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Иконка для Photo Reminder Free 4 Android 1

Photo Reminder Free 4 Android (v. 1)

esoftcentral опубликовал приложение 2012-12-14
(обновлено 2012-12-14)

Taking a picture of your favorite place, record it with a GPS coordinate to return to the same place later or use the coordinate to search for stuff nearby.

PhotoMinder will be a great app for you if you're in the process of looking for a house. Because, have you ever passed by a house for sale that you wished you had a pen and paper to write it down? Well, with PhotoMinder you can quickly snap a picture of the house for sale then use the GPS location to get a map direction to send to your realtor and searching for nearby stuff like the house market value, school, shopping mall, etc...

Ever got a car broke down but have a hard time tell your rescue where you are? Well, a picture is worth a thousand words because just take a picture and send the location to your rescuer. perfect, DONE!

We were at the state fair (a huge place by the way), took a picture of our entrance with the app. Viola, later we found our walking direction back to the car so painlessly. That was aweone!

Those are a few things you could do with PhotoMinder, give it a try and if you like it please support us by purchasing the full version on the market. thanks!

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