Wordle British (v. 1.23)
Jet Ding опубликовал приложение 2011-06-09
Wordle is a game for English learners. It is a fun way to check and enhance your vocabulary. It contains thousands of popular English words which are used very often in your day life. |
Collisions of World Cup (v. 1.0)
LeKuSoft опубликовал приложение 2011-06-04
After you enter the game, finger-touch the screen, then select the graphics you want to move towards transverse, diagonal or vertical line. To click when three or more same graphics lined up directly to eliminate and get the corresponding points. Once you reach the points, you will proceed to the next level |
RoomPieRent (v. 1.4)
Hans Blom опубликовал приложение 2011-06-04
RoomPieRent is a game where you have to occupy rooms with your pies. You do this by touching the last of the four walls of the room if already three walls have been touched. The name of the game is a literal translation of the Dutch name: Kamertje Verhuur. The game is also known as Quatro. You can choose the number of rooms from 1 to 64. You can play against your Android device of against another person. |
当乐旋转泡泡 (v. 1.3)
DiGuaYouXi опубликовал приложение 2011-06-04
在太空中的神奇泡泡,必须将他一一消灭,不过因为是在太空之中,没有重力的状况下,他可是会不断的转动着,颠覆一般泡泡龙玩法的游戏,让这款旋转泡泡球更添新鲜与趣味。玩家只需要轻松的使用手指在屏幕上划动箭头,使小球划向所想指向的方向,是一款适合都市白领和商务女性的益智游戏。 |
当乐金字塔谜题WVGA (v. 1.4)
DiGuaYouXi опубликовал приложение 2011-06-04
这是一款解谜类的游戏,让玩家在轻松的状态下进行游戏,玩家只需要轻松的使用手指在屏幕上划动,就可以将游戏内的物品拖动,进一步完成过关的需求,本产品总共设计了81道关卡让玩家进行游戏,是一款适合全家老小动脑的小品益智游戏 |
疯狂气球 (v. 1.2)
DiGuaYouXi опубликовал приложение 2011-06-04
这是一款休闲益智类型的游戏,听着轻松愉快的音乐,在蓝天下,用气球占领区域从而获得胜利,一切是如此的理所当然,但是随着关卡的靠后,难度也逐渐的提升,让人对那些愉快的音乐漫不经心了。开始全心的投入游戏里去,这款游戏的关卡是没有限制的,难度只会越来越高,让我们一边听着音乐,一边享受游戏的乐趣吧。 |
Moebius Puzzle Light (v. 1.2)
GaMoon опубликовал приложение 2011-06-03
Moebius Puzzle is based on the movement (sliding) of the rows and columns of the array of tiles that make up the puzzle. |
Cross Puzzle Light (v. 1.1)
GaMoon опубликовал приложение 2011-06-03
Cross Puzzle is based on the movement (sliding) of the rows and columns of the array of tiles that make up the puzzle. |
蓝魔的逆袭 (v. 1.2)
DiGuaYouXi опубликовал приложение 2011-06-03
地球人对资源的渴求超乎想象,在攻下阿凡达人民居住的地方后,阿凡达人民愤怒了,他们来到了地球,占领了M国军事基地,握有重火力的他们对地球人采取了猛烈的进攻,玩家通过在屏幕上拜访武器,来阻挡蓝魔的攻击,为了捍卫我们的地球,让我们一起来作战吧! |
Spread Image (v. 1.0)
tata_mozart опубликовал приложение 2011-06-02
Click somewhere on panels you like. |