Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Связь' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1751-1760 из 7156
Иконка для Android Spyware Observatory 1.04

Android Spyware Observatory (v. 1.04)

Mobile Spyware Observatory опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

Mobile Spyware Observatory news flashes bring you the latest up-to-date information on mobile spyware, malware, virus alerts, antivirus news and other mobile security issues.

Monitoring cheating spouses, cyber-bullying and sexting with smartphone spyware. What are the legitimate uses of mobile spyware? Which Android spyware is safe to use? How can you install cell phone spyware? How can you detect phone spyware?


Иконка для 선문대학교 1.4

선문대학교 (v. 1.4)

앱쿠커A опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

[선문대학교 Info app]
선문대학교의 학생을 위한 어플리케이션 출시.
선문대학교의 정보및 선문대학교 사이트 링크로 간편접속 가능.
대학생을 위한 다양한 서비스 10여개 제공.

->학사일정및 공지사항 확인가능.
->실시간 토크로 학내 끈끈한네트워크 공간제공.
->e강의동을 포함한 선문대웹페이지 간편접속 가능
->선문대학교내 및 주변 먹거리 정보 제공(추후 업데이트).

{선문대학교 학생의 입장에서 선문대학교의, 선문대학생에 대한, 선문대학생에 의한 정보제공을 하도록 하겠습니다.고맙습니다.}

Иконка для WWT Mobil 1.2

WWT Mobil (v. 1.2)

Schrimpf-Entwicklungs-GmbH опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

» WWT Mobil App
Mit dem WWT Mobil Android App konkurrenzlos günstig mit dem Smartphone telefonieren.
Ohne Grundgebühren und ohne Anmeldegebühren.
Es lassen sich Einsparungen bis zu über 90% gegenüber den Standardtarifen der Mobilfunkanbieter erzielen!
Die Nutzung des Apps ist dabei genauso einfach, bequem und komfortabel wie das normale Telefonieren über Ihr Smartphone.

» Funktionsprinzip
Das Android App nutzt das call through" Verfahren. Über die Einwahl zu einer bundesdeutschen Festnetznummer werden die Verbindungen zu den gewünschten Zielrufnummern geschaltet.
Es handelt sich also NICHT um „Voice over IP“, es ist keine Daten- oder WLAN-Verbindung erforderlich.
Die Gespräche erfolgen über hochwertige Telefonie-Verbindungen. Überall da, wo Sie telefonieren können, können Sie auch das Android App nutzen.

» Kosteneinsparungen
Mit dem WWT mobile Android App lassen sich ganz erhebliche Kosteneinsparungen realisieren.
Verbindungen in alle deutschen Mobilfunknetze erfolgen dabei zu rund 9 Ct. je Minute.
Gegenüber den Standardtarifen der Mobilfunkanbieter lassen sich damit Einsparungen von mehr als 60% erzielen!

Noch deutlich höhere Einsparungen lassen sich bei Auslandsgesprächen und zu Sonderrufnummern
erzielen. Hier ergeben sich sensationelle Kosteneinsparungen bis zu 95%!
Umfassende Tarifinformationen finden Sie auf www.meinwwt.com.

» Bedienkomfort
Die Bedienung des Android Apps ist dabei genau so einfach und komfortabel wie das herkömmliche Telefonieren über Ihr Smartphone.
Sie geben die gewünschte Zielrufnummer entweder direkt ein oder wählen diese - wie gewohnt - aus dem Telefonbuch des Smartphones aus.
Sie betätigen den Button „Verbinden“ – Fertig!
Keine Zusatzeingaben von Einwähl-Nummern erforderlich und kein mühsames Durcharbeiten durch Sprachmenüs.
Einfacher und komfortabler geht es nicht!

» Kostenkontrolle
Die App ermöglicht Ihnen jederzeit volle Kostenkontrolle. Ihr aufgeladenes Guthaben nach dem „prepaid“ Prinzip können Sie sich über das App jederzeit anzeigen lassen.
Sie wissen stets und aktuell, wieviel Guthaben Sie noch verfügbar haben.

Die Gespräche werden im Voraus – prepaid – bezahlt durch Banküberweisung auf Ihr individuelles Nutzerkonto.
Bei der Überweisung bitte als "Verwendungszweck“ Ihre Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellte Kundennummer mit angeben.
Noch komfortabler geht es mit der Bezahlung via PayPal.

» Kostentransparenz und Tarifierung
Die aktuellen Tarife zu allen Destinationen im In- und Ausland können Sie über die Tarifübersicht unter www.meinwwt.com einsehen.
Zusätzlich wird vor jeder aufgebauten Verbindung der jeweils aktuelle Tarif zu der gewählten Rufnummer angezeigt.
Somit haben Sie bei der Nutzung stets volle Kostentransparenz und Kostenkontrolle
Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich die größten Vorteile des Apps bei Nutzung eines Mobilfunktarifs mit der Option "Festnetz-Flatrate" ergeben.
Sollte Ihr derzeitiger Tarif keine solche Option vorsehen, ist ein Tarifwechsel bei ihrem Mobilfunkanbieter ratsam.
Ohne "Festnetz-Flatrate" fallen bei jeder Verbindung zusätzliche Kosten ihres Mobilfunkanbieters an.

» Anbieter des Services
WWT - Weltweites Telefonieren
Kirchstr. 2
14163 Berlin / Germany

» Kontaktmöglichkeit
E-Mail: info@meinwwt.com

Иконка для International Dialer 1.0

International Dialer (v. 1.0)

Ambarish Malpani опубликовал приложение 2012-06-10
(обновлено 2012-06-10)

This application lets you automatically use calling cards to dial numbers. It is similar to Calling Card and/or Phonecard Express, but a little better :-)
It allows you to add your own calling card (by default, I have put in a couple of calling cards I use). It can remember which card you used for a particular number if you want it to (and not ask you again) - which is great when dialing from a car....

Thanks to Evan Charlton for open sourcing his calling card app, which gave me some cool pointers. I will open source this as soon as I get some time to set it up...

My first personal app, so comments are very welcome!

I am planning to open source this - do let me know if that is of interest.

Иконка для Drip 1.0

Drip (v. 1.0)

Mr Robot опубликовал приложение 2012-06-09
(обновлено 2012-06-09)

Drip makes reading tweets easy and fun. You can view them tweet by tweet, rather than scrolling a list.

When new tweets are available they are shown automatically!

Drip is highly configurable, allowing changes to color, font, animation, twitter content and update frequency.

Drip was inspired by Trickle, a minimalist Twitter viewer for iPhone. Please support Trickle by encouraging iPhone users you know to buy it!

Feedback, comments and thoughts are appreciated!

Иконка для Magic Text 5.1

Magic Text (v. 5.1)

Kahmond Shum опубликовал приложение 2012-06-07
(обновлено 2012-06-07)

Please follow me at Twitter:

Magic Text is an advanced SMS messaging app that guides you to enjoy your high quality messaging experience.

*****More than 11000 cool lovely SMS templates, colorful, beautiful eCards, and a lot of fun added, see how adding an attachment works out now. *****

YOU HAVE TO REGISTER before you attach a file to send via SMS because we have to store your attachments on our server, then transfer them to the recipient, REGISTRATION IS FREE, the only reason is we have to recognize which file to be transferred to the recipient.


The fastest app to send files via your android phone to another phone or computer.

You may use Magic Text you do the followings:

2) Send/receive high quality pictures, videos.

3) Send/receive documents, office files and any type of files.

4) Auto-backup SMS/MMS to email account.

5) Backup all SMS/MMS/attachments to sdcard or computer.

6) Recipients no need to install a thing to receive your attachment, just simply access/download the attachment with a browser.

7) Recipients any you are easy to access/download via computers(each attachment provides a link to allow you to access them by computers or any kind of browser).

8) Send your location, your contacts.

9) Speech to text, no longer need to type your message again, just speak out softly, then your voice will be transcript into text, 1-click to send.

10) Reply messages from emailing.

11) Easy-use and beautiful and clean interface.

12) Trash box, popup window and quick reply.

13) Much easier to send multi-recipient messages.

14) Translate Message to other language.

15) Emotion icons support, android and full emoji support, send and receive iphone emotion icons.

16) And more to be discovered.

Tap: SMS, MMS, backup sms, backup mms, backup messages, free SMS, SMS for free, SMS via email, text messaging, messaging app, pompeiicity.com, pompeiicity.

Иконка для IP Book 2.71

IP Book (v. 2.71)

Discrea опубликовал приложение 2012-06-07
(обновлено 2012-06-07)

IP Book displays all External and internal IP address of your computers and Android devices.

Download and install 'IP Book' utility for Windows from Discrea's website to take updated all of your Computers IP addresses in your android device.


Ten actualizadas todas las direcciones IP públicas y privadas de tus PCs en tu dispositivo Android.
Descarga de la web de Discrea la herramienta para Windows y sincroníazala con tu cuenta para que estén actualizadas en todo momento.

tags: server remote pc computer adress public private internal external pública privada tool wifi 3g connection vpn app internet comunication myip

Иконка для Call Duration Full 1.0.6

Call Duration Full (v. 1.0.6)

Spessi опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

Call Duration Full offers the opportunity to display the duration of every call after its termination. In HTC Sense, for example, this feature isn't included. With Call Duration Full you can equip your smartphone with this feature.
Additionally, you can personalize the notification in the settings, like setting own colors and corner radius.
In the full version you can also show optional the costs of the call in addition to the duration.

Once it's set-upped, Call Duration Full waits for calls, energy-savingly, in the background.

The permission "read contact data" is needed to read out the duration of the latest call.
The permission "read phone state and identity" is used for detecting the phone calls termination.

The Call Duration lite version is also available at the market. It's with ads and needs therefore more permissions (full internet access). Also you can't enable the costs of call notification.

Иконка для ET来电通 1.4.2

ET来电通 (v. 1.4.2)

ETWAP опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)


Иконка для ezTalky for Jeju Tour 2.0

ezTalky for Jeju Tour (v. 2.0)

CSLi опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

ezTalky for Jeju Tour
- This app is for Jeju Tour promotion by Jeju Special Self-Governing Province.

1.This application provides voice recognition, automatic translation, and voice output in Korean/ English/ Japanese/ Chinese
2.It contains over 3,400 exclusive conversations. This application was designed for user's convenience as dividing 18 categories depending on the situation. You can make variety of conversations with over 1000,000 sentences by using 3,400 sentence structures in many languages.
3.This application provides bookmarks as well. By registering phrases or conversations that are frequently used, you can use it right away without doing extra work. It makes better use of this application.
4.copy, text, e - mail, twitter, , Facebook, Kakao Talk available
5.Chance to do pen pals - make foreign friends in many countries
6.Only available in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
7.this service must be connected to 3G or WIFI.

[[How to make friends]]
Once people either registered as new pen pal members or renewed their information in Go Japan site, information is automatically updated and shown in pen pal friend list.
You can search pen pal friends by age (from 20’s to 50’s), and gender (male, female).

- If you use Android 2.1 or newer version, you may want to install “voice search” made by Google.  Voice recognition program will be upgraded so the voice awareness quality will be better.
- If you can’t hear the voice, you may try to control the volume key.
- The program recognizes the voice better when you use standard language clearly.
- If voice recognition does not work properly, please type the word in entry window.
- In order to confirm the area, please turn on the GPS where you can receive the GPS and wait for a while.
- For Japanese or Chinese, you need to have corresponding keyboard. If not, please search “japan keyboard” for Japanese or “china keyboard” for Chinese and install a free version of proper keyboard.

- Best quality in WVGA(480x800, 480x854) screen
- Only support smart phone

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