"Give it a go, if not for making texts understandable, then for screwing around." - 5.0/5.0 Stars - AndroidAppDictions
Are your text messages boring? Do you hate it when someone texts you and you have no idea what they mean? Do you have an Android phone? If you answered yes or no to any of the above questions then Say What?! is the app for you!
Say What?! allows you to:
• make sense of LOLspeak (texting lingo) by translating it into proper English automatically
• make your messages more fun by translating basic English into LOLspeak
• Say your message aloud and have the translation read back to you in different languages! (Only on phones that support Voice Recognition and TTS)
• download more translation packs to translate your messages into languages such as Pirate, and Redneck!
• Translate messages to post on Facebook and Twitter!
Incoming messages: automatically translated
Outgoing messages: Use the widget to translate and send messages to your contacts, Facebook wall, or Twitter
The Say What?! widget allows you to create and translate your own text messages and send them to others. The widget also quickly toggles whether or not Say What?! should be automatically translating incoming messages. Download other Say What?! translation packs to mix and match languages within Say What?! to create the ultimate text messages. Check the store frequently for the newest add-ons!
Say What?! comes pre-loaded with the LOLSpeak translation pack which translates texting lingo into English and vice versa.
• Ili wen you ignore mai txting - I love it when you ignore my texting
• Rofl! idk if pcrs! - Rolling on the floor laughing! I don't know if parents can read slang!
• g2g do hmwk ttyl - Got to go do homework talk to you later
The full version of Say What?! has these additional benefits:
✔ Unlimited incoming automatic translations.
✔ Ability to add and remove words from the translation packs.
✔ Removes all "- translated by Say What?!" message tags from messages sent and received
✔ Includes a new Voice Recognition screen that translates your voice into different languages!
Make sure the free version is uninstalled after installing the full version!
Make sure notifications for the default messaging app is turned off.
Say What?! reviews:
"Give it a go, if not for making texts understandable, then for screwing around." - 5.0/5.0 Stars
Want to see specific new languages or having problems? Feel free to contact us at anytime with questions or suggestions!