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Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные книги и справочники в Android Market

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Иконка для Wiki Encyclopedia 1.4.2

Wiki Encyclopedia (v. 1.4.2)

Wiki apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-23
(обновлено 2011-10-23)

*Wiki Encyclopedia gives you access to Wikipedia, formatted for your Android mobile phone.

*The application remembers your Wikipedia language and text size preference.

*App can change between Wikipedia.org and Wikitravel sites!

*Select & Copy text.

*Move App to SD

*View mobile or desktop version of wikipedia: desktop version is useful for contributing to wikipedia.

-Languages currently available in Wikipedia Encylopedia are English, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Indonesia, Italiano, Lietuvių, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, עברית, Bahasa Melayu, Česky,  Română, Slovenčina, Slovenščina, Suomi, Svenska, Tiếng Việt, Türkçe, Volapük, Winaray, Български, Русский, Српски / Srpski, Українська, العربية, فارسی , 한국어, 中文, 日本語.

-Android application for mobile Wikipedia Encyclopaedia use. "The free encyclopedia". Wiki encyclopedia also works on tablets using Honeycomb (Android 3.0).

New languages added on wiki encyclopedia! Afrikaans, Aragonés, Armãneashce, Asturianu, Basa Jawa, Bosanski, Brezhoneg, Cymraeg, Eesti, Euskara, Frysk, Gaeilge, Galego, Hrvatski, Ido, Íslenska, Kreyòl Ayisyen, Latina, Latviešu, Lëtzebuergesch, Lumbaart, Ελληνικά, Беларуская (, Македонски, Чăваш, آذربايجان ديلی, كوردی

Similar apps include dictionnary and encyclopaedia britannica.

-Please note that Wiki Encyclopedia does not have a widget: Because by changing the preferences to "Do not display Wikipedia homepage", the search bar will be launched automatically and keyboard shown: making the App icon serve as the widget.

-Voice search. Easily search Wikipedia enciclopedia by voice.

-To remove ads, just tilt your phone to landscape and back again!

This free app is not associated with Wikimedia.

Иконка для Vissengids 2.0

Vissengids (v. 2.0)

The Mobile Company опубликовал приложение 2011-10-23
(обновлено 2013-09-15)

De Vissengids App is een gratis app van de landelijke belangenvereniging voor sportvissers: Sportvisserij Nederland en hiermee heb je altijd een overzicht van alle Nederlandse vissoorten tot je beschikking; in totaal zo’n 170 stuks.

Via diverse handige zoekopties vind je er naast professionele foto’s alles over herkenning, leefwijze, voedsel, gesloten tijden, hengelrecords, afmetingen en nog veel meer. Doorzoek ze eenvoudig op alfabet, familie of zoekwoord. Switch eenvoudig tussen zoetwater- en zeevissen. Het kan allemaal.

Belangrijkste functies:
• Alle Nederlandse vissen in hoge resolutie foto's
• Zoetwater- en zeevissen doorzoeken op naam, familienaam of zoekwoord
• Snel en eenvoudig met de determinatiemodule bepalen welke vis je voor je ziet
• Informatie over herkenning, verspreiding, voedsel, leefwijze, wettelijke status, gesloten tijden, maximale grootte en meer.

Wat voor vis is dit? Meteen checken!
Met de Vissengids kun je straks eenvoudig aan de waterkant checken wat voor vis je exact hebt gevangen. Met de zeer eenvoudige maar superhandige determinatiesleutel bepaal je binnen een paar seconden precies welke vis je hebt gevangen. Is het een brasem of kolblei? Een kleine roofblei of alver? Schol of schar? Gul of wijting? Met de Vissengids weet je het direct en 100% zeker! Erg handig voor bijvoorbeeld je hengelvangstregistratie!

De Vissengids is een aanvulling op de succesvolle boekjes ‘De Nederlandse zoetwatervissen’ en ‘Nederlandse Zeevissen’, die sinds vorig jaar ook online te bekijken zijn. Hij biedt sportvissers, biologen en andere geïnteresseerden de mogelijkheid om ook via je mobiel vissoorten te bekijken en determineren.

De app wordt in opdracht van Sportvisserij Nederland technisch ontwikkeld door The Mobile Company. Meer informatie: www.sportvisserijnederland.nl of www.nederlandsevissen.nl

Иконка для 김유정 소설집 1.0.2

김유정 소설집 (v. 1.0.2)

3rdpub опубликовал приложение 2011-10-23
(обновлено 2011-10-23)

김유정의 단편소설 묶음입니다.

금따는콩밭, 노다지, 동백꽃, 두꺼비, 따라지, 땡볕, 만무방, 봄봄, 산골, 소낙비 10개 작품을 수록하고 있습니다.


Powered by 3rdpub!

'3rdpub'으로 검색하시면 더 많은 책을 볼 수 있습니다.

커버/목록 선택으로 원하는 연재분을 선택하실 수 있습니다.

애플리케이션이 종료될 때 자동으로 현재 읽던 위치를 기억해 둡니다. 다음 실행 때 읽던 부분을 빠르게 찾아갈 수 있습니다.

텍스트 화면에서 두손가락 확대/축소로 글씨 크기를 조절할 수 있습니다.

텍스트 화면의 툴바는 왼쪽부터 회전 잠금, 페이지화 잠금, 배경/글씨색, 툴바잠금 기능입니다.


김유정(金裕貞, 1908년 1월 18일 ~ 1937년 3월 29일)은 한국의 소설가이다. 본관은 청풍.

김유정은 조선 현종의 비 명성왕후의 친정아버지인 김우명의 후손으로 그의 넷째 손자 도택(道澤)이 김유정의 선조가 되었다.
아버지 김춘식은 자를 윤주(允周)라 했으며 진사시험에 합격해 사마좌임금부주사(司馬座任禁府主事)를 지냈다.
1908년 1월 18일 김유정은 강원도 춘천에서 출생하였으며 농촌에서 야학 활동을 하였다. 춘천 MBC가 김유정의 탄생 100주년을 기념하여 제작한 다큐멘터리에 의하면, 김유정은 민중들을 사랑하여, 명문집안의 자손인 자신보다 신분이 낮은 소작인들에게도 존대말을 하였다고 한다. 단편 소설 '소낙비'가 1935년 《조선일보》에 당선되고, 《중앙일보》에는 '노다지'가 당선되어 문단 활동을 시작하였다.
하지만 집안이 기울면서 공장일로 겨우 생계를 유지하는 누나에게 얹혀살다가 1937년에 폐결핵으로 요절할 때까지 30여 편의 소설을 창작하였다. 주요 작품으로는 '동백꽃', '봄봄', '산골 나그네'등이 있으며, 사후 그의 이름을 딴 김유정역이 강원도 춘천시에 위치하게 된다.

주요 작품

《소낙비》, 《노다지》, 《동백꽃》, 《봄봄》, 《금 따는 콩밭》, 《만무방》, 《가을》


작가 소개는 크리에이티브 커먼즈 저작자표시-동일조건변경허락 3.0 에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다.

저작자는 위키백과 "김유정" 항목의 역사를 참고해 주십시오.

Иконка для 님의 침묵 1.0.2

님의 침묵 (v. 1.0.2)

3rdpub опубликовал приложение 2011-10-23
(обновлено 2011-10-23)

일제의 극심한 탄압 속에서도 굴하지 않고 비타협적인 독립사상을 견지하던 만해 한용운의 시집, 님의 침묵입니다


Powered by 3rdpub!

'3rdpub'으로 검색하시면 더 많은 책을 볼 수 있습니다.

커버/목록 선택으로 원하는 연재분을 선택하실 수 있습니다.

텍스트 화면에서 메뉴버튼으로 글씨크기를 조절할 수 있습니다.

한용운(韓龍雲, 1879년 8월 29일 ~ 1944년 6월 29일)은 한국의 시인, 불교 승려이자 독립 운동가이다. 호는 만해(萬海)이다.
일제에 대한 저항 정신으로 집도 조선총독부 반대 방향인 북향으로 지었고, 식량 배급도 거부했다는 이야기는 매우 유명하다. 또한, 변절한 친일파 최남선이 한용운과 가까운 사이임을 자처하자, 한용운은 "'최남선'이라는 사람은 (마음 속으로) 이미 장례를 치러서 당신은 모르는 사람입니다."라고 했다고 한다.
전기로 고은의 《한용운 평전》(1975)이 있으며, 외아들 한보국은 고향인 홍성에서 사회주의 운동을 하다가 한국 전쟁 때 월북했다.


작가 소개와 작품 소개는 크리에이티브 커먼즈 저작자표시-동일조건 변경허락 3.0에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다.

저작자는 위키백과 "한용운"항목의 역사를 참고해 주십시오

Иконка для UniPod 0.9 beta 3

UniPod (v. 0.9 beta 3)

OSL Android Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-10-23
(обновлено 2013-09-14)

UniPod is a pod player designed to play long running and multi-part audio files such as university lectures and electronic books.  

Features Include:
    * widget - essential features available from your home screen
    * Automatic play list. Just choose your book or course. UniPod automatically takes you to where you left off.
    * Media chooser designed for lectures and book chapters. Your music is invisible!
    * UniPod remembers each track you've played and where you were up to.
    * Continually stores progress.
    * Forgot what they were talking about? UniPod automatically rewinds a little for you each time you start. How much is up to you.
    * Record progress. UniPod keeps a record of how much of the course you've completed.
    * Didn't catch what the lecturer said? Use the short back button to listen again, or use the swipe bar to rewind.
    * Fully customizable. Change practically all default values to suit your style.
    * Big text readout. See what lecture (or chapter) you're listening to
    * Three levels of track navigation - short skip, long skip and slider. You can always find what you want in the track.
    * Never lose your place. Change lectures by click and drag. No more accidentally bumping onto the next track. If you do, just click back and you'll be restored. In fact, UniPod continually stores your place so even if something really bad happens you'll still be at the right spot.
    * You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs
    * Playback starts automatically (but you can change this if you want).
    * No Album Art! So the space is used to give you larger buttons and more info!
    * Shuffle off! What's the point of shuffling lectures or book chapters? No shuffle button to press accidentally.

Иконка для SmartBooks - eBook listener 1.2.8

SmartBooks - eBook listener (v. 1.2.8)

iMap Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-10-22
(обновлено 2011-10-22)

Reading is tired.  Why not listen to it.

It is the application that supports ePub format eBook and comic reading.  It also allow you to listen to your eBook. Try it.

Иконка для expressions francophones 1.5

expressions francophones (v. 1.5)

cmamaertens опубликовал приложение 2011-10-21
(обновлено 2011-10-21)

Sélectionnez ou faites afficher au hasard une expression francophone provenant de l'ensemble des pays de la francophonie. Pour chaque expression, on peut apprendre son origine.

Иконка для Sleeping Beauty StoryChimes 1.5

Sleeping Beauty StoryChimes (v. 1.5)

Siena Entertainment LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-10-19
(обновлено 2011-10-19)

Enjoy the FULL VERSION of Sleeping Beauty for FREE! (This is ad supported, so if you don't want to have Ads, the ad free version is available for purchase.)


Come along to read the enchanted tale of a princess doomed to sleep for 100 years. Only her true, brave and honest prince can save her. Come now, as Sleeping Beauty awaits her happily ever after.

StoryChimes Application Description 

StoryChimes are an affordable diverse collection of children’s stories designed to immerse your child in the sights and sounds of interactive tales while keeping the “feel” of turning the pages of a real book.

As we like to say, “When you hear the chime, turn the page!” StoryChimes’ stream of new titles will keep you coming back for more fun, adventure and education again and again. The ease-of-use makes it a snap for even the youngest kids to enjoy a StoryChime today.

Mom or Dad need a good distraction? No matter how you travel or where you are, StoryChimes are never more than a touch away. An entire collection of books in the palm of your hand, providing a great assortment of entertainment. StoryChimes are the perfect alternative to movies, tv shows and video games.

With StoryChimes you can entertain and educate at the same time. Grab one today!

- Now includes a match game!
- Karaoke like text scroll (highlights red as you read)
- Page indexing to access your favorite parts
- Bookmarking to pick up where you left off
- Read at your own pace without audio and scroll text
- Facebook integration
- E-mail a friend about the App
- Help menu
- Larger page turn area
- 3D page turn provides a tactile “feel”
- Beautiful illustrations
- Great music accompanies each story
- Enhanced with sound FX

Please visit us on the web at www.storychimes.com for more great stories!

Have a story suggestion or comment? We’d love to hear it. Drop us a line at info@storychimes.com.

Иконка для Emperor's New Clothes SChimes 1.0

Emperor's New Clothes SChimes (v. 1.0)

Siena Entertainment LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-10-19
(обновлено 2011-10-19)


An Emperor who cares for nothing but his appearance and attire hires two tailors who promise him the finest suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position. The Emperor cannot see the cloth himself, but pretends that he can for fear of appearing unfit for his position. Before long, his subjects notice that he indeed has no clothes on! The Emperor cringes, suspecting the assertion is true, but holds himself up proudly and continues the procession.

StoryChimes Application Description 

StoryChimes are an affordable diverse collection of children’s stories designed to immerse your child in the sights and sounds of interactive tales while keeping the “feel” of turning the pages of a real book.

As we like to say, “When you hear the chime, turn the page!” StoryChimes’ stream of new titles will keep you coming back for more fun, adventure and education again and again. The ease-of-use makes it a snap for even the youngest kids to enjoy a StoryChime today.

Mom or Dad need a good distraction? No matter how you travel or where you are, StoryChimes are never more than a touch away. An entire collection of books in the palm of your hand, providing a great assortment of entertainment. StoryChimes are the perfect alternative to movies, tv shows and video games.

With StoryChimes you can entertain and educate at the same time. Grab one today!

- Now includes a match game!
- Karaoke like text scroll (highlights red as you read)
- Page indexing to access your favorite parts
- Bookmarking to pick up where you left off
- Read at your own pace without audio and scroll text
- Facebook integration
- E-mail a friend about the App
- Help menu
- Larger page turn area
- 3D page turn provides a tactile “feel”
- Beautiful illustrations
- Great music accompanies each story
- Enhanced with sound FX

Please visit us on the web at www.storychimes.com for more great stories!

Have a story suggestion or comment? We’d love to hear it. Drop us a line at info@storychimes.com.

Иконка для Death Hotel HD Lite 1.0

Death Hotel HD Lite (v. 1.0)

Gavin Hong опубликовал приложение 2011-10-19
(обновлено 2011-10-19)

This is a short supernatural fiction where a serial murder cases happened in Red Moon Hotel. There is an incredible and mysterious secret behind the events.
The police officer of Saint Louis, Gary Caine, encountered an unprecedentedly horrible incident in this murder case like a mist. How could he stop the murderer and solve the crisis?
Facing the seductive blond beauty, Liz, how could he end the relationship secretly before his wife and children come home after the vacation?
You can read 3 Chapters.

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