Лучшие по рейтингу бесплатные в категории 'Погода' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
281-290 из 515
Иконка для Chove? Radar de lluvia 1.6.3

Chove? Radar de lluvia (v. 1.6.3)

Juan Porta опубликовал приложение 2011-11-13
(обновлено 2011-11-13)

¿Vas a salir y no sabes si llevar paraguas o no? ¿Tienes que colgar la ropa para secarla pero no te atreves porque está nublado? ¿Quieres ganar apuestas con tus amigos diciéndoles que va a llover en 3, 2, 1, ya?

Pues ahora lo puedes hacer gracias a Chove? Una aplicación que te muestra imágenes de los radares meteorológicos de distintas zonas de España.

Gracias a estas imágenes podrás ver exactamente dónde están las nubes de lluvia. Con la función de "Animación" podrás visualizar la evolución y el desplazamiento de estas nubes y así determinar si va a llover en los próximos minutos. Eso si, ahora si te equivocas no podrás echarle la culpa al hombre del tiempo.

Ahora también podrás tomar una captura de la imagen y compartirla en facebook, twitter, mandarla por email, bluetooth, WhatsApp, y cualquier otra aplicación que tengas ya instalada.

Las fuentes de datos utilizadas, de momento, son:
* MeteoGalicia http://www.meteogalicia.es/, perteneciente a la Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas de la Xunta de Galicia
* AEMET (Agencia Estatal de Meteorología), http://www.aemet.es/.

Иконка для Exe Weather Widget 1.0

Exe Weather Widget (v. 1.0)

Web Wrights опубликовал приложение 2011-11-08
(обновлено 2011-11-08)

A simple widget to display the current weather conditions on the river Exe in Devon, UK
Picks up a weather feed from Edge Watersports.

There is a small issue with the App at the moment in that if there is a problem with the Internet connection, the wind speed and direction get set to null.

It's free and will be enhanced soon. Just enjoy it.

To get it running: Menu | Add to Home | Widget.

Alternatively: Hold down on a space with two icons wide to select the widget and add it to your screen. (Thanks Bernard)

Иконка для 웨더볼(Weatherball) 1.2.32

웨더볼(Weatherball) (v. 1.2.32)

WX72 Corp опубликовал приложение 2011-11-08
(обновлено 2011-11-08)

Weather for you!
웨더볼은 LG U+가 개발한 날씨 어플리케이션으로 전국 41곳에 설치된
웨더볼 로봇에 의해 수집된 꽃가루 데이터와 날씨데이터를 사용자에게 제공합니다.

혁신적인 디자인과 실시간 날씨 예보가 특징이며 애니메이션화 된 현재 날씨 화면은 사용자에게
최상의 디스플레이효과와 지금까지와는 다른 한층 업그레이드 된 날씨정보를 제공하게 될 것입니다.

■ 메인 현재날씨화면의 Animated Weather 정보 제공
-Animation효과의 날씨배경 제공(해, 구름, 비, 눈, 바람)
-3시간, 주간 날씨정보 제공
-현재 사용자 위치정보 자동검색 서비스 제공
■ 웨더볼 날씨정보
-전국 41곳에 설치된 웨더볼 로봇에서 수집된 날씨정보제공
-꽃가루, 기온, 강수확률정보를 그래프로 알기쉽게 제공
■ 전국 날씨정보
-전국의 날씨정보를 지역선택으로 간단히 확인가능.
■ 레이더와 위성 구름영상
-실시간 업데이트되는 레이더와 위성영상으로 신속한 정보제공
■ 등산, 골프장 날씨
-전국의 등산 명소와 유명 골프장 날씨를 실시간으로 제공.
■ 세계날씨
-전세계 400여개 유명 도시들의 현재 날씨정보를 한눈에 알수 있음
■ 해수욕장 날씨
-전국의 유명 해수욕장 날씨를 제공하여 사용자들의 편의를 제공함
■ 야구축구 날씨
-10개의 월드컵 경기장과 전국 유명 야구장의 날씨 데이터를 제공
■ Tip&Life
-계절별 추천 코디소개로 사용자의 쇼핑편의를 제공
-사용자들이 직접 참여할수 있는 공간으로 현재 위치한 곳의 날씨 데이터를
공유할 수 있는 웨더볼트윗 게시판 서비스 제공
■ Search
-사용자가 원하는 장소의 현재날씨를 직접 입력하여 검색가능한 서비스 제공.

※ 3G 사용시 어플리케이션 실행시에 날씨 정보를 가져오기 위해 데이터 사용료가 발생할 수 있습니다.
※ Lite버전에서는 Animation 화면 제공이 제한됩니다.

Иконка для VigiWidgetEurope 1.5

VigiWidgetEurope (v. 1.5)

onlinux опубликовал приложение 2011-11-07
(обновлено 2013-10-08)

vigiWidgetEurope provides maps of weather warnings of over 30 countries in Europe. The default refresh rate is set to 60 minutes. The user can define his own refresh rate. Click the timestamp to force update.

All the information and maps  are provided by EUMETNET-MeteoAlarm. MeteoAlarm is the official website from Europe’s national weather services that will provide advice on exceptional weather. It is intended for anyone travelling through Europe.
Pictograms and colour-coded maps of Europe show at a glance
where the weather in the next 24 till 48 hours might be, or soon become, dangerous.
The level of risk is colour-coded, based on likely damage, disruption and danger.
The participating countries:
Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom

Note: It is a widget(2x2) not an app. Add on homescreen with Menu-> Add item -> Widget -> vigiWidgetEurope

Иконка для 東京放射線New 4.8

東京放射線New (v. 4.8)

Stanley0925 опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)









Black Cat Systems:GM-10

北緯:35°39' 28.08", 東経:139°24'05.40", 標高:101m
東京都日野市南平2丁目, 木造住宅2階窓辺

北緯:35゜42' 21", 東経:139゜45'29", 標高:8m
軽量コンクリート住宅 2階 南向きの窓際に設置(室内)
※ コンクリート住宅の室内なので、室外よりもデータが低めに出る可能性があります


Иконка для Billboard Digital Weather Widg 3.1.8

Billboard Digital Weather Widg (v. 3.1.8)

Factory Widgets опубликовал приложение 2011-11-03
(обновлено 2011-11-03)

Billboard Digital clock widget with Calendar, Time, System info,world weather & forecasts.

A Digital Clock widget with size 4x2
It features:
12/24 hour clock +Color choice on some info displayed
System Stats Information pop-up
Battery icon on clock
Weather & Forecast
2 Forecast layouts
tap bottom right->preferences
tap bottom left->System information dialog
tap on weather icon->forecast
tap Hour->launch anything!(more coming)

Widgets on Android work a bit differently than a normal application. Unlike regular programs they don't just install themselves in the application tray so you have to add them manually. They will not open or launch.
Here's how to add a widget on your Android home screen.

1.On your Android home screen, tap any blank or “empty” area with size 4x2 and hold down your finger.
2.An “Add to Home screen” window will pop up. From that window, tap “Widgets”.
3.You’ll be presented with a list of all the installed Widgets on your Android device.
4.Select the "Billboard Digital Weather Clock” to add to your home screen by selecting it.

"Time frozen/not updating"-> taskiller killed the clock(exclude it from taskillers)
When phone starts, clock starts in less than a min too.

ROM users-> make sure the clock is NOT moved on SD card.
Widgets are not supposed to be on SD card. Move it back to the phone storage.

Weather hint: For world destinations with two words in the name, type in the box the words with a plus sign.
For example "Buenos Aires" type "Buenos+Aires",remember the "+" sign -no spaces, don't include the quotes.

Email problems/suggestions
Check our website for more help.

Be polite, this is a free app :-)


Иконка для Venice Tide Forecast 2.1

Venice Tide Forecast (v. 2.1)

seblog опубликовал приложение 2011-11-03
(обновлено 2011-11-03)

Do you need to know when the next High Tide (Acqua Alta) event is forecasted in Venice?

You want to plan your trip to Venice when there will be a High Tide so you can watch this beautiful and unique event by yourself?

Get this application that will show you the High Tide forecast for the next 68 hours in Venice!!!
Possibility to check the tide graph as well.

Tide over 80cm will be shown in red.
Tide over 110cm is considered to be very high!caution if going to Venice during this periods!!!

Do not get caught by surprise on the next High Tide event!!!

App made with App Inventor.
Sorry for the big size (can be moved partially to SD so it will take about 3Mb), but it's cause of App Inventor known limitation.

To go back from ads, use the Back to App button on top of the screen.

Special thanks to Venice municipality for the forecast data.

Иконка для 災害ナビ「.Me」 1.54

災害ナビ「.Me」 (v. 1.54)

netkids опубликовал приложение 2011-10-28
(обновлено 2013-09-22)



 これはAndroid 2.2.1を搭載したGALAXY SなどのSamsung製端末側の不具合です。本アプリの問題ではありません。







Иконка для KSDKWeather 2.5

KSDKWeather (v. 2.5)

WSI Corporation опубликовал приложение 2011-10-25
(обновлено 2013-09-18)

KSDK , NewsChannel 5 KSDK is proud to announce a full featured weather app for Android.


• Highly responsive interactive map optimized for 3G and WiFi performance
• Vertical and horizontal map display with looping
• NOWrad, the gold standard for radar in the weather industry
• Highest resolution satellite cloud imagery available
• Exclusive patent pending Road Weather Index
• Color coded weather alerts arranged by severity
• Fully integrated GPS for current location awareness
• Integrated compass overlay
• Most accurate 10 day forecasts with both daily and hourly detail
• Ability to easily save your favorite locations
• Full featured and user tested
• Weather Widget for unlock page
• Earthquake Plotting
• Storm Track Plotting
• Tropical Track Plotting
• Status bar alert acknowledgement
• Alerts over map on/off switch in settings
• Additional Small Widget
• Widget Configuration (Daily or Hourly view)
• Watch/Warning (Alert) boxes on map.
• Spanish language support; NOTE: Language used in the app will reflect the overall language being used for the device
• Ability to acknowledge Alerts from within the app
• Audio, LED, and vibrate for Alert Notifications
• Feature tips to help users more fully take advantage of app features
• User controllable alerts - Allow the selection of all alerts or just critical alerts
• Single activity scrolling menu

Иконка для Clima Widget 1.0

Clima Widget (v. 1.0)

FireZenk опубликовал приложение 2011-10-23
(обновлено 2011-10-23)

This app displays the weather in a beautiful widget which only refreshes every time conditions change.

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