www.android-online.ru ПриложенияКниги и справочники

Новые книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
4911-4920 из 13647
Иконка для Diviértete Leyendo 1.3

Diviértete Leyendo (v. 1.3)

GIC опубликовал приложение 2011-12-08
(обновлено 2011-12-08)

Campaña por la Educación "LEER Divierte Leyendo" del Consejo de la Comunicación, AC. Aplicación de Noticias.

El Consejo de la Comunicación con esta campaña ha decidido lanzar una cruzada que tiene por objetivo fomentar una cultura de lectura que permita desarrollar la capacidad de aprendizaje, y de esta manera se generen oportunidades de desarrollo personal, mejore la calidad de vida, se eleve la productividad y forjemos competencias ciudadanas que contribuyan al desarrollo y crecimiento de México.

Mantente informado sobre ¿que leer?, Artículos, Recomendaciones, Programas de Lectura, Testimonios y Eventos de la Campaña.

Иконка для 盜墓筆記精裝全集(繁體版) 2.1

盜墓筆記精裝全集(繁體版) (v. 2.1)

Baowa опубликовал приложение 2011-12-08
(обновлено 2011-12-08)

  這神秘的墓主人到底是誰,他們到底能不能找到真正的棺椁?爲什麽墓中還有那麽多謎團無法破解?後來發現的海底詭異船墓、秦嶺上的萬年神木以及崇山峻嶺中的天宮雪墓與這座古墓又有著怎樣的關系? 它們背後究竟隱藏著哪些千古之謎?夠膽量就看《盜墓筆記》。

Иконка для NABU Vogelführer 1.3

NABU Vogelführer (v. 1.3)

NATURE MOBILE опубликовал приложение 2011-12-07
(обновлено 2011-12-07)

Mit dem NABU-Vogelführer ist das Vogelbestimmen jetzt überall einfach! [Bitte Hinweise zum automatischen Update am Ende der Beschreibung beachten]

Der Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V. (NABU) stellt die Applikation kostenlos zur Verfügung und dankt dem Kosmos-Verlag für die Bereitstellung von Texten und Bildern.

Wie oft passiert es, dass man in der Natur unterwegs ist und wieder eine Vogelart entdeckt, über die man mehr wissen möchte. Doch im Rucksack ist neben Proviant und einer Regenjacke kein Vogelführer zu finden. Dieser steht noch zu Hause im Regal.

Jetzt gibt es eine neue Möglichkeit, Vögel direkt auf dem Ausflug auch ohne Buch zu bestimmen und gleichzeitig umfassende Informationen über den Vogel zu erhalten. Für Besitzer eines Android Telefons gibt es den Online-Vogelführer vom NABU nun auch als mobile Anwendung.

So einfach geht es: Sie geben die Merkmale des gesuchten Vogels ein und schon werden verschiedene Vorschläge gemacht. Je mehr Merkmale wie Lebensraum, Schnabel, Beine, Größe oder Gefieder angegeben werden, desto kürzer wird die Ergebnisliste der in Frage kommenden Vögel.

Der NABU-Vogelführer führt sämtliche in Deutschland heimischen Vogelarten auf. Auf den mehr als 200 Steckbriefen sind weitere Informationen auf den Internetseiten des NABU verlinkt.

Aktion "Stunde der Gartenvögel"

Senden Sie Ihre Vogelliste an den NABU und nehmen Sie so an der bundesweiten Aktion "Stunde der Gartenvögel" teil! Unter allen Teilnehmern verlost der NABU wertwolle Preise.

[Hinweis zum automatischen Update]

Nach der Installation der Anwendung können Sie automatische Updates für diese Anwendung auf der Marketplace-Seite erlauben. Damit geben Sie uns die Möglichkeit neue Features und Fehlerkorrekturen zeitnah zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir würden uns freuen wenn Sie diese Option nutzen.

Иконка для AUA Member Search 1.0

AUA Member Search (v. 1.0)

American Urological Association опубликовал приложение 2011-12-07
(обновлено 2011-12-07)

Allows AUA Members to Search for Other Members

Иконка для 天昂文庫 1.07

天昂文庫 (v. 1.07)

Jonesky Media 天昂 опубликовал приложение 2011-12-07
(обновлено 2011-12-07)

此為Ver.1.04的「天昂文庫 for Android」,歡迎將您寶貴的意見電郵至:



1. 新增 「頻道」一欄,並提供多個由知名出版機構提供內容的免費頻道
2. 在雜誌及_繪本閱讀_器的橫讀模式中,讀者可選擇單頁或跨頁閱讀

3. 在雜誌及繪本閱讀器中每一次double tap的縮放程序,由原來正常至兩倍放大再回至正常,改為正常至兩倍放大至三倍放大再回至正常

4. 雜誌及繪本閱讀器的其他功能改良

5. 在「電子書」區內支援漫畫閱讀器

6. 整體穩定性提升

7. 整體系統效能提升

*** 正版金庸武俠小說經已全球優先登陸「天昂文庫」***

*** 如需技術支援,請電郵到publishing@joneskymedia.com ***



*** 免費電子書及內容 ***




-《愛車.誌 imotor.me》所有期數


-《Comic King漫畫王》第127期


-《Mag Digest名刊匯》所有期數
-《Mobile Magazine手電雜誌》第43期


-《RC MAN遙控人》第69期


-《Wine-Luxe》 1-4月號

- 及多本電子書


在「天昂文庫」裡,您可以選購、下載及閱讀全球頂尖華文出版社旗下的中文電子書、雜誌和漫畫。透過與不同的出版機構和作者的合作,「天昂文庫」已 擁有近二千本書的授權/版權,而絕大部分更為獨家授權。以下為部分和我們合作的出版社及單位:

- 天下出版

- 明河社 (金庸武俠小說)

- 中國旅遊
- 中華書局
- 萬里機構
- bma

- 鄺氏出版

- Universal Music

- Chilli Media

- 安樂電影

- Real Root/HKMFP

- 精英三角

- Easy Communications

- 溫瑞安、Auto Asia、得寵、Fly Media等數十個單位


「天昂文庫」內的圖書經「天昂數碼出版」重新為智能電話/設備的介面排, 功能有:字體大小、自動書簽、漫畫導讀等等。這些功能大大減少在手機上 閱讀後感覺疲倦,令電子書閱讀增添樂趣。





Иконка для Hebrew-English Dictionary 2.0.1

Hebrew-English Dictionary (v. 2.0.1)

Prolog Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-12-07
(обновлено 2011-12-07)

מילון דו-לשוני מקיף עם אוצר המילים העדכני מסוגו, לצד סלנג וביטויים שימושיים. המילון בתעתיק מלא מובלט בצבע אדום בשתי השפות (כתיבת המילה האנגלית באותיות עבריות, ולהפך); ציון מקום הטעם (אינטונציה) במילה להגייה ברורה ונכונה; הסברים מנחים לבחירת התרגום הרצוי וציון מלא לצורת הנקבה.

♥ יתרונו: מילון זה אינו מילון מקוון ("און"ליין"), ואינו דורש חיבור לאינטרנט.

פרטים נוספים:

©פרולוג מוציאים לאור בע"מ | www.prolog.co.il

Иконка для Gaelfon FREE Irish Translator 3.0

Gaelfon FREE Irish Translator (v. 3.0)

Maithu IT Solutions опубликовал приложение 2011-12-07
(обновлено 2013-11-27)

The 'Gaelfon Free Irish Translator' is a 2-way English-Irish translator which contains over 13,000 off-line words and terms.  All information is stored on your phone so there are no internet or connection charges for using the app.

It uses the same dictionary as that on the 'Get the Focal' app which is also available for Android phones.
There is also a full of this app version available which has extra functionality such as:
- Download Irish Pronunciations for your translations
- Includes online search of the O'Dónaill Dictionary and the Irish terminology database at focal.ie
- Translate full sentences (From Google translate)

Feel free to email us (support@maithu.com) with feedback on the app or suggested improvements.  

We have tested the app on several Android handsets but are always happy to fix any problems we have missed out on.

Иконка для Latin<>English dictionary 2.7.4

Latin<>English dictionary (v. 2.7.4)

Paragon Software опубликовал приложение 2011-12-07
(обновлено 2011-12-07)

Talking Slovoed Classic Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary is one of best-selling bilingual dictionaries for Android containing the high-quality lexical database from the world's most famous publishers. Read, work, study and travel with a reliable dictionary on your phone!


Dictionary database is powered by Ultralingua.

•Latin-English dictionary contains over 16,000 entries.
•English-Latin dictionary contains over 24,000 entries.

•English sound module contains over 20,000 pronunciations by native speakers.


Dictionary FEATURES:

What’s New: Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for translation. With the launched dictionary you can copy an unknown word from an application you are using at the moment (e.g. web browser), then switch back to the dictionary and automatically get the translation of the copied word or phrase if it is available in the application base.


Search and translate Features

• Look up unfamiliar words in dictionary directly from the home screen! The dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.
• NEW! Search by voice. Speak your queries instead of typing words in a dictionary. (Use Google voice recognition service. Available for OS 2.2 and higher.)
• English Morphology module helps to translate words in any grammatical form.
• List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search (use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters).


Learning Features

• English audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Integrate dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily.
• NEW! Now you can install a Word of the day widget on your Home screen directly from the application.
• NEW! Manage Word of the day widget settings: select dictionary direction, font size and update period.


Interface Features

• NEW! Enhanced customization options allow you to choose background color. Black, white and sepia themes are available.
• NEW! Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort by pinch or pressing +/- bottoms.
• NEW! Dictionary installation on SD card to save space of your device (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• Automatically switching translation directions using the language of the word entered.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary to your device and use it with no further expense incurred.
• Multilingual interface available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.


Dear User,
Paragon Software is committed to providing the best user experience possible.  Because there is no efficient way to track each user review for our software in the app stores and on the internet marketplace, we would appreciate your assistance in identifying any technical issues by providing a detailed description to our Customer Support Team at 911@penreader.com.
Thank you for facilitating our effort to provide high-quality assistance to all of our valued users worldwide!

tags: slovoed, talking, compact, paragon, dictionary, dictionaries, translate, language, translation, reference, English, Latin, software, Merriam-Webster, Collins, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX

Иконка для Lessons in Raja Yoga 1.4

Lessons in Raja Yoga (v. 1.4)

Wolfgang Schmuck опубликовал приложение 2011-12-07
(обновлено 2011-12-07)

Lessons in Raja Yoga breaks the mold of all the other yoga instruction books and manuals you have heard and read about. It presents solid, proven steps to help you achieve the oneness of self and understand the states of mind.

Suppose you could finally relax, feel at peace and understand the connection between mind and self?

Imagine being able to shed the daily stressful existence you currently endure and replace it with relaxing calm and serenity.

Sounds too good to be true?

It’s not and I can prove it with Lessons in Raja Yoga.

You get everything you need to understand how to implement raja yoga into your own life. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is left out.

You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to start taking control of your own life with Lessons in Raja Yoga.

Watch and wait for the Silence that will follow the Storm!

Иконка для German<->Greek dictionary 2.7.4

German<->Greek dictionary (v. 2.7.4)

Paragon Software опубликовал приложение 2011-12-07
(обновлено 2011-12-07)

German Talking Slovoed Deluxe German-Greek and Greek-German dictionary is one of best-selling bilingual dictionaries for Android containing the high-quality lexical database from the world's most famous publishers. Read, work, study and travel with a reliable dictionary on your phone!


Dictionary database is powered by Millenium.

• German-Greek dictionary contains over 52,000 entries.
• Greek-German dictionary contains over 35,000 entries.
• German sound module contains 20,000 pronunciations by native speakers.


Dictionary FEATURES:

What’s New: Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for translation. With the launched dictionary you can copy an unknown word from an application you are using at the moment (e.g. web browser), then switch back to the dictionary and automatically get the translation of the copied word or phrase if it is available in the application base.


Search and translate Features

• Look up unfamiliar words in dictionary directly from the home screen! The dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.
• NEW! Search by voice. Speak your queries instead of typing words in a dictionary. (Use Google voice recognition service. Search in German language is available for OS 2.2 and higher.)
• List of similar words is displayed in case of misspelling
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search (use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters).


Learning Features

• German audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Integrate dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily.
• NEW! Now you can install a Word of the day widget on your Home screen directly from the application. (To do this go to Menu -> Settings -> Install widget)
• NEW! Manage Word of the day widget settings: select dictionary direction, font size and update period (manual or automatic).


Interface Features

• NEW! Enhanced customization options allow you to choose background color. Black, white and sepia themes are available (To select a theme go to Menu -> Setting -> Theme)
• NEW! Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort by pinch or pressing +/- bottoms. (You can save font size as scaled. To do this go to Menu -> Setting ->Save scale).
• NEW! Dictionary installation on SD card to save space of your device (Available for OS 2.2 and higher).
• Automatically switching translation directions using the language of the word entered.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary to your device and use it with no further expense incurred.
• Multilingual interface available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish languages.


Dear User,
Paragon Software is committed to providing the best user experience possible.  Because there is no efficient way to track each user review for our software in the app stores and on the internet marketplace, we would appreciate your assistance in identifying any technical issues by providing a detailed description to our Customer Support Team at 911@penreader.com.
Thank you for facilitating our effort to provide high-quality assistance to all of our valued users worldwide!

tags: slovoed, talking, deluxe, paragon, dictionary, dictionaries, translate, language, translation, reference, Greek, German, software, Wörterbuch, Wörterbücher, übersetzen, Sprache, Übersetzung, Referenz, Griechisch, Deutsch, Merriam-Webster, Collins, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX

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