www.android-online.ru Разработчикиcedetel android

Приложения разработчика cedetel android в Android Market

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Иконка для Realtur 1.2.3

Realtur (v. 1.2.3)

cedetel android опубликовал приложение 2012-07-18
(обновлено 2012-07-18)

REALTUR, the virtual wine tourist guide for your Android mobile.

REALTUR assists you along the wine routes offering you information at the moment and place that you need it. Point anywhere with your mobile device camera and discover what wine tourist businesses and services are found near you. REALTUR offers you information in a graphic, attractive and innovative way on the route wineries, restaurants, accommodation, heritage of tourist interest of your surroundings,…

REALTUR is available for the Routes:
- Wine and Brandy Route of the Framework of Jerez
- Wine Route of Ribera del Duero

REALTUR uses new technologies to help the tourist to find his or her way along the route, to know how to move, to discover the spots, the details… Search the REALTUR markers placed on different points of the route and access services such as:
- Information on the different wine typologies of the route and on their wineries to help you to select the wine you like the most.
- Typical gastronomy of the route and a pairing recommendation with its wines.
- Audio guides on your mobile device to obtain more information on the elements displayed in museums.
- Ancient maps of a castle, pictures of inside a church, videos on the grapes harvest festival or on the wine elaboration process.

REALTUR enhances your tourist experience along the wine routes

Иконка для Diputación de Burgos 1.0

Diputación de Burgos (v. 1.0)

cedetel android опубликовал приложение 2010-10-07
(обновлено 2010-10-07)

Esta aplicación nos permite crear y compartir datos geolocalizados, como rutas, puntos de interés y fotografías.
Esta aplicación interactúa con la página web de la Diputación de Burgos.


Иконка для Tigre 2.0

Tigre (v. 2.0)

cedetel android опубликовал приложение 2010-05-05
(обновлено 2010-10-25)

Tigre is an application that allows you to create and share geolocalizated data as routes, points of interest and pictures.

This application interacts with the website www.ayuntamientogis.es to make the choice to upload routes to the site, or send them in real time.

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