www.android-online.ru РазработчикиInnovationMantra

Приложения разработчика InnovationMantra в Android Market

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Иконка для Mantra for Genius Minds 1.0

Mantra for Genius Minds (v. 1.0)

InnovationMantra опубликовал приложение 2012-01-21
(обновлено 2012-01-21)

This is the newest offering from the house of Innovation mantra.
The application contains the seed mantra for godess of intellectual sharpness. It is believed that listening to this mantra for 10-15 minutes in a day can help you or your kids get a sharper mind and will help you learn and concentrate.

Иконка для Mantra of Life and Youth 1.0

Mantra of Life and Youth (v. 1.0)

InnovationMantra опубликовал приложение 2011-12-12
(обновлено 2011-12-12)


Do you
-ever feel low even after following a healthy routine?
-ever feel the fear of dying an unexpected death?
-ever felt afraid of ur near-dear ones getting hurt?
-feel lethargic and unenergetic even after spending hours on fitness?
- Know of someone who is sick and needs to recover fast?
- want to keep yourself alive and healthy?

YES? Chances are that life energy is low. Several ancient civilizations have listed 5 basic elements of life. These are - Wind, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirituality. It is believed that lack of any or all of these elements can lower the life energy of a person and push him/her towards a lifeless life.

To all those people who want to charge up their life, we present to you - SOUL CHARGER - The Most powerful Rejenuvating Mantra for Soul

Q. What is it?
SOUL CHARGER is an effort to deliver to you all the basic elements of a life force to your body.

Q. How does it work?
It consists of high quality sounds from all the 5 Elementals of life. Listening to them helps create a fulfilling atmosphere inside and outside of you. One of the most important element is the Spirit. It consists of an Ancient Mantra- The life giving mantra(or - death defying Mantra). Repeated listening or chanting of this mantra reinforces your mind,body&soul.

Q. Yeah? Has it been proven scientifically?
[Albert Einstein's] dream of a unified theory has become the Holy Grail of modern physics. He believed that string theory may provide the answer. From one principle-that everything at its most microscopic level consists of combinations of vibrating strands-string theory provides a single explanatory framework capable of encompassing all forces and all matter.
You, I, all living things, all things in existence are made up at their most essential level of vibrating, pulsating energy. For millennia, mystics have recounted their experience of this energy, which is said to manifest in our hearing awareness as a humming vibration around and within everything else..David Gordon
Einstein.. E- mc*2 - Everything around us is energy.
Ancient civilizations believed that these vibrations that forms the basis of all matter living and non-living could be heard by virtue of mediation and by tuning into the sound of the universe. This sound was nothing but AUM, AMEEN, AMEN.. Ancient Mantras - like- the Mantra of Life is carefully created by specifically selecting the sound phonetics that channel this energy of the universe to the energy to your body and soul.

Q. For how long shall I listen/ chant it?
The more the merrier. However, it is recommended that one can do it for approx 30 minutes in a day.

Q. And how many times?
As long as you feel  comfortable. It doesn't have any negative effects.

Q. How do I know if it’s working?
There is no fool proof way to measure that. However, the only measure is that if you feel relaxed and energetic after listening to it for a few days.

Q Any recommended time for listening?
Yes- Best time - 5a.m. - 7a.m. or 5p.m.- 7p.m. in calm and open space. Face east, sit with crossed legs.
But it can be used any time of the day and anywhere.

Q. Ok fine. But how do these controls work?
1. Application on startup resembles Screen Shot 1.
2. Click on the toggle button to activate the elements. The grayed background for that toggle button should get colored and you should hear sound.
3. The soul charging starts the moment any of the elementals is on.
4.  Soul Battery in the top section shows the level of charging
5. Bottom most section gives you the option of starting a stop timer to shut down the application.

Q. Ok nice!!!!! Anything else?
If you have any suggestions or facing any problem, please write us at admin@innovationmantra.com.
If you like the application, Please leave a feedback on the market to let other know how you like our sincere efforts and hard work.

Thank you!

Иконка для Caller Detail for Sales Reps 1.1

Caller Detail for Sales Reps (v. 1.1)

InnovationMantra опубликовал приложение 2011-11-11
(обновлено 2011-11-11)

Q: Why do I need Business Call Analyzer?
1. Have you ever find yourself looking at a caller’s name and wonder who he/she was?
2. Have you ever received a call and wondered if you ever got a call from that number in the past?
3. Have you ever got a call from a Business prospect and you couldn’t figure out a word about him/her or the context where you left your last discussion as you do not have your business notebook handy with you.
4. Have you ever greeted the caller only to discover that you mistook his/her identity?
5. Have you ever met someone interesting at a social gathering and thought later when you got a call from her/him you couldn’t remember the context of your earlier discussion and thus lost an opportunity to strengthen your friendship/relationship?
6. Have you ever got a call from a prospective buyer/seller but you couldn’t recall the last price the buyer/seller or you quoted?
If you find yourself in any of these situations then this application is for you

Q: What it offers?
Business call analyzer gives you an instant snapshot of
1. Caller’s info
a. Caller’s Address(stored in your phone)
b. Caller’s org. (stored in your phone)
c. Any important information about the caller that you have stored in contact notes(Stored in your phone)

2. Call info :
a. Consolidated Information about all the calls for that caller’s from the call log of your phone for- Total calls, Missed calls, Incoming and Outgoing calls
b. The details and type of the last call for the current caller if any

Q: How do I start it?
Simple! Install the application, click on the button Activate. An info message stating “Business Call analyzer has been Activated” will be displayed. Also, a green application icon in the top status bar will be visible to indicate its active status.

Q: How do I Stop it?
Simple! Either browse to the application thru the application icon on your phone and click on Deactivate to Stop it. A popup info message “Business call analyzer Deactivated” should appear.

Q: It doesn’t work on my cell phone. What should I do?
Our support and development team is always with you to help you resolve any issue due to different models of phone, various operator and OS related customizations. Please send us an email at admin@innovationmantra.com and we will address all your questions and concerns.

Q: The popups sometimes overlaps the screen controls?
The popup is just a screen overlay. You can still use the buttons and controls below it even if the popup is active.

Q: Does it need any GPRS connection from my service provider?
No, it doesn’t need to get any info from anywhere but your phone. All your phones data is secured inside your phone. So its cheaper, secured and more than that no annoying advertisements

Q: I accidently cleared the top status notification for this application. Is the app still running?
Yes, in all probability. Launch application and click on the Button Deactivate. It would show an info popup stating that application has been deactivated. Click on Activate again to restart the application and to get the missing status notification in the status window.

Q: Where does the application get the information that it show? Is it from the internet?
NO. This application totally relies on analyzing and presenting the information stored in your phone by you.

Q: I ended the call but info popups stay for a few more seconds. Why?
The pop up are designed to be shown for around 8 seconds  so as to let you have enough time to get to the phone and see the information. Do not worry. The info pop-us should disappear in a few seconds

Иконка для Miracle Chants 1.2

Miracle Chants (v. 1.2)

InnovationMantra опубликовал приложение 2011-09-23
(обновлено 2011-09-23)

Q: What is Miracle Chants application?
Several ancient civilizations believe that the first thing that was ever created by god was the sound– Aum. All the matter sprung out of life from this very sound. This sound is believed to contain all the frequencies of the universe. When these ancient sounds are spoken or recited, they create vibrations and create energy field that pulls the very energy from the universe and direct it to listener. However, the chants need to be recited in the proper octave and rhythm.  Miracle Chants application is an effort to bring this ancient priceless collection handy to you.

Q: What all do I get in Miracle Chants?
Mostly in life things are ok for most of us. But then there are times when we are let down. Doesn’t matter how much we try, things never seem to go well. Driven by our inherent human spirit to fight and will to make things right, we try and try until we have exhausted all our humanly options.. it’s then that we wait for a miracle, we wish for one, we dream of one. Miracle chants are for time like these
There are specific sounds that these ancient chants make, that have the ability to do different beneficial things to us. For example: AUM- has the ability to lift your inner self to a higher spiritual level. The great Death Defying Mantra is believed to bestow the listener with great health and protect him/her from any accidental mis-happening and so on

Unlike your daily chores that require a part of your mental alertness, the ancient chants require your spiritual attention and alertness. The listener should be able to detach him/herself from the outside world and concentrate within self. One needs to become oblivious to the outside distractions. There are certain environments favored by earlier Yogi’s and Rishi’s (divine godly people) that help liberate your spiritual awareness.  These types of environments are carefully selected and modulated to give you similar natural experience in your routine life.

Q: How do I use it?
Simple! Install the application on your android based cell phone. And click on the application icon to launch it.  You should see the screen as shown in the screen shots below.  
Play Button : Once you have customized your application, you can start the application by clicking on Play button

Pause Button: Helps you Pause the playing chant/environment- whatever the case may be. The button text color changes to red when Pause is active. Clicking Pause again resumes the playback. Playback can be restarted by clicking Play.

Stop Button : Stops all the playback and counter
Info button: Info provides you with the information about the selected chant.

Indicator buttons: Indicator buttons indicate the status of the track next to them. If the track next to an indicator button is active/playing the indicator will lit green. This helps avoid confusion in case any track has some silent patch in it.

Counter: Timer is to help you get an idea of the time you have been listening to the chants. Clicking on the checkbox next to the counter enables the counter. It will start counting time the moment you click on Play

Concha Sound: Checking this control gives you the option of blowing conch in the starting of chants which is considered as auspicious.

Q: For how long shall I listen to it?
As long as you want to and feel comfortable. However it is recommended that you select a calm and quiet place. Also, if possible avoid listening to these chants while doing any attention intensive task

Q: What is the best time to listen?
Anytime is a good time. However, early morning hours (before/during sunrise) and evening hours 5p.m.-7p.m. are preferred.

Q: What if I face a problem or have a suggestion.
Please feel free to write to us anytime at admin@innovationmantra.com. We are a group of highly passionate individuals trying to bring innovative magical experiences to you. We will try our best to take care of any concern or feedback

Иконка для Magic Mantras - New!!! 4.1

Magic Mantras - New!!! (v. 4.1)

InnovationMantra опубликовал приложение 2011-08-20
(обновлено 2011-08-20)

Dear  paolino  and Jason!
Thanks for your comments! We really appreciate it.

We have investigated the looping issue mentioned by you. Our audio team has carefully created and merged the tracks to make the looping un-noticeable. However, there are a few devices/OS combinations that tend to put a short pause before begining of the loop thereby making it noticeable.
Our team is working on developing a workaround for the same and will share it with you soon.
Thanks !
Team - Innovation Mantra

We have been living a stressful life that starts the moment we get up. Our mind is always occupied with thoughts, worries and a race to meet deadlines. In this madness, it’s my sincere effort to bring a few moments for ourselves, our minds, Spirit and our bodies.

Natural Environment
It is a journey starting with a calm and relaxing natural environment that we find our minds to be most relaxed in.
Once you have selected your favorite environment, press start and the application will take you to that world. I have carefully mastered the sounds to give you a near-actual effect.

Earlier, after creating the environment effect, I thought that the application is good enough to share. But then, being in a natural environment is just half the battle won. A mind needs to be in peace from outside as well as inside. Inner calmness can only be gained thru a union of Mind and spirit. So I present to you a set of highly powerful mantras in the best of sound and acoustics.

According to spiritual sciences, God first created sound, and from these sound frequencies came the phenomenal world. Matter itself is said to have proceeded from sound, and AUM is said to be the most sacred of all sounds. It is the syllable which preceded the universe and from which all the gods were created. Listening to this mantra for 10-15 Minutes brings unimaginable peace and benefits to mind and soul.
I would suggest a small test for this mantra. Sit in a calm place and chant AUM along with the Mantra in this application. Once your voice gets aligned, be prepared to be amazed. You will feel as if your saying AUM is making the things around you Vibrate with a similar tone/frequency and that everything around you is chanting AUM.

The Great Death Conquering Mantra
This mantra-rejuvenates, bestows health, wealth, long life, peace, prosperity and contentment. It is said to protect against accidents and misfortunes of every kind. It has a strong healing power. It can cure diseases declared incurable even by the doctors. This Mantra is believed to conquer Death. Listen to this mantra if you have any fear of getting injured in an accident or untimely .... May god be with you.

Aum Namah Shivay-
This mantra can be repeated by anyone, young or old, rich or poor and no matter what state a person is in, it will purify him. This brings your inner energy to a higher level. This brings peace and tranquility in your inner being. Sit with a calm mind, close your eyes and repeat this Mantra for 108 times for best effects.

Gayatri Mantra-
The Gayatri mantra, the mightiest of the ancient mantras, is a prayer to the Sun god to alleviate one from all human sins, physical dissipation and to bestow knowledge, health and longevity. Gayatri is the mantra to be repeatedly recited in the morning before the Sun begins to rise, at noon when the Sun is in the apex and in the evening as the Sun sets, three times a day. Gayatri Mantra is to be recited or heard for 108 times at a time to bring out good results

1. These mantras will bring their desired effect irrespective of religion/country/geography and time

2. Listening to these Mantras is recommended when you are relaxing, travelling in public transport. Please do not listen to them while doing any attention intensive task

3. A recommended way to use this application is to have the sound volume high enough to camouflage any outside sound and to close your eyes

Let the journey within begins..AMEN

Иконка для Puja Bead Counter Updated 9

Puja Bead Counter Updated (v. 9)

InnovationMantra опубликовал приложение 2011-06-15
(обновлено 2012-12-31)

by Mridul (July 5, 2011)
it was good before update because when ur eyes are closed the mobile vibrates automatically but now it is not possible

Dear Mridul,
Thank you for your feedback.
The fuctionality of viration when you press the beads still exists in the application. Please check the checkbox- vibrate in the left hand bottom of the application to activate this functionality at will.
Team - InnovationMantra
July 5th 2011

Puja bead counter is a very simple application for those who are in the habit of using rosary or rudraksha beads while praying.
1. With this application you dont have to carry the beads.  Just enter the number of beads your mala has and then touching the button leads to increments.
2. Device should vibrate when the number of beads entered equals your chants (please check the checkbox- vibrate to activate the same)
3. Alternatively this application can be used as a simple touch counter as well.
4. The Button covers majority of screen area to help you concentrate on japa rather than the device

Although we are raking our brain cells to make every new upgrade of this application to help us meditate and remember that almighty but requesting you to kindly provide me with your views and feedback.
Thank you very much for reading this and using the application


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