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Иконка для Chinese-English Dictionary 1.1.9

Chinese-English Dictionary (v. 1.1.9)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2013-01-11
(обновлено 2013-01-11)

Official Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press • Contains over 380,000 words, phrases and examples • A wealth of explanations on use and grammar • No internet connection needed.

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) is one of the top publishers of authoritative high-quality dictionaries in China and is comparable to any top European dictionary maker. Its dedicated team of lexicographers makes use of a vast array of language data to compile up-to-date dictionaries with a wealth of examples and grammatical information.

This app contains both an English to Chinese and Chinese to English dictionary, perfect for beginner to advanced learners of Chinese and English.
• An Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary by FLTRP, 1st Edition.
• Little Chinese-English Dictionary by FLTRP, 1st Edition.

Features of this dictionary:
• clearly presented word entries and phrases totalling 40,000 for Chinese and 80,000 for English.
• 50,000 Chinese and 210,000 English examples from contemporary language.
• includes 5000 newly coined terms as well as encyclopedic entries, e.g.'非典'→ SARS, '狗仔队'→ paparazzi.
• all word entries are annotated with their pronunciation. Pinyin for Chinese words and IPA (phonetic alphabet) for English.
• enter Chinese using Pinyin or built-in handwriting recognition software.
• listen to Mandarin and English native speakers' pronunciation of words.
• no internet connection necessary to use dictionary.

--Vocab Revision--
• History menu lists all your recent word searches.
• Save words and expressions to any number of flashcard folders.
• Mark flashcard words which need you still need to memorize.

over Android 2.2 platform

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

*Follow us on Twitter*

英汉汉英词典 - 外语教学与研究出版社
• 对于想要一本词典的英语学习者来说是最佳选择,词汇涵盖广泛。
• 共收录英文和简体中文词条 94,120。 由一支高素质团队,经验丰富的词典学专家们编制而成。
• 使用汉语拼音或手写识别查词。
• 每词条里可以听普通话和英语母语发音。
• 使用词典无需互联网连接。

英汉: 高级英汉辞典,外语教学与研究出版社, 第一版.
• 共收录词目、短语80,000条;例证210,000个.特别加收大量新词、新义、新习语。
• 涵盖大中学、研究生、托福、雅思、爱普、GRE、MPA、MBA等英语词汇,共收单词及短语七万余条。
• 释义准确,简明清晰,标注词性。
• 例句丰富,自然地道,完全由在美国教学、工作多年的专家学者审订。
• 用法详尽,辨明词义及用法,并提供历史背景知识。
• 采用最新版(第十五版)国际音标。词目词和派生词划分音节。

汉英:汉英小词典外语教学与研究出版社, 第一版.
• 本词典以深受读者青睐的外研社《现代汉英词典》(新版)为蓝本,增加了大量的新词新义和丰富的例证编写而成。
• 收词量大:共收录基本词条35,000余条,派生词条5,000余条,在同类词典中首屈一指。
• 收词新颖:共收入新词新义5,000余条,如非典、狗仔队、贺岁片、听证会等。
• 例证丰富:本词典的例证多达50,000余条,对于读者确切理解词条含义和掌握具体用法大有裨益。
• 标注词性:对汉语词条的词性进行标注,引导读者深层次把握词条在具体语境下的含义。

• 历史记录列出所有最近搜索单词
• 通过闪卡能保存任一词汇
• 记闪卡词汇以便需要持续熟记的词汇

Иконка для Oxford + NewACE English/Korean 1.1.9

Oxford + NewACE English/Korean (v. 1.1.9)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2013-01-10
(обновлено 2013-01-10)

The complete Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Korean Dictionary + New Ace Korean-English Dictionary published by Kumsung Publishing, one of the Korea's leading dictionary makers

This app contains the full version of the Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Korean Dictionary, 7th edition, 2008. It contains very current, idiomatic English, so learners can rest assured that the expressions they learn will sound like those of a native speaker.

Oxford is the maker of the world’s best-selling English dictionaries. Its dictionaries are considered an authority of the English language and are used both by students and professionals as an English reference work. Its language experts make use of large amounts of language data to create up-to-date dictionaries with many examples and grammatical information. Meanings are written to enable language users to know how and when to best use a particular word.

--Dictionary Features--
1. Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Korean Dictionary
• 185,000 words, phrases and meanings.
• 85,000 example sentences; 7,000 synonyms and antonyms.
• 5,000 expressions related to science, culture, computers and business.
• large number of newly coined expressions such as ‘podcast’, ‘wiki’, ‘carbon footprint’, ‘social networking’, and ‘tiger economy’.
• expressions relating to culture such as 'Capitol Hill', 'Big Brother', 'the Windy City'.
• many informal expressions and slang, e.g. ‘stickybeak’, ‘parkade’, ‘bach’.
• explanations and examples use natural sounding, commonly used grammar and expressions.
• a pronunciation guide (IPA) with word stress shown next to each word entry.
• large amount of grammatical information:
-- parts of speech (noun, verb, adj. etc.) of each word.
-- irregular verb forms and noun plurals.
-- which prepositions are used with which verbs and adjectives.
-- whether a noun is countable or non-countable.

2. New Ace English-Korean Dictionary
• 60,000 Korean headwords.
• published by Kumsung Publishing, one of the Korea's leading dictionary makers.
• clearly presented word entries with many phrases and examples.
• updated to cover the latest vocabulary in Korean and English.
• listen to Korean and English native speakers' pronunciation of words.
• no internet connection necessary to use dictionary.

--Search Features--
• wildcard search: enter “?” or “*” in place of a letter when you are unsure of the spelling (e.g., “man*ver” retrieves the word “maneuver”).
• search for similar words: e.g. clicking on “adding” in an entry yields a list of similar and derivative words: “addition”, “additional”, “additive”, “addition reaction”.
• automatically search for any form of a noun or verb: e.g. clicking on “oxen” yields the singular “ox”. Great if you do not know which word form to look up.
• browse through the dictionary alphabetically or flip from one entry to the next with a flick of a finger.
• links to Google so that you can search for more information on a particular word.

--Vocab Revision--
• history menu lists all your recent word searches.
• save words and expressions to any number of flashcard folders.
• mark words in your flashcard folder which you still need to memorize.

* over Android 2.2 platform

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

*Facebook & twitter*

Иконка для Mantou Chinese-Korean Dict 1.1.9

Mantou Chinese-Korean Dict (v. 1.1.9)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2013-01-06
(обновлено 2013-01-06)

★DioDict 3 for Android Phone ! ★
Mantou Chinese - Korean Dictionary

---사전 컨텐츠---
만토우 중한 사전 (Mantou Chinese-Korean Dictionary)

• 중한 168,630 단어, 한중 65,928 단어 및 중국 지명, 외국 인명, IT 용어 등의 9만 여 개의 다양한 전문 용어 수록
• 중국 현지 자문위원들의 감수로 최신 유행어, 신조에 대한 적극적인 반영 및 주기적인 업데이트
• (진부하고 오래된 예문을 지양하고,) 최신 시사 소식과 뉴스 등을 반영하여 타사 사전과는 차별화되고 독창적인 다양한 예문 제시
• 국내 최초로 형태소 분석 작업을 통해 품사로 인한 오류를 방지
• 사자성어를 실생활에서 자주 쓰는 예문에 접목시켜 성어의 활용도를 높임
• '표준국어대사전'에 수록된 우리말 어휘에 대해 정확한 중국어 대역어를 제시함과 동시에 해당 뜻풀이에 부연 설명을 덧붙여 대역어에 대한 이해를 극대화함

---특화 기능---
• 단어 검색 결과를 뜻/숙어/예문 탭으로 구분하여 확인 가능
• 한글로 검색: 단어의 한글 발음을 입력하여 검색 (씨에씨에 -> 谢谢)
• 병음 검색 기능
• 블랭크/와일드카드 검색: 철자를 정확히 모르는 경우 “?”나 “*”를 입력해 검색
• 이니셜 검색: 한글 초성으로 검색하는 방법 (ex. ㅋㅍㅌ -> 카페테리아, 컴퓨터)
• 하이퍼텍스트: 연결 단어의 뜻 간략 보기 기능 제공
• 구글연동 검색을 통해 단어의 뜻은 물론 이미지, 뉴스 등의 정보 검색도 가능
• 단어는 물론, 선택된 문장까지 TTS 음성 발음 가능
• 간편한 필기 검색 모드 지원 (최고성능의 ‘DioPen’엔진탑재)
• Special 검색: 좌우 플리킹(쓸어 넘기기) 검색 기능으로 관련 표제어를 빠르게 검색
• 형광펜 기능: 검색 결과의 중요 내용에 형광펜 체크 기능 제공
• 이전 검색한 단어에 대한 검색 히스토리 제공 기능
• 시각적으로 편안하고 가독성이 강화된 신규 UI

---학습 기능---
더욱 재미있고 강력해진 플래시 카드 학습 기능–with DioBoy!
디오딕 대표 캐릭터 ‘DioBoy’로 더욱 쉽고 재미있는 단어 학습
• 단어 및 표현을 여러 개의 플래시카드 폴더에 저장
• Cradle 모드: 저장 단어를 효과적으로 암기
• Study 모드: OX 퀴즈 형식으로 단어 암기


--Search Features—
• Wildcard search: enter “?” or “*” in place of a letter when you are unsure of the spelling
• Search for similar words: e.g. clicking on “adding” in an entry yields a list of similar and derivative words: “addition”, “additional”, “additive”, “addition reaction”.
• Browse through the dictionary alphabetically or flip from one entry to the next with a flick of a finger.
• link to Google so that you can search for more information on particular words.

--Special features for revising vocabulary—
• History menu lists all your recent word searches.
• Save words and expressions to any number of flashcard folders.
• Mark flashcard words which need you still need to memorize.

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

*Facebook & Twitter*

Иконка для 국립국어원 표준국어대사전 - 디오딕 3 1.1.4

국립국어원 표준국어대사전 - 디오딕 3 (v. 1.1.4)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2013-01-06
(обновлено 2013-01-06)

★DioDict 3 for ANDROID!!★
디오딕! 사전 애플리케이션에 대한 가장 현명한 선택 기준을 제시합니다.

Korean Dictionary by The National Institute of The Korean Language (DioDict 3)

★국립국어원 표준국어대사전★
국가에서 최초로 직접 편찬한 국립국어원의 표준국어대사전 2011년 최신 버전을 수록한 DioDict3!
•200여 명에 이르는 박사 과정 수료 이상의 국어국문학 전공자가 집필과 교정에 참여
•120여 명의 해당 분야 전문가에게 감수받은 전문어
•편찬 기간 8년, 500여 명의 인력 참여, 112억 원의 예산 소요

★대표적인 특징★
•국어사전 사상 최대의 약 510,000개의 표제어 수록
•19만 단어의 방대한 전문용어 수록 및 최신 정보 수용
•한글 맞춤법, 표준어 규정, 외래어 표기법 등 현행 어문규정의 원칙 적용
•옛말, 방언, 북한어, 신어 등 다양한 우리말 확인 가능
•활용 예시, 발음, 어원 정보 등 자세한 정보를 함께 제공
•불규칙/규칙 동사 및 명사의 변화 정보 수록

★디오딕3 특화 기능★
•시각적으로 편안하고 가독성이 강화된 신규 화면 디자인
•검색 뜻 안에서 연결 단어의 뜻 간략 보기 기능 제공
•블랭크/와일드카드 검색 : 철자를 정확히 모르는 경우 “?”나 “*”를 입력하여 검색
(예. 꽃?발, 라스*거스)
•형광펜 기능 : 검색 결과의 중요 내용에 형광펜 체크 기능 제공
•구글 연동 검색을 통해 단어의 뜻은 물론 이미지, 뉴스 등의 관련 정보 검색도 가능
•Cradle 모드 : 저장단어를 효과적으로 학습
•Study 모드 : OX 퀴즈 형식으로 단어 암기
•간편한 필기 검색 모드 지원 (최고 성능의 ‘DioPen’ 엔진 탑재)
•검색어 입력 동시에 검색 결과 실시간 제공
•이전 검색한 단어에 대한 검색 히스토리 제공 기능
•인터넷 연결 없이 오프라인으로 사전 검색 가능

* 마켓 첫 구매시 결제되는 1달러는 구글에서 테스트하는 임시 결제이며, 실제로 카드 요금에 청구되지 않습니다.

*디오텍 트위터, 페이스북

Иконка для Vox English-Spanish Dictionary 1.1.9

Vox English-Spanish Dictionary (v. 1.1.9)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2013-01-06
(обновлено 2013-01-06)

The Official VOX English-Spanish Dictionary • Contains over 372,000 headwords, expressions and translations • Perfect for intermediate to advanced learners of Spanish and English both in the classroom and workplace • No internet connection needed.

VOX dictionaries are published by the leading dictionary publishing house in Spain with a long history of dictionary making. This new, thoroughly revised and updated dictionary was compiled by an expert team of experienced lexicographers, translation and language teachers, who ensured that the most up-to-date words and usages of contemporary Spanish and English were included. Users can rest assured they have purchased the most authoritative Spanish-English dictionary published in Spain.

Dictionary features include:
• 71,000 entries and 240,000 translations.
• 41,700 examples of use and 19,500 idioms.
• up-to-date vocabulary ranging from literary language to slang, including large numbers of place names, abbreviations, technical terms and English phrasal verbs.
• rich grammatical information:
- part of speech of all headwords, e.g. noun, adjective, verb
- irregular Spanish noun plurals, e.g. lápiz --> lápices, maniquí --> maniquíes
- gender (masculine, feminine) of all Spanish nouns.
- feminine forms of Spanish adjectives, e.g. cuarto, -a
- which preposition goes with which noun, verb or adjective, e.g. cabalgar en/sobre
• information on word use, such as:
- geographic differences between American and British English.
- register information, i.e. if a word is slang, colloquial, formal or archaic.
- explanations of cultural items, e.g. arras - 13 coins given by bridegroom to bride...
- notes on difficult spellings
• all English headwords are annotated with their pronunciation in the IPA phonetic alphabet.
• no internet connection necessary to use dictionary.

--Search Features--
• wildcard search: enter “?” or “*” in place of a letter when you are unsure of the spelling (e.g., “man*ver” retrieves the word “maneuver”).
• browse through the dictionary alphabetically or flip from one entry to the next with a flick of a finger.
• links to Google so that you can search for more information on a particular word.

--Vocab Revision--
• history menu lists all your recent word searches.
• save words and expressions to any number of flashcard folders.
• mark words in your flashcard folder which you still need to memorize.

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

* Facebook & Twitter*

Иконка для Oxford Eng-Kor Dictionary 1.2.1

Oxford Eng-Kor Dictionary (v. 1.2.1)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-11-23
(обновлено 2015-01-21)

The All New DioDict 3 for Android Phone!
DioDict, the representative brand for dictionary application for smartphones, is reborn with Android Phone. DioDict 3 has a convenient, unique, and user-oriented UI optimized for Android. If you are looking for a dictionary app, DioDict is the one for you!

* over Android 2.2 platform

* Dictionary Contents
• one way English-Korean dictionary suitable for any advanced learners of Korean and British/American English.
• contains:
- 183,500 words, phrases and meanings.
- 85,000 example sentences; 7,000 synonyms and antonyms.
- 5,000 expressions related to science, culture, computers and business.
- large number of newly coined expressions such as ‘podcast’, ‘wiki’, ‘carbon footprint’, ‘social networking’, and ‘tiger economy’.
- expressions relating to culture such as 'Capitol Hill', 'Big Brother', 'the Windy City'.
- many informal expressions and slang, e.g. ‘stickybeak’, ‘parkade’, ‘bach’.
• explanations and examples use natural sounding, commonly used grammar and expressions.
• a pronunciation guide (IPA) with word stress shown next to each word entry.
• large amount of grammatical information:
-- parts of speech (noun, verb, adj. etc.) of each word.
-- irregular verb forms and noun plurals.
-- which prepositions are used with which verbs and adjectives.
-- whether a noun is countable or non-countable.

Special features of DioDict 3
1. A special search feature of DioDict that searches several dictionaries at once
-Word searches are easier with a single run!
Easy to switch to other dictionaries with a comprehensive dictionary feature when purchasing several dictionaries
Search definitions from each dictionary with a single search!

2. Premium search function and Google search
-Extended Search: Search by word, idiom, and example.
-Voice search: search for a word using Google’s voice recognition technology.
-Hangulro search: speakers of korean can search for a word in other languages by typing the pronunciation of the word in Hangeul.
-sounds like: search for words which sound like the search term entered. (e.g., excellant -> excellent)
-Blank Search & Wild Search: Enter “?”or “*” in place of a letter when you don't know the spelling of the word you want to search for (e.g., Stu??).
-Embedded word look-up: look up unknown words inside any dictionary entry.
-You can search for the meanings of words and the information related to images and news through Google search.
-DioDict provides a Handwriting Search mode (the ‘DioPen’ handwriting engine is installed.).
-Marker: use the marker feature to highlight any words of interest in an entry.
-History: all words previously searched for are listed in the history menu.

3. More fun and powerful flashcard word study function!
‘DioBoy’, which is the DIOTEK’s mascot, will help you learn words in an easier way with a lot more fun.
-Cradle Mode, Study Mode

* DIOTEK guarantees the prompt contents provision of new updates, including new words and technical terms, by the DIOTEK Dictionary Contents Department.

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

*Follow us on Twitter*

Иконка для Collins English Dictionary (A) 1.1.9

Collins English Dictionary (A) (v. 1.1.9)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-11-06
(обновлено 2012-11-06)

The All New DioDict 3 for Android Phone!
DioDict, the representative brand for dictionary application for smartphones, is reborn with Android Phone. DioDict 3 has a convenient, unique, and user-oriented UI optimized for Android. If you are looking for a dictionary app, DioDict is the one for you!

* The app is best downloaded using a WiFi connection.
*over Android 2.2 platform

* Dictionary Contents
• 41,000 word entries and 105,000 text samples including all frequently used words.
• a long list of phrasal verbs with detailed descriptions of their meaning.
• meanings explained using commonly used words only, so learners can easily understand entries.
• British and American English vocabulary. British/American-only words are specially marked.
• explanations and examples use natural sounding, commonly used grammar and expressions.
• thousands of examples of real English showing learners how a word is normally used.
• audio files with American and British native speakers‘ pronunciation of words and sentences.
• a pronunciation guide (IPA) with word stress shown next to each word entry.
• large amount of grammatical information:
-- parts of speech (noun, verb, adj. etc.) of each word.
-- irregular verb forms and noun plurals.
-- which prepositions are used with which verbs and adjectives.
-- whether a noun is countable or non-countable.
• no internet connection needed to use dictionary

* A reliable app from specialized mobile application developing company
-DioDict has been pre-loaded on mobile phones such as Samsung, LG smartphones for years
-With its dedicated mobile applications development team of over 100, and its Quality Control department's strict product verification processes, DIOTEK differentiates itself from other dictionary application providers.

Special features of DioDict 3
1. A special search feature of DioDict that searches several dictionaries at once
-Word searches are easier with a single run!
Easy to switch to other dictionaries with a comprehensive dictionary feature when purchasing several dictionaries
Search definitions from each dictionary with a single search!

2. Premium search function and Google search
-Voice search: search for a word using Google’s voice recognition technology.
-Hangulro search: speakers of korean can search for a word in other languages by typing the pronunciation of the word in Hangeul.
-sounds like: search for words which sound like the search term entered. (e.g., excellant -> excellent)
-Blank Search & Wild Search: Enter “?”or “*” in place of a letter when you don't know the spelling of the word you want to search for (e.g., Stu??).
-Embedded word look-up: look up unknown words inside any dictionary entry.
-You can search for the meanings of words and the information related to images and news through Google search.
-DioDict provides a Handwriting Search mode (the ‘DioPen’ handwriting engine is installed.).
-Marker: use the marker feature to highlight any words of interest in an entry.
-History: all words previously searched for are listed in the history menu.

3. TTS audio support & Unique and smart user interface
-The TTS audio function supports not only words but also selected sentences.
-A new visually comfortable UI with enhanced readability

4. More fun and powerful flashcard word study function!
‘DioBoy’, which is the DIOTEK’s mascot, will help you learn words in an easier way with a lot more fun.
-Cradle Mode, Study Mode, Dictation,

* DIOTEK guarantees the prompt contents provision of new updates, including new words and technical terms, by the DIOTEK Dictionary Contents Department.

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

*Facebook & Twitter*

Иконка для Oxford Advanced Dictionary 1.2.1

Oxford Advanced Dictionary (v. 1.2.1)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-08-12
(обновлено 2014-08-22)

The All New DioDict 3 for Android Phone!
DioDict, the representative brand for dictionary application for smartphones, is reborn with Android Phone. DioDict 3 has a convenient, unique, and user-oriented UI optimized for Android. If you are looking for a dictionary app, DioDict is the one for you!

* The app is best downloaded using a WiFi connection.
* over Android 2.2 platform

* Dictionary Contents
<Oxford English-English Dictionary>
* The No. 1 English-English dictionary, published by the world-renowned Oxford University Press
- Contains the Advanced Learner's English-English Dictionary, which is published by Oxford University Press, the world's most renowned dictionary publisher.
- Includes 184,500 British and American English words and phrases, and 85,000 examples.
- Includes 7,000 synonyms and antonyms, and 5,000 words related to science, literature, computers, and business.
- Includes useful reference information, such as names of places and irregular verbs, and newly coined words, such as podcast, wiki, carbon footprint, social networking, and tiger economy.
- Includes newly coined words and words with cultural backgrounds, such as Capitol Hill, Big Brother and the Windy City, and slang from each country.
- no internet connection necessary to use dictionary.

* A reliable app from specialized mobile application developing company
-DioDict has been pre-loaded on mobile phones such as Samsung, LG smartphones for years
-With its dedicated mobile applications development team of over 100, and its Quality Control department's strict product verification processes, DIOTEK differentiates itself from other dictionary application providers.

Special features of DioDict 3
1. A special search feature of DioDict that searches several dictionaries at once
-Word searches are easier with a single run!
Easy to switch to other dictionaries with a comprehensive dictionary feature when purchasing several dictionaries
Search definitions from each dictionary with a single search!

2. Premium search function and Google search
-Voice search: search for a word using Google’s voice recognition technology.
-Hangulro search: speakers of korean can search for a word in other languages by typing the pronunciation of the word in Hangeul.
-sounds like: search for words which sound like the search term entered. (e.g., excellant -> excellent)
-Blank Search & Wild Search: Enter “?”or “*” in place of a letter when you don't know the spelling of the word you want to search for (e.g., Stu??).
-Embedded word look-up: look up unknown words inside any dictionary entry.
-You can search for the meanings of words and the information related to images and news through Google search.
-DioDict provides a Handwriting Search mode (the ‘DioPen’ handwriting engine is installed.).
-Marker: use the marker feature to highlight any words of interest in an entry.
-History: all words previously searched for are listed in the history menu.

3. TTS audio support & Unique and smart user interface
-The TTS audio function supports not only words but also selected sentences.
-A new visually comfortable UI with enhanced readability

4. More fun and powerful flashcard word study function!
‘DioBoy’, which is the DIOTEK’s mascot, will help you learn words in an easier way with a lot more fun.
-Cradle Mode, Study Mode, Dictation,

* DIOTEK guarantees the prompt contents provision of new updates, including new words and technical terms, by the DIOTEK Dictionary Contents Department.

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

*Facebook & Twitter*

Иконка для DioDict 3 KOREAN Dictionary 1.1.4

DioDict 3 KOREAN Dictionary (v. 1.1.4)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

The All New DioDict 3 for Android Phone!
DioDict, the representative brand for dictionary application for smartphones, is reborn with Android Phone. DioDict 3 has a convenient, unique, and user-oriented UI optimized for Android. If you are looking for a dictionary app, DioDict is the one for you!

* over Android 2.2 platform

* Dictionary Contents
Korean Dictionary
-DIOTEK's digital dictionary contents are based on the New Ace Korean dictionary of Kumsung Publishing Co. Ltd., which is a specialty publisher with 45 years' experience.
- Includes various vocabulary and 140,000 headwords, including newly coined words that are helpful in the use of modern Korean.
- Contains the new Korean language regulations, including the spelling and standardized language regulations based on the 'Standard Korean Language Dictionary' of the National Academy of the Korean Language.
-Clear explanations of the differences between synonyms, antonyms and other words. Neatly presented grammatical information helps users easily identify incorrect uses of a word.
-no internet connection necessary to use dictionary.

* A reliable app from specialized mobile application developing company
-DioDict has been pre-loaded on mobile phones such as Samsung, LG smartphones for years
-With its dedicated mobile applications development team of over 100, and its Quality Control department's strict product verification processes, DIOTEK differentiates itself from other dictionary application providers.

Special features of DioDict 3
1. A special search feature of DioDict that searches several dictionaries at once
-Word searches are easier with a single run!
Easy to switch to other dictionaries with a comprehensive dictionary feature when purchasing several dictionaries
Search definitions from each dictionary with a single search!

2. Premium search function and Google search
-Voice search: search for a word using Google’s voice recognition technology.
-‘Initial search’: search for a word in Korean by entering only the first Hangeul consonant of each syllable.
-Blank Search & Wild Search: Enter “?”or “*” in place of a letter when you don't know the spelling of the word you want to search for (e.g., Stu??).
-Embedded word look-up: look up unknown words inside any dictionary entry.
-You can search for the meanings of words and the information related to images and news through Google search.
-DioDict provides a Handwriting Search mode (the ‘DioPen’ handwriting engine is installed.).
-Marker: use the marker feature to highlight any words of interest in an entry.
-History: all words previously searched for are listed in the history menu.

3. More fun and powerful flashcard word study function!
‘DioBoy’, which is the DIOTEK’s mascot, will help you learn words and idioms in an easier way with a lot more fun.
-Cradle Mode, Study Mode

* DIOTEK guarantees the prompt contents provision of new updates, including new words and technical terms, by the DIOTEK Dictionary Contents Department.

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

*Follow us on Twitter*

Иконка для DioDict 3 JPN-KOR Dictionary 1.2.1

DioDict 3 JPN-KOR Dictionary (v. 1.2.1)

DIOTEK Co., Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2014-05-18)

The All New DioDict 3 for Android Phone!
DioDict, the representative brand for dictionary application for smartphones, is reborn with Android Phone. DioDict 3 has a convenient, unique, and user-oriented UI optimized for Android. If you are looking for a dictionary app, DioDict is the one for you!

* The app is best downloaded using a WiFi connection.
* over Android 2.2 platform

* Dictionary Contents
<Japanese-Korean Dictionary>
-DIOTEK's digital dictionary contents are based on the New Ace Japanese-Korean/Korean-Japanese dictionaries of Kumsung Publishing Co. Ltd., which is a specialty publisher with 45 years' experience.
-Includes 90,000 Japanese-Korean headwords, 120,000 Korean-Japanese headwords, and extensive new words that were carefully selected.
-two way Japanese-Korean dictionary suited to learners of both Japanese and Korean.
-Includes simple and accurate Korean equivalents of headwords, and extensive examples that can be easily applied.
-The Korean-Japanese dictionary was developed and published jointly with Shogakukan, which is a renowned Japanese publisher.
-Number 1 in terms of brand recognition and sales from amongst the Korean-Japanese dictionaries in Japan.
-Detailed grammatical explanations on verb endings, affixes, particles as well as tips on word usage.
-no internet connection necessary to use dictionary.

* A reliable app from specialized mobile application developing company
-DioDict has been pre-loaded on mobile phones such as Samsung, LG smartphones for years
-With its dedicated mobile applications development team of over 100, and its Quality Control department's strict product verification processes, DIOTEK differentiates itself from other dictionary application providers.

Special features of DioDict 3
1. A special search feature of DioDict that searches several dictionaries at once
-Word searches are easier with a single run!
Easy to switch to other dictionaries with a comprehensive dictionary feature when purchasing several dictionaries
Search definitions from each dictionary with a single search!

2. Premium search function and Google search
-Voice search: search for a word using Google’s voice recognition technology.
-‘Initial search’: search for a word in Korean by entering only the first Hangeul consonant of each syllable.
-Blank Search & Wild Search: Enter “?”or “*” in place of a letter when you don't know the spelling of the word you want to search for (e.g., Stu??).
-Embedded word look-up: look up unknown words inside any dictionary entry.
-You can search for the meanings of words and the information related to images and news through Google search.
-DioDict provides a Handwriting Search mode (the ‘DioPen’ handwriting engine is installed.).
-Marker: use the marker feature to highlight any words of interest in an entry.
-History: all words previously searched for are listed in the history menu.

3. TTS audio support & Unique and smart user interface
-The TTS audio function supports not only words but also selected sentences.
-A new visually comfortable UI with enhanced readability

4. More fun and powerful flashcard word study function!
‘DioBoy’, which is the DIOTEK’s mascot, will help you learn words in an easier way with a lot more fun.
-Cradle Mode, Study Mode, Dictation,

* DIOTEK guarantees the prompt contents provision of new updates, including new words and technical terms, by the DIOTEK Dictionary Contents Department.

* You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between Google billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00.

*Follow us on Twitter*

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