www.android-online.ru РазработчикиAustralian Sex Party

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Иконка для Sex Party NSW 1.0

Sex Party NSW (v. 1.0)

Australian Sex Party опубликовал приложение 2011-10-05
(обновлено 2011-10-05)

How to vote for the Sex Party in the New South Wales election of 2011.

Andrew Patterson is an active Sex Party member in NSW, and will be running for the seat of Sydney (held by independent MP and Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore) in the Legislative Assembly at the NSW State election in March 2011.  Whilst the Sex Party name cannot appear on a NSW Election ballot paper (due to prohibitive political party registration requirements) Andrew will have the full backing of the Australian Sex Party.

Huw Campbell is a passionate Sex Party member in New South Wales. Huw's following up a run for the senate in the 2010 federal election by standing for the NSW upper house, the Legislative Council, in the March 2011 election. Officially Huw will be running as an independent due to overly strict NSW electoral requirements.

The NSW State Election will be held on Saturday the 26th of March 2011.

Authorised by Graeme Dunne 9d/3 Darling Point Rd Darling Point NSW 2027

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