Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Связь' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1741-1750 из 7156
Иконка для 연인어플 1.5

연인어플 (v. 1.5)

앱쿠커A опубликовал приложение 2012-06-15
(обновлено 2012-06-15)

[필수 입력 사항]
*세상에 단 하나밖에 없는 여자친구를 위한 어플입니다.
여자친구에게 특별한 선물을 해주고 싶어 어플을 만들게 되었습니다.
결혼을 기념하며 공통적으로 관심있는 설교 말씀과 성경묵상과 기념일 챙기기
그리고 심심할때 들을수 있는 오디오북과 뉴스까지
여자친구의 마음을 빼앗을 좋은 어플입니다.

*문제점 및 버그발생시
010 - 7261 - 3710 Woo Hyun doc 문의 바람

연인 김연우 영화 연인 드라마 연인 한승기 연인 제인마치 연인 김연우 연인 김연우-연인 김연우 연인 자동재생 애인 김연우 연인 듣기 제인마치 연인 한승기 연인 ost 포맨 연인 노래 연인 이선희 연인 연인 영화 인연 알렉스 연인 오래된 연인

Иконка для 繁體中文輸入工具 1.06

繁體中文輸入工具 (v. 1.06)

Eric Au опубликовал приложение 2012-06-14
(обновлено 2012-06-14)

集合 "廣東話,拼音,倉頡,速成" 四種常用中文輸入法,以及英文、數字及符號鍵盤,一按獨立切換鍵即可變更。




如要輸入句號,可單按「。,」鍵,輸入逗號則雙按,輸入其他標點符號則需要切換至速成,然後按 Z。

安裝後在 Android 設定中,在「語言及鍵盤」中點選《繁體中文輸入工具》,在輸入文字時,長按輸入位置就可選擇輸入法鍵盤。

Иконка для OK부동산 1.3

OK부동산 (v. 1.3)

앱쿠커A опубликовал приложение 2012-06-14
(обновлено 2012-06-14)

1. 앱에 대한 전반적 설명
- 창원대산 OK부동산공인중개사사무소(http://www.cjbds.com/okland)와 대한민국 대표 부동산전문카페인 창원부동산info.(http://cafe.naver.com/clickland)의 공식앱입니다.
- 현재 안드로이드 버전만 개발하였으며, 아이폰용 어플은 동일한 메뉴구성으로 개발 예정입니다.
- 부동산 속보, 정부의 부동산 정책, 국가계획, 도로 및 철도 계획 및 각종 개발계획(도), 창원지역을 중심으로 하는 경남권 일대의 부동산정보 및 투자정보, 부동산 관련 세무정보, 부동산거래에 따르는 일반법률상식, 부동산투자의 꽃인 토지투자 및 개발 관련 깊이 있는 정보 및 매물정보 등 오랜 부동산중개업의 경험과 카페관리로 축적된 전문노하우를 접할 수 있는 특히 토지투자에 유익한 어플입니다.

2. 메뉴별 기능 및 설명
- 카페소식 : 대한민국 대표부동산 전문카페인 창원부동산info.게시물을 접할 수 있음.
- 매물정보 : 개발자가 운영하는 OK부동산 홈피에 게시된 매물정보
- 부동산속보 : 매일경제부동산에서 제공되는 부동산관련 뉴스속보
- SNS : 개발자와 소통할 수 있는 메뉴(소통채널 : 트윗, 페이스북, 미투데이, 메일, 모바일, 카카오톡, 티티톡, 네이버톡 등)

3. 앱 사용시 주의사항
- wifi or 3G network
- 어플에서 제공되는 모든 정보의 저작권은 해당 저작자에게 있습니다.

4. 서비스 문의 및 버그리포팅
- e-mail : sdb5689@naver.com
- 행운만발(배수동)

Иконка для Doodle Archive 1.0

Doodle Archive (v. 1.0)

Miguel Vitorino опубликовал приложение 2012-06-13
(обновлено 2012-06-13)

Did you know Google search has had more than a thousand different logos? And that there are specific logos for more than 80 countries? Do you know there are 2 video logos?

Now you can check them all with Doodle Archive - the ultimate search doodle search tool. Search for country, event, date or free text.

The app will self-update so you can't miss the latest doodles.

Иконка для 111 Meni 1.2.2

111 Meni (v. 1.2.2)

Telenor Srbija опубликовал приложение 2012-06-13
(обновлено 2012-06-13)

111 Meni je zvanična aplikacija Telenor d.o.o.

Bilo da ste pripejd ili postpejd korisnik, sada u svakom trenutku imate jednostavan pregled i mogućnost aktivacije  dodataka i aktuelnih kampanja koji vas zanimaju. Pored toga, tu su i sve informacije o stanju vašeg računa, odnosno iznosu kredita i dopuna, kao i grafički prikaz preostalih minuta, poruka i megabajta.

Da biste uspešno koristili aplikaciju, morate pristupati internetu preko Telenorove GPRS mreže. Ukoliko pokušate pristup preko Wi-Fi mreža, dobićete poruku da usluga trenutno nije moguća.
Ukoliko se korisnik nalazi u mreži Telenor d.o.o., neće se naplaćivati internet saobraćaj koji nastane korišćenjem aplikacije, kao ni saobraćaj za pristupanje WAP stranici na kojoj se nalazi opis aplikacije i uslovi korišćenja.

Protok podataka nastao korišćenjem aplikacije u romingu naplaćivaće se po važećim cenama za prenos podataka u romingu.

U slučaju da korisnik ima aktiviranu uslugu Telenor Klik, internet saobraćaj ostvaren korišćenjem aplikacije oduzeće se od besplatnih megabajta u okviru te usluge.

Pristup ostalim stranicama kojima se pristupa pomoću aplikacije, kao i korišćenje usluga iz aplikacije, naplaćivaće se po cenama definisanim za te servise.

111 Meni je jedina zvanična Telenor aplikacija. Telenor ne snosni nikakvu odgovornost ukoliko korisnik instalira i koristi bilo koju drugu aplikaciju sličnih funkcionalnosti. Telenor ne savetuje svojim korisnicima ostavljanje svog korisničkog imena i šifre za pristup portalu Moj Telenor aplikacijama koje je razvila treća strana. Ukoliko korisnik ipak to uradi, čini to na sopstvenu odgovornost, rizikujući zloupotrebu ličnih podataka, i nastanak štete za korisnike i Telenor.

Иконка для 愛祝福 1.0

愛祝福 (v. 1.0)

Tinmoo合作开发者 опубликовал приложение 2012-06-13
(обновлено 2012-06-13)


Иконка для Say What?! 3.0

Say What?! (v. 3.0)

Double Trouble опубликовал приложение 2012-06-12
(обновлено 2012-06-12)

"Give it a go, if not for making texts understandable, then for screwing around." - 5.0/5.0 Stars - AndroidAppDictions


Are your text messages boring? Do you hate it when someone texts you and you have no idea what they mean? Do you have an Android phone? If you answered yes or no to any of the above questions then Say What?! is the app for you!

Say What?! allows you to:
• make sense of LOLspeak (texting lingo) by translating it into proper English automatically
• make your messages more fun by translating basic English into LOLspeak
• Say your message aloud and have the translation read back to you in different languages! (Only on phones that support Voice Recognition and TTS)
• download more translation packs to translate your messages into languages such as Pirate, and Redneck!
• Translate messages to post on Facebook and Twitter!

Incoming messages: automatically translated
Outgoing  messages: Use the widget to translate and send messages to your contacts, Facebook wall, or Twitter  

The Say What?! widget allows you to create and translate your own text messages and send them to others. The widget also quickly toggles whether or not Say What?! should be automatically translating incoming messages. Download other Say What?! translation packs to mix and match languages within Say What?! to create the ultimate text messages. Check the store frequently for the newest add-ons!

Say What?! comes pre-loaded with the LOLSpeak translation pack which translates texting lingo into English and vice versa.

• Ili wen you ignore mai txting - I love it when you ignore my texting
• Rofl! idk if pcrs! - Rolling on the floor laughing! I don't know if parents can read slang!
• g2g do hmwk ttyl - Got to go do homework talk to you later

The full version of Say What?! has these additional benefits:
✔ Unlimited incoming automatic translations.
✔ Ability to add and remove words from the translation packs.
✔ Removes all "- translated by Say What?!" message tags from messages sent and received
✔ Includes a new Voice Recognition screen that translates your voice into different languages!

Make sure the free version is uninstalled after installing the full version!

Make sure notifications for the default messaging app is turned off.

Say What?! reviews:
"Give it a go, if not for making texts understandable, then for screwing around." - 5.0/5.0 Stars


Want to see specific new languages or having problems? Feel free to contact us at anytime with questions or suggestions!

Иконка для Say What?! Free 3.0

Say What?! Free (v. 3.0)

Double Trouble опубликовал приложение 2012-06-12
(обновлено 2012-06-12)

"Give it a go, if not for making texts understandable, then for screwing around." - 5.0/5.0 Stars - AndroidAppDictions


Are your text messages boring? Do you hate it when someone texts you and you have no idea what they mean? Do you have an Android phone? If you answered yes or no to any of the above questions then Say What?! is the app for you!

Say What?! Free allows you to:
• make sense of LOLspeak (texting lingo) by translating it into proper English automatically
• make your messages more fun by translating basic English into LOLspeak
• download more translation packs to translate your messages into languages such as Pirate, and Redneck!
• Translate messages to post on Facebook and Twitter!

Incoming messages: automatically translated
Outgoing  messages: Use the widget to translate and send messages to your contacts, Facebook wall, or Twitter  

The Say What?! Free widget allows you to create and translate your own text messages and send them to others. The widget also lets you toggle whether or not Say What?! should be automatically translating incoming messages. Download other Say What?! translation packs to mix and match languages within Say What?! to create the ultimate text messages. Check the store frequently for the newest add-ons!

Say What?! Free comes pre-loaded with the LOLSpeak translation pack which translates texting lingo into English and vice versa.

Ili wen you ignore mai txting - I love it when you ignore my texting
Rofl! idk if pcrs! - Rolling on the floor laughing! I don't know if parents can read slang!
g2g do hmwk ttyl - Got to go do homework talk to you later

This free version limits the number of translated incoming texts to only 15 messages per day!

Upgrade to the full version of Say What?! to gain these benefits:
✔ Unlimited incoming automatic translations.
✔ Ability to add and remove words from the translation packs.
✔ Removes all "- translated by Say What?!" message tags from messages sent and received
✔ Have access to Voice Recognition and Live Text To Speech Translation

Make sure the free version is uninstalled after installing the full version!

Make sure notifications for the default messaging app is turned off.


Want to see specific new languages or having problems? Feel free to contact us at anytime with questions or suggestions!

Иконка для Call-Safely w/SMS, VMS & Cloak 1.2.40

Call-Safely w/SMS, VMS & Cloak (v. 1.2.40)

SpokenBuzz опубликовал приложение 2012-06-12
(обновлено 2012-06-12)

Keep your phone number private with Call-Safely.

Call-Safely allows you to safely call or text others without ever revealing your real phone number. It does NOT just fake your caller-id.  Your caller-id is set to a real, working phone number that the person you called can use to call you back or text/SMS you.

You can also use Call-Safely to get 2nd, 3rd, or as many additional phone numbers as you want for your phone.  You can get numbers in just about any area code in the U.S. and for as little as a day at a time*.  

Get QuickNums for as little as 10c/day! No minimum usage required but you will not be able to choose an area code.  Just pick from what is available.

Send Voice Messages (VMS) to any phone number and get real time responses.  When you absolutely need to get a response from someone, send them a VMS.

Get Txts and phone calls on your CS number
When anyone calls your CS number, your phone rings and you have the option of accepting the call, sending them to voicemail, or just hanging up.  They will never know your real phone number.  The voicemail system they are sent to is separate from your phone's normal voicemail and it can be accessed directly from the app.

Txts sent to your Call-Safely number are sent straight to your phone and optionally even emailed to you. They are stored in the cloud to retreive directly from the app. They are not mixed in with your regular phone messaging app(s).

Super simple to use
No complicated signups or settings.  Simply download the app, authenticate against your Google account and start dialing.  

You remain in full control
Press the "Dialed" button to see a list of numbers you have called using Call-Safely.  Touch any of those numbers to change how long calls from that number are forwarded to you, send them directly to voicemail, or just delete them so they can no longer contact you.  

Send Voice Messages (VMS) to any phone number and get real time responses.  When you absolutely need to get a response from someone, send them a VMS.  Phone calls get answered in real-time and then can give simple responses to questions you set up, return your call or leave a voicemail.  You control how you want them to respond.

If a person that you have called using Call-Safely, sends a text message (SMS) to the number they think you called from, that text will be sent to your account. It will not show up in your normal text messaging application.  Instead, they stay safely within the Call-Safely app.  If you running Android 2.2 or higher, you will get a push notifiation. You can also turn on SMS to Email.  
You can respond to texts directly from the app without revealing your real phone number.

Number Cloaking
Your mobile phone can take on the caller-id of any other phone number you have access to.  Just verify any number from inside the app and use that phone's number as your caller-id.  Imagine making phone calls from your work phone while sitting at the beach...

We want this app to work for you.  If you are having any issues, please write to support@call-safely.com or visit the support site and we will work with you to fix the problem or refund your purchase price.  Please do this before leaving a negative comment.

>>Buy and Sign Up now and get a free $0.45 call credit to try out the features <<

Calls via Call-Safely are just 5c/min (10c for first minute).  You can add more funds via PayPal from inside the app.  SMS/Texts charged at 5c each.

*Get custom numbers for $1/wk or $3/month each.  Cancel numbers at any time. There are no long-term contracts or obligations. Minimum $5 balance needed to get custom numbers.  Numbers are available in most US area codes.
QuickNums start at 10c/day and require atleast twice the daily charge on your balance.

Иконка для Llamar internacional! 1.0

Llamar internacional! (v. 1.0)

Wyinkman опубликовал приложение 2012-06-11
(обновлено 2012-06-11)

Esto es lo mas cercano y gratis para ser llamadas internacionales!

Si usted vive en Estados Unidos usted puede hacer llamadas a los miembros de sus amigos y de la familia, y seres queridos mas barato que la mayoria de otros lugares pueden ofrecer con un bajo costo una vez que realise la compra del equipo usted puede hablar con cualquier persona en cualquier lugar.

Durante el tiempo que desee sin cargos de minutos sin limites de minutos sin contrato.

En pasos muy sencillos le dira como se puede lograr esto en esta aplicacion.

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