recording". It will then need you to choose start recording button before real recording. this can prevent from wrong starting recording.

3 file format you can choose to record:
1 "MPEG_4" .mp4
2 "3_GPP" .3gp
3 "AMR " .amr

Media Player: you can set play sweeping through the selected directory for all songs in it, with the Play-Repeat-Times for each song.

Иконка для WalkMeter:Distance,PaceCounter 2.8

WalkMeter:Distance,PaceCounter (v. 2.8)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2012-08-20
(обновлено 2014-09-05)

Free trial for 15 minutes.
After download, you can cancel the order within 15min
and it will not charge you.

Count your paces, calculate the distance you walk/jog/run while listening to music.

Most Accurate Distance Measurement. It is measured by your feet. How could it be inaccurate? .

It's a smart pedometer, Music player, Stop-watch.

Advice from doctor, for the sake of health, everybody should walk at least 8,000 paces each day.

---user tips----

0. Do not let your device go into SLEEP mode! if so all sensors will quite working.

1. It starts counting after 10s to give you time to put the phone into your pocket or fix it in position.

2. You can adjust the Sensitivity, Pace-Length.
Sensitivity is inversely proportional to Movement.
large movement : low sensitivity
small movement : high sensitivity
set Sensitivity low if you put the phone into your shoes.
set Sensitivity high if you tire up the phone at your chest.

3. The Stop-Watch update every 0.1s

4. You can close app with the pace_counter continue to count (run in background) while you are walking. You can then listen to music. You can re-open the app to check the counts any time. BUT don't let your phone go into Sleep Mode, it may miss some count!

enable it to run in the background
added a Stop-watch

===Privacy Policy===
We did not, do not and will not collect any personal data from our apps.

Иконка для Compass on your Photo 1.2

Compass on your Photo (v. 1.2)

9 Soft Tech Co. опубликовал приложение 2012-08-18
(обновлено 2012-08-18)

Click on Screen to change Photo.

The needle is always pointing to NORTH!

You can pick/change the background photo as you like.

You can set your lover/daughter/son 's photo.

Best for those who want simple things.

====privacy policy====
we did not, do not and will not collect any personal data from our apps.

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