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Иконка для PROGOROD 2.0.3183

PROGOROD (v. 2.0.3183)

CDCOM опубликовал приложение 2011-04-18
(обновлено 2012-09-16)

PROGOROD is a fast and precise GPS/GLONASS car navigation with detailed maps of Russia and OpenStreetMap support.

30 days of Free Try Period  - You can try all maps and all the functionality for free.
After starting PROGOROD, go to "Map" menu and download any map you need.

Real-time Traffic Information is provided for Russian maps.
Actual Real-time Traffic Information helps you to reach the destination in a shortest time.
IMPORTANT! Mobile operators may charge the data network when using real-time traffic information service.

- 120 000 settlements
- 600 000 points of interest (POI)
- Regular free updates
- 3D cities
- 3D junction views
- Lane information
- Speed camera alerts
- Speed bump alerts
- Map tilt, rotate and zoom by multi-touch gestures (two fingers)

OpenStreetMap is supported. Now you can download maps of foreign countries and travel with PROGOROD around the world. Currently you can download OSM maps for:

- Austria
- Belarus
- Bulgaria
- Spain
- Italy
- Kazakhstan
- Cyprus
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Moldova
- Poland
- Ukraine
- Finland
- Czechia
- Switzerland
- Estonia

New maps regularly appear in the "Maps" menu and on the www.pro-gorod.ru website.

Geoblog service provides an ability to create and view road events on-line. Created events become available to other PROGOROD users immediately. Each road event can be discussed from inside the application.

PROGOROD allows you to easily update navigation maps directly from your device. Just go to "Maps" menu and see which new or updated maps are currently available for downloading, choose a country you need and download to your device.

Customer support: +7 (495) 660-37-26

Join the PROGOROD community:

Иконка для 코레일투어(주),겨울여행,여행사,국내여행 2.1

코레일투어(주),겨울여행,여행사,국내여행 (v. 2.1)

wellzone21 опубликовал приложение 2011-04-15
(обновлено 2012-09-11)

코레일투어(주) 여행상품 안내 어플리케이션입니다.

본 어플리케이션에서는 코레일투어에서 직접 추천한는
상품을 확인 하실 수 있으며 예약 결재까지 가능합니다.

현재 결재는 ISP결재(국민카드,BC계열...)는 마켓에서
모바일ISP 어플리케이션을 설치 한 후 결재 가능하며,
그외 카드는 삼성카드가 가능합니다.
현대카드 및 롯데가드,외환카드 등은 빠른 시일 안에
결재 가능 하도록 하겠습니다.

키워드 : 코레일투어(주),봄꽃여행,기차여행,여행사,국내여행,겨울여행,봄여행,바캉스,열차,KTX여행,해외여행,레일바이크,정선5일장,벚꽃,외도,섬여행,홍도,흑산도,부산,동해바다,해돋이,대관령,양떼목장,줌마렐라,구례,산수유,관광열차,선운사,동백꽃, 진해,쌍계사십리,새만금방조제,격포항,채석강,내소사,함평나비축제,청보리밭,정동진일출,경주,화개장터,시티투어,광양매화,산외한우마을,보문단지,자갈치시장,바캉스,여름여행,피서,여름특선,대부도,갯벌체험,전동차,전철,이벤트,여름축제,정선5일장,레일바이크,부산,시티투어,바다열차,울릉도,묵호항,옥산장,해돋이,무박,당일,숙박,환선굴,청산도,보길도,두륜산,특별전동차,추석,추석여행,한가위,명절,연휴,가을,단풍,가을여행,단풍여행,설악산단풍,눈꽃여행,덕유산,겨울,크리스마스,강원도,동계올림픽,수능,해돋이,동해,해양레일바이크,부산씨티투어

상품 및 예약 결재 문의 : 코레일투어(주) 1544-4590, 02-373-8881
어플리케이션 제작 및 결함 문의 : 010-9062-1092

Иконка для 독도라이브 2.1.9

독도라이브 (v. 2.1.9)

KBS опубликовал приложение 2011-04-15
(обновлено 2014-10-10)

* KBS독도 라이브 어플리케이션은 갤럭시S(해상도800x480), 갤럭시 넥서스(1280*720) 등에 최적화 되어 있어, 일부 안드로이드폰에서 정상적으로 서비스가 안될 수도 있습니다.
* T스토어에서 독도 라이브 어플리케이션을 설치하신 분께서는 삭제 후 설치해 주시기 바랍니다.
조속한 업데이트 및 문제 해결을 통해 최고의 서비스가 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.


KBS 독도 라이브 애플리케이션은 공영방송 KBS가 국토사랑과 독도의 방송주권 의지를 국민 여러분과 함께 나누기 위함입니다.

또한, 대한민국 영토 수호의 가치와 국가 정체성에 대해 다시 한번 생각해 볼 수 있는 귀중한 경험을 드리고자 합니다.

* 업데이트가 정상적으로 안 될 경우 삭제 후 재 설치해 주시기 바랍니다.

조속한 업데이트 및 문제 해결을 통해 최고의 서비스가 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.


1. 아름다운 독도의 밤과 낮의 전경을 다운받아 스마트폰에 간직하세요. 우측 상단 해와 달을 터치하시면 독도의 아름다운 밤/낮의 배경으로 바뀝니다.

2. 나와 독도의 거리 : 나의 현재 위치 또는 검색하고 싶은 위치를 작성하여 독도와의 거리를 측정하세요!

3. 독도라이브 : 동트는 독도의 아침부터 해지는 노을까지 24시간 KBS 독도영상 채널을 보면서 가슴 벅찬 국토 사랑의 마음을 확인하세요.
                또한 10분 단위로 KBS 주요 뉴스 정보를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.

※ 독도라이브 방송은 WiFi 및 3G 환경에서 제공됩니다.
※ 별도 조명을 설치 할 수 없는 상황이라 야간엔 어두운 화면 및 KBS뉴스만 보일 수 있습니다. 양해 부탁드립니다.

4. 독도 주민증 : 독도 주민증을 받아 사이버 독도독 주민이 되고, 이를 SNS를 통해 친구들과 공유 해보세요!

5. 독도소개 : 지리적/역사적/국제법적으로 명백한 대한민국 땅 독도를 소개합니다.

6. 더보기 : 빠르고 깊이 있는 독도 뉴스와 생생한 독도 동영상 , 이미지 , 트위터를 만날 수 있습니다.

앞으로도 지속적인 업데이트를 통해 다양한 정보와 빠른 소식을 전달하겠습니다.



KBS Dokdo Live application is a project that is carried out by Public Broadcasting KBS in order to share our love for the country’
and the ‘determination to preserve Dokdo’s sovereignty’ with citizens of Korea in covering Dokdo related issues

Also, presents a valuable experience for you to think of the value of defending the territory of Korea and national identity once more.

[Function help]

1. Download and Keep beautiful scene of Dokdo in your smartphone by touching the icon "sun" and "moon" on the right on top.

2. Distance : You can check out distance from your current location to dokdo.

3. Dokdo Live : While watching the 24-hour KBS Dokdo video channel from the dawning Dokdo's
morning to the glow of the setting sun, you can feel your overflowing love for your country.
Also you can see the KBS News through the dokdo live.

4. Cyber Dokdo ID card : Please become a resident on Dokdo island with the virtual identification card.
You can share the identification card on the internet(e-mail, Facebook, twitter)

5. Info : Dokdo belongs the territory of Korea by geological and historical fact and international law.

6. More: You can get the latest news, live video and images of dokdo and also join the tweeter as well.

thank you.

Иконка для Bike Hub Cycle Journey planner 3

Bike Hub Cycle Journey planner (v. 3)

Bicycle Association опубликовал приложение 2011-04-13
(обновлено 2012-09-09)

The Bike Hub journey planner app finds quickest or quietest cycle routes.

AS SEEN ON: Treehugger.com, Macworld.co.uk, The Register, BikeRadar.com, Road.cc, BBC.co.uk and CTC.org.uk


A car satnav uses roads only, the Bike Hub cycle satnav uses roads *and* cycle paths, including Sustrans routes. Bike Hub app also uses bike-friendly cut-throughs and short-cuts.


"Discovered new, pleasant & direct routes that are right on my doorstep!" @KarlonSea

"I thought the fastest way to work was 18:40 minutes but after 2 years doing various different routes, you showed me a path and a couple of shortcuts that have reduced it to 16:50! Gob smacked!" Andrew Norton, by email


App features true turn-by-turn navigation, with voice instructions and vibrating alerts.

The cycle routing - note: UK-only - is done via CycleStreets.net. This bicycle journey planning website uses mathematical graph theory algorithms to quickly work out great bike routes. But it's not just nodes and networks, Bike Hub mapping benefits from local, expert 'community' knowledge.

Choose ‘Quickest route' and you’ll be directed via roads (although not dual carriageways or motorways). Don’t care to mingle with motorised traffic? Choose ‘Quietest route' and the app will use OpenCycleMap to guide you along back-streets and, where available and sensible, cycle routes. The 'Balanced route' provides a good mix between the two extremes of 'Fastest route' and 'Quietest route'.

The Bike Hub app avoids hills where possible.

Fire up the Bike Hub app to locate the nearest bike shops in a six mile radius.

Journey planner can suggest A to B routes of up to a maximum of 100 miles. For A to B to C routes use the 'via' function with + sign.


* Info on the Cycle to Work scheme
* Cycling and the law
* Best ever quotes about cycling.

Do not pedal & navigate. Instead use a handlebar mount for your phone. If you decide to follow this app's suggested journey take extra care on any unfamiliar sections. Proceed at your own risk as routes change and quality cannot be guaranteed. Dismount when routing suggests using footways as shortcuts. Do not use when driving a car: routing is bike-specific.

Route finding requires access to online mapping so, to use the journey planning, the Bike Hub app requires wifi or a mobile phone signal.

App relies on the network node coding of the Cyclestreets chaps and they, in turn, rely on the dedicated volunteers who upload fixes and new points of interest to OpenStreetMap. Please consider signing up to OpenStreetMap.org and using a free OSM editing app such as Mapzen POI Collector which lets you add businesses, local amenities and other places of interest to OpenStreetMap, direct from your phone. Or consider becoming part of the OSM community by adding data via your desktop with online services such as mapzen.cloudmade.com.

This app is free because it was funded by the Bike Hub levy. This is a voluntary levy on most of the bicycles and bits sold in UK bike shops. The Bike Hub levy is operated by the Bicycle Association of GB and the Association of Cycle Traders. BikeHub.co.uk is the news and features website funded by the levy scheme. The Bike Hub app was commissioned by BikeHub.co.uk editor Carlton Reid and produced by Tinderhouse.

Feedback on this app is welcome. Contact editor@bikehub.co.uk or @bikehub on Twitter. Please consider rating the app. Thanks.

Иконка для Distance Calculator Free 2.0

Distance Calculator Free (v. 2.0)

AndroidRaj опубликовал приложение 2011-04-11
(обновлено 2012-09-05)

- calculates distance while you are walking, biking and driving
- calculates average speed, current speed and total time while calculating distance
- "capture" feature enables you to take a screenshot of your recent trip. this screenshot can be shared with your friends using networks like twitter/facebook (file manager like Astro File Manager is required)
- summary of distance calculating sessions can be generated
- runs in background and hence is not interrupted by other activities
- "Pause/Resume" functionality to allow you to save battery if you happened to stop for some time while walking, biking or driving
- gives you an option to select action to optimize battery performance

- bug fix. Special thanks to user 'Doug Wright' who reported the bug and followed up to get the bug resolved.

- warning message to ask users to activate GPS, if disabled. This will give users clearer idea if their GPS is switched off and will ask to turn it on.

Warning: Be careful while using this app. Numbers shown by this app are as accurate as GPS in your phone. Do not get distracted by this app while walking, biking or driving.

Demand more!

Иконка для GPS Speedometer Gauge /Tracker 0.4

GPS Speedometer Gauge /Tracker (v. 0.4)

BEROBO Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-04-11
(обновлено 2011-04-11)

Speed View now allows you to see your speed (and top speed) from any application.  Use it while using google navigation, or with a quick look even from a locked home screen.  Speed View GPS from BEROBO is the last speedometer you will ever need.

Иконка для 땡처리닷컴 1.00

땡처리닷컴 (v. 1.00)

땡처리닷컴 опубликовал приложение 2011-04-11
(обновлено 2011-04-11)

대한민국최초 땡처리여행전문 땡처리닷컴입니다.
땡처리앱의 카테고리별로 관심 항목의 최신 땡처리 정보를 실시간 확인할 수 있습니다.

1. 땡처리항공
     : 실시간 가장저렴한 항권권 구매를 원하시면 이곳을 클릭 하세요
2. 땡처리자유여행
     : 땡처리 에어텔로 (항공권 + 호텔)의 실시간 정보로 남은 좌석이 한정된 진정한 땡처리 정보 입니다.
3. 땡처리호텔
     : 풀빌라를 비롯한 휴양지들의 다양한 고급 호텔을 좀더싸게 여행하고싶으신분 클릭 하세요
4. 땡처리여행상품
     : 모든것이 포함된 패키지여행을 원하시면 이곳을 클릭.. 실시간 땡처리 패키지 상품들이 이곳에 가득합니다
5. 상담신청하기
     : 각 카테고리에서 상품별로 상세 페이지에서 상담을 신청하실수있어 좀 더 세심한 상담을 해드릴 수 있습니다.
6. 전화바로연결
    : 각 카테고리에 있는 전화상담을 누르시면 바로 072직원과 상담하실수있습니다.
7. 072트위터 바로연결
    : 메뉴를 누르시면 072트위터로 바로 연결됩니다. Follo등록 하시어 트위터를 통해 생생한 여행 특가 정보를 받아보시기 바랍니다.

이제 언제 어디서나 땡처리닷컴을 만나보세요.

Иконка для ZVV Timetable 2.2.13

ZVV Timetable (v. 2.2.13)

ZVV Zürcher Verkehrsverbund опубликовал приложение 2011-04-10
(обновлено 2014-09-26)

With this Android app, the Zurich Transport Network (ZVV) offers you a useful tool for your journey within the ZVV network area.

Timetable information:
• Door-to-door timetable with integrated real-time information for all trains, buses, trams and boats within the ZVV network as well as for all trains throughout Switzerland
• Queried connections can be accessed later offline
• Easy-to-understand symbols (green, orange, red) indicate whether or not a planned connection can be made
• Alternative connections in case of interruptions (red symbol). Query according to current traffic situation has not to be activated
• Query according to current traffic situation find only possible connections at that time
• Up-to-the-minute arrival and departure times for specific stops (e.g. in 3’ and 15:34 +2’)
• NEW: From December 2012 you also get information about interruptions of services

Ticket information / purchase:
• The ZVV app provides simplified access to ZVV tickets via the SBB App. The purchase-process is started in the ZVV app and completed within the SBB app. To take advantage of this service, the SBB app must also be installed
• Easy-to-understand selection within the ZVV app via the ZVV topseller list and via the button “Price/Buy” in journey planner
• Transfer of choice of class (1st or 2nd), reduction (adult or ½) and validity (single ticket or day pass) to the SBB App
• NEW: For extension tickets you can choose the number of additional zones.

Other information:  
• Practical display of route network and fare zone maps
• Favourites function for tickets, destinations and connections (“Take me home”; “Take me to work”, etc.). Favourites will not be deleted after update
• Display of the nearest stops based on the user’s current position
• Search for stops, addresses and points of interest
• Simple display of local area maps and pedestrian routes within the application
• Interface to calendar to save individual connections
• Low-floor service information for trams and buses (timetable data)

Further information
www.zvv.ch/android or ZVV-Contact at 0848 988 988.
For feedback please contact us on Twitter @zvvnews or http://www.facebook.com/zvvnews

ZVV wishes you a pleasant journey!

All information is subject to change
© ZVV 2012

Иконка для Het Verkeer Pro 2.4.1

Het Verkeer Pro (v. 2.4.1)

surfcheck.info опубликовал приложение 2011-04-03
(обновлено 2012-08-22)

Het Verkeer Pro is the fast brother of Het Verkeer, for usage on the main highways in the Netherlands.

- List for Queues and speeding camera's
- Gunmetal black styling (conserves your battery on Amoled screens)
- Super fast XML-parser
- Select your favorite roads
- Current weather maps + radar
- Home screen widget that shows live queues on your favorite roads

You now can extend the functionality of Het Verkeer Pro via a 'in-app transaction':

- Queue- and speed check auto refresh: intervals of 5, 15 or 30 minutes (safer while driving).

- Option to select speed checks on your favorite roads.

- Adjustable refresh interval for the widget (5, 15, 30 minutes or manual).

- Fully integrated Weather App: live weather maps, current and tomorrow's forecast, the detailed 5 day forcast and weather warning map.

> widget only works when you run the app from phone memory, move to SD card will disable it.

Иконка для Continental Airlines 1.0

Continental Airlines (v. 1.0)

Continental Airlines опубликовал приложение 2011-03-30
(обновлено 2011-03-30)

Continental Airlines is proud to introduce our new Travel App for Android devices.

Key Features Include:
• Flight booking including Reward Travel
• Check-in and Mobile Boarding Pass storage
• Flight Status
• Flight Status Push Notification
• OnePass Account Access
• Airport Maps

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