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Иконка для Le Koran 1.0

Le Koran (v. 1.0)

MobileReference опубликовал приложение 2011-12-11
(обновлено 2011-12-11)

TRADUCTION NOUVELLE FAITE SUR LE TEXTE ARABE PAR M. KASILMIRSKI Interprète de la Légation Française en Perse NOUVELLE ÉDITION ENTIÈREMENT REVUE ET CORRIGÉE ; AUGMENTÉE DE NOTES, COMMENTAIRES ET D'UN INDEX Le Coran est le livre sacré de l'islam. Sa tradition le présente comme le premier ouvrage rédigé en langue arabe claire, affirmation à la base de la notion d'« inimitabilité » du Coran. Le Coran regroupe les paroles de Dieu qui auraient été révélées au prophète et messager de l'islam Mahomet par l'archange Gabriel. Cette révélation s'étend sur une période de vingt-trois ans. Le Coran est parfois appelé simplement al-kitâb (le livre) ou adh-dhikr (le rappel). Il constitue une des deux parts de la révélation à Mahomet, l'autre part étant constituée des hadiths prophétiques. Les musulmans le considèrent comme une manifestation d'un attribut divin, le kalam, qui représente la capacité de Allah (le nom de Dieu en arabe) à transmettre à ses prophètes certaines informations relatives au bien et au mal, à la vie et à la mort, au paradis et à l'enfer, ainsi qu'aux lois fixant les limites entre le licite et l'illicite. En ce sens, il est, pour les musulmans, l'expression incréée de cet attribut d'Allah adressée à l'intention de toute l'humanité, c'est-à-dire détenteur d'une vocation universelle, contrairement aux révélations précédentes qui étaient destinées en tout premier lieu à un peuple en particulier.

- Extrait de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre

Иконка для 谁知我心--吸墨 1.0

谁知我心--吸墨 (v. 1.0)

iximo.com Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-12-11
(обновлено 2011-12-11)

本期推荐电子书 - 《故事里的心里学》 作者:马洪思>>>>>>



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Иконка для The Vicar of Wa... (本 ebook 书) 1.0

The Vicar of Wa... (本 ebook 书) (v. 1.0)

Sty'll fish co., ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)

T978177541239#novel,classics,bestseller,Magazine,ebooks,ebook,digital books,digital book,books,book,the books,the book,novels,小说,文学,武侠,言情,爱情,杂志,书,小説,文庫,ライトノベルス,ラノベ,ノンフィクション,おすすめ,話題,最新,人気,メジャー,有名,ランキング,名作,ヒット,ベストセラー,雑誌,電子書籍,書籍,本

「The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale」
The Vicar of Wakefield follows the life of a wealthy vicar and his family who lie an idyllic life in their country parish thanks to the vicar's clever investments. The evening that his son is to marry an heiress, the vicar discovers.

Иконка для 永久差異 〜IFRSの嵐の次に来るもの 1.0.0

永久差異 〜IFRSの嵐の次に来るもの (v. 1.0.0)

ZEIMU KEIRI KYOKAI CO.,LTD опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)

一方で日本の財政状態を考えると、「税収の確保」は避けられない課題である。本書はそんな二律背反する命題を解くためのヒントを与えるものである。タイトルの「永久差異」とは、税効果会計と呼ばれる会計手続きで用いられる用語であるが、本書では、会計と税務の“差異”、欧米と日本の税金に対する考え方や節税の手法に関する“差異”、さらには、組織運営の“差異”と 、様々な“差異”の説明をしている。これらの“差異”が“永久差異”とならないことの警鐘の意味が込められている。


※対応OS: Android OS 1.6 以上

• 山田有人(やまだありひと)







• 仕事ができる人の問題解決力
• 複眼思考の会計学

Keywords: 税務経理協会 ぜいむけいりきょうかい MCBook 山田有人 やまだ ありひと 永久差異 えいきゅうさい IFRS  会計 税務

Иконка для OKtm Siddur Lite

OKtm Siddur Lite (v.

OKtm Websites IL опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)

♔ Lite version of our popular OKtm Siddur!
♔ Differences: does not includes: DynamicSmart Siddur, Zmanim, Minyanim, Luach (Jewish calendar) and other tools.
Includes all Nusachim.

♔ Please send feedback directly to us. We fix quick. Please Don't send feedback to the Market :(

Jewish Hebrew Weekday Siddur סידור לימות השבוע בעברית
Includes ALL the following Nusachim: Ashkenaz, Sefarad, Edot Hamizrach (Sphardic), Ari (comparable with Tehilat Hashem of Chabad).
♔ Works on Android 1.6 and up!
♔ No need to install fonts or root phone!
♔ Easy to navigate Hebrew Siddur, includes Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv, Benching, Hallel, Musaf, Omer counts etc.

Other Features:
♔ Change text appearance
♔ Full Hebrew and English menus
♔ Convenient context menu (can be disabled)
♔ Full screen option
♔ Pinch and Zoom option
♔ No internet connection required
♔ Return to last location in Siddur
♔ Supports all sizes of screens
♔ Supports rooted devices, or Hebrew System (Israeli cell phone)
♔ Installs on SD card to save space
♔ Help file
and more!

Keywords: Sidur, Sfaradic, Spharadi, Sfarad, Prayer book, Bible, Hebrew, Jew, Tehilat Hashem, Chabad, Lubavitch, Torah Ohr, Tefilah, Israel

Иконка для Pizza Recipe & Pizza coupons! 3.1

Pizza Recipe & Pizza coupons! (v. 3.1)

Greenway опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)

Free Pizza Recipe... Delicious homemade Italian style thin crust pizza recipe! Straight forward and simple secrets on how to make a fantastically delicious Italian style thin crust homemade  pizza by your host Dante Fillipiano. Get FREE pizza coupon offers from all your favorite pizza parlors...

Key help secrets include;
How to add great flavor to  pizza dough.
Great tasting toppings.
How to get my pizza dough to become thin crust
Oven temperatures.
Timing to cook  pizza.
Special FREE bonus includes Dante's Homemade Italian Meatball Recipe!
...Everyone loves pizza!  Let's face it, pizza has become the number one food that everyone loves worldwide.  If you would like to learn the simple secrets to making a fantastic tasting pizza - you are in the right place!  My easy to cook thin crust pizza recipe is easy and I am very happy  to share it with you!  My name is Dante Fillipiano and as a native Italian I grew up enjoying just about every style of pizza you can image!  Homemade pizza is an Italian tradition in which every family has their own special secrets which are passed from generation to generation.    Pizza making should be an easy and enjoyable process.  Once you have the recipe you are satisfied with you can add your own special ideas to give it your own special distinctive taste.  You will also receive my Italian style homemade meatball recipe and free coupons for pizza from all your favorite pizza parlors...

Иконка для Crystal Guide Pocket Edition 1.30

Crystal Guide Pocket Edition (v. 1.30)

M.Stevens опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)

A premium all-in-one pocket reference for crystals / gemstones and minerals.  Includes detailed facts, geological data and crystal healing, spiritual, numerology, elixir and chakra information for hundreds of crystals.  

*** Free updates are released regularly to expand the crystal database. If the gem stone you are looking for is not in it yet, just send us a request from within the app (under Tools -> Request a Specific Crystal...) and we'll get it added for you in the next update! Be sure to check for app updates frequently to ensure you always have the latest version ***


- Constantly expanding A-Z list of gemstones and minerals, each with its own unique geological / metaphysical profile.
- Search for healing stones by ailment / area of improvement or by chakras.
- Search for stones by name or by upto 10 geological properties.
- Birthstone / zodiac information (by month and by star sign).
- Crystal numerology data.
- Geological reference charts and chakra information.
- Built in web shop for UK users.
- Free future database updates!
- Supports App2SD and Move To SD (android 2.2+)

Ideal for mineral collectors, crystal healing, meditation, spiritual healing, psychics, geologists and researchers alike.

We support our apps! If you run in to a problem, please drop us an email and we'll do our best to resolve it for you (please also check your junk mail for replies, just in case).

Иконка для Siddur Lite

Siddur Lite (v.

OKtm Websites опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)

Lite version of our popular Android Siddur!
♔ Differences: does not includes: DynamicSmart Siddur, Zmanim, Minyanim, Luach (Jewish calendar) and other tools.
Includes all Nusachim.

♔ Please send feedback directly to us. We fix quick. Please Don't send feedback to the Market :(

Jewish Hebrew Weekday Siddur סידור לימות השבוע בעברית
Includes ALL the following Nusachim: Ashkenaz, Sefarad, Edot Hamizrach (Sphardic), Ari (comparable with Tehilat Hashem of Chabad).
♔ Works on Android 1.6 and up!
♔ No need to install fonts or root phone!
♔ Easy to navigate Hebrew Siddur, includes Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv, Benching, Hallel, Musaf, Omer counts etc.

Other Features:
♔ Change text appearance
♔ Full Hebrew and English menus
♔ Convenient context menu (can be disabled)
♔ Full screen option
♔ Pinch and Zoom option
♔ No internet connection required
♔ Return to last location in Siddur
♔ Supports all sizes of screens
♔ Supports rooted devices, or Hebrew System (Israeli cell phone)
♔ Installs on SD card to save space
♔ Help file
and more!

Keywords: Sidur, Sfaradic, Spharadi, Sfarad, Prayer book, Bible, Hebrew, Jew, Tehilat Hashem, Chabad, Lubavitch, Torah Ohr, Tefilah, Israel

Иконка для 武漢處女的墳墓(繁體) 2.1

武漢處女的墳墓(繁體) (v. 2.1)

Baowa опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)


Иконка для 蔣介石與家族(繁體) 2.1

蔣介石與家族(繁體) (v. 2.1)

Baowa опубликовал приложение 2011-12-10
(обновлено 2011-12-10)


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