Probably the best Sudoku app around, the key features of SudokuAssistant are:
a) it can analyse all the cells in a Sudoku and inform you which numbers are possible in the cells (the green dots indicate which numbers are possible: 1 top-left -> 9 bottom-right). Alternatively, red dots can be used to show which numbers are impossible.
b) it can fill in all the cells that have only one possible number based on this analysis, so saving you time and effort.
c) it can give you a clue on what to do next - suggest a cell for you to look at.
d) it can provide you with a detailed hint on what to do next - and then do it for you if you request it to do so.
e) it keeps a record of what you’re doing, and lets you go back a step at a time if you think you’ve made a mistake, or go right back to the beginning.
f) it can check and highlight errors.
g) it can solve the Sudoku for you automatically if you just want the solution for some reason.
h) it has built-in classic, symmetrical Sudokus (4 levels) with millions of different initial layouts for you to use, but you can also enter Sudokus from newspapers or magazines.
i) it can solve any valid Sudoku - even one where you have to make guesses and maybe backtrack to try other guesses.
Full Help facility.
Always open in Portrait orientation.
Supported by ads. Also available ad-free as an individual app (SudokuAssistant) or as a component of Compact Puzzles (12 puzzles in one app) or Compact Numbers (6 games and puzzles in one app).
Also available from if you cannot download from the Android Market. Versions for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Nokia, Windows PCs and Macs also available from there.