www.android-online.ru ПриложенияКниги и справочники

Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
2821-2830 из 6382
Иконка для PlanetariaX Pro - Free 2.4.2

PlanetariaX Pro - Free (v. 2.4.2)

Digital Oranges Interactive опубликовал приложение 2011-10-11
(обновлено 2013-08-23)


Explore the night sky with your Android! Search for stars, planets and constellations. Useful compass/object finder, night, live (accelerometer) mode and 'quick view' function - simply point the phone at the heavens and PlanetariaX will show you what you're looking at!

- View the sky from where you're at, or enter your location
- View the sky from any date or time in history
- Various display options
- Uses device sensors to draw the sky in 'live' mode
- Point your phone at the stars and 'quick view' will do the rest
- Improved time functionality
- Improved positional accuracy
- Numerous bug fixes
- Improved UI and menus
- Night Mode

Keywords: stargazing, astronomy, planetarium, stars, constellations, universe, galaxy, solar system

Иконка для World Library- FREE n Bargain 1.1.1

World Library- FREE n Bargain (v. 1.1.1)

Jason Matt опубликовал приложение 2011-10-10
(обновлено 2011-10-10)


Keep multiple times daily update of FREE & Bargain Kindle Books list.

For Bargain Kindle Books, You can read the sample without download

If you like the service we offer, please tell everyone you know about freenovelbooks-and-bargain.com . Happy Kindling!

Иконка для Great helicopters : Chinook 19.0

Great helicopters : Chinook (v. 19.0)

TELEMAQUE опубликовал приложение 2011-10-10
(обновлено 2011-10-10)

Mechanics lovers only : The most beautiful Chinook !!  When engineering meets Art and human being transforms raw material into scandalously beautiful and effective machines.  Keywords : Chinook, Lifestyle, helicopter

Иконка для ЕТК: Справочник абонента 1.0

ЕТК: Справочник абонента (v. 1.0)

ETK опубликовал приложение 2011-10-10
(обновлено 2011-10-10)

Официальный справочник абонента сотовой компании ЕТК.

kw: ETK, Енисейтелеком

Иконка для Princess and Pea StoryChimes 1.2

Princess and Pea StoryChimes (v. 1.2)

Siena Entertainment LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-10-10
(обновлено 2011-10-10)

Enjoy the FULL VERSION of this story for FREE! (This is ad supported, so if you don't want to have ads, the ad free version is available for purchase.)



Once upon a time a young prince wants to marry a princess, but is having difficulty finding a suitable princess. Something is always wrong with those he meets, and he cannot be certain they are real princesses. One night, a princess comes to their door. We soon discover that only a real princess would have the sensitivity to feel a pea through 20 mattresses! The two are married, and the pea is placed in the Royal Museum.

StoryChimes Application Description 

StoryChimes are an affordable diverse collection of children’s stories designed to immerse your child in the sights and sounds of interactive tales while keeping the “feel” of turning the pages of a real book.

As we like to say, “When you hear the chime, turn the page!” StoryChimes’ stream of new titles will keep you coming back for more fun, adventure and education again and again. The ease-of-use makes it a snap for even the youngest kids to enjoy a StoryChime today.

Mom or Dad need a good distraction? No matter how you travel or where you are, StoryChimes are never more than a touch away. An entire collection of books in the palm of your hand, providing a great assortment of entertainment. StoryChimes are the perfect alternative to movies, tv shows and video games.

With StoryChimes you can entertain and educate at the same time. Grab one today!

- Now includes a match game!
- Karaoke like text scroll (highlights red as you read)
- Page indexing to access your favorite parts
- Bookmarking to pick up where you left off
- Read at your own pace without audio and scroll text
- Facebook integration
- E-mail a friend about the App
- Help menu
- Larger page turn area
- 3D page turn provides a tactile “feel”
- Beautiful illustrations
- Great music accompanies each story
- Enhanced with sound FX

Please visit us on the web at www.storychimes.com for more great stories!

Have a story suggestion or comment? We’d love to hear it. Drop us a line at info@storychimes.com.

Иконка для Fitness Guide: Stay Healthy! 1.0

Fitness Guide: Stay Healthy! (v. 1.0)

EBeuvaliers опубликовал приложение 2011-10-09
(обновлено 2011-10-09)

Shape Up and Stay That Way with Fitness: The Guide to Staying Healthy

If you're planning or already trying to get fit and you're not succeeding at all, it's time to consider taking things to a new direction and you can start by reading Fitness: The Guide to Staying Healthy.

Fitness: The Guide to Staying Healthy is a simple and no-nonsense approach to the pervasive problems of attaining physical fitness. It's a manual that readers will find useful from start to finish and before, during, after they've attained their goals.

Purchasing Fitness: The Guide to Staying Healthy will let you in the secrets of achieving physical fitness and health. For starters, the book lays the foundation of staying healthy by discussing the various benefits of getting and staying physically fit. It's impossible to keep striving for physical health and fitness if there's nothing to motivate you.

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is also widely discussed in this book. This topic allows readers to understand why the numbers of a weighing scale shouldn't be trusted fully. It explains the differences between a person's BMI and weight in kilograms and why BMI is more accurate and a more important basis for formulating a physical fitness plan.

One of the first topics discussed in Fitness: The Guide to Staying Healthy is the need to determine where you stand now in terms of health and fitness. The book will carefully guide readers into a self-examination and evaluation test to know how fit they are now and what they need to do to improve their standing.

To cater readers with a preference for alternative treatments, Fitness: The Guide to Staying Healthy also discusses the role of meditation in getting fit, its effectiveness, and how to use it to get physically fit and remain that way. In addition to this, the significance of mind fitness as well as brain power is also explained and how they are related to the quest for physical fitness.

Common obstacles to getting fit are also tackled in Fitness: The Guide to Staying Healthy. Unlike other fitness manuals, this book not only advises readers on what problems they may encounter as they work on being healthy but also provides simple solutions on how to eliminate such hindrances. Among such obstacles are lack of sleep and blood pressure. These obstacles are explained in both a practical and scientific viewpoint for readers to gain a comprehensive understanding about them.

Lastly, Fitness: The Guide to Staying Healthy provides valuable tips to help readers create an overall fitness plan for themselves or with the help of a fitness professional.

Иконка для M바로북 1.0

M바로북 (v. 1.0)

BaroBook опубликовал приложение 2011-10-07
(обновлено 2011-10-07)

바로북은 1997년부터 시작된 국내 최초의 전자책 전문서점입니다.
고객님이 언제 어디서나 최상의 환경에서 전자책을 즐기실 수 있도록 최선의 노력을 다하고 있으며 앞으로도 더 나은 서비스를 위해 노력하는 바로북이 되겠습니다.

모바일 바로북 서비스는 이런 특장점이 있습니다..
* 바로북 만의 뷰어를 통하여 다양한 단말기를 즉시 지원 가능. (삼성 갤럭시 스마트폰 및 탭, LG전자 스마트폰, 팬택 스마튼 폰 등 안드로이드 OS 전체)
* 국내 최고의 전자책 경험을 바탕으로 고객 맞춤형 서비스를 지원합니다.
* 국내 최대의 장르문학 전자책을 제공합니다.
* 축적된 기술력을 바탕으로 신뢰있는 서비스를 제공합니다.
* 컴퓨터, 스마트폰, 태블릿 등 어느 곳에서 구매하시든지 별도 추가 요금 없이 이용하실 수 있습니다.

모바일 바로북은 이런 서비스를 제공합니다.
* M바로북 : 권당 구매방식(소유개념)의 전자책 서비스를 제공합니다.
* 정액방식(대여개념)의 전자책 서비스를 제공합니다.
* 무료연재 : 국내 유명작가의 대표작품을 무료 연재로 제공합니다.
* 무료도서 : 국내 대표작품을 무료로 제공합니다.
* 추리퀴즈 : 국내 유명 추리작가가 주간으로 추리퀴즈를 연재합니다.
* 로맨스백과 : 국내 로맨스에 관한 모든 자료를 제공합니다.
* 무협백과 : 국내 무협에 관한 모든 자료를 제공합니다.
* 판타지백과 : 국내 판타지에 관한 모든 자료를 제공합니다.
* 이벤트 : 전자책을 즐겁게 이용하실 수 있는 이벤트를 제공합니다.
* 아이작가 : 국내 최고의 작가 커뮤니티 서비스 입니다.
* 글쓰기 칼럼 : 국내 유명 작가의 칼럼 서비스를 제공합니다.

지금껏 경험하지 못한 새로운 전자책 서비스로 초대합니다.

Иконка для 都市连载《黄金瞳》 1.1

都市连载《黄金瞳》 (v. 1.1)

kid опубликовал приложение 2011-10-07
(обновлено 2011-10-07)


软件功能:1.自动连载  2.书签  3.繁简转换   4.更多书籍推荐

Иконка для Babanév Kereső Lány 1.0

Babanév Kereső Lány (v. 1.0)

Origo Zrt. опубликовал приложение 2011-10-06
(обновлено 2011-10-06)

Az alkalmazás célja, hogy segítséget nyújtson a gyermeket váró szülők számára a születendő kisbaba névválasztásához a magyar női utónevek felsorolásával, azok eredetének, jelentésének és egyéb hasznos információinak leírásával.

A babanév keresőben szereplő adatok tájékoztató jellegűek. Az Origo nem vállal felelősséget az adatok félreértéséből adódó károk esetén.

Az Origo Zrt. számára kiemelt fontosságú cél a felhasználók által rendelkezésre bocsátott személyes adatok védelme, a látogatók információs önrendelkezési jogának biztosítása. Az alkalmazással kapcsolatban megadott adatok, tárolt információk során az Origo által megfogalmazott Személyes adatok védelméről szóló nyilatkozat az irányadó.

Kérdéseit, véleményét várjuk e-mailben az ugyfelszolgalat@origo.hu címre.

A LifeNetwork Babanév Kereső Lány alkalmazás kiadója az Origo Zrt. © Minden jog fenntartva.
Verzió: 1.0.0

Иконка для Thai<>Turkish Gem Dictionary T 3.0.84

Thai<>Turkish Gem Dictionary T (v. 3.0.84)

Mobile Systems опубликовал приложение 2011-10-06
(обновлено 2011-10-06)

The Audio Collins Mini Gem Thai-Turkish & Turkish-Thai Dictionary is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Thai and Turkish of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word.

From Europe's Leading Bilingual Dictionary Publisher:

    * Get it right: all essential words and phrases you need in Turkish and Thai
    * Get there fast: the fast search takes you quickly to the words you want
    * Colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily
    * Easily learn the correct pronunciation with the native speaker pre-recorded audio pronunciations (requires Internet connection)

The MSDict Dictionary Format

The Collins Mini Gem Thai-Turkish & Turkish-Thai Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Support for memory cards
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
          o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
          o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
          o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature

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