USgov (v. 1.5)
ArrSoft опубликовал приложение 2011-12-24
Official US government site formatted for your phone. A TREMENDOUS amount of info! Change your address, contact elected officials, find out about what each government agency does, and much, much more. Use it. All of we taxpayers paid for this extensive resource. ;-) |
五行修神 (v. 2.0.02) 最空网的小说、视频和游戏最给力 опубликовал приложение 2011-12-24
一个先天血脉浓度为零,不可能走上修真之路的废物,却有着极为常的智力!天生拥有水之印记却又没有水之血脉,却是神秘五行族之水之传人! |
佛道双修 (v. 2.0.02) опубликовал приложение 2011-12-24
天之者,真正超脱生死,天地轮回的无上成就。 |
浣花洗剑录 (v. 1.43)
hui.seraph опубликовал приложение 2011-12-24
《浣花洗剑录》为古龙中期重要作品,是古龙武侠小说的一个里程碑,代表着他武侠创作的成熟期,本书特别向“宫本武藏”等日本时代小说取经,探索武道,另辟武侠蹊径。《浣花洗剑录》与《大旗英雄传》、《武林外史》、《绝代双骄》堪称古龙中期“四大名著”. |
武林外史 (v. 1.43)
hui.seraph опубликовал приложение 2011-12-24
《武林外史》又名《风雪会中州》为古龙中期转型作品,体现出古龙对武侠的不断求新与探索。全书围绕一段武林恩怨展开,主角是三个性格各异的少年-沈浪、王怜花、熊猫儿,更有许多江湖奇人异士纠缠其中,场景跨越中原、太行、大漠、楼兰,可称一部宏图史诗巨著。 |
Florida Traffic Law (v. 1.2)
JTCODE опубликовал приложение 2011-12-23
Florida Traffic Law is a searchable, quick reference of Florida Traffic Statutes. Its database includes all traffic statutes recognized by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. This data is stored internally to provide you with fast, responsive search results. |
ATPE Summit (v. 1.8.3)
Core-apps опубликовал приложение 2011-12-23
The Association of Texas Professional Educators is the preeminent educator association in Texas and makes a positive difference in the lives of educators and in the lives of schoolchildren. As professionals, our members are committed to supporting quality public education and the professional rights and obligations of the education community. Working in partnership with parents, business, community and government, ATPE provides the programs and services that enable educators and schoolchildren to achieve their highest potential. |
阳神 (v. 2.0.02) mobile apps опубликовал приложение 2011-12-23
世间是一个大苦海。 |
大旗英雄传 (v. 1.43)
hui.seraph опубликовал приложение 2011-12-23
《大旗英雄传》又名《铁血大旗》是古龙一部跨时代的作品,也是使古龙名声大震的作品,此书写于1965年。古龙创作《大旗英雄传》时当盛年,满腔热血,数十万字的文稿,洋洋洒洒,气贯长虹,令人拍案叫绝。《大旗英雄传》与《武林外史》、《绝代双骄》、《浣花洗剑录》堪称古龙中期“四大名著”,这四部名著不仅在古龙小说系列,在整个武侠文学中,都是重量级的作品。 |
Inspiring Quotes (v. 1.0)
Raul Brito опубликовал приложение 2011-12-23
Contains more than 3000 quotes from wise men and women across the ages. This app allows you to take some break for your daily chores and feel inspired. |