www.android-online.ru Разработчикиvanangelov

Приложения разработчика vanangelov в Android Market

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Иконка для Send My Location 2.2

Send My Location (v. 2.2)

vanangelov опубликовал приложение 2012-08-07
(обновлено 2014-08-14)

Have you ever wondered how to explain to someone where you are right now in the city? With the 'Send my location' app you can easily send a link to a map of your current location to a friend via text message or email. Anyone with internet-enabled phone can receive the map. A feature-phone with a mobile browser will also work as well as any type of smartphone. You can also just email the link with your position to anyone with Internet access or share it with social networks and messaging services like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or Skype.

Imagine the following situation:
I am dining with friends in a new restaurant. Another friend calls and asks me to explain where I am, so he can join us. Instead of trying to explain the location of the restaurant I just take my phone, start the app and wait for it to find my position on the map. I tap on the map to put a flag on the exact location of the restaurant and send the link containing its GPS coordinates to my friend's mobile phone as text message. My friend receives the message and clicks on the link inside.  A map of my location opens inside Google Maps (if he has a smartphone) or inside his mobile browser (if he has a feature-phone).

GPS, I am here, here I am, where am I, my location, my address, my position, send position, latitude and longitude, directions, map directions, text message, positon, coordinate

Иконка для Love Compatibility Calculator 1.1

Love Compatibility Calculator (v. 1.1)

vanangelov опубликовал приложение 2012-01-15
(обновлено 2012-01-15)

Based on the principles of Numerology, Love Compatibility Calculator allows you to check the compatibility between two people as it affects their romance, love and emotion.

Similar to Astrology, Numerology is a belief system that dates back many centuries. The main idea of Numerology is that our lives are affected by our birth date. It is believed that numerology can not only help you understand better yourself, but it can also help you to understand and improve your relationships, love and family life.

This app calculates the life path number for each of the two persons and based on those gives an assessment of their emotional and romantic compatibility in life.

Иконка для Numerology Daily Horoscope 1.2a

Numerology Daily Horoscope (v. 1.2a)

vanangelov опубликовал приложение 2011-06-22
(обновлено 2011-06-22)

This is a free app that shows your personal numerological horoscope for the day.

Numerology (like astrology) is a traditional system of beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects and living things.
Your personal daily numeroscope is derived on the basis of the current date and your date of birth. Unlike horoscopes numeroscopes are created on numerological principles, but the influence of the number from the birth date is important to all zodiac signs. In Numerology, the numbers 1 through 9 each have an astrological and Tarot association.

Using this app you can find out what is your daily number, what it means for you, your work and family life and your personal and financial success.

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