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Иконка для Pacific Ocean Tsunami Alerter 1.0.1

Pacific Ocean Tsunami Alerter (v. 1.0.1)

SpaceNext опубликовал приложение 2012-10-17
(обновлено 2012-10-17)

Receive instant Tsunami alerts for Pacific Ocean on your Android

Note 1: If you don't get Tsunami alerts  it's more due to your network providers data connection

Note 2: There is no way this app would report false reports.It also reports information bulletins/watch messages(level3/level4 messages) which are not of that much significance.Always look out for level1/level2 messages!

Note 3:If you have battery saving apps like Juice defender this might not work as it constantly pings the server (You need to allow this app in Juice defender settings to allow internet acess)

Pacific Ocean is otherwise known as Ring of Fire as nearly 90% of the world's earthquakes and 80% of the world's largest earthquakes occur along the cost of Pacific Ocean..Some of them are large enough like the one at Japan in March 2011 and they may cause destructive Tsunami's which may kill thousands of people along the Pacific coast.A Tsunami alert on your phone may help you to get informed before the disaster strikes..

Each Tsunami alert would be accompanied by  a siren sound and generally it would last for few seconds depending upon the category of alert.For highest alert,it would last for 15 seconds(7 seconds during daytime) and for other  information bulletins the siren would last for 2 seconds.

Take your own decision based upon the location of Tsunami and how far it's from your place.

People living in California,Oregon,Washington,British Colombia (Canada & United States) may have to rely to WCATC warnings apart from this...

Note:This app relies on PTWC Tsunami warnings for Pacific Ocean

Иконка для TextOnly -Browser 2.0.4

TextOnly -Browser (v. 2.0.4)

SpaceNext опубликовал приложение 2012-09-03
(обновлено 2012-09-03)

TextOnly is a browser/reader  which reduces data usage by 80-90% by   displaying only readable content from webpages/webpages.It strips unwanted content like ads,scripts/images etc

NewYork Times -http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/29/technology/personaltech/in-2011-app-developers-turned-attention-to-android.html (Mentioned as one of the top 10 apps for 2011)

TechCrunch (Top Tech blog) http://techcrunch.com/2011/12/02/textonly-app-only-gives-you-the-good-part-of-most-websites/

Wired (Top blog):

Note:The version 2.0.3 is working perfectly  fine.
-If you have any problems with version 2.0.3 please email me  at ramanean@gmail.com before rating the app.(I would be more eager to solve the problems)

1.Ease of reading articles on websites
2.Strips out unwanted content like Ads,CSS,sidebar,header
3.Reduces Data usage by 80-90%
4.Multiple modes of reading(RSS/Links/Normal)
5.Read TextOnly pages from Google searcg
6.Supports more than 90% of websites except few
7.Almost all sites with a good RSS feed are supported
8.Articles would be listed in a simple format
9.Now you can open any links on Twitter/Facebook/Any app using TextOnly
9.Bookmarks to access sites easily.


The app is currently in beta phase and we intend to develop this app based on constructive comments..Please let us know where we are lacking and how we can develop it further so that it would be useful for all.

This app works on more than 80% of sites..Please email me if the site your browsing is not compatible with my app before commenting here

Video in Brazilian top site :http://olhardigital.uol.com.br/produtos/central_de_videos/para-conexoes-lentas-elimine-fotos-pesadas-e-converta-sites-inteiros-em-texto

To view the browser version of it,visit http://textonly.in (This would work with any mobile browser_

Contact me @Ramanean on Twitter or ramanean@gmail.com

Иконка для PlayText - Podcaster 1.0.2

PlayText - Podcaster (v. 1.0.2)

SpaceNext опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
(обновлено 2012-06-01)

PlayText converts readable content from any webpage or a website into a Podcast.The podcast can be either downloaded to phone or can be streamed directly.

1.Hear the  Podcast of any webpage
2.Download the Podcasts and save it to  your android.
3.In-built media player for  playing the downloaded Podcasts
4.Stream the Podcasts without waiting for the downloads

Text to Speech: PlayText uses TTS engine for Android to stream the podcasts as well as sythensize the podcasts into media files.You need to have Text to Speech Engine installed on your android

Steps for streaming:
1.Enter a url and Click on Go
2.Select the articles and Click on play
3.Articles would be podcasted in the background

Steps for downloading
1.Enter the url and Click on Go
2.Select the articles and Click on Download Podcasts
3.Once the download is done,go to downloaded podcasts
4.Tap on any media file(podcast) to play it.

Supported:More than 90% of sites are supported except few.

Contact me @Ramanean on Twitter or  ramanean@gmail.com

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