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Популярные в категории 'Достопримечательности' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3731-3740 из 6979
Иконка для Kyrkguiden Karlstads stift 1.0.1

Kyrkguiden Karlstads stift (v. 1.0.1)

ÅF AB опубликовал приложение 2012-12-13
(обновлено 2012-12-13)

Välkommen till Karlstads stifts kyrkor!

Här hittar du Karlstads stifts alla 172 kyrkor och kapell, i Värmland och Dalsland. Här får du information om byggnaden och dess historia, foto på kyrkan, kontaktuppgifter och kyrkans placering på kartan.

Många möts till gudstjänst vid dop, konfirmation, vigslar och begravningar. Det är gudstjänster som aktualiserar avgörande tillfällen i människors liv. Många församlingar erbjuder varierat utbud av musik och konserter. När kyrkorna är öppna för besök ger det möjlighet till en stund i stillhet. Vill du prata med en präst eller diakon kontaktar du församlingen.

Иконка для Hawaii Marine Directory 1.4.1

Hawaii Marine Directory (v. 1.4.1)

Tate опубликовал приложение 2012-12-08
(обновлено 2012-12-08)

Hawaii's complete guide to the marine industry here in the islands. Perfect for anyone who owns or works with boats this directory lists all the places in the islands to find marine related services.

Иконка для Granja La Cuesta Cudillero 7.0

Granja La Cuesta Cudillero (v. 7.0)

travelVEO опубликовал приложение 2012-12-07
(обновлено 2012-12-07)

Actividad para niños en Asturias. Visita la Granja La Cuesta de Cudillero y conoce el trabajo del granjero y a sus animales. Ordeñar las vacas, dar de comer a los terneros, recoger los huevos de las gallinas, jugar con los cabritillos, pasear en pony, montar a caballo y mucho más.

Иконка для Cappuccino Country and Gifts 2.0

Cappuccino Country and Gifts (v. 2.0)

Appycity.com опубликовал приложение 2012-12-06
(обновлено 2012-12-06)


Cappuccino Country, a Branson favorite, since 1996.

Fashion Accessories, Women's Clothing, Jewelry, Shoes, Unique Gift Items, Fine Bone China, and Gourmet Food and Coffee.

New location on Hwy 76 (the Strip) next to Fuddruckers.
Cappuccino Country now offers the following brands:

Pretty Angel - Women's clothing.
Angry Birds - Yes, that's right.  I have kids and I even play the game.  T-shirts, backpack accessories, large and small birds and pigs and everything else...
Pottery and Glassware
Antique Jewelry
Women's footwear
Holiday Fenton
New jams and jellies
Florals, including lighted branches and stems
Self Defense Products

We are happy to send pictures of any of the above products until they are offered on our website.  Please call our store at 417336-4438 and any of our sales associates can help you!

Tags: Gifts, Tracy's Blog, Branson, Missouri, Shows

Иконка для Komodonesia 1.01

Komodonesia (v. 1.01)

TRUSTUDIO опубликовал приложение 2012-12-05
(обновлено 2012-12-05)

Application to promote Komodo Dragon as the real wonder of the world.

Currently only support HDPI (WVGA) screen resolution (480x800), ex: Nexus One/S, Galaxy S, Droid X, etc..

- Rich information about Komodo Dragon, Komodo National Park, Travel,  Accomodation and many more.
- User can add/share information, testimoni, comments and share information on Facebook/Twitter
- Question and Answer
- Image gallery and sharing

Иконка для Österåkers kommun 1.0

Österåkers kommun (v. 1.0)

INTERACTIVE SOLUTIONS BODAMA A опубликовал приложение 2012-12-05
(обновлено 2012-12-05)

Österåker in Stockholm/Sweden

Welcome to Österåker, municipality in the Stockholm archipelago! Here you find tips on what to see and do, current events, municipality information and contact details and the timetable for the Ljusterö ferry. (In Swedish)

Иконка для WikiMapia for Droid 1.8

WikiMapia for Droid (v. 1.8)

Andrea Lisci опубликовал приложение 2012-12-01
(обновлено 2012-12-01)

"Wikimapia for droid" (WM4D) is the Android application that integrates natively with Wikimapia, the community that aims to 'describe the world'. To date, more than 16,000,000 registered places.

These are the features that implements the app:

- Compression of the data connection
- Tracing of polygons and name locations on the map
- Access to descriptions of places and links to web content
- Use of GPS to display your location
- Content Search
- Choice of details displayed (sites, polygons, securities)
- send contents via email
- Filter categories to display themed on the map

Join the community by contributing to the description of the world wikimapia http://wikimapia.org


Keep i mind that problems notified by negative feedbacks can't be handle because it's impossible to contact the customers. It's very important for any kind of issues to contact the developer by email. Some temporary problem about downloading and licensing aren't due to application but to google infrastructure. In detail the kind of license check about wikimapia for droid isn't agressive and is cached after first connection.

Thanks in advance

Иконка для Events 1.0

Events (v. 1.0)

tdelev опубликовал приложение 2012-11-30
(обновлено 2012-11-30)

Events is clean and simple location based mobile app for finding interesting events in your surrounding. Using the upcoming web service from Yahoo this app finds events from all categories that are or will be happening near your location. You can also search and find events by keywords or simple browse music, performing arts, media, social, education, commercial, festivals, sports, comedy, politics, conferences, community, technology or other interesting events also location based (events close to your location).

Иконка для Erzsebetvaros 1.4

Erzsebetvaros (v. 1.4)

Appsters.me опубликовал приложение 2012-11-28
(обновлено 2012-11-28)

Tisztelt Látogató!
Szeretettel köszöntöm Önt Budapest Főváros VII. kerület Erzsébetváros iCity multimédiás alkalmazásán.
Erzsébetváros arculatát, adottságait tekintve Budapest belvárosának talán legszínesebb, legsokoldalúbb része. A kerület vallási és kulturális központ jellege, a számtalan műemléképület sajátos múltidézésre csábítja az idelátogatót. A Körúton sétálva, vagy a szűk utcákat járva szinte magunk előtt látjuk az eleven, zsibongó, mégis méltóságteljes, tekintélyt parancsoló régi Budapestet.
Erzsébetvárosban a sokszínűség tökéletes harmóniájával találkozhatunk. A skanzenszerű környezetben jól megférnek egymás mellett a műemlék épületek, a kor nyüzsgő kereskedelmi életének színtereit képező mesteremberek kisboltjai, a fiatalos szórakozóhelyek, és az oly közkedvelt romkocsmák.
Az alkalmazás elkalauzolja Önt Erzsébetváros nevezetességeihez, melyek között megtalálhatóak a kerületi múzeumok, templomok, és kedvére válogathat az éttermek, szórakozó-, és szálláshelyek között. Egy kattintás, és tájékozódhat állandó programjainkról és eseményeinkről.
Bízom benne, hogy az alkalmazás segítségével sikerült felkeltenem érdeklődését, s hamarosan személyesen is ellátogat kerületünkbe, hogy megismerkedjen történelmünkkel, színes kulturális életünkkel, ünnepeinkkel és hétköznapjainkkal.
Vattamány Zsolt, Erzsébetváros polgármestere

Béta verzió

Иконка для Mountain Navigator 2.0

Mountain Navigator (v. 2.0)

Treknology опубликовал приложение 2012-11-27
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

Paid version of Mountain Navigator with the following extra features:-
- No adverts
- Height Remaining feature. Tells you how much ascent you have left.
- Lakes as well as mountains (Lake District and Yorkshire Dales only).
- Links to Hill Baggers site for all hills (internet connection required). Log your ascent from the mountain top!
- Links to Mountain Weather  Information Service (for supported areas only, internet connection required).
- Support the developer.

Ever stood at the top (or the bottom) of a mountain, stared at the vast vista of wilderness and wondered what the names of the mountains were. With Mountain Navigator, all you do is point your phone at a mountain and it tells you what it’s called. This app doesn’t need an internet connection to work (chances are you won’t have one up a mountain anyway).
Mountain Navigator uses the British Hills Database which contains all the hills and mountains in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Allows you to easily set up filters by distance from your location, height and classification of mountain (Munro, Corbett and Nuttall etc). Includes Marilyns and Humps so the chances are there’s several hills near you, wherever you live.
Mountain Navigator has 3 modes:-

Viewfinder:Hold the phone sideways, point the camera at the mountain you’re interested in and it displays its name. Tap on the name to get all the details of the mountain and navigate towards it.

Toposcope: Hold the phone flat and all the hills are shown as a toposcope. The higher the mountain, the brighter the dot. Tap on a dot to see its name. Tap on the name to get all the details of the mountain and navigate towards it.

Nearby Hills:Shows all the nearby hills. Tap on the name to get all the details of the mountain and navigate towards it.

Uses the British Hills database, contains all Munros, Corbetts, Grahams, Nuttalls, Marilyns, Wainwrights, Birketts, Humps and County tops.

Ideal for hill walking in The Lake District, the Highlands of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the Pennines, the Yorkshire Dales or anywhere that has hills.

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