Florida Traffic Law (v. 1.2)
Разработано JTCODE
Florida Traffic Law is a searchable, quick reference of Florida Traffic Statutes. Its database includes all traffic statutes recognized by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. This data is stored internally to provide you with fast, responsive search results.
You can enter keywords or partial statute numbers to search. When you find an appropriate statute, click it to view the statute, description, and points; or long-click to have this information spoken to you (on supported devices).
If you're not previously familiar with a statute, there's an option to view the full Florida Statute online (requires data connection).
You can contact the developer from within the app. Click the menu button and 'Email Developer' to provide comments, criticisms, new feature suggestions, etc. If you haven't purchased Florida Traffic Law, you can contact the developer using the 'Send email to developer' option (if you're currently on your Android device in the Android Market).
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Keywords: Florida, Traffic, Law, Statute, Trooper, Deputy, Officer, Sheriff, Police, Cop, Court, Attorney, Lawyer