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Популярные в категории 'Достопримечательности' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3721-3730 из 6979
Иконка для Eurama Budapest Sightseeing 1.1

Eurama Budapest Sightseeing (v. 1.1)

artanis.design опубликовал приложение 2012-12-19
(обновлено 2012-12-19)

-Browse awesome sightseeing tours: you can read about the sights, timetables and the prices.
-Make your own sightseeing list! Just check what would you like to see, and the app will recommend great tours to you!
-Check the timetables before you go!


Eurama Travel Agency

We are an incoming agency, in Hungary, engaged in arranging guaranteed and private sightseeing tours, excursions in Hungary for FIT's and groups from all over the world. We offer high-quality services, arrange transfers, place busses to your disposal–everything to grant your request.

Our company focus on:

-hop on hop off sightseeing tours (boat, bus)
-half day and full day excursions for FIT’s and groups
-airport transportation
-guide assistance
-incentive programs
-leisure and city breaks

Иконка для City in Pocket Medjugorje 1.0

City in Pocket Medjugorje (v. 1.0)

Josip Saric опубликовал приложение 2012-12-19
(обновлено 2012-12-19)

City in Pocket (CinP) je serija aplikacija za smart phone uređaje koju je razvio Screen Fire Media iz Mostara. Sluzi prije svega snalazenju i pronalasku mjesta u odredjenom gradu. Trenutno ste na verziji aplikacije za grad Medjugorje.

Иконка для Bad Abbach 1.1

Bad Abbach (v. 1.1)

Bayerischer Heilbäder-Verband e.V. опубликовал приложение 2012-12-18
(обновлено 2012-12-18)

Erholung trifft Kultur – dieses außergewöhnliches Versprechen macht Bad Abbach direkt vor den Toren Regensburgs.

Bereits der deutsche Kaiser Karl V. war von der heilenden Kraft der Schwefelquellen in Bad Abbach begeistert. Heute überzeugt Bad Abbach mit wertvollem Naturmoor, gesundheitsaktivem Schwefel und wirkstoffreichen Thermalquellen gleich dreifach.
In der Kaiser-Therme – Bad Abbachs Bade-, Beauty-, Sauna- und Wellnesslandschaft – werden Sie den Alltag schnell hinter sich lassen.

Entdecken Sie auch die einmalige Kultur- und Naturlandschaft rund um den Kurort. Lassen Sie sich faszinieren vom UNESCO Welterbe, der Regensburger Altstadt. Besuchen Sie das weltberühmte Kloster Weltenburg vor dem Donaudurchbruch oder radln Sie durch das einmalige Altmühltal mit seinen Burgen und Schlössern.

„Wohlfühlen wie ein Kaiser – Bad Abbach macht´s möglich.“

Иконка для the b sangenjaya 1.0.13

the b sangenjaya (v. 1.0.13)

AsiaCove, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-12-18
(обновлено 2012-12-18)

Design your smart travel plan!

Asia Cove offers you the “Smart Concierge” application that can provide you with travel information of regions in Asia through the web and mobile phone services.

Smart Concierge offers a location-based service through the Travelomap portal to provide you travel information in five languages: Korean, English, Japanese, traditional Chinese, and simplified Chinese. By centering your hotel, the Smart Concierge can search a certain range for tourist attractions, golf courses, theme parks, restaurants, shopping centers and other facilities to provide you with maps, reference prices, reservations, and transportation information.

The Smart Concierge’s “Trip Planner” feature can guide you through checking your location, flights, lodges, and points of interest to customize your own travel plan.

Come and design your smart travel plan now with Asia Cove’s Smart Concierge!

*This information is provided in www.travelomap.com/thebsangenjaya

Иконка для Win&Go Hotels 1.0.0

Win&Go Hotels (v. 1.0.0)

InfoPortugal S.A. опубликовал приложение 2012-12-17
(обновлено 2012-12-17)

Win&Go Hotels allows you to easily find the hotels you are looking for, providing detailed information on accommodation, location map and multiple search options of the best tourist destinations in Portugal.
App Win & Go - developed by InfoPortugal, Systems and Content Information, S.A.
All rights reserved.

Иконка для Marine Chesapeake Bay 2.0.6

Marine Chesapeake Bay (v. 2.0.6)

FlyToMap опубликовал приложение 2012-12-15
(обновлено 2012-12-15)

FlyToMap provides complete, quick and easy to use map applications for your android phone.

Use to Explore:

"Use Latitudes and Longitudes to go to your favorite places"
"Use the navTo and see in real time your speed, distance and direction to destination"
"Insert unlimited markers near your favorite places on the map"
"Search your favorite points directly"
"Geo Tagged photo management"
"Track your trips and share them"
"Draw routes and export them on your pc"
"Full honeycomb support!"

FlyToMap marine contains embedded Electronic Nautical Charts (ENC) from NOAA compressed to a large coverage. You can now download the application and transform your Android phone in a chart plotter with best NOAA, ENC S57 cartography; which includes Anchoring areas, Fishing areas, restriction areas, obstructions, rocks, Buoys, Beacons, Lights, Depth contours with values display on map, Spot Sounding and more! The only marine app available in the market with such huge information.

from androidzoom.com:
"… Marine Usa All is well designed and its usability is really good, as it's easy to figure it out and everything it's organized and helpful if you're in need of an app like this. …"

+ Pros
  Clean interface
  Great design
  Easy to learn


"Enjoy great journeys!"

Иконка для Catskill New York - NY 1.3

Catskill New York - NY (v. 1.3)

ChamberMe! опубликовал приложение 2012-12-15
(обновлено 2012-12-15)

The Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce is expanding its services to a broad range of businesses, community organizations and local governments in the Central Catskills region.

Mission Statement:

To advance the economic and community vitality of the many hamlets, villages and towns in the greater Margaretville area and promote and foster events, programs and initiatives that will support the Central Catskills Chamber of Commerce members. Collaboration and innovation will inspire community enhancement and quality of life opportunities for all who live, work and visit our communities.


The CCC of C is organized to advance the general welfare and prosperity of the Central Catskills Area so that its citizens and all of its business community shall prosper. All necessary means of promotion shall be provided and particular attention and emphasis shall be given to the economic, civic, commercial, cultural, industrial and educational interests of the area.

Our expansion strategy will improve communication, seek collaborative ways to promote community assets, advocate for business development and employment opportunities. Together we will encourage the use of smart growth planning to insure that our communities will survive and prosper for generations to come. We have created this new website to promote business, improve communication, maintain a comprehensive calendar of events, offer new e-commerce options and make it easy for the savvy consumer to know who we are, where we are and how to enjoy what we have to offer.

Member Benefits

Calendar of Events: The fastest way to get information about important happenings out to the internet community. Members will have password access to self-add events.

Membership Referrals: The Chamber staff answers inquiries about businesses and services, and the many requests from tourists each season. The Chamber exclusively refers members.

Website: The Chamber’s new website has extensive information about area businesses, tourism information, government facts, and community organizations. Chamber members are provided options for affordable website development, hosting and management as a member benefit.

• Banner Advertising for Members Only
• Business Member Sponsorship of Website

Advertising and Promotion: Each year, the Chamber invests in regional advertising and marketing publications with distribution of 200,000 both within and outside our region to attract visitors to our communities. The Guide, The Kingston Freeman Discover insert, Delaware County Guide, Delaware County I Love NY Tourism Magazine, County Shoppers, Local Press, numerous occasional regional ads and calendars.

Joint Memberships:
• The Delaware County Chamber of Commerce (Details and discount information available by calling CCCC office at 845-586-3300 or the County Chamber at 607-746-2281.

Networking Opportunities:
• Business to Business Mixers
• Annual Dinner and Awards Meeting

Sponsored Annual Events:
• Margaretville Street Fair – The weekend before Labor Day Weekend
• Cauliflower Festival – The last weekend in September
• Arkville Winter Festival and Fireworks - 1st Saturday in January

New Projects:
• Expanding cycling options in the Catskills
• Marketing our region in expanded opportunities

Search Terms:
Catskill Park, Recreation, East Branch Delaware River, Esopus Stream, Catskill Forest Festival, Cauliflower Festival, Skiing at Belleayre Mountain,

Иконка для Ruta Tapas Torrejón 1

Ruta Tapas Torrejón (v. 1)

Answare-Tech S.L. опубликовал приложение 2012-12-14
(обновлено 2012-12-14)

Te encuentras en Torrejón de Ardoz y te apetece hacer una ruta de tapas con su cerveza y no sabes a donde ir ni cual bar escoger... esta es tu aplicación!!.

Estás dando un bonito paseo y disfrutando de la ciudad de Torrejón de Ardoz y todo lo que ésta te puede dar, y te entra hambre, pero no quieres entrar en ningún restaurante o sólo quieres picar un poco o, mejor todavía, prefieres disfrutar de otra de las maravillas de España: las tapas acompañadas de sus respectivas cervezas.

Con esta aplicación te mostraremos los bares más cercanos con sus respectivas especialidades para poder hacer una ruta de la tapa satisfactoria, sin perdidas innecesarias.

Tienes 2 opciones de visualización para encontrar los bares, tascas, restaurantes, etc. donde se sirven tapas:

. Mapa 2D a vista de pájaro.
. Mapa de Realidad Aumentada.

La aplicación te ayudará a encontrar los sitios donde tapear a través del servicio de guía que tenemos implementado.

Además, en la vista de Realidad Aumentada podrás ver distintos modelos en 3D de bares y tapas.

También podrás llamar para reservar en algún sitio o, si te has pasado de hora, preguntar si están abiertos.

Pasea y disfruta de la ciudad de Torrejón de Ardoz y de su ruta de tapas con la ayuda de Ruta Tapas Torrejón.

Иконка для Santaella (Córdoba) 1

Santaella (Córdoba) (v. 1)

Alteda Soluciones опубликовал приложение 2012-12-13
(обновлено 2012-12-13)

Información sobre Santaella, un pueblo de la Campiña Cordobesa (España)

Иконка для Uvita Info Directory 1.1

Uvita Info Directory (v. 1.1)

Pura Vida Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-12-13
(обновлено 2012-12-13)

►► Uvita is a small tourist village at the Southern Pacific Coast of Costa Rica close to the Marino Ballena National Park and the whalestail, a tombolo formed like a whale's tail, which is accessible at low tide only.

This app helps to find contact information of Hotels, Restaurants and Businesses in the Uvita area. You can look up their location which will be shown in Google Maps, go to their webpage and call them directly from the app (as soon as you are in Costa Rica).

Also the current tide table is available. The tides are provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY! Please check the real life conditions before undertaking any activity!

►► Enjoy! Pura Vida!

Tested on HTC Desire, optimized for screen sizes of 320 x 480.
The app can be moved to the external storage to save memory.

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