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Приложения разработчика FreeBytes в Android Market

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Иконка для Decision maker 1.0

Decision maker (v. 1.0)

FreeBytes опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

Trying to decide which course of action to take can be difficult, sometimes impossible. On such occasions the decision maker can make the decision for you.

All you need to do is think of a particular course of action, for example "do I go on this business trip?" and answer the five questions as if you have already taken the decision (so if taking that business trip would make life easier at work just tick the box that says life would be easier).

Hit the decide button and see what the decision maker recommends....

It is important to remember that this app is not responsible for the outcome of any decisions you make, it is there to help you decide in situations where you are unsure of what decision to make.

If you want a totally random answer, as you would get with say flipping a coin, just leave all the check boxes empty.

But, if you want an answer that takes your circumstances into account, tick the appropriate boxes (a ticked box means you are answering yes to the question it is asking) before hitting the decide button.

By ticking the appropriate boxes you give the app a little bit of information that will affect its decision making process and so help it recommend the decision that is better for you.

Because the process is truly random you could click the button ten times and get the same recommendation every time or get ten different recommendations but by ticking the appropriate boxes you will affect that randomness enough to give you a decision that is best for you and takes into account the effects of that decision in the real world.

The application screenshots are taken at the smallest resolution supported by the decision maker, 320x480, larger resolutions are supported of course and the application will adjust to fill your screen so if you have a larger screen do not worry.

If the screen shots appear fuzzy or blocky it is simply because the picture is heavily compressed and not scaled for your devices resolution whereas the app itself is not compressed and is scaled for your system and so will be fine and clear on any android device.

This application is supported with ads at the top of the screen.

Иконка для Txt SpK (translate text speak) 1.0

Txt SpK (translate text speak) (v. 1.0)

FreeBytes опубликовал приложение 2012-08-20
(обновлено 2012-08-20)

Txt SpK translates text from sms speak to plain english or vice versa, just type or paste text into its box and hit the encode or decode button to convert to or from sms (text) speak.

Text speak is simply the name given to the unique way people abbreviate text when sending by sms, for example "wuz 4 lulz m8 lol. Ul C d bro iz a wkd dl P-("
or "@}---- 4U mi swt & 10dr <3. Ilu 4frnfr, _/_/ l8r".

It has a built in dictionary of over one thousand three hundred known words and phrases, and for those not in its built in dictionary the app uses basic pattern recognition to find out what the words translate to. As a result it contains more text speak words than any online sms translator.

Txt SpK should work on any screen size and resolution and has been tested with screen resolutions of 320x480 and 480x854.

With Android  supporting a wide range of non standard screen resolutions it is possible that although many resolutions are supported some devices may not display the buttons correctly.

If you should have such a problem, for example if the buttons are very hard to see on your device, please email with the make and model of your device and it will be added to the supported resolutions.

When converting to text speak it uses generic sms substitutes for words and phrases, mainly British, because it is impossible to account for all international variations however when translating from text speak to English it takes into account variations and translates accordingly.

While no single dictionary or app can ever cover all possible sms speak variants this app covers more than most, but if you find something that it doesn't translate please email and it can be added to the built in database.

Please note that the app is free but supported by adverts at the top of the screen, they are there to help fund the development of more apps and enable this app to be free but will not affect the performance of it.

Иконка для Waymaker gps 1.2

Waymaker gps (v. 1.2)

FreeBytes опубликовал приложение 2012-05-24
(обновлено 2012-05-24)

Waymaker is a map application that lets you see locations in a number of ways, and helps you do some useful things with that information.

You can see a persons eye view of either your own location or one you enter the coordinates of, or you can get walking or driving directions to your choice of destination from where ever you are.

If you just want to download the app and skip the rest of this text please check the very end of this text for important notes.

As well as the options already mentioned if you are a user of the KidSafe app you can also copy the gps or gsm text which that application sends and paste its content into the coordinate box. Choosing the KidSafe option will then show you a persons eye view of exactly where that text was sent from.

Waymaker has three screens, all can be navigated to using the blue arrows you will see on screen or by swiping across the screen in the direction you wish to navigate (only the map screen itself needs you to use the blue buttons).

Screen one shows basic status information, screen two shows the map or street view you ask for and screen three lets you select a map type to display or enter gps coordinates.

If you enter coordinates into the coordinate box on the options screen, or paste text from the KidSafe application, please remember to select your maptype AFTER entering this data :)

Back to the map types and getting map directions is very easy, just choose your map type (for example "walking directions") and then simply head on over to the map screen.

You will see a green marker, labelled B, just drag that over the place on the map that you want directions to and it will automatically download turn by turn directions for you.

The directions are at the bottom of the screen and you can drag them to the top by simply grabbing hold of the text at the bottom and sliding it up to the top.

This app should work correctly on any Android device with a screen resolution of at least 320x480 and version 1.6 or better of the Android operating system.

It requires a data (internet) connection in order to download the maps or street views you ask it for so if you have no such connection waymaker will be unable to show that information.

On devices with a slow processor, or a slow data connection,the display of maps or street views may take a few seconds longer than you expect and if you ask for a street view or KidSafe view of an area not yet covered by Googles street view cameras you will simply see a blank screen.

On such devices you will find that the blue direction buttons which navigate to and from the different screens may have a small delay if the app is downloading or displaying data.

This is not an application problem but is caused by Android trying to share the low memory and processing power fairly between waymaker and any other apps.

Waymaker should adapt to any screen size but if you do encounter any display issues with it please email so they can be fixed and please note this will not display properly on resolutions that are lower than 320x480.

This app is not suitable for low memory devices because the temporary storage of your current locations streetview images can use up to fifteen megabytes of your devices memory.

However the application can be moved to external storage, and has been tested on a 500Mhz phone with 38 Megabytes of internal memory free and while it did run in such a situation navigating between screens was notably slower than normal and the low memory did affect display times.

If you see no map on screen it means either your internet connection is off or very slow or that you have the auto refresh setting enabled.

Occasionally you may see an error message when pressing the arrow button to go to the next screen, although rare this issue is known about but so far has not been reproducible however if you click the OK button then it should perform correctly.

Иконка для Mind Reader 1.0b

Mind Reader (v. 1.0b)

FreeBytes опубликовал приложение 2011-12-26
(обновлено 2011-12-26)

It's magic Jim, but not as we know it....

This app will read your mind and tell you exactly what symbol you're thinking of. It's that easy.

It uses a high contrast colour scheme (dark text and pictures on a white background) so that small screen devices with resolutions as low as 200x400 can easily see what's on the screen although a larger screen resolution of 320x480 (or higher) is recommended.

Mind reader requires version 1.6 (or higher) of the Android operating system, and ideally a screen resolution of 320x480 or higher.

Where your device supports it mind reader can be moved to external storage, this means you can keep it handy to read minds without sacrificing any of your devices built in storage space.

Please note that unlike some of our other apps the graphics are quite plain and simple, this is to enable the amount of data on display to be easily viewed and to conserve memory on low memory systems so as to enable more people to be able to enjoy the trick.

This is a simple, fun trick. Enjoy the magic :)

@Tyler it's unfair to try and spoil how the trick works before some one gets a chance to try it themselves or rate it low because it is a magic trick, and while you are on the right lines as to the answer it does not come down to three numbers.

@Robert so many peoples apps have a comment from "robert" that says they are horrible, not sure if that is you just saying the same thing on many apps but this is a simple magic trick and it works. Maybe you should try making your negative comments more constructive or at least say what you didn't like?

Иконка для KidSafe (gps tracker) 1

KidSafe (gps tracker) (v. 1)

FreeBytes опубликовал приложение 2011-12-22
(обновлено 2011-12-22)

KidSafe lets you know exactly where your child is at any time and if the phone is stolen and the sim card changed it will let you know the new phone number and continue to track it.

The apps main features are....

* Easily locate your child wherever they are using gps satellites

* If gps is not available the app will use gsm (cell tower) triangulation to find the location

* Automatically starts itself when the phone is switched on.

* If stopped from running it will restart itself after a short delay

* If the phone is stolen and the sim card replaced you will receive a text from the new number so you can continue to track where the phone is or give the new number to law enforcement

* No confusing or clunky menus, simply slide your finger left or right across the phone screen to switch between the main or settings pages

* If you want to have your child be home at a particular time, set a curfew alarm and if they are not home by then a loud siren will sound until you cancel it (if you do not cancel it the siren will not stop)

* You can have the phone ring you at any time, useful if phone is stolen or you just want to hear for yourself that your child is ok

* Start or stop a loud siren on demand

* Send commands to the phone from any phone (the sender does not have to be an Android device)

* All features controlled by simple texts

KidSafe works on Android devices with version 1.6 or higher of the Android operating system and a screen size of 320x480 or higher.

It automatically enables the gps function on the phone without your child having to manually switch the gps receiver on.

On some devices running Android version 2.3 or higher the auto gps feature may not work, if this happens the app will ask your child to enable the gps and if they choose not to it will use gsm triangulation to find their location instead. Please note that gsm locations are not as accurate as locations found using gps.

Please be aware your child can see the texts the app sends or receives, but only you or a number you approve can control the app.

Inside each text command you must include the key (not password) you saved when you installed so make that something easy to remember.

Commands can be found by sending ks.help along with your keyword in a text to the phone KidSafe is installed on. The curfew command is the most complicated and is as follows....

ks.startcurfew in Xhours Xminutes (where X is a number). As you can see even this most complicated command is easy to use.

As stated earlier you can use another phone instead of the one you saved details of to send commands.

This permission is temporary and you can revoke it at any time, when you allow an alternative device the saved contact number receives duplicates of every message sent so there is no way for anything to be hidden from you.

Before purchasing we recommend you try the lite version of KidSafe.

It is identical to this full version except for three features which in the lite version are disabled. Trying the lite version will give you a good idea of whether KidSafe is the right app for you.

While the Android market does offer refunds the amount of time it allows a refund for is not really long enough to test if an app you purchased suits your needs.

This is why the lite version of KidSafe was born, other than a few disabled features the apps are identical which means if you like it and you want the extra features you can just purchase this full version.

Gps locating requires a good gps signal. Buildings and even a cloudy day can interfere with your receivers ability to locate you.

If this happens the app will triangulate your position based on the distance to the nearest cell tower. This method is not as accurate as gps and so triangulated, or gsm based, locations are only an approximation of the actual location.

KidSafe does not appear in your apps folder as "KidSafe" it will have the title "system".

Иконка для KidSafe Lite 1

KidSafe Lite (v. 1)

FreeBytes опубликовал приложение 2011-12-22
(обновлено 2011-12-22)

Lite version of the KidSafe app. For more extensive details see the market page for KidSafe.

Main features of KidSafe and KidSafe lite:

* Easily locate your child wherever they are using gps satellites (coordinates not shown in lite version)

* If gps is not available the app will use gsm (cell tower) triangulation to find the location

* Automatically starts itself when the phone is switched on.

* If stopped from running it will restart itself after a short delay

* If the phone is stolen and the sim card replaced you will receive a text from the new number so you can continue to track where the phone is or give the new number to law enforcement (not in the lite version)

* No confusing or clunky menus, simply slide your finger left or right across the phone screen to switch between the main or settings pages

* If you want to have your child be home at a particular time, set a curfew alarm and if they are not home by then a loud siren will sound until you cancel it (if you do not cancel it the siren will not stop)

* You can have the phone ring you at any time, useful if phone is stolen or you just want to hear for yourself that your child is ok (not in lite version)

* Start or stop a loud siren on demand

* Send commands to the phone from any phone (the sender does not have to be an Android device)

* All features controlled by simple texts. For example to set a curfew....

ks.startcurfew in 4hours 10minutes

or to stop the curfew


To locate your child simply send a text saying ks.report, to find out what commands are available just text ks.help.

All commands sent must include a keyword you chose when installing the app. Without this the commands will be ignored.

You can only send commands from the saved contact number.

If you wish to use another phone you can temporarily do so by issuing the command ks.senderok so that the device will allow you access from your alternative number however the saved contact will still receive duplicates of all messages generated by KidSafe lite.

Please note that your child will be able to see texts sent to or from the application but only you or an approved phone can control the app.

KidSafe will work on Android devices that use version 1.6 (or higher) of the Android operating system, with a screen resolution of at least 320x480.

If you purchase the full version after trying KidSafe Lite please uninstall the lite version first.

GPS locating requires a good satellite signal, if you get a gsm location when asking for a gps one it is because your child is in an area where satellites are not reachable (such as in some buildings) or where the weather is obstructing communication with the gps satellites.

Иконка для Find me (easy to use GPS) 1.0

Find me (easy to use GPS) (v. 1.0)

FreeBytes опубликовал приложение 2011-08-28
(обновлено 2011-08-28)

Shows your current location on a satellite map, zooms in to street level to see exactly where you are (or zooms out to see the surrounding area) and even tries to find the postal address for your current location.

Very easy to use this app has just one button. Click the button to perform a search, click the button for longer to exit the application.

This app has been thoroughly tested but in the unlikely event that you do encounter an error please feel free to email so that it can be corrected.

As with any gps application the better your gps signal the more accurate your location will be when displayed on the map.

This app uses your devices internet connection to retrieve the map data and on slow connections such as GPRS may take up to thirty seconds to display the map.

Should the server used to locate the postal address experience any issues or be unreachable for any reason you will see your current locations gps co-ordinates shown underneath the map instead of the postal address.


* One button control

* Reverse geocoding (translates your current gps position into a postal address)

* Show your location on a satellite image

In response to a negative comment, it definitely does work so before leaving inaccurate reviews please check the device you used it on has gps, as long as you have internet access, Android version 1.6 or higher and gps on your device it should work.

Leaving a comment that it doesn't work is  pointless unless you say what part of it didn't work for example.

With over 4000 installs and one error report it clearly does work so please if you leave a negative comment give information as to your problem with it as only then, if there is an identified problem with the app, can it be resolved.

Please note this is not a satellite navigation app that updates your location on a map automatically. It will show your current location when you click the search button and only show it and the surrounding area with your position being marked by a blue marker with the label Y (for "You").

Additional information:
The postcode finding feature does not always work every time because it is reliant on a free web server that reverse geocodes the gps coordinates and so if the internet connection times out (such as with a slow connection) or if the server is down (which can happen) the gps and picture part will work but the postcode will be replaced by the gps coordinates instead until the service can be found.

Иконка для Yasl - simple shopping list 1.0

Yasl - simple shopping list (v. 1.0)

FreeBytes опубликовал приложение 2011-08-06
(обновлено 2011-08-06)

Ever just wanted a simple shopping list app where you can speak some items you need and have them texted to a friend or family member so they can pick them up for you while they're out?

Yasl is a very simple app that will let you speak a list of items you need, it will write them down and let you pick someone to text the shopping list to. Handy if you're busy and can't get to a shop before they close, you can just ask a friend :o)

If you don't like speaking, or if the app cannot connect to Googles speech server for any reason, the list can of course be manually typed simply by pressing a finger anywhere within the shopping list area and typing what you want.

Made a mistake speaking and got something on the list you don't want?

Simply click the add button again and say "undo" and the last entry you spoke will be removed. Say "throw away" and the whole shopping list will be thrown away so you can start it again. Say "help me" and a help message will be shown on screen.

There are lots of great shopping list apps out there, this is not meant to try and compete with them. All this does is let you speak a shopping list and then text it to someone asking them to pick up the items for you.

Speaking one item at a time may be easier for some people, as although it uses Googles speech recognition system if it misunderstands what you said you only need to say undo and it will take away the misunderstood item.

* Speech recognition
* Undo feature
* Speak or type a shopping list and automatically send sms

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