CallVibrate (v. 2012-02-03)
TinyJames опубликовал приложение 2011-04-01
(обновлено 2012-08-19)
[Note] (1)If the application does not work after updating, please remove it, and then reinstall it again. (2)The answering vibrate may not support all mobile phone (3)If you have any sugesstions, you can mail to me(TinyJamesStudio@gmail.com). I would answer you as soon as possible.
[Functions] CallVibrate can notify user by vibrating when these case which list below (1)Dial a call (2)Hung-up a call (3)The call is answered (4)When the specified time is up after the call is answered(Coming soon)
[Keywords] (1) هزاز, إهتزاز, هاتف, إتصال, إنهاء, مكالمة (2)震動、振動、掛斷、播出、撥出、接聽、接通 (3)震动丶振动丶挂断丶播出丶拨出丶接听丶接通 (4)answer, call, end, oscillate, phone, shock, vibrate, vibration (5)antworten, annehmen, Anruf, Ende, Anrufende, Verbindung, herstellen, hergestellt, beenden, Telefon, Handy, Mobiltelefon, Smartphone, vibrieren, Vibration, melden (6)Keywords in Greek (7)Keywords in Italian (8)ответ, звонок, разговор, телефон, вибросигнал, вибрации
[Multi-languages] Sorted By Laguage Letter (1)Arabic(العربي ، شكرا لعبدالعزيز , (asharekh@gmail.com)) (2)Simplified Chinese(簡體中文, TinyJames) (3)Traditional Chinese(繁體中文, TinyJames) (4)English(TinyJames) (5)German(Deutsch, Tom Wildzeiss) (6)Greek (7)Italian (8)Russian(Русский, Матвей)
[Wanted] Has someone can help me to translate this application into more languages