www.android-online.ru РазработчикиGIMIK Systeme GmbH

Приложения разработчика GIMIK Systeme GmbH в Android Market

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Иконка для 12track GPS Tracking Widget 2.2

12track GPS Tracking Widget (v. 2.2)

GIMIK Systeme GmbH опубликовал приложение 2012-08-05
(обновлено 2012-08-05)

“12track GPS Tracking App” localizes   „12track Widget“ – a strong team for free mobile locating
12track is a locating system for Android smart phones:
• 12track GPS mobile tracking in a closed system.
• Protection of privacy is validated by german data privacy authority.
• 12track offers free smartphone apps and
• free GPS mobile locating.
Quick and reliable – the 12track mobile tracking. Locate your family menbers with the world wide unique combination of the 12track GPS Tracking App and the 12track GPS Target Widget.
12track is a closed system, in line with data privacy. Locating takes place by 12track GPS Tracking App. Important: Install the 12track GPS Target Widget at the target smart phone.
The 12track GPS Tracking App
• Free locating of smart phones by the 12track Widget
• Satellite based GPS tracking
• Security for your family: 12track emergency feature
The 12track Widget – GPS Tracking Target for 12track smart phone localization
• Secured constraint of locating operations to the authorized 12track GPS Tracking App
• Emergency feature with direct call to the 12track GPS Tracking App
Locate your family – with 12track allways free!
12track GPS Tracking App allocates high performant GPS locating without any oncost.
• Via mobile locating by 12track gathered positions are only visible for you
• No data storage on a server
• No registration
12track handling of data privacy for mobile locating
• No locating without consent.
• GPS locating with imformational self-determination.
• You have complete control about your position data.
• 12track products only communicate inside your personal contact list.
• No data storage on a server
• No registration
The easy handling of 12track
1. Activate  the 12track GPS Tracking App at your smart phone.
2. Choose and activate the target.
3. 12track locates and presents the requested position to you.
The 12track product family emergency feature
If a 12track contact list member (12track widget user) had pressed the emergency button, direct contact to the 12track GPS Tracking App is established. You are presented with the relevant position data marked at the 12track map accurate to several yards. Also voice communitcation is up.
More 12track GPS Tracking products for you are afoot:
• 12track GPS Tracker
o For school bags, key rings, cars, pets etc.
o Small and handy
o With voice communication
• 12track GPS Tracking App and 12track GPS Target Widget for iPhone and iPad
o Including all features of our 12track products.
12track on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/12track-App-und-Widget/212931435410510

Иконка для 12track GPS Tracking App 2.2.2

12track GPS Tracking App (v. 2.2.2)

GIMIK Systeme GmbH опубликовал приложение 2012-07-13
(обновлено 2012-07-13)

“12track GPS Tracking App” localizes   „12track Widget“ – a strong team for free mobile locating
12track is a locating system for Android smart phones:
• 12track GPS mobile tracking in a closed system.
• Protection of privacy is validated by german data privacy authority.
• 12track offers free smartphone apps and
• free GPS mobile locating.
Quick and reliable – the 12track mobile tracking. Locate your family menbers with the world wide unique combination of the 12track GPS Tracking App and the 12track GPS Target Widget.
12track is a closed system, in line with data privacy. Locating takes place by 12track GPS Tracking App. Important: Install the 12track GPS Target Widget at the target smart phone.
The 12track GPS Tracking App
• Free locating of smart phones by the 12track Widget
• Satellite based GPS tracking
• Security for your family: 12track emergency feature
The 12track Widget – GPS Tracking Target for 12track smart phone localization
• Secured constraint of locating operations to the authorized 12track GPS Tracking App
• Emergency feature with direct call to the 12track GPS Tracking App
Locate your family – with 12track allways free!
12track GPS Tracking App allocates high performant GPS locating without any oncost.
• Via mobile locating by 12track gathered positions are only visible for you
• No data storage on a server
• No registration
12track handling of data privacy for mobile locating
• No locating without consent.
• GPS locating with imformational self-determination.
• You have complete control about your position data.
• 12track products only communicate inside your personal contact list.
• No data storage on a server
• No registration
The easy handling of 12track
1. Activate  the 12track GPS Tracking App at your smart phone.
2. Choose and activate the target.
3. 12track locates and presents the requested position to you.
The 12track product family emergency feature
If a 12track contact list member (12track widget user) had pressed the emergency button, direct contact to the 12track GPS Tracking App is established. You are presented with the relevant position data marked at the 12track map accurate to several yards. Also voice communitcation is up.
More 12track GPS Tracking products for you are afoot:
• 12track GPS Tracker
o For school bags, key rings, cars, pets etc.
o Small and handy
o With voice communication
• 12track GPS Tracking App and 12track GPS Target Widget for iPhone and iPad
o Including all features of our 12track products.
12track on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/12track-App-und-Widget/212931435410510

Иконка для BKK futur Hausmittel App 1.8

BKK futur Hausmittel App (v. 1.8)

GIMIK Systeme GmbH опубликовал приложение 2012-07-11
(обновлено 2012-07-11)

Holen Sie sich die kostenlose „BKK futur Hausmittel App“ und nutzen Sie das Wissen der BKK futur über Anwendungsbereiche (Beschwerden) und  Anwendungsweise von über 200 bewährten und geprüften, teilweise sehr alten Hausmitteln.
Sie suchen ein Hausmittel bei Erkältung? Bei Husten, Schnupfen, Durchfall, Sodbrennen? Mit der komfortablen Suche finden Sie schnell Ihre aktuelle Beschwerde und erhalten die Hausmittel angezeigt, die Sie zur Linderung einsetzen können.
Oder kennen Sie ein Hausmittel, wissen aber nicht, wogegen es wirksam ist? Suchen Sie nach Ihrem Hausmittel und informieren Sie sich.
Viele Hausmittel sind zugelassene Arzneimittel, die Sie in Ihrer Apotheke bekommen. Ihre „BKK futur Hausmittel App“ informiert Sie darüber.
Ausführliche Erklärungen sowie viele Tipps, Hinweise und Bilder machen die „BKK futur Hausmittel App“ zu einem interessanten und wertvollen Service-Tool.
Inklusive: Podcasts
• Sommer, Sonne, Haut
• Allergie – Symptome mit Hausmitteln bekämpfen
• Erkältung, Schnupfen, grippaler Infekt

• BKK futur Serviceportal mit:
o Geschäftsstellenfinder
o direktem Anruf an Ansprechpartner
o Homepage Link
• Audiofiles
o Sommer, Sonne, Haut
o Allergie – Symptome mit Hausmitteln bekämpfen
o Erkältung, Schnupfen, grippaler Infekt
• Komfortable Suche mit:
o anspringbarem ABC
o Sortierliste nach Beschwerden
o Sortierliste nach Hausmittel
• Bilder zu Hausmitteln
• Hinweis zur Eigenschaft „Zugelassenes Arzneimittel“
• Ausführliche Anleitung zu Zubereitung und Anwendung von Hausmitteln
• Weitere Informationen:
o Tipps
o ergänzende Hinweise
• Facebook „gefällt mir“ - Button

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