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Иконка для Pristina.org Everything Design V1.1.4

Pristina.org Everything Design (v. V1.1.4)

budius inc опубликовал приложение 2012-05-26
(обновлено 2012-05-26)

Pristina.org - Everything Design

The app provides quick access to pristina.org website.

Pristina.org is the personal project of Felipe Tofani, in his attempt to keep up-to-date about he likes to do the most. Tofani works as art director in São Paulo (Brazil), usually reads more RSS feeds than normal people do, keep more blogs alive that he should and write in pristina.org daily.

By checking this app on a daily basis you'll always be surprised and amazed by the work of a different designers, painters, visual artists, video makers and photographers.

In case you have any problems or force close please report it or e-mail me with details.

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