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Приложения разработчика nciku.android в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1-8 из 8
Иконка для Chinese-Japanese Love Phrases 1.0.2

Chinese-Japanese Love Phrases (v. 1.0.2)

nciku.android опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
(обновлено 2012-06-30)

A Chinese-to-Japanese and Japanese-to-Chinese phrasebook especially designed to focus on love and romance-related topics, with 100 useful lines in 9 categories such as meeting a potential partner, expressing your love, marriage proposals and breaking up


- 100 lines in Chinese and Japanese, with pronunciation in Pinyin, Kana and Romaji

- Audio recordings for every line by native speakers of both Chinese and Japanese

- Lines are sorted into 9 categories

It's essential for both Chinese people learning Japanese and Japanese people learning Chinese.




1.出会い篇 2.デート篇 3.告白篇 4.お断り篇 5.喧嘩篇 6.おねだり篇 7.ラブラブ篇 8.プロポーズ篇 9.お別れ篇




如果您正在学日语,一定想知道哪些日语句子最实用呢?关于爱情的语言就是日语学习的必修课之一。 无论您是否打算在樱花盛开的国度经历一场浪漫的异国情缘,您一定想和心爱的恋人分享语言学习的成果。

此应用程序精心挑选了100句恋爱日语,共分为9篇,分别为 相遇篇、约会篇、表白篇、拒绝篇、吵架篇、请求篇、密语篇、求婚篇、分手篇 ,帮您轻松玩转恋爱中的每个场景。并且,每一句都配有真人发音。这些可是课本上学不来的哦。 别再犹豫啦,赶紧来查查这些恋爱对白在日语里是怎样表达的。

生命中总是充满美丽的邂逅,您准备好了吗? 多掌握几种新奇而实用表达方式绝对有备无患。

Иконка для French Pickup Lines 1.0.2

French Pickup Lines (v. 1.0.2)

nciku.android опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Do you want to flirt with French girls or guys? Maybe you're visiting Paris and want to know what to say to the people you meet in bars there? Or perhaps you just want to start a conversation with the hot French international student in your class? Either way, our French Pickup Lines app might be able to help you!

It couldn't be simpler to use - just choose whether you want a cheesy pickup line or something that's actually useful, and our app will choose one from dozens of different lines, given in both French and English

Don't like the line we gave you? Tap "show me another" for a different suggestion.

We've even got an audio recording of each phrase so you can hear how it should be pronounced by a native French speaker.

Good luck, and have fun!

Иконка для Japanese Pickup Lines 1.0.3

Japanese Pickup Lines (v. 1.0.3)

nciku.android опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Do you want to flirt with Japanese girls? Maybe you're visiting Tokyo and want to know what to say to the people you meet in bars there? Or perhaps you just want to start a conversation with the hot Japanese international student in your class? Either way, our Japanese Pickup Lines app might be able to help you!

It couldn't be simpler to use - just choose whether you want a cheesy pickup line or something that's actually useful, and our app will choose one from dozens of different lines, with Japanese Kanji, pronunciation in Kana (Japanese phonetic characters) and Romaji (English letters), and the English translation.

Don't like the line we gave you? Tap "show me another" for a different suggestion.

We've even got an audio recording of each phrase so you can hear how it should be pronounced by a native Japanese speaker.

Good luck!

Иконка для Chinese Pickup Lines 1.0.2

Chinese Pickup Lines (v. 1.0.2)

nciku.android опубликовал приложение 2012-06-20
(обновлено 2012-06-20)

Do you want to flirt with Chinese girls? Maybe you're visiting Beijing and want to know what to say to the people you meet in bars there? Or perhaps you just want to start a conversation with the hot Chinese international student in your class? Either way, our Chinese Pickup Lines app might be able to help you!

It couldn't be simpler to use - just choose whether you want a cheesy pickup line or something that's actually useful, and our app will choose one from dozens of different lines, with Chinese characters, a pronunciation guide in pinyin (english letters), and the English translation.

Don't like the line we gave you? Tap "show me another" for a different suggestion.

We've even got an audio recording of each phrase so you can hear how it should be pronounced by a native Chinese speaker.

Good luck, and have fun!

Иконка для 3,000 Chinese Lantern Riddles 1.0.2

3,000 Chinese Lantern Riddles (v. 1.0.2)

nciku.android опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

Based on the book of the same name by Chinese author 崔慧明 (Cui Huiming) and 何楠 (He Nan), this app lets you guess traditional Chinese lantern riddles based on 15 different categories.

NOTE: The riddles and their answers are all in Chinese. Lantern riddles are usually based on both the features and meaning of a Chinese character, so they wouldn't work if you translated them to English (this note was added in response to Thomas's review, sorry to anyone else that thought they would be in English).

Here is the introduction of the original book:

Lantern Riddles are a treasure of Chinese traditional culture which has been popular with people for thousands of years. More than a game, the lantern riddle increases one's knowledge, cultivates one's brain, delights people, and nourishes one's spirit. This book collects 3000 excellent ancient and modern lantern riddles and classified them into 15 categories. Besides that, this book introduces techniques to guess lantern riddles and some common rules and forms of lantern riddles. As the riddles in the book are precise and mostly modern, it suits both refined and popular tastes, and both young and old.

If you have comments or suggestions about the book app, please feel free to send us emails at reader@nciku.com. Also please visit nciku Community at hi.nciku.com to discuss the latest books and other topics.


《古今灯谜三千条》是根据同名中文电子书改编的iPhone小程序。此程序改变了一般电子书从前往后顺序的阅读方式, 把每个谜题分别摘取出来以随机显示的方式来阅读, 增加了阅读的实用性和趣味性。我们希望这款中文电子书应用程序能为您带来不一样的阅读体验。,


灯谜, 是我国传统文化的瑰宝, 数千年来深受群众喜爱。灯谜不仅是一种文字游戏, 且能通过猜谜增长知识, 开发智力, 愉悦身心, 陶冶情操。本书作者从古今优秀的灯谜中, 精选出3000条, 分为15类, 并简要介绍了猜灯谜的方法及部分常用谜格知识。该书选谜严谨, 以今为主, 雅俗共赏, 老少咸宜。,


北京东方慧灵科技发展有限公司是一家专门开发汉英双语教育类软件的科技公司。公司的主要产品有在线词典网站nciku.com、n词酷词典Android和iPhone/iPad版以及n词酷阅读器iPhone/iPad版。欢迎您在程序商店下载更多n词酷应用程序(搜索关键字 'nciku'即可)。如果您对我们的产品有什么意见或建议,请随时联系我们。我们的电子邮件是reader@nciku.com。


Иконка для nciku 韓流ドラマロケ地ガイド JP 1.0.2

nciku 韓流ドラマロケ地ガイド JP (v. 1.0.2)

nciku.android опубликовал приложение 2011-12-30
(обновлено 2011-12-30)





★充実の基本情報 各スポットの観光情報、営業時間、連絡先、アクセス方法、利用料金、ホームページ、ドラマとの関連情報などを掲載、万全の旅行計画をお手伝いします。
★3種類のリスト機能 ロケ地リスト、ドラマリスト、地図一覧の三画面からロケ地の検索ができ、行きたい場所がすぐ見つかります。
★抜群の操作性 旅行案内の中の電話番号やURLから直接アクセスできるのが、Androidアプリならではの使い勝手の良さです。
★マップとナビの連携機能 各スポットのマップはナビと連動しているので、土地勘のない現地で旅行中道に迷う心配もありません。
★目で楽しめる豊富なイメージ 各スポットやドラマのイメージを掲載、見るだけでもバーチャル旅行が楽しめます。










nciku Korean Tour Guide: Japanese Version
Tested on HTC Desire HD

Иконка для nciku 韩剧拍摄地观光指南 CN Version 1.0.2

nciku 韩剧拍摄地观光指南 CN Version (v. 1.0.2)

nciku.android опубликовал приложение 2011-12-05
(обновлено 2011-12-05)

“韩剧拍摄地观光指南”收录了多部热门韩剧在韩国境内的拍摄取景地。这些景点既有独一无二的人文特色,又有得天独厚的自然景观。如果您或您 的朋友正计划去韩国旅游,为什么不把这些有趣的地方逐个游历?韩剧拍摄地带给您的将不仅是一场眼球的盛宴,更是一趟舒缓心灵的旅程。

-- 拍摄取景地的景点介绍、开放时间、联系方式、地址、推荐路线、门票价格等实用信息
-- 丰富的景点风景照片和韩剧相关剧照以供欣赏
-- 三种浏览方式:按景点浏览、按韩剧浏览以及从地图上浏览
-- 在景点详细介绍页,可点击联系方式直接拨打电话和点击官网链接浏览网页
-- 在地图浏览中提供导航功能。点击“地图和导航”可直接使用Android系统的导航应用,减少迷路的辛苦和尴尬。

韩剧的浪漫纯美投射着每一个相信真爱、热爱生活的人对人生的最美好的愿景。喜爱韩剧的人啊,心底定是有着最柔软的角落,装满了极浪漫的情怀。即使是被现实 磨砺得淡然而稍觉麻木、鄙弃煽情而宁愿平静,有时还是禁不住会为了那些感人至深的剧情潸然泪下、魂萦梦绕而至心向往之。走在那些那男、女主人公嬉笑哭闹的 街道、公园、场馆,是不是连空气都能变得缠绵悱恻?如果您在繁忙的工作之余也有这样的遐想和踏上那片土地的愿望,那这本旅游手册一定符合您的需要。



北京东方慧灵科技发展有限公司是一家开发汉英双语教育类软件为主的科技公司。“韩剧拍摄地观光指南”是我们最新推出的产品。公司的其他主要产品有 nciku.com在线词典网站、n词酷词典iPhone, Android版和n词酷阅读版电子书系列。欢迎您在程序商店下载更多n词酷应用程序(搜索关键字 'nciku'即可),或加入n词酷社区hi.nciku.com分享您的使用心得。如果您对我们的产品有什么意见或建议,请随时通过电子邮件 help@nciku.cn联系我们。

nciku Korean Tour Guide: Chinese Version

Иконка для Old nciku (Updates Only) 3.3.6

Old nciku (Updates Only) (v. 3.3.6)

nciku.android опубликовал приложение 2011-09-16
(обновлено 2013-07-11)

To purchase this app, please search for 'nciku chinese dictionary' in Google Play.

If you don’t have access to paid Google Play apps, then visit our website at tool.nciku.com/androiddictionary

This app is actually identical to the new app in every aspect except the name, and will continue to be updated at the same time as the new version. We changed it because the package ID of the old app was based on the outsourcing company that made the original (and very buggy) version of the nciku dictionary, and this can’t be changed even though the app has been completely rewritten.

- You will have to re-download the dictionary data after installing this update. This is a very large file (>100MB) so please connect to WiFi before updating
- Unless you re-download the data file, the updates don't delete the words in 'My Viewed Words'.

Previous versions:
3.3: Split-screen view for tablet mode; Automatic search for pinyin when there are no matching ‘words’ results; Theme Words & Conversations from the nciku website, with audio pronunciation for conversations; Automatically search for selected text in your clipboard; Improved result order in meaning search
3.2: sentence mode, pre-built HSK and CET vocab lists
3.1: entry/example audio, voice search
3.0: handwriting, stroke animations, example search, flashcards etc

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