www.android-online.ru РазработчикиWidget Factory

Приложения разработчика Widget Factory в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1-5 из 5
Иконка для Crazy BubblePop 10.0

Crazy BubblePop (v. 10.0)

Widget Factory опубликовал приложение 2012-12-17
(обновлено 2012-12-17)

Crazy Bubble Pop

just push, bubble bubble pop pop★

bubble wrap - pop pang ★

[ Keyword ] BubblePop
nuclear,item,e=mc2,Albert Einstein.

What We Want?

[ Widget Factory ] is
Medium that connects the human and computer creativity.

[ ICE ] Interface Cognitive Engineering

Иконка для Memo Widget [ Pro ] 27.0

Memo Widget [ Pro ] (v. 27.0)

Widget Factory опубликовал приложение 2012-11-20
(обновлено 2012-11-20)

[ no Ad version ]

- Button ◀ : Move Cursor Left
- Button ▶ : Move Cursor Righ
- Long Click : ◀(smaller text)t
- Long Click : ▶(Bigger text)

- B color : widget Back Color Change
- T color : widget Text Color Change
- T size  : widget Text Size Change

- Copy : memo edit box -> All Copy
- Lock : if you want to make Secret Memo. (Make Password)
- Mode : Show mode <> Edit Mode(is default mode)

most simple memo widget.
most need for you.

[ Memo. ]

. (dot) means [ terminator ]

■[ intro. ]

by the Dever. [developer]
for the User.
of the User.

' this is Memo Terminator '

■[ What We Want ?. ]

consumer don't know
Own eyes until I know what it is

so and...

i'm the memo master & Lazybones !!

U think.. useful
Never bother a [ memoWidget ],
that is created by [ Lazybones ]

' this is Memo Terminator '

■[ i want. &  i need. ]

1. Purpose: only many text word.
-> font must be small & distinguish available

2. Action : Reduce unnecessary touch.
-> Objectives do not lead to inappropriate behavior.

3. Configuration : Simple is Best
-> As distinct visual representation
    of intended emotions make abstinence.
    By this,
    we conduct leads to a sense of emotion through.

so, Do you need I say more?

' this is Memo Terminator '

■[ ICE guideline ]

ICE : Interface Cognitive Engineering

- Absolutely rule out the technical level
- To the user what is the ideal design?
- [ do not add ] user wanted interface,
  [ Rid the interface ] for the user uncomfortable.

∴ [ this is Memo Terminator ]

1. buy it unconditionally!
2. Make sure buy!
3. Please buy twice!
4. lol

■[ to use ]

- Edit : just, Widget click, than u can edit memo.
- Sav : Back Button - automatic saving

- i have [ ←→ direct key] : it really useful !!!!!

위젯 메모

[ my application ]
- 메모 종결자 : memo widget version by S-Korea
- memo terminator : memo widget - most simple and effective.

What We Want?

[ Widget Factory ] is
Medium that connects the human and computer creativity.

[ ICE ] Interface Cognitive Engineering

Иконка для 공포 상호작용 - 제3의 감각 [ 공포신경 ] 7.0

공포 상호작용 - 제3의 감각 [ 공포신경 ] (v. 7.0)

Widget Factory опубликовал приложение 2012-11-19
(обновлено 2012-11-19)

제3의 감각을 자극하는 공포의 물결.


노약자나, 임산부, 어린이,
기타 심장이 약하신 분들 등은 절대 받지 마십시오.

한번만 실행하고, 바로 삭제하세요.
절대, 여러번 보지 마세요.

볼륨을 줄이고 싶으시면 최대한 줄이세요.

무서움 잘타는 분들은 그냥, 진동모드로 바꿔버리세요.


무서운 이야기
무서운 효과
무서운 것
흐엉 ㅠ_ㅠ 오메 지리것소

Иконка для LifeTime Clock 12.0

LifeTime Clock (v. 12.0)

Widget Factory опубликовал приложение 2012-09-17
(обновлено 2012-09-17)

Notes terminator] Please take a note along with the widget application ^^
Smart App Awards 2011 - Information Management Excellence ★

[Widgets] Life Clock - LifeTime Clock

[Life is going by day]

Day life (24 hours) the application that is converted into.

When you enter age,
Life time of the application instructions.

Republic of Korea bestseller
"Youth would hurt is the author of '.
Watch the professor proposed gimnando life!

Average life expectancy exceeding 80 years. 24 hours a day.

Day life (24 hours) when converted to the current time!

My age is 26 years old.
I thought I'd be all adults.
Only, 7 am to 48 minutes. ㅋ
It 's time to eat breakfast and get to work :)

People around the life of each Computation time please ^ ^

49-year-old boss is still 14:42.
Not conceal his surprise the boss!
Is really strange?

If we looked at the entire life from macroscopic viewpoint,
I feel that more time is still early.

Life through the clock, time, and look at the cold.
And, each time you look for established goals.

Your solution not yet.

Life, Time, Check, simple, widget

[Hangul keyword]
Life, time, time, watch, check, easy, and widgets

♥ ♥ OS Required Application Series
[Backlight Toggle: Home screen icon → Backlight On / Off
[Statusbar making]: Home → status bar icons now descending
[Off-screen 1.0]: Home → ponhwamyeon right off the screen icon
[Crazy torch 2.0]: On the Home screen icon → Flash now
[Reboot 4 root]: On the Home screen icons → reboot Wright Now

♥ ♥ companion
Notes terminator]: Smart App Awards 2011 - Information Management Excellence ★
[Mad ppokppokyi]: Updates will soon ppokppokyi '-' ♥
[Tilt Square]: the world's most difficult game (tilt sensor)

Application friend ♥ ♥
[Life Clock]: equivalent to the time of your life makes you ♥
[Fear interact]: a new concept horror through user interaction

What We Want?

[ Widget Factory ] is
Medium that connects the human and computer creativity.

[ ICE ] Interface Cognitive Engineering

Иконка для Memo Widget [ Free ] 21.0

Memo Widget [ Free ] (v. 21.0)

Widget Factory опубликовал приложение 2012-08-15
(обновлено 2012-08-15)

memo widget - memo terminator
- Button ◀ : Move Cursor Left
- Button ▶ : Move Cursor Righ
- Long Click : ◀(smaller text)
- Long Click : ▶(Bigger text)

- [ Back ]: widget Back Color Change
- [ Text ]: widget Text Color/Size Change

-Backup: e-mail memo backup. (auto : your account mail)
- Lock : if you want to make Secret Memo. (Make Password)

most simple memo widget.
most need for you.

[ Memo. ]

. (dot) means [ terminator ]

■[ intro. ]

by the Dever. [developer]
for the User.
of the User.

' this is Memo Terminator '

■[ What We Want ?. ]

consumer don't know
Own eyes until I know what it is

so and...

i'm the memo master & Lazybones !!

U think.. useful
Never bother a [ memoWidget ],
that is created by [ Lazybones ]

' this is Memo Terminator '

■[ i want. &  i need. ]

1. Purpose: only many text word.
-> font must be small & distinguish available

2. Action : Reduce unnecessary touch.
-> Objectives do not lead to inappropriate behavior.

3. Configuration : Simple is Best
-> As distinct visual representation
    of intended emotions make abstinence.
    By this,
    we conduct leads to a sense of emotion through.

so, Do you need I say more?

' this is Memo Terminator '

■[ ICE guideline ]

ICE : Interface Cognitive Engineering

- Absolutely rule out the technical level
- To the user what is the ideal design?
- [ do not add ] user wanted interface,
  [ Rid the interface ] for the user uncomfortable.

∴ [ this is Memo Terminator ]

1. buy it unconditionally!
2. Make sure buy!
3. Please buy twice!
4. lol

memo widget terminator

■[ to use ]

- Edit : just, Widget click, than u can edit memo.
- Sav : Back Button - automatic saving

- i have [ ←→ direct key] : it really useful !!!!!


[ Keyword ]

[ my application ]
- 메모 종결자 : memo widget version by S-Korea
- memo terminator : memo widget - most simple and effective.
필수 어플, 메모 위젯

What We Want?

[ Widget Factory ] is
Medium that connects the human and computer creativity.

[ ICE ] Interface Cognitive Engineering

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